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Erasmus+ Traineeship

Erasmus+ Traineeship - Available at University of Iceland

Students at the University of Iceland may apply for an Erasmus+ grant to fund traineeships or research work in European universities, companies, or institutes. Traineeship gives students a valuable international work experience that can be useful in their careers. 

Students gain practical work experience and can have their internship recognised as part of their studies at the University. They can also do it as part of their thesis or register it in their diploma supplement. The traineeship can also bridge the gap between studies and career as students can go on traineeship after graduation. 

It is valuable to have an international work experience when applying for jobs in today’s increasingly competitive job market. 

The stay must be between two and twelve months. It is also possible to apply for a short mobility from 5-30 days. Furthermore students can pursue a traineeship up to twelve months after completing a degree, but note that the application must be submitted no later than two months before graduation from the University of Iceland.

Travel and Subsistence Grants
Grant sums are determined by destination, but travel grants are between EUR 275-820 and subsistence grants are between EUR 640-690 a month (note that the amounts may vary depending on the academic year).

Students are responsible for contacting universities, companies, or institutions to obtain traineeship opportunities. Students can also apply for advertised internships that they find. 

Students apply for an Erasmus+ traineeshipship grant with the International Division.

The annual application deadline is 1 April (or the next working day if the deadline is a public holiday). Applications submitted after the deadline will be accepted, but those who apply before 1 April will be given priority. Graduating students must apply for the grant no later than two months before graduation. Applications received after that deadline will not be processed.