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Midway evaluation in Physics - Rahul Poddar

Midway evaluation in Physics - Rahul Poddar - Available at University of Iceland
Wed, 26/04/2023 - 13:30 to 15:30

Endurmenntun við Dunhaga


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Free admission

Doctoral candidate:  Rahul Poddar

Title of thesis: Solvable Deformations of Quantum Field Theories

Doctoral committee:

Lárus Thorlacius, Professor at the Faculty of Physical Sciences,
University of Iceland
Valentina Giangreco M. Puletti, Professor at the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Iceland
Monica Guica, Researcher, Institut de Physique Théorique, CEA Saclay


We explore TTbar deformations of Warped Conformal Field Theories (WCFTs) as examples of TTbar deformed non-relativistic quantum field theories. We first look at deformations of free-field realizations of WCFTs, i.e. the Hofman-Rollier fermionic WCFTs, which lose their warped conformal symmetry when deformed. We then compute the deformed symmetry algebra of a TTbar deformed holographic WCFT, using the asymptotic symmetries of AdS3 with a set of TTbar deformed boundary conditions. We see that the U(1) Kac-Moody symmetry does not survive the deformation. The Virasoro sector remains but is now deformed and no longer chiral.

Rahul Poddar

Midway evaluation in Physics - Rahul Poddar