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14/06/2024 - 08:24

Over 2,600 candidates graduate on Saturday 15 June 

Over 2,600 candidates graduate on Saturday 15 June  - Available at University of Iceland

A total of 2,652 will graduate with undergraduate and postgraduate degrees from the University of Iceland on Saturday 15 June. There will be two graduation ceremonies taking place in Laugardalshöll. There will be a live feed from both ceremonies.

In the first graduation ceremony starting at 10 am, undergraduate and graduate candidates from the Schools of Social Sciences, Health Sciences, and Humanities receive their degree certificates. The total number of graduates from the School of Social Sciences is 779, 635 from the School of Health Sciences, and 328 from the School of Humanities. Among the candidates is the first student to graduate from a study programme in international trade and project management, taught entirely in English, and the first candidate to graduate with a Master's degree in criminology from the University of Iceland.

Live streaming from the first graduation ceremony

The second one starts at 1.30 pm for candidates graduating from undergraduate and graduate studies from the Schools of Education and Engineering and Natural Sciences. The total number of graduates from the School of Education was 648 and 262 from the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences.

Live streaming from the second graduation ceremony

The total of graduating students from the University of Iceland on 15 June is thus 2,652 receiving 2,656 diplomas. 

Jón Atli Benediktsson, rector of the University of Iceland will address both ceremonies, and Ingvar Þór Björnsson, who will graduate with a BA degree in history, and Berglind Bjarnadóttir, who will graduate with a BS in molecular biology, will also give speeches at their respective ceremonies on behalf of the candidates. 

The University of Iceland awarded degrees to 423 candidates in February, meaning that the total number of graduates so far this year is now 3,044.

Students due to graduate have received a letter with further details on the organisation of the ceremony and University staff will be on-site to assist and guide candidates on seating arrangements.
