French Studies
180 ECTS - BA degree
French is an important language in international co-operation. Together with English and German, it's a language of the institutions of the European Union and one of six official languages at the United Nations. French studies provide students with a good knowledge of the French language, literature, culture and history of the French-speaking language areas in the world.
About the programme
The BA degree major in French studies is a three-year program (180 credits). The first year the accent is put on skills and comprehension in the language. In the second and third year, the student has more specific and more varied choices of courses.
By the end of the studies, the student should have acquired a wide and concise knowledge of the history of culture and literature in French-speaking countries. The student should be able to communicate fluently both in spoken and written French; work in a critical and independent way along with a certain original way of thinking.
Icelandic matriculation examination (stúdentspróf: school leaving examination from secondary school) or equivalent qualification. Further information can be found in article 15, regulation on admission requirements for undergraduate study no. 331/2022.
Students are required to have language proficiency at the A2 level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Every new student takes a placement test at the beginning of the semester.
Contact us
The office of School of Humanities is located at the 3rd floor of the Main Building, Sæmundargata 1. Opening hours are from 10-12 and 13-15 on weekdays.
You can call us at +354 5254400 or send us an e-mail at
Our students can use the University Service Desk as the point of access for all services.