The School of Education strives to give its students great support and service. The Student Affairs Office is often the first point of contact for students and provides information and help regarding studies and study progress. Need help? The School of Education Office of Academic and Student Affairs is located in Stakkahlíð, on the first and second floors in the west end of the Enni building. Tel: +354 525 5950 Email: Staff of student affairs Anna María HauksdóttirProject Manager5255906ah [at] Auður ÓskarsdóttirProject Manager5255949auduro [at] Bryndís GarðarsdóttirAdministrative Officer5255342bryngar [at] Elfa Hrönn FriðriksdóttirAdministrative Officer5255952elfahronn [at] Guðrún Svava GuðmundsdóttirDoctoral Graduate Student5255989gsg [at] Jóhanna Karitas TraustadóttirAdministrative Officer5255951jkt [at] Lára HreinsdóttirCareer and Guidance Counsellor5255901larahr [at] Vefþjónusta fyrir símaskrá svarar ekki eða fyrirspurnin skilar engum niðurstöðum - (namelist) Vefþjónusta fyrir símaskrá svarar ekki eða fyrirspurnin skilar engum niðurstöðum - (namelist) Védís GrönvoldEducation Manager5255982vedis [at] Student Registration The Student Registration at the University Centre oversees registration for all students. Students who require permission from their department send a request to the School of Education Office of Academic and Student Affairs. The Service Desk is the point of access for all service units located at the University Centre. This is, for example, the place to get certification and transcripts of your academic record, purchase print credits, and pick up student ID cards. facebooklinkedintwitter