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Planning to bid for an international conference? Consultation for SHS

Planning to bid for an international conference? Consultation for SHS - Available at University of Iceland
Tue, 24/09/2024 - 13:30 to 14:30


4th floor meeting room at the School's office. Open area by reception in front, as backup, if room is too small

Further information 
Free admission

Meet in Reykjavík – Iceland Convention Bureau (MIR) and the University of Iceland (HÍ) entered into an agreement in 2018 with the aim of increasing the number of academic meetings and conferences held in Iceland. In recent years, MIR has worked with many people within the university to secured interesting conferences to Iceland, most recently the IGARSS 2027 Conference in collaboration with Jón Atla Benediktsson, rector of the University of Iceland and his team.

As in previous years, Meet in Reykjavík will offer consultation sessions for university staff who are looking into bidding for conferences, who would like to hear about our services or have questions relating to conference planning. The consultation sessions are informal – those interested just show up.  Please note, our consultation and services are free of charge. No registration is needed, you can simpy turn up for a chat.

Unable to attend the consultation? Please feel free to contact me ( to schedule a meeting.   

How can Meet in Reykjavík assist?

Meet in Reykjavík – Iceland Convention Bureau is a marketing project, not a conference organiser. Our role is e.g. to assist those interested in applying for conferences and to promote Iceland to international associations as a conference destination worth considering.

When bidding for an international conference, it is often necessary to submit general information about the destination, e.g. destination highlights, accessibility, what kind of activities are available, etc. Specialized information is also required, e.g. number of venues and their capacity along with pictures and layout diagrams, description of hotels and number of guest rooms, information about companies that specialize in conference planning, and so forth. We provide this information and use in the bid in accordance with the host committee and bid guidelines.  In addition, we offer access to marketing material, we provide advice on the first steps of holding a conference and where to look for further assistance with the preparation, planning and implementation of the conference.

Professional Congress Organizers

In Iceland, there are companies that specialize in conference planning - so-called PCOs or Professional Conference Organisers. On the Meet in Reykjavík website you can find information about such companies.  

PCOs offer services to fit all conferences. They can manage the conference from A to Z, or take on specific tasks, depending on what is required. PCO manage cost estimates, conference execution plan, registration and payment systems, website development, and the abstraction system. They take care of bookings for facilities, hotels, buses, entertainment, and help organize the conference program in cooperation with the host committee. They also take care of communication with delegates, planning and delivery of pre- and post-tours, and much more. More information can be found on the PCOs websites.