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Message to students and staff / Division of the University Centre

28/08/2020 - 15:15

Jón Atli Benediktsson, Rector of the University of Iceland, sent the following message to University staff and students today (28 August 2020):

„Dear students and colleagues, 

The autumn semester is getting off to a good start at the University of Iceland, despite the unusual and challenging circumstances. We are very happy to welcome you, dear students, not least all our new students, of whom we have never had so many. On Monday, teaching will be fully underway in all schools. We will continue to do our best to ensure that everything is as normal as possible, but if we are to be successful in this, we must all take steps to prevent the spread of infection and respect the 1 metre physical distancing rule. Everyone must do their part and familiarise themselves with current guidelines.

The general public engaged in data acquisition on whales

17/09/2020 - 14:58

"There has been a positive change in Iceland as general interest and observation of whales has increased, both among tourists who sometimes come to Iceland for the sole purpose of seeing whales, but also among Icelanders themselves. We believe that there is opportunity in this increased interest to recruit the general public," says Edda Elísabet Magnúsdóttir, post-doc in biology at the University of Iceland and project manager of WhaleBase. She has, along with computer scientists and other biologists, developed a new website on whales with the aim to engaging both specialists and the public all around Iceland to gather better data on whale migration.

Bullying detrimental to health, wellbeing and success in life

05/10/2020 - 13:42

The Web of Science has defined bullying as one or more perpetrators targeting one person, subjecting that person to violence over an extended period of time. Fortunately, many countries have started to take definitive action against this scourge on society, and a European research indicates that bullying among school children has decreased in recent years. 

It has also emerged that bullying is less common in Iceland than is generally the case in other European countries. Nevertheless, bullying is one of the aspects of human behaviour that calls most urgently for research, with a view to reducing or even eliminating it entirely. 

Rúnar Vilhjálmsson, professor of health sociology at the University of Iceland Faculty of Nursing, is currently involved in a research project focusing on mapping the prevalence of bullying among Icelandic compulsory school pupils and investigating the links between bullying and the victims' health.

Application for a Postgraduate diploma

Dear applicant,

Thank you for applying for a Postgraduate diploma at the University of Iceland.

We would like to point out that you need to stay up to date with the progression of your application under the “Application – overview” tab in the University of Iceland Communication Portal. You can access the Portal using your email address and the password you created when you applied for study at the University. 

It is essential to carefully read the drop-down windows below, as they contain important information for the process of your application.

Application for a graduate programme

Dear applicant,

Thank you for applying for an graduate programme at the University of Iceland. 

We would like to point out that you need to stay up to date with the progression of your application under the “Application – overview” tab in the University of Iceland Communication Portal. You can access the Portal using your email address and the password you created when you applied for study at the University. 

It is essential to carefully read the drop-down windows below, as they contain important information for the process of your application.

Almost twice as many providing psychological counselling to University students

01/04/2020 - 13:51

Almost 40 Master's students in clinical psychology are now working for the Student Psychology Clinic, providing psychological counselling services in the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic. The director of the Clinic says that demand for the services has grown considerably over the last weeks.

The Student Psychology Clinic has been run by the University of Iceland Faculty of Psychology since 2013. The Clinic trains postgraduate psychology students in clinical work, as well as providing University students and their children with psychological services. The Student Psychology Clinic diagnoses and treats various psychological problems.

Master's lecture in Environment and Natural Resources - Harriet Naa Teckie Botchway

28. May 2020 - 13:00 to 13:45

The lecture will be streamed:

Master's student: Harriet Naa Teckie Botchway

Title: Sources of Particulate Matter (PM10) in Reykjavik on days exceeding the health limit and in Accra 2015 and recommendations for Ghana’s air quality policy development


Faculty: Faculty of Earth Sciences

Advisor:  Þröstur Þorsteinsson, Professor in Environment and Natural Resources

Examiner: Kristín Lóa Ólafsdóttir, Project Manager at Heilbrigðiseftirlit Reykjavíkur


Aurora-universities unite to strengthen teaching and research for society

17/01/2020 - 11:45

The University of Iceland has joined the Aurora Alliance that is currently preparing an application to the European University Initiative under the Erasmus+ programme. The other universities in the Aurora Alliance are the Copenhagen Business School (Denmark), University of East Anglia (United Kingdom), University of Naples Federico II (Italy), University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany), University of Innsbruck (Austria), Palacký University Olomouc (Czech Republic), Rovira i Virgili University (Spain), and Vrije University Amsterdam (The Netherlands).


Broddflugan is a grant for community projects propsed by students at the School of Education. It is open for applications from bachelor and/or masters students.

The University of Iceland H21 policy sets forth a goal to increase the number of students from all academic disciplines participating in community projects related to their fields. Grants from the Broddflugan fund look at how students from the School of Education can utilize their educational backgrounds to help society.

First master in Icelandic Sign Language

01/08/2019 - 10:55

The first Master thesis presented and delivered in Icelandic Sign Language at the University of Iceland was introduced at the School of Education seminar for masters’ students recently. The thesis is the work of Eyrún Ólafsdótttir in the field of inclusive education. Her supervisors were Karen Rut Gísladóttir, associate professor and professor Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, both at the Faculty of Education and Pedagogy.
