The University of Iceland has over four hundred partner schools worldwide. Students have the opportunity to study in Nordic countries, Europe, the United States, Canada, Central and South America, Australia, New Zealand and Asia. Students can find information about what options are available to them by using our new partner school search engine. Partner Schools by Country Choosing a School When choosing a school, it is important to review the courses offered by the host institution and how they fit the student’s current study program at the University of Iceland. All courses taken at the host institution must form part of the student’s curriculum at the University of Iceland. A learning agreement must be filled out for approval by the head of the faculty or the faculty's international coordinator. Note that individual faculties and/or programs may have agreements with different partner schools. When choosing a school for study abroad it can be useful to speak to teachers, former exchange students, international coordinators or International Division staff. Most partner schools offer courses taught in English, and the number of courses on offer has increased significantly in recent years. Grants Tuition fees at the host institution are waived, but students must pay the annual registration fee at the University of Iceland. If the exchange program is conducted through the Nordplus and Erasmus+ programs, students can apply for travel and subsistence allowances. Housing Students who go on an exchange period abroad are responsible for obtaining their own housing. Some partners schools may provide exchange students with on-campus housing, but this usually varies. However, the University of Iceland is a member of Housing Anywhere, a forum where exchange students can search for rental housing in more than 300 cities around the world. They also have the opportunity to advertise their housing for rent to foreign exchange students who come to Iceland. Thus, students avoid paying double rent but can keep their current housing on standby. Note that law requires a landlord's permission to sublet the property. Because the University's membership, students at the University of Iceland receive priority for housing listed in the Housing Anywhere database. In order to get priority access and receive a VIP profile students create a special account. facebooklinkedintwitter