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Saga trails

Saga trails - Available at University of Iceland

Excursions to the saga trails are an important part of the program. In a typical year, we organize three to four day-long trips (usually on a Saturday) and one shorter trip (half a day); dates vary from one year to the next. We rent a bus and split the cost, usually no more than EUR 55 / USD 60 (often less) per person. Significant others, friends, and exchange students are all welcome to join. Below are some of the most regular excursions.

Þingvellir: Alþingi

Afternoon trip, 2 pm to 8 pm.

Map with an itinerary and some notable places.

We will drive through Mosfellsdalur valley where Egill Skallagrímsson spent his last years and hid his two chests of silver. At Þingvellir, we will walk down Almannagjá gorge, to Lǫgberg, across Øxará river and the Þingvellir fields. Then we will drive south along the eastern side of Lake Þingvallavatn to Selfoss where we will make a rest stop (Selfoss food hall) before heading back to Reykjavík.

Borgarfjörður: Egils saga, Gunnlaugs saga, and Snorri Sturluson

Full day excursion: 8 am to 8 pm.

Map with an itinerary and some notable places.

This (long) full-day excursion features some of the sites of Egils saga Skallagrímssonar and Gunnlaugs saga ormstungu, as well as some important places in the life of Snorri Sturluson and his family, including Brákarsund (Egil saga) — Skallagrímshaugr (Skallagrímr’s burial mound, Egils saga) — Borg (Skallagrímr & Egill, Þorsteinn Egilsson & Helga fagra, Snorri Sturluson, etc.) — Grábrók crater (weather permitting) — Stafaholt (Óláfr Þórðarson hvítaskáld) — Háafell goat farm (the Icelandic breed of goats, including a four-legged Game of Thrones actor) — Gilsbakki (Gunnlaugr ormstunga) — Hallmundarhraun lava field (10th century, Hallmundr the giant, Hallmundarkviða poem), Hraunfossar & Barnafoss waterfalls, Reykjaholt (Snorri Sturluson and his pool) — Hverinn (watering hole, not in any of the sagas).

Suðurland: The Njáls saga trails

Full day excursion: 8 am to 8 pm.

Map with an itinerary and some notable places.

This (long) full-day excursion features some of the sites of Brennu-Njáls saga and outstanding places in medieval Icelandic history. These include Skálaholt, the seat of the historical southern episcopal see — Keldur á Rangárvǫllum (Ingjaldr; a monastery founded by Jón Loftsson?) — Knafahólar/ Gunnarssteinn (where Gunnarr, Kolskeggr, and Hjǫrtr were ambushed) — Hof á Rangárvǫllum (Valgarðr grái) — Grjótá (Þráinn Sigfússon) — Hlíðarendi í Fljótshlíð (Gunnarr) — Rauðaskriður (Njál‘s sons ambush Þráinn Sigfússon and company) — Ossabœr (Hǫskuldr Hvítanessgoði) — Bergþórshváll (Njál and Bergþóra) — Oddi á Rangárvǫllum (Sæmundr fróði Sigfússon, Jón Loftsson).

Dalir: Laxdœla saga & Eiríks saga rauða

Full day excursion: 8 am to 9 pm.

Map with an itinerary and some notable places.

In this (long) full-day excursion we will visit some of the sites in Laxdœla saga and the first part of Eiríks saga rauða, including: Eiríksstaðir, Eríkr rauði’s place, Vínlandssetur Leifsbúð exhibition on the Vínland expeditions in Búðardalur; Hrútsstaðir (Hrútr Herjólfsson), Höskuldsstaðir (Hǫskuldr Dala-Kollsson, Hallgerðr Hǫskuldsdóttir), Goddastaðir & Hjarðarholt & Melkorkustaðir? (Óláfr pái, Jórunn, Melkorka, Kjartan & Bolli), Laugar í Sælingsdal (Guðrún Ósvífrsdóttir and the pool), Tunga (Guðrún & Bolli; Snorri goði), Hafragil (Kjartan ambushed), Hóll (“Bróka”-Auðr; later Sturla Þórðarson), Magnús í Tjaldanesi, Skarð (Skarðverjar, Skarðsbók Jónsbókar, Skarðsbók postulasagna), Geirmundarstaðir (Geirmundr heljarskinn), Klofningr, Fell (Þorvaldr Ósvífrsson, Hallgerðr langbrók’s first husband), Hvammr & Krosshólar (Unnr/Auðr djúpúðga; Hvamm-Sturla, Snorri Sturluson; Árni Magnússon).

Snæfellsnes: The Eyrbyggja saga trails

Full day excursion: 8 am to 9 pm.

Map with an itinerary and some notable places.

This (long) full-day excursion will focus on the Eyrbyggja saga trails along with some other notable places including: Álftafjǫrðr — Þórsnes, Hofstaðir (Þórólfr Mostrarskegg and his Þórshof), Þingvǫllr assembly place (and the Þórssteinn sacrificial stone), Helgafell (Snorri goði, Guðrún Ósvífrsdóttir) — Berserkjagata trail in Berserkjahraun lava (the trail through the lava cleared by the berserks; the wall erected by the berserks; the berserks‘ burial mound) — Bjarnarhöfn (Bjǫrn austrœni, Vermundr mjóvi) and Bjarnarhöfn Shark Museum (with tasting!) — Kirkjufell mountain — Mávahlíð (Geirríðr, Þórarinn svarti) — Kǫtluholt (Katla and Oddr)— Fróðá (Þuríðr, Þóroddr skattkaupandi, Þórgunna, the Fróðá wonders and the undead) — Snæfellsjökull glacier (visible, weather permitting!) — Laugarbrekka (Bárðr Snæfellsáss; Guðríðr Þorbjarnardóttir) — Arnarstapi (Bárðr Snæfellsáss) — Staðastaðr (Ari fróði Þorgilsson and Íslendingabók).