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Equipment Purchasing Fund

The Committee for equipment acquisition allocates grants from the specialised equipment acquisition fund on the bases of applications from lecturers and research specialists that have been prioritised by the Schools’ Science Committees. Eligible are academic staff who have been hired on the basis of a qualifications assessment (assistant professor, associate professor, full professors, research specialist, research scholar and research scientist). The  application deadline is 15 November.

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Allocation application process:
Applicants apply centrally (see above). The School of Science and Innovation is responsible for placing applications in the schools' priorities. The Board of Directors of Equipment Purchasing Fund allocates on the basis of the priorities in February.
Grant processing:
According to decisions of the University Council are instruments purchased for a grant from the fund owned by the University of Iceland. If a grant is received from the Equipment Purchase Fund, a special project number is established in the University's accounting for the grant and this is specified in the allocation letter. The purchasing manager should be consulted and given his approval for the order. Grants awarded must be redeemed within 12 months of being awarded. Otherwise, they will be cancelled. It is possible to get an extension for another year if satisfactory reasoning is attached to the request in the opinion of the board. Otherwise, the grant will be cancelled.