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BMC Seminar: Nextcloud is a data storage solution for research projects

BMC Seminar: Nextcloud is a data storage solution for research projects - Available at University of Iceland
Thu, 05/09/2024 - 12:00 to 13:00


room 201

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Free admission

BMC Seminar Thursday 5th of September at 12:00-13:00 in Árnagarður, room 201

Title: Nextcloud is a data storage solution for research projects

Speaker: Adrian Lopez Garcia de Lomana, Research Specialist | Biomedical Center, University of Iceland 

Abstract: Biomedical sciences generate substantial amounts of data, ranging from gigabytes to terabytes depending on the technology. Storing, sharing  and reusing research data is not only a day-to-day challenge, but also a requisite for RANNÍS funding in the form of a research data management plan complying with the FAIR principles (findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability). In this talk, I will introduce Nextcloud as a project-associated research data storage solution. Nextcloud is a computational tool to interact with files hosted in a server. It offers an intuitive user experience (similar to Google Drive or OneDrive) while superior in handling large and complex file structures. Nextcloud provided by IREI is intended for research data generated in your projects only, e.g., raw sequencing files—not intended for writing documents or spreadsheets. This storage solution is associated to the entire lifespan of research projects, in contrast to use cases where data is being actively processed (i.e., working in HPC-Mimir). The slides for this short talk are already available here. During the seminar, I will carry out a very simple representative demo about the practicalities of using Nextcloud. I encourage you to use this wonderful tool, and please do not hesitate to reach out if you require support or have any questions.

Short bio: Framed as quantitative cell biology, my research focuses on applying computational tools to discover mechanisms governing cell states and their transitions through quantitative analysis of molecular data. My current role at the University of Iceland is to facilitate bioinformatic analyses across the whole BMC community.

Adrian Lopez Garcia de Lomana, Research Specialist | Biomedical Center, University of Iceland 

BMC Seminar: Nextcloud data storage solution for research projects