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Sexual Health and Porn

There has been much discussion worldwide on sexualisation and pornification that many consider a health hazard. Widespread internet access has made porn extremely accessible. This applies especially to children and adolescents who usually have ready access to the internet and increased access to smart technology on phones and tablets.

"There is great need for further research in Iceland on the potential effect of porn and pornification," says Ástrós Erla Benediktsdóttir, Master student, who is currently studying the interaction between sexual behaviour, sexual health and porn consumption of college students eighteen and older. She points out that studies show that the publication of pornographic material on the internet has increased considerably. Computer use among young people increases annually resulting in easier access to porn. All young people in Iceland between the age of 16 and 24, or hundred percent, have used computers and accessed the internet in 2014 according to Statistics Iceland. 

"Research has shown that pornography can have a serious negative impact.  Therefore it is vital to study the state of pornography consumption among young people in Iceland." 

Ástrós says that  she wanted to study whether consumption of pornography influences factors such as knowledge and attitude towards sex, sexual partners, approach to sexual orientation and general sexual health. 

This material is not new to Ástrós as she wrote a BA thesis on the distribution of porn and possible effects, especially on children and young people. 

"The results from my data showed that pornography influences diverse aspects of people's lives such as sexual behaviour, sexual arousal, attitude towards pornography, identity, relationships, feelings, intimacy, behaviour, equality and respect between the sexes," says Ástrós. 

"Furthermore, the results show the need for further discussion on these matters and that sex education has to be improved in Icelandic schools." 

Ástrós says that research in this field is essential for further organisation, policy making, planning, education and preventive measures. "It is important to take steps using education and constructive material so that the current development does not harm young people ." I believe that my study could be used as foundation for further research and strategic planning in these matters."

Supervisor: Freydís Jóna Freysteinsdóttir, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Social Work

Ástrós Erla Benediktsdóttir, MA student in the Faculty of Social Work