Spectroscopy Cary 3500 UV-VIS spectrophotometer Double beam UV-VIS photometer with temperature controlled sample holder for liquid samples. Measurement range is 190 - 1100 nm and the instrument can measure 8 samples simultaneously at 4 different temperatures in the range from 0 - 110 °C. The spectrophotometer is capable of measuring spectra and concentration as a function of time and temperature. More information on Cary 3500 can be found here. Specifications Xenon flash lamp (250 Hz) Scanning speed up to 150,000 nm/min. Bandwidth 0.1 - 5.0 nm 190 - 1100 nm range Temperature controlled multicell holder for 8 samples Temperature control from 0 - 100 °C at max 30 °C/min. Location Science Institute, Dunhagi 3 Manager: Gunnar W. Reginsson Measurement costs: Yes Access: Contact manager Nicolet iS50 infrared spectrometer Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) that can measure in the range 7800cm-1 to 80 cm-1. The instrument has a sample compartment for gases, solids and liquids. In addition the instrument has a built-in diamond ATR module. Further information on the iS50 can be found here. Specifications FT-IR Transmission and ATR Resolution 0.09 cm-1 Range 7800 - 80 cm-1 Location Science Institute, Dunhagi 3 Manager: Gunnar W. Reginsson Measurement costs: Yes Access: Contact manager ReactIR 702L infrared spectrometer Infrared FT spectrometer for in-situ monitoring of chemistry reactions. The instrument has two ATR probes for measurements on gases or liquids. The diamond ATR probe (DiComp) measures in the range 5000 - 1428 cm-1 and the silicon ATR probe (SiComp) measures in the range 1333 - 650 cm-1. The IR probes are for real-time monitoring of IR active groups in chemical reactions at standard conditions or at elevated pressures and temperatures. Further information on the ReactIR 702L can be found here. Specifications FT - ATR IR Resolution 4 cm-1 Range 4000 cm-1 - 800 cm-1 DiComp: -80 - 300 °C, 69 bar, pH 1-14 SiComp: -80 - 300 °C, 69 bar, pH 1-9 Location Science Institute, Dunhagi 3 Manager: Gunnar W. Reginsson Measurement costs: Yes Access: Contact manager Horiba FluoroMax-4 spectrofluorometer Single-beam fluorometer with temperature controlled sample compartment for measurement at -25 °C to 200 °C. The instrument has an integration sphere for quantum yield measurements. The instrument is capable of time dependent measurements (TCSPC) using either a xenon flash lamp or LED source. Further information on the FluoroMax-4 can be found here. Specifications Xenon lamp (150 W) and xenon flash lamp (190 - 1100 nm) Resolution 0.3 nm Max scanning speed 80 nm/sec. Precision ± 0.5 nm Excitation: 200 - 980 nm Emission: 200 - 850 nm Bandwith: 0 - 30 nm Location Science Institute, Dunhagi 3 Manager: Gunnar W. Reginsson Measurement costs: Yes Access: Contact manager Microplate readers SpectraMax iD5 microplate reader Microplate reader with absorbance, fluorescence and luminescence detectors. The reader can process 6-384 well plates. Further information on SpectraMax iD5 can be found here. Specifications Absorbance: top/bottom read 230 - 1000 nm Fluorescence: top/bottom read: Excitation: 250 - 830 nm Emission: 270 - 850 nm Luminescence: top/bottom read 300 - 850 nm Fluorescence polarization: top/bottom read 300 - 750 nm Time-resolved fluorescence: Yes Excitation: 350 nm Emission: 450 - 750 nm Injectors: Yes Location Science Institute, Askja Manager: Jens Guðmundur Hjörleifsson Measurement costs: Yes Access: Contact manager Mass spectrometers Bruker Compact QTOF mass spectrometer Quadrupole mass spectrometer with electrospray ionization (ESI). Instrument for mass spectrometry on molecules with mass in the range 100 - 3000 g/mol and of picogram amount. Further information on the Compact QTOF can be found here. Specifications Range: 100 - 3000 g/mol Sensitivity in picogram range Accuracy: 1 ppm 50 GBit/sec. measurement speed Location Science Institute, Dunhagi 3 Manager: Dr. Sigríður Jónsdóttir Measurement costs: Yes Access: Contact manager Mass spectrometers with liquid chromatography Acquity Xevo TQ-XS mass spectrometer Tandem mass spectrometer connected to a 2D liquid chromatography system (UPLC-QQQ MS). This instrument is for quantification of biomolecules, e.g. proteins, lipids and metabolites in biosamples. Installed methods include measurements on proteins, small molecules and lipids from cells, tissues and biosamples. Further information on the Xevo TQ-XS can be found here. Specifications Range: 2 - 2048 m/z Resolution: 1000 (FWHM) Dynamic range: 100,000 Sampling rate: 500 Hz Radar: Yes MRM: Yes ESI/UniSpray Location MASSHEI, Sturlugata 8 Manager: Finnur Freyr Eiríksson, Prof. Margrét Þorsteinsdóttir Measurement costs: Yes Access: Yes, after training. Contact managers. Acquity Synapt G1 mass spectrometer Quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometer connected to a liquid chromatography system (UPLC - qTOF MS). Mass spectrometer for analysis of small molecules and relative concentration of molecules in biosamples (lipids and metabolites). Installed methods include analysis on small biomolecules and lipids (metabolomics, lipidomics etc.) from cell, tissue and biosamples. Specifications Range: 20 - 100,000 m/z in V-mode and 20 - 16,500 m/z in W-mode Resolution: 9,000 - 18,000 (FWHM) Precision: 3 ppm RMS Dynamic range: 100 Sampling rate: 20 Hz Ion mobility: Yes Dependent and independent data analysis: Yes ESI Location MASSHEI, Sturlugata 8 Manager: Finnur Freyr Eiríksson, Prof. Margrét Þorsteinsdóttir Measurement costs: Yes Access: Yes, after training. Contact managers. Acquity UPLC Synapt G2 mass spectrometer Quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometer connected to a liquid chromatography system (UPLC - qTOF MS). Mass spectrometer for analysis of small molecules and relative concentration of molecules in biosamples (lipids and metabolites). Installed methods include analysis on small biomolecules and lipids (metabolomics, lipidomics etc.) from cell, tissue and biosamples. Specifications Range: 20 - 100,000 m/z in V-mode and 20 - 32,000 m/z in W-mode Resolution: 100,000 - 40,000 (FWHM) Precision: 1 ppm RMS Dynamic range: 10,000 Sampling rate: 20 Hz Ion mobility: Yes Dependent and independent data analysis: Yes ESI Location MASSHEI, Sturlugata 8 Manager: Óttar Rolfsson, Finnur Freyr Eiríksson Measurement costs: Yes Access: Yes, after training. Contact managers. Acquity M-Class UPLC Synapt XS mass spectrometer Quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometer connected to a nano- to micro-scale chromatography system. The instrument is an updated version of the Synapt G2 mass spectrometer designed for detection of proteins and small molecules. Installed methods include analysis of proteins, small molecules and lipids (metabolomics, lipidomics etc.) from cells, tissue and biosamples. Specifications Range: 20 - 100,000 m/z in V-mode and 20 - 32,000 m/z in W-mode Resolution: 12,500 - 80,000 (FWHM) Precision: 1 ppm RMS Dynamic range: 10,000 Sampling rate: 20 Hz Ion mobility: Yes SONAR: Yes Dependent and independent data analysis: Yes ESI/nanoflow ESI/DESI imaging Location MASSHEI, Sturlugata 8 Manager: Óttar Rolfsson, Finnur Freyr Eiríksson Measurement costs: Yes Access: Yes, after training. Contact managers. Mass spectrometers for imaging Synapt XS DESI mass spectrometer Quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometer connected to a nano- to micro-scale chromatography system (UPLC-qTOF MS). A mass spectrometer designed for imaging of the spatial distribution of molecules in samples. Installed methods include analysis of proteins, small molecules and lipids (metabolomics, lipidomics etc.) from cells, tissue and biosamples. Specifications Range: 20 - 100,000 m/z in V-mode and 20 - 32,000 m/z in W-mode Resolution: 12,500 - 80,000 (FWHM) Precision: 1 ppm RMS Dynamic range: 10,000 Sampling rate: 20 Hz Ion mobility: Yes SONAR: Yes Dependent and independent data analysis: Yes ESI/nanoflow ESI/DESI imaging Location MASSHEI, Sturlugata 8 Manager: Óttar Rolfsson, Finnur Freyr Eiríksson Measurement costs: Yes Access: Yes, after training. Contact managers. Liquid handling automation Tecan EVO 150 + Resolvex A200 robot Liquid handling robot for various handling of biosamples and preparations for mass spectrometry. Specifications Phase separations: Yes Liquid-liquid extractions: Yes Protein precipitation: Yes Location MASSHEI, Sturlugata 8 Manager: Finnur Freyr Eiríksson, Prof. Margrét Þorsteinsdóttir Measurement costs: Yes Access: Yes, after training. Contact managers. Magnetic resonance Bruker Avance 400 NMR spectrometer 400 MHz NMR spectrometer with a dual channel SmartProbe and automatic sample changer. The spectrometer can measure spectra for protons (1H), carbons (13C), fluorine (19F), nitrogen(15N) and phosphorus(31P). Several 2D spectra can also be measured, e.g. COSY and HSQC. Further details on the SmartProbe can be found here. Specifications 400 MHz with two rf. channels Sample changer for 60 samples Temperature control from -40 °C to RT Location Science Institute, Dunhagi 3 Manager: Dr. Sigríður Jónsdóttir Measurement costs: Yes Access: Contact manager Magnettech MiniScope MS200 EPR spectrometer 9.5 GHz electron spin resonance spectrometer for measurement of liquid and solid samples. The sample temperature can be controlled from -170 °C to 200 °C. Specifications 9.5 GHz Magnetic field: 5 - 650 mT Resolution: 0.03 µT Scanning speed: 0 - 645 mT Scanning resolution: 120,000 points Microwave source: 1 µW - 100 mW Sensitivity: 8x109 spins/0.1 mT Location Science Institute, Dunhagi 3 Manager: Gunnar W. Reginsson Measurement costs: Yes Access: Contact manager Spinsolve 80 Carbon NMR spectrometer 80 MHz benchtop NMR spectrometer for measurement of proton(1H), fluorine(19F) and carbon(13C) spectra. The instrument can also measure COSY, HSQC and HMBC 2D spectra. Specifications 80 MHz, 2 Tesla Resolution: 1H linewidth: 50% <0.5 Hz, 0.55% <20 Hz Sensitivity: >200:1 for 1% ethylbenzene Temperature controller for sample Location Hagi Manager: Árni Þorgrímur Kristjánsson Measurement costs: Yes Access: Contact manager Materials testing TA Instruments SDT650 TGA-DSC thermal analyzer Instrument for simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). A quadrupole mass spectrometer is connected to the instrument for analysis of compounds evaporating from sample upon heating. Further information on the SDT650 can be found here. Specifications Temperature range of furnace: Room temperature to 1500 °C. at a rate of 0.1 to 100 °C/min. Temperature accuracy: ±1 °C Weight accuracy: ± 0.5% Max sample weight 200 mg Range of mass spectrometer: 1 - 300 g/mol Resolution of mass spectrometer: >0.5 g/mol sensitivity <100 ppb Location Science Institute, Dunhagi 3 Manager: Gunnar W. Reginsson Measurement costs: Yes Access: Contact manager Anton Paar MCR 302 rheometer Instrument for measuring the flow and deformation of materials. Specifications Torque: 0.5 nNm - 230 mNm Rotational range: 0.05 µrad - ∞ Angular frequency: 1x10-7 to 628 rad/sec. Angular speed: 0 to 314 rad/sec. Temperature: -160 °C to 1000 °C Pressure: up to 1000 bar Location Science Institute, Dunhagi 3 Manager: Prof. Krishna Damodaran Measurement costs: Yes Access: Contact manager Biophysical analysis Monolith NT.LabelFree MST Microscale thermophoresis instrument for measurement of interaction between biomolecules. The directed movement of molecules is detected using the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence. Specifications Number of samples: 16 Concentration range: 10 nM - mM Sample volume: < 4 µL Temperature: 22 °C to 45 °C Location Science Institute, Askja Manager: Jens Guðmundur Hjörleifsson Measurement costs: Yes Access: Contact manager Liquid Chromatography Wyatt GPC system Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) system with light scattering detector (MALS), refractive index detector (RI) and viscocity meter. With appropriate columns this instrument is for analysis of molecular weight, size and shape of synthetic- and bio-polymers. Sample can be measured in a broad range of temperatures. Specifications MALS detector: Range: 200 Da - 100 MDa or molecule diameter of 10 nm to 300 nm Sensitivity: 300 ng bovine serum albumin in PBS Temperature control from -15 °C to 150 °C (±0.1 °C) Refractometer: Range: -0.0047 to +0.0047 RIU Sensitivity: ±7.5x10-10 RIU Temperature: 4 °C to 65 °C Viscometer: Sensitivity: 100 ng 100 kDa polystyrene in THF Temperature: 4 °C to 70 °C HPLC: 0.001 - 10 mL/min. max 600 bar Column temperature: Room temperature to 85 °C UV-VIS: 190 - 600 nm Location Science Institute, Dunhagi 3 Manager: Gunnar W. Reginsson Measurement costs: Yes Access: Contact manager Agilent 1200 HPLC system Analytical high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system with UV-VIS detector. The instrument is for analysis of microliter sample volumes. Specifications UV-VIS deuterium and tungsten lamps DAD detector (190 - 950 nm) 100 µL sample loop Binary SL high pressure pump Degasser Temperature controller for columns Location Science Institute, Dunhagi 3 Manager: Gunnar W. Reginsson Measurement costs: Yes Access: Contact manager Agilent 1290 Infinity II HPLC system Analytical/preparative high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system with UV-VIS detector. The instrument is for analysis of microliter to milliliter sample volumes. The system has an automatic sample injector and fraction collector. Specifications UV-VIS (190 - 950 nm) deuterium and tungsten lampsDAD WR detector 190 - 950 nm400 µL and 10 mL sample loopsBinary prep. high pressure pump Temperature controller for columns Location Science Institute, Dunhagi 3 Manager: Gunnar W. Reginsson Measurement costs: Yes Access: Contact manager Waters, Arc Premier HPLC system Analytical high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system with UV DAD- and quadrupole mass detectors. This system is for qualitiative and quantitative analysis of small organic and inorganic molecules and polymers. The UV/VIS- and mass spectrum for the separated compounds are simultaneously measured, assisting the analysis of complicated multi-component samples. Specifications High pressure liquid pump: Binary pump for four solvents in combination of two. Maximum pressure 650 bar and up to 5.0 mL/min flow rate. Sample manager: Up to 48 samples in 2 mL vials and temperature control in the range of 4.0 to 40.0 °C. 80 µL sample loop. Column compartment for up to 4 columns and temperature control in the range of 4.0 to 90 °C. UV-VIS spectrometer: PDA spectrometer with 512 diodes. Wavelength range of 190 to 800 nm and 1.2 nm bandwidth. Mass spectrometer: Quadrupole mass detector with ESI source. Mass range is 30 to 1250 m/z for both positive and negative ion modes. Accuracy better than ±0.2 Da and resolution 0.7 Da. Location Science Institute, Dunhagi 3 Manager: Gunnar W. Reginsson Measurement costs: Yes Access: Contact manager ÄKTA pure HPLC system Liquid chromatography system for purification of proteins, peptides and nucleic acids. Easy to operate and designed for purification by hydrophobicity, ion exchange and gel filtration Sample size can be from microgram to grams. Further information on the ÄKTA pure can be found here. Specifications UV-VIS (190 - 700 nm)Simultaneous measurement of 3 wavelengths Max pressure 20 MPa Flow 0.01 - 25 mL/min. Location Science Institute, Askja Manager: Pétur Orri Heiðarsson Measurement costs: Yes Access: Contact manager Agilent 1260 Infinity II HPLC system Analytical high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system with UV-VIS detector, fluorescence detector, column temperature controller and fraction collector. The high pressure pump is quaternary and can mix 4 solvents with gradients. The instrument is for general chromatography applications using various columns and collection of up to 216 fractions. Specifications DAD WR detector (190 - 950 nm) Fluorescence: Excitation: 200 - 1200 nm Emission: 200 - 1200 nm Bandwidth: 20 nm Sample loops: 50, 100 and 200 µL Temperature controler for 10 - 85 °C Analytical fraction collector for 216 samples Location Science Institute, Askja Manager: Pétur Orri Heiðarsson Measurement costs: Yes Access: Contact manager Acquity Arc Bio HPLC system High pressure chromatography system with ultraviolet detector (TUV), fluorescence detector (FLR) og light refraction detector (RID). This system is for analysis of large molecules in organic solvents and in solvents of high ion strength. Further information on the Acquity Arc Bio can be found here. Specifications TUD detector (190 - 700 nm) FLR detector: Excitation: 200 - 890 nm Emission: 210 - 900 nm Bandwidth: 20 nm RID detector: Temperature control 30 - 150 °C Rate 80 p/sec. Location Hagi Manager: Árni Þorgrímur Kristjánsson Measurement costs: Yes Access: Contact manager Puriflash 5.250 HPLC system Flash chromatography system with UV-VIS detector and evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD) for detection of compounds without chromophores. This system is for separation, collection and analysis of multicomponent solutions of biomolecular samples. The instrument has automatic sample injection. Further information on the PuriFlash 5.250 can be found here. Specifications UV-VIS detector (200 - 800 nm)Scanning and single wavelength detection ELSD detector Location Hagi Manager: Árni Þorgrímur Kristjánsson Measurement costs: Yes Access: Contact manager X-ray crystallography Bruker D8 Venture single crystal X-ray diffractometer X-ray diffractometer for analysis of single crystals and determination of atomic structure. Further information on the Bruker D8 Venture can be found here. Specifications IµS microfocus Mo and Cu X-ray sources. 0 - 50 kV; 0 - 2 mA Photon 100 detector Temperature control for samples 100 - 400 Kelvin or 30 - 300 Kelvin with N-Helix Location Science Institute, Dunhagi 3 Manager: Prof. Krishna Damodaran Measurement costs: Yes Access: Contact manager facebooklinkedintwitter