Before you leave Iceland, make sure you take care of those bureaucratic matters needed when moving from one country to another. It´s easier to communicate and process when still located in the country. Termination of Employment Contract Please contact the Human Resource manager at your School in order to finalize various contract issues, last payment, vacation settlement etc. School of Education – School of Engineering and Natural Sciences – School of Health Sciences – School of Humanities – School of Social Sciences – The UI Pay Roll Office can also provide information on the various settlement related to the end of contract Closing Bank Account We advise you to not rush to close your Icelandic bank account, you might need it for the months to come. You might expect some additional payments regarding your employment. You might expect some reimbursement from the tax authorities. Make sure to ask your bank on the procedure on closing a bank account. Changing Domicile Moving to the Nordic Countries Those moving to the Nordic countries, Sweden, Denmark, Noway and Finland do not need to change their domicile when moving from Iceland. All you need to do is register into the relevant country and the Register Iceland gets the information accordingly. To all other countries Please fill an online form A-251 on Registers Iceland website when moving to other countries than the Nordic countries. Unfortunately, the form is only in Icelandic. Electronic ID or Ice Key is used to access the form. Please be aware you might need to submit the form in person at the Registers Iceland, Borgartún 21, 105 Reykjavik, tel 515-5300 or Non-European Citizens that initially entered Iceland through the Directorate of Immigration (DOI) do not need to notify the DOI, only Registers Iceland as explained above. Tax Claims and Tax Return Please make sure all tax claims are fully paid. You can contact the Directorate of Internal Revenue for detailed information on your individual tax status. Make sure to contact them in a timely manner, various information can be found on RSK website. RSK Service Center tel 442-1000. Tax return needs to be submitted annually for the previous year. Even if the employment has only been for few months the tax return is still needed. Make sure to keep the login for the tax authorities in order to access your tax return. We advise to keep the bank account in Iceland open until the last tax return has been submitted in March and even through August as all reimbursements are made in that month every year. More information can be found on the Euraxess Iceland website. Health Insurance Those who will be moving to Europe, preferably EU/EEA area, can in most cases transfer their health insurance right from Iceland to the new country. Just obtain E-104 form from the Icelandic Health Insurances. The document confirms the previous insurance period in Iceland and is not issued until the legal residence in Iceland has been deregistered at Registers Iceland. Make sure to apply for the European Health Insurance Card as it makes all doctor visits easier during the transfer period of your health insurance. Pension Reimbursement Citizens of countries outside the EU/EEA can apply to have their pension premium reimbursed if/when they choose to return to their home country. Other citizens, for instance, those from the EU/EEA countries, need to wait until 60+ plus to be able to access their pension savings. More information can be found on the pension fund website. Please contact the LSR pension fund tel 510-6100 or Forwarded Mail to a new Address When leaving Iceland, make sure your mail will be delivered to you after you have left. The best way is to have a representative in Iceland that it can be delivered to. Make sure you get familiar with what service the Icelandic mail service / Postur provides. Tel 580-1000 or Memberships For your convenience please remember to unsubscribe from all Icelandic membership agreements before you leave the country. It is much easier to handle before departure than from abroad. Phone- and magazine subscribtion, gym membership to name a few. facebooklinkedintwitter