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Social life

At UI is a powerful social life where everybody should find something interesting. There are over 50 students companies at UI. They stand for all kinds of social events both semesters. More information at

Social life at the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition is also very powerful and is steered from the student company Hnallthora.


Hnallthora is a field for our students to have a voice. The main goal is to take care of the student and promote their consensus. Hnallthora organizes all kind of events such as field trips, visits to companies and organizations and more.

Facebook site of Hnallthora

Partner Universities - Exchange Studies

Student exchange is an important part of internationalisation and international collaboration at the University of Iceland. The UI collaborates with over four hundred universities on student exchanges all around the world. Student exchange agreements enable UI students to take part of their studies at partner universities abroad, gain international experience and have the opportunity to choose a wider range of courses. Our incoming exchange students also make great contributions to internationalisation and are an important addition to the student life and the university community at the UI. 

In the database for student exchange partners, you can search according to several different criteria to assist you in finding available universities. You can sort by country, subject, level of study and more.

Changes in the recycling system at the University

23/02/2016 - 09:00

This February changes will be made to the recycling system at the University of Iceland in order to conform with the City of Reykjavík. The changes affect the blue bags, which are currently for all paper products, and the green bags, which are currently for all clean plastic material.

It is important to sort your garbage correctly so that we can recycle it. We encourage you to learn what goes in which bag and remind you that reducing waste, for example by avoiding disposable packaging and cups, is a great way to protect the environment.

Doctoral defense in education science: Friðborg Jónsdóttir

19. June 2024 - 12:00 to 15:00


Friðborg Jónsdóttir defends her PhD thesis in Educational Sciences from the Faculty of education and pedagogy, University of Iceland: 

Transition from preschool to primary school for culturally and linguistically diverse children in Iceland. A praxeology study with teachers.

The oral defence takes place Wednesday JUne 19th., at 12:00 pm in the Aula in the main building of the University of Iceland as well as in live stream.

Opponents are Dr Ghazala Bhatti Associate Professor at Bath Spa University, UK and Dr Wendy Goff Associate Professor at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.

Main supervisor was Dr Jóhanna Einarsdóttir Professor Emeritus at the School of Education, University of Iceland and co-supervisor Dr Sue Dockett Professor at Charles Sturt University, Australia.

Time for preparation in preschools: Where children’s well-being is foregrounded

27/02/2024 - 11:50

Everyone knows that preschools are an important part of our society. What is of most value in preschool practice is focusing on children’s interests and well-being. Among a few important values that need to shape the practice are care, compassion, equality, and democracy.  

The working conditions of preschool teachers have been a widely discussed topic in the past year, and there have been reflections on how to improve this situation, and thus the preschool children's welfare. In the collective wage agreement of the Preschool Teachers' Association from 2020, the time allocated for preschool teachers to prepare for their work in preschools was significantly increased. Sara M. Ólafsdóttir, associate professor at the Faculty of Education, conducted a study recently with her colleagues on preparation time in preschools. We interviewed her and asked about the main findings.

Improving knowledge of falls in older adults

01/06/2023 - 10:10

"Falls are a public health issue among elderly people all over the world, since elderly people are most at risk of serious consequences following a fall. Systematic and evidence-based fall prevention is essential. Fall prevention is about reducing the number of people who suffer falls, lowering the frequency of falls, and minimising serious consequences," explains Sólveig Ása Árnadóttir, professor in physiotherapy, who is currently researching older adults' experiences of falls with the goal of developing more systematic fall prevention and services for this demographic. Her team's initial findings show, for example, that men are likely to downplay the significance of a fall and are less willing to discuss the experience.

Online communication strongly linked to both depression and anxiety in girls

30/03/2023 - 09:32

A new study by scientists at the University of Iceland School of Education has uncovered a significant link between online communication and symptoms of depression and anxiety in 15 year old girls. Findings from the study, which explored developments in young people's mental health in the early 21st century, were published in an article in the Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.

Óttar Guðbjörn Birgisson, adjunct lecturer and PhD student at the Faculty of Health Promotion, Sports and Leisure Studies in the School of Education is the first author of the article, entitled "The relationship between online communication and adolescents' mental health: Long-term evaluation between genders."

Aspirin as a prophylactic against pre-eclampsia

30/08/2022 - 11:25

"In my opinion, aspirin is one of the most fascinating drugs in the field of medicine. It has such a diverse range of effects and these different effects have been gradually discovered over the years. It's really remarkable," says Helga Helgadóttir, lecturer at the UI Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, whose research has focused on how aspirin can prevent pre-eclampsia in pregnant women.

Over the years, aspirin has been used to treat various ailments and diseases and remains the most used drug in the world, according to Helga. "It can be used as everything from a traditional painkiller and anti-inflammatory to a prophylactic against cardiovascular disease. Recently, we have started using it in high-risk pregnancies as a prophylactic against pre-eclampsia. Aspirin lowers blood pressure in pregnant women and reduces the likelihood of impaired foetal growth, gestational hypertension and early pre-eclampsia," says Helga.

Doctoral defence in Psychology – Moshen Rafiei

10. December 2021 - 13:00 to 16:00


Mohsen Rafiei will defend his doctoral thesis in Psychology, Attractive and repulsive serial biases in visual cognition on 10 December, at 1-3 pm at the Unversity´s Aula. 

Opponents: Dr Igor Utochkin, professor, National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia and Dr Peter Shepherdson, assistant professor at the University of Akureyri.

Advisor: Dr Árni Kristjánsson, professor of Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Iceland.

Doctoral committee:  Dr Árni Kristjánsson, Dr Andrey Chetverikov, PhD: Radboud University and Dr Sabrina Hansmann-Roth, PhD: University of Lille.

Chair of Ceremony: Dr Urður Njarðvík, Dean of Faculty of Psychology at the University of Iceland

Doctoral lecture in Geology - Jonathan Henrik Råberg

11. April 2022 - 14:00 to 15:30


The Aula

Live stream

Ph.D. student: Jonathan Henrik Råberg

Dissertation title: Lipids at high latitudes: investigation of sources, environmental controls, and new potential applications of brGDGT-based paleoclimate proxies

Advisor: Dr. Áslaug Geirsdóttir, Professor at the the Faculty of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland

Doctoral committee: 
Dr. Gifford H. Miller, Professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Dr. Julio Sepúlveda, Professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Dr. Sebastian Kopf, Professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Dr. Thomas M. Marchitto, Professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Dr. Noah Fierer, Professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
