Trausti Valsson, professor emeritus of planning at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Iceland has published all his books as e- and audiobooks and made most of them accessible on his web site. He has, furthermore, published a concise overview of all the works and provides illustrations.
Trausti has published fourteen books on design and planning; four of them are in English. The first book Vaxtarbroddur: Þróun höfuðborgar, a book on the growth and evolution of Reykjavík, was published in 1986. His latest book was published in 2015, and came out in English in 2017. These books span Trausti’s life’s work and touch on a large variety of subjects, with planning and organisation in Iceland at the centre.
Trausti has been a true pioneer in publishing his books this way, but he was assisted in his efforts with facilities and technical backup in Setberg – the house of teaching, where the Division of Academic Affairs has its headquarters. The books can all be found on Trausti’s website (under books). “This has taken years, but became possible when I retired in 2016,” says Trausti, but this initiative shows that this is quite doable with good support from the Division of Academic Affairs.
Trausti has also provided an overview of this work with key sentences and illustrations from his works. There he divides the material into 12 categories. The subjects of each book is explained and links to the books provided.
Overview of the works in English:
1. Index of Main Themes in TV's work
2. Planning on Six Levels
3. Morphological Design Methods
4. Methods in Planning
5. Roots of Modernism Analysed
6. Aspects of the Solution in Design
TV´s Design Principles from T´ai Ch´i
Overview of works in Icelandic:
- 1.1 SKIPULAG Í REYKJAVÍK (Skipulagssagan, spár, framtíð, AS 1977, skipulag NA Grafarvogs)
- 1.2 SKIPULAG Á HÖFUÐBORGARSVÆÐINU (Skerja- og Sundabrautir, Ofan- og Framanbyggðarvegir, Flugvöllur á Lönguskerjum, Hbsv verði hringlaga!)
- 1.3 SKIPULAG Á SUÐVESTURLANDI (Greining á kortum, tillaga um vegakerfi, hlýnun: svæði tapast eða græða, skipulag fyrir SV-land, byggðakerfið verði þríhyrningur)
- 1.4 ÍSLANDSSKIPULAG (Þróun byggðamynsturs, greining hættu- og auðlindasvæða, stofnbrautakerfi f landið, ný höfuðborg á miðju landsins, tillaga um Íslandsskipulag)
- 1.5 SKIPULAGSMYNSTUR Í EVRÓPU (Þróun byggðamynsturs, spár, tenging Íslands við hraðlestakerfið)
- 1.6 SKIPULAGSMYNSTUR Á HNETTINUM (Hlýnun: breytt búsetumynstur, Norðurskautssvæðin ís- og snjólaus, fólk getur flúið þangað frá of heitum svæðum, aðalsiglingaleið til Kyrrahafs, umskipun á Íslandi, nýjar hringleiðir kringum N-Ameríku og Evrasíu)
- 2 MORFÓLÓGÍSKAR HÖNNUNARAÐFERÐIR (Sviðsþekjandi töflur, týpólógíur vatns og landslags, morfólógía í hönnun leiksvæða og húsgagna)
- 3 GLÆRUAÐFERÐ, SKIPULAGSMYNSTUR OG RÝMISKERFI (Glærur: samlagning jákv. og neikv. þátta, hönnun skipulagsmynstra, nýtt rýmiskerfi á hnettinum með hlýnun)
- 4 RÆTUR HINS SLÆMA MÓDERNISMA GREINDAR (Vandamál: Sérhæfing, Hið vélræna, Formræn óreiða, Vöntun táknræns innihalds, Gróf, vélræn skemu, Hin harða heimsmynd)
- 5 GRUNNÞÆTTIR GÓÐRA LAUSNA Í HÖNNUN (Góðar lausnir: Tengingar og heildir, Lífræar aðferðir, Harmonía, Merkingarinnihald, Mannlegar þarfir, Mjúk heimsmynd)
- 6 HÖNNUNARPRINSÍP SEM TV BJÓ TIL ÚT FRÁ T´AI CH´I (Grunneiningar T´ai Ch´i: Hringur, S-lína, Gagnstyrkni, Kjarnar innan svæða)
- 7 HÁSKÓLAR – UMSAGNIR (Nám og kennsla við háskóla, nemendur, heimsóknir, Umsagnir um þrjár bækur)