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LL.M. in Natural Resources and International Environmental Law

Law, Natural Resources Law and International Environmental Law

90 ECTS - LL.M. degree

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The LL.M. in Natural Resources Law and International Environmental Law is a specialised Masters-Program in law created for students from around the world who have reached a relatively high standard in their basic legal education and want to focus on legal rules relating to natural resources and issues of environment or resource management in an international and European perspective.

About the Studies

The LL.M. Program is inspired by Iceland’s unique natural setting and legal history within the field of natural resources law. It is furthermore built on the law faculties’ strengths in this area as well as in the field of international environmental law. 

The Program is organised in such a way as to provide in-depth analysis in the specialised fields of natural resources and inter­national environmental law com­bined with an ample opportunity for participants to exper­ience the natural wonders and beauty of Iceland and its culture.

Admission requirements

Graduate studies

Bachelor's degree in law from the University of Iceland or a comparable degree after completing at least three years of law studies

Social Life

The Law Students’ Association is called Orator. Law students are known for their excellent social life, and general festivities, despite heavy reading requirements. Orator is responsible for many annual events, in addition to constantly adding new and fun events.

Read more about Orator on its website.

Contact us

Student and Teaching Service at the School of Social

Gimli, Sæmundargata
102 Reykjavík, Iceland
Open weekdays 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Tel. +354 525 4500