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02/04/2020 - 15:43

Application deadlines and weekend openings of buildings

Jón Atli Benediktsson, Rector of the University of Iceland, sent the following announcements to students and staff today:

"Dear students and colleagues,

The application deadline for the University of Iceland has been extended to 20 May for graduate programs and 15 June for undergraduate studies. This decision was taken in consultation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture and other universities in Iceland. The goal is to improve access to Icelandic universities in light of growing unemployment caused by the COVID-19 epidemic. The University of Iceland has previously experienced a surge in the number of new students when the nation was suddenly faced with austerity and high unemployment. The University thereby played a part in alleviating economic depression in Iceland, as well as providing education that helped people in taking on new challenges. 

In order to help people select a graduate programme, experts from the University's study programmes, faculties and schools will hold online presentations on graduate studies during the first two weeks after Easter. On the postgraduate studies web page you can find information on the postgraduate programmes available. A detailed programme for the online presentations will also be published here as the time approaches. 
Please note that students can email the Division of Academic Affairs,, with questions or comments about the changes that have been made to their exams and assessment. It would be best, however, to contact your teachers or faculty first if you have any questions or issues regarding the changes that have been made to your assessments and exams. 

As before, some University buildings will be closed to everyone over the weekend, from 12 pm on Friday to 12 pm on Monday. This is to enable thorough cleaning and reduce the risk of infection. Please note the following exceptions from this rule: The following buildings will be open to staff and PhD students over the weekend: Árnagarður, Nýi Garður, Gimli, Lögberg, Oddi, Veröld, Askja, VR-III (the part of SENS),VR-II, Dunhagi 3, Stakkahlíð, Skipholt, Eirberg, Hagi  and Stapi. All buildings remain completely closed to all other students. 

The University's COVID-19 web page contains further information and answers to various questions people may have in these unusual circumstances.

Let's all remember to follow the two-metre rule! We should also stay up to date with information from the government on the COVID-19 epidemic. We must follow instructions from the Chief Epidemiologist and the Department of Civil Protection regarding hygiene and the assembly ban. 

Together we will prevail. Civil defence is in our hands. 

I wish you all the very best.

Best regards,

Jón Atli Benediktsson, Rector