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Civil Engineering


Civil Engineering

180 ECTS - Doctoral

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A three-year 180 ECTS doctoral research study in Civil Engineering

About the programme

Doctoral studies are offered in Civil Engineering with emphasis on structural design, geotechnics, or transportation.

 The courses and research topic are selected in cooperation with a faculty supervisor.

Please see faculty webpages for information about their specialties and contact them directly with questions.

The programme is taught in English.

Admission requirements

Graduate studies

An MS degree in engineering or equivalent.

Contact us

SENS Student Service
Tel. +354 525 4466
Email: ​
Open weekdays 09:00 a.m. - 15:30 p.m.

Tæknigarður - Dunhagi 5, 107 Reykjavík
Askja - Sturlugata 7, 102 Reykjavík

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