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21/09/2021 - 11:02

Ugla turns 20

Ugla turns 20 - Available at University of Iceland

Ugla turns twenty today! Ugla was launched on 21 September 2001 at the University of Iceland. She grew and expanded over the years, to her current respectable status, serving five Icelandic universities. The number of users has grown exponentially, and as Ugla is access controlled meaning that each user has their own Ugla we can estimate that there are around 55,000 owls out there!

Our Ugla has changed quite a lot and had numerous make-overs during her time. Ugla holds most of the systems and tools users need in their work and studies. But this isn’t all, she provides the university community with information on university operations, events, announcements and news of our community. The latest addition to Ugla is the new and convienient SmáUglan app which no one should miss out on!

Ugla is connected to the University logo Pallas Athena, as she carries an owl on her shoulder in Greek Mythology. The owl was said to show Athena what she could not see for herself and thus provide her with the whole truth. She is, furthermore, a symbol for knowledge and wisdom; revealed in our own Ugla who has shared her wisdom with the University community everyday since January 2013 in her box Uglan segir - Ugla says.

Ugla is of course dressed up today, as she so often is, and will graciously accept birthday wishes on her Facebook page

The number of users has grown exponentially, and as Ugla is access controlled meaning that each user has their own Ugla we can estimate that there are around 55,000 owls out there!