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Two PhD positions in Electrical- and Computer Engineering

Applications are invited for two full-time PhD student positions in Electrical- and Computer Engineering. Both projects are in the field of medical image analysis. Both positions are fully funded by The Icelandic Research Fund (RANNIS) for three years and involve collaborations between the University of Iceland and extended international research teams of engineers and clinicians.

PhD position in Active Tectonics and Earthquake Geology at the University of Iceland

Do you want to do your PhD in Geology and research an exciting Plate boundary in the North Atlantic? We invite applications for PhD student position under the supervision of Associate Professor Gregory De Pascale. This project is a part of the Faculty of Earth Science and the Institute of Earth Sciences based in Reykjavik. The position is funded by the HI Doctoral Scholarship/Grant.

PhD position at the Faculty of Life- and Environmental Sciences

A full time PhD student position within the Faculty of Life- and Environmental Sciences at the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences at the University of Iceland is open for applications. A challenging and creative project in a mixed academic and private environment. The position and research costs are funded by Benchmark Genetics Iceland for three years.

PhD student position in Physics

The Faculty of Physical Sciences seeks applicants for a PhD student position within the field of theoretical nanomagnetism and magnetic metamaterials. The position is funded for four years by the Icelandic Research Fund and the Faculty of Technology of Linnaeus University.

PhD position in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical sciences

A PhD position is open for applications for a Ph.D. positions at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Health Sciences, University of Iceland, funded by the University of Iceland` PhD Fund, under the supervision of Professor Sveinbjörn Gizurarson. The appointment is based on a grant awarded for up to three years. The grant amount is fixed and can thus affect both the employment rate and the employment period. Further information and implementation will be discussed in the recruitment process. The research group currently consists of 3 full-time faculty members from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and one from the Department of Chemistry, University of Iceland, in collaboration with Medicines for Malaria Ventures (Geneva, Switzerland), End Malaria (Rwanda), Rephaiah (Malawi) and Malawi University of Science and Technology. Also, a research team from Kamuzu University of Health Sciences, will participate in this project.  

PhD Student at the School of Business, University of Iceland: Maintaining "Impact Fidelity" Throughout the Investment Lifecycle

The University of Iceland School of Business invites applications for a PhD student position, funded for 3 years. The PhD candidate will work on the research project Maintaining 'Impact Fidelity' Throughout the Investment Lifecycle, within the seizmic Doctoral Network (SEIZMIC-DN), funded by Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) and in collaboration with the Aurora European University Network (Aurora). In addition to their own PhD project, the PhD student is expected to contribute to the deliverables of SEIZMIC-DN (see details below).Research Project and Field of WorkThe PhD project will be one of 15 projects within the doctoral network, which all contribute to the overall goal of understanding social entrepreneurship scaling. Within that network, this thesis will contribute to a work package on Impact Investing for Social Entrepreneurship Scaling. The candidate will:Conduct a comprehensive literature review on how social enterprises and impact investors measure impact.Develop a theoretical model for how social enterprises maintain their social impact focus ('impact fidelity') throughout the lifecycle of impact investments, and under what circumstances this focus is threatened.Identify mechanisms and strategies used by impact investors to enforce that investees uphold certain social impact criteria during and after receiving investments.Expected results include a literature review on 'impact fidelity', a framework describing mechanisms impact investors use to sustain social impact objectives throughout the investment process, and a database to test the effectiveness of various strategies used to enforce impact fidelity.The candidate will collaborate with other doctoral candidates, contributing to relevant deliverables within SEISMIC-DN, including Impact Investing for SE Scaling Case Studies and Pedagogical materials for SE scaling education.For further information about the organizations involved in this project, please refer to the following web pages:SEIZMIC-DN: University of Iceland: of Social Science: of Business Administration: sign up for an online information session for all open SEIZMIC-DN PhD positions:

PhD Student at the Environment and Natural Resources Graduate Programme, University of Iceland: Transparency and impact measurement in social business model design

The Environment and Natural Resources Graduate Progamme at the University of Iceland invites applications for a PhD student position, funded for 3 years. The PhD candidate will work on the research project Transparency and impact measurement in social business model design, within the seizmic Doctoral Network (SEIZMIC-DN), funded by Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) and in collaboration with the Aurora European University Network (Aurora). In addition to their own PhD project, the PhD student is expected to contribute to the deliverables of SEIZMIC-DN (see details below).Research Project and Field of WorkThe PhD project will be one of 15 projects within the doctoral network, which all contribute to the overall goal of understanding social entrepreneurship of scaling. Within that network, this thesis will contribute to a work package on Social Business Model Design. The candidate will:Carry out a review of previous research on impact measurement, scalability of social business models, and the theory of change in social entrepreneurship.Collect interview data, from the in-depth depth case studies, from entrepreneurs and stakeholders from their ecosystems and networks. Conduct a focus-group study among recipients of impact measures. Contribute to the understanding of how transparency and impact measurement in business model design enables successful scaling, design a single framework of impact competencies that make business models scalable, and show how social impact measurement can be included in social business model design.Expected results are (i) A comprehensive framework outlining the influence of sustainability and certification processes on social business scalability. (ii) An analysis of the impact of B Corp certification on social enterprise growth and market presence. (iii) A set of guidelines for integrating transparency and impact measurement in social business model design. The candidate will collaborate with other doctoral candidates, contributing to relevant deliverables within the SEIZMIC-DN. For further information about the organizations involved in this project, please refer to the following web pages:SEIZMIC-DN: University of Iceland: of Social Science: and Natural Resources Graduate Programme: of Business Administration: sign up for an online information session for all open SEIZMIC-DN PhD positions:

PhD Student at the School of Education, University of Iceland: Feedback and Mentoring Enhancing Social Entrepreneurship

The University of Iceland, School of Education invites applications for a PhD student position, funded for 3 years. The PhD candidate will work on the research project Feedback and mentoring in Social Entrepreneurship Education, within the seizmic Doctoral Network (SEIZMIC-DN), funded by Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) and in collaboration with the Aurora European University Network (Aurora). In addition to their own PhD project, the PhD student is expected to contribute to the deliverables of SEIZMIC-DN (see details below).Research Project and Field of WorkThe PhD project will be one of 15 projects within the doctoral network, which all contribute to the overall goal of understanding social entrepreneurship scaling. Within that network, this thesis will contribute to a work package on Education and competencies. The candidate will:Carry out a review of research literature on feedback and mentoring mechanisms in educational and professional learning contexts, focusing particularly on entrepreneurship and innovation-related competency development.To empirically examine the role of feedback in acquiring SE competencies in higher education and practitioner courses, using both quantitative survey and qualitative in-depth interviews and focus-group interviews with students and academic instructors. Develop a feedback and mentoring model tailored for social entrepreneurship scaling competencies, applicable in both academic and practitioner training programs.The candidate will collaborate with other doctoral candidates, contributing to relevant deliverables within SEISMIC-DN, including the juxtaposition of human feedback/mento- ring versus AI based feedback/ mentoring. For further information about the organizations involved in this project, please refer to the following web pages:SEIZMIC-DN: University of Iceland: of Education: of Subject Teacher Education: sign up for an online information session for all open SEIZMIC-DN PhD positions: