The Language Centre of the University offers a variety of language courses for all students at the University, free of charge. Courses in Danish, French, Hindi, Italian, Spanish, German and Polish will be offered this academic year (2024 – 2025). Please note that the number of participants is limited in all our courses. For students Autumn 2024:Self-directed studies: online courses for students with basic skills (A2 or above, except Italian also intended for beginners). DAN002G Self-Directed Study in Danish I (12 weeks, 2-6 ECTS) ÍTA003G Self-Directed Study in Italian I (12 weeks, 2-6 ECTS) SPÆ003G Self-Directed Study in Spanish I (12 weeks, 2-6 ECTS) Courses for beginners: Six-week intensive courses for complete beginners, held twice a week for 80 minutes between 16:40 – 18:10. POL102G Polish: practical language I (6 weeks, 5 ECTS) POL103G Polish: practical language II (6 weeks, 5 ECTS) POL104G Grammar, reading and writing I (12 weeks, 10 ECTS) FRA017G French for Beginners I (6 weeks, 5 ECTS) FRA018G French for Beginners II (6 weeks, 5 ECTS) SPÆ016G Spanish for Beginners I (6 weeks, 5 ECTS) SPÆ017G Spanish for beginners II (6 weeks, 5 ECTS) ÞÝS001G German for Beginners I (6 weeks, 5 ECTS) ÞÝS002G German for Beginners II (6 weeks, 5 ECTS) HIN101G Hindi for Beginners I (6 weeks, 5 ECTS) Cultural courses: HIN201G Indian Culture and Society I (6 weeks, 5 ECTS) POL105G Polish Culture and Society I: History of Poland (12 weeks, 10 ECTS) Spring 2025:Self-directed studies: online courses for students with basic skills (A2 or above, except Italian also intended for beginners). Pls. note that SDS I is not a prerequisite for SDS II. DAN001G Self-Directed Study in Danish II (12 weeks, 2-6 ECTS) FRA004G Self-Directed Study in French II (12 weeks, 2-6 ETCS) ÍTA004G Self-Directed Study in Italian II (13 weeks, 2-6 ETCS) SPÆ004G Self-Directed Study in Spanish II (13 weeks, 2-6 ETCS) ÞÝS004G Self-Directed Study in German II (13 weeks, 2-6 ETCS) Courses for beginners: POL203G Polish: practical language III (6 weeks, 5 ECTS) POL204G Polish: practical language IV (6 weeks, 5 ECTS) POL205G Grammar, reading and writing II (12 weeks, 10 ECTS) FRA019G French for Beginners III (6 weeks, 5 ECTS) FRA020G French for Beginners IV (6 weeks, 5 ECTS) SPÆ018G Spanish for Beginners III (6 weeks, 5 ECTS) SPÆ019G Spanish for Beginners IV (6 weeks, 5 ECTS) ÞÝS027G German for Beginners III (6 weeks, 5 ECTS) ÞÝS029G German for Beginners IV (6 weeks, 5 ECTS) HIN102G Hindi for Beginners II (6 weeks, 5 ECTS) Cultural courses: Six week intensive course, taught twice a week for 80 minutes between 16:40 – 18:10. HIN202G Indian Culture and Society II (6 weeks, 5 ECTS) POL206G Poland Today (12 weeks, 10 ECTS) Registration is on Intranet (Ugla). Those students who are studying these languages as a major or minor subject for B.A. degree cannot have these credits counted for their B.A. studies. All further information on our website: And in the Course Catalogue: Or contact us by mail: For staff Autumn 2024: Icelandic for Beginners I (16 hrs) This is a course for absolute beginners. It will be taught twice a week for two hours. Participants will work on developing all language skills: oral comprehension, oral expression, writing and reading in addition to grammar and vocabulary. Time and place: September 2nd, 4th, 9th, 11th, 23d, 25th, 30th and October 2nd 2024: Mondays and Wednesdays 16:00 - 18:00.Deadline for registration: August 28thInstructor: Piergiorgio Consagra. Price: Free for University staff and their spouses/partners (priority given to staff members). Learning materials included.Minimum number of participants: 10Target group: All International staff at the University of Iceland (including those PhD students and postdocs who are members of staff) who have completed secondary studies (equivalent to a stúdentspróf). Icelandic for Beginners II (16 klst.) This course will be taught two times a week for two hours. Participants will work on developing all language competences. This course is open to all those who have a basic knowledge of Icelandic and/or have completed Icelandic for beginners I at the University of Iceland or an equivalent course.Time and place: October 7th – 30th Mondays and Wednesdays 16:00 - 18:00.Deadline for registration: October 2nd.Instructor: Piergiorgio Consagra.Price: Free for University staff and their spouses/partners (priority given to staff members). Learning materials included.Minimum number of participants: 10Target group: All International staff at the University of Iceland (including those PhD students and postdocs who are members of staff) who have completed secondary studies (equivalent to a stúdentspróf). Icelandic III (12 hrs) This course will be taught two times a week for 2 hours. Participants will develop all language competences by reading authentic texts (newspapers, magazines and literature), writing short texts and practice oral proficiency. This course is open to all those who have a basic knowledge of Icelandic and/or have completed Icelandic for beginners I and II at the University of Iceland or an equivalent courses.Time : September 9th – 25th Mondays and Wednesdays at 16:00 – 18:00.Deadline for registration: September 4th 2024. Instructor: Emma Björg Eyjólfsdóttir.Price: Free for University staff and theier spouses/partners (priority given to staff members). Learning materials included.Minimum number of participants: 7Target group: All International staff at the University of Iceland (including those PhD students and postdocs who are members of staff) who have completed secondary studies (equivalent to a stúdentspróf). Icelandic IV (12 hrs) This course will be taught two times a week for 2 hours. Participants will develop all language competences but there will be a special focus on oral proficiency. This course is open to all those who have a basic knowledge of Icelandic and/or have completed Icelandic for beginners I, II and III at the University of Iceland or equivalent courses (44 hours in total).Time : October 7th – 23d 2024 Mondays and Wednesdays at 16:00 – 18:00.Instructor: Emma Björg Eyjólfsdóttir.Deadline for registration: 2nd October 2023.Price: Free for University staff and their spouses/partners (priority given to staff members). Learning materials included.Minimum number of participants: 7Target group: All International staff at the University of Iceland (including those PhD students and postdocs who are members of staff) who have completed secondary studies (equivalent to a stúdentspróf). Icelandic for Beginners I – Online (16 hrs) This is a course for absolute beginners. It will be taught twice a week for two hours. Participants will work on developing all language skills: oral comprehension, oral expression, writing and reading in addition to grammar and vocabulary. Time and place: November 4th – 27th 2024: Mondays and Wednesdays 16:00 - 18:00.Deadline for registration: October 30thInstructor: Svala Lind Birnudóttir.Price: Free for University staff and their spouses/partners (priority given to staff members). Learning materials included.Minimum number of participants: 10Target group: All International staff at the University of Iceland (including those PhD students and postdocs who are members of staff) who have completed secondary studies (equivalent to a stúdentspróf). Spænska fyrir byrjendur (12 klst) Byrjendanámskeið þar sem farið verður í alla færniþætti en aðal áhersla lögð á talmál og skilning á töluðu og rituðu máli. þátttakendur undirbúa. Tími: 5. – 21. Nóvember á þriðjudögum og fimmtudögum kl. 16:00 – 18:00.Skráningarfrestur: 30. októbr 2024. Kennari: NNVerð: 45.000Lágmarksfjöldi þátttakenda: 7 Spring 2025: Icelandic for Beginners I (16 hrs) This is a course for absolute beginners. It will be taught twice a week for two hours. Participants will work on developing all language skills: oral comprehension, oral expression, writing and reading in addition to grammar and vocabulary. Time and place: January 27th – February 19th 2025. Mondays and Wednesdays 16:00 – 18:00Deadline for registration: January 22nd. Instructor: Piergiorgio Consagra?Price: Free for University staff and their spouses/partners (priority given to staff members). Learning materials included.Minimum number of participants: 10Target group: All International staff at the University of Iceland (including those PhD students and postdocs who are members of staff) who have completed secondary studies (equivalent to a stúdentspróf). Icelandic for Beginners II – Online (16 klst.) This course will be taught two times a week for two hours. Participants will work on developing all language competences. This course is open to all those who have a basic knowledge of Icelandic and/or have completed Icelandic for beginners I at the University of Iceland or an equivalent course.Time and place: January 20th – February 12th 2025. Mondays and Wednesdays 16:00 – 18:00Deadline for registration: January 15th. Instructor: Svala Lind Birnudóttir.Price: Free for University staff and their spouses/partners (priority given to staff members). Learning materials included.Minimum number of participants: 10Target group: All International staff at the University of Iceland (including those PhD students and postdocs who are members of staff) who have completed secondary studies (equivalent to a stúdentspróf). Icelandic for Beginners II (16 klst.) This course will be taught two times a week for two hours. Participants will work on developing all language competences. This course is open to all those who have a basic knowledge of Icelandic and/or have completed Icelandic for beginners I at the University of Iceland or an equivalent course.Time and place: March 3d – 26th 2025. Mondays and Wednesdays 16:00 – 18:00Deadline for registration: February 26th. Instructor: Piergiorgio Consagra.Price: Free for University staff and their spouses/partners (priority given to staff members). Learning materials included.Minimum number of participants: 10Target group: All International staff at the University of Iceland (including those PhD students and postdocs who are members of staff) who have completed secondary studies (equivalent to a stúdentspróf). Icelandic III (12 hrs) This course will be taught two times a week for 2 hours. Participants will develop all language competences by reading authentic texts (newspapers, magazines and literature), writing short texts and practice oral proficiency. This course is open to all those who have a basic knowledge of Icelandic and/or have completed Icelandic for beginners I and II at the University of Iceland or an equivalent courses.Time : February 3th – 19th 2025 (3 weeks). Mondays and Wednesdays at 16:00 – 18:00.Instructor: Emma Björg Eyjólfsdóttir.Deadline for registration: January 29th 2025. Price: Free for University staff and theier spouses/partners (priority given to staff members). Learning materials included.Minimum number of participants: 7Target group: All International staff at the University of Iceland (including those PhD students and postdocs who are members of staff) who have completed secondary studies (equivalent to a stúdentspróf). Icelandic IV (12 hrs) This course will be taught two times a week for 2 hours. Participants will develop all language competences but there will be a special focus on oral proficiency. This course is open to all those who have a basic knowledge of Icelandic and/or have completed Icelandic for beginners I, II and III at the University of Iceland or equivalent courses (44 hours in total).Time : March 3d – 19th 2025 (3 weeks). Mondays and Wednesdays at 16:00 – 18:00.Instructor: Emma Björg Eyjólfsdóttir.Deadline for registration: February 26th 2024. Price: Free for University staff and their spouses/partners (priority given to staff members). Learning materials included.Minimum number of participants: 7Target group: All International staff at the University of Iceland (including those PhD students and postdocs who are members of staff) who have completed secondary studies (equivalent to a stúdentspróf). Íslenska V: Íslenska í háskólastarfi Framhaldsnámskeið fyrir erlenda starfsmenn HÍ sem hafa lokið Íslensku I - IV eða hafa sambærilegan grunn (56 klst.). Unnið verður með alla færniþætti og sérstök áhersla lögð á orðaforða og verkefni sem tengjast háskólaumhverfinu, bæði stjórnsýslu og kennslu. Nemendur vinna verkefni sem tengjast sérsviði þeirra og fá einstaklingsmiðaða aðstoð frá kennara. Um er að ræða bæði hóptíma í kennslustofu og einka- eða tandemkennslu í gegnum fjarfundabúnað.Tími: 5. – 21. maí á mánudögum og miðvikudögum kl. 16:00 – 18:00 (12 klst.). Auk þess verða paratímar (tandem) í fjarkennslu í samráði við nemendur (2 x 40 mín.).Skráningarfrestur: 25. apríl 2025. Kennarar: Emma Björg Eyjólfsdóttir og Piergiorgio ConsagraVerð: Ókeypis fyrir alla starfsmenn HÍ. Námsefni innifalið. Ath. að þetta námskeið er einungis fyrir starfsmenn HÍ og er því ekki opið mökum.Lágmarskfjöldi þátttakenda: 7Markhópur: Allir starfsmenn HÍ (þar með taldir doktorsnemar og nýdoktorar sem eru á launaskrá) sem ekki hafa íslensku að móðurmáli, hafa ákveðinn grunn í íslensku en vilja bæta kunnáttu sína og nýta hana í starfi. facebooklinkedintwitter