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No more silence – fighting sexual harassment

No more silence – fighting sexual harassment - Available at University of Iceland
Mon, 23/09/2024 - 12:00 to 13:30


Ceremonial Hall

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Free admission

Jessica Cantlon, Professor of Developmental Neuroscience/Psychology at Carnegie Mellon University, will give a public talk on the fight against sexual harassment in US universities. She was one of the women at the heart of the sexual harassment complaints at the University of Rochester, and in 2017 she was selected as Time Person of the Year as one of the Silence Breakers.

She has described in interviews the process before she and her colleagues went public, how their complaints had been ignored, their reputation smeared or attempts made to silence them. The case severely affected the University of Rochester and encouraged women in other universities to act. Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson Minister of Equality will address the meeting.

After the talk, there will be a panel with Kári Hólmar Ragnarsson, member of the Professional Council on gender-related and sexual harassment & sexual violence, Ester Gústavsdóttir, Human Resources Manager, Reykjavík University, and Lísa Margrét Gunnarsdóttir, chairman of the National Union of Icelandic Students. The event is in English.

She was one of the women at the heart of the sexual harassment complaints at the University of Rochester, and in 2017 she was selected as Time Person of the Year as one of the Silence Breakers.

No more silence – fighting sexual harassment