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Parallel & Scalable Machine & Deep Learning driven by High-Performance Computing

Parallel & Scalable Machine & Deep Learning driven by High-Performance Computing - Available at University of Iceland
Wed, 12/05/2021 - 13:00 to 14:00


Further information 
Will be held in English
Everybody welcome

Seminar held by the Engineering Research Institute of the University of Iceland

The Seminar will be in English and will be held on Zoom

Passcode: 505215

Lecturer : Morris Riedel, prófessor við Iðnaðarverkfræði-, vélaverkfræði- og tölvunarfræðideild.

Title: Parallel & Scalable Machine & Deep Learning driven by High-Performance Computing

Abstract: Many of the significant challenges that society faces, whether it is preserving our environment, improving our healthcare, or rebuilding our economy, are underpinned in some way or another by High-Performance Computing (HPC). This lecture will briefly review how innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques such as deep learning or quantum machine learning leverage HPC to create economic and societal benefits. As HPC has become an indispensable asset in the global data economy crucial to address societal challenges and increase industry competitiveness, Icelandic Research & Development activities are presented that shape Europe’s digital future via EuroHPC and other related activities.

Morris Riedel

Parallel & Scalable Machine & Deep Learning driven by High-Performance Computing