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The value of not-knowing and reflection

The value of not-knowing and reflection - Available at University of Iceland
Wed, 16/08/2023 - 14:00 to 15:00

Stakkahlíð / Háteigsvegur


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Free admission

Reflection is an important component in learning processes for professional and personal development. It can be described as a holistic, thoughtful exploration of the learner's personal way of seeing, feeling and thinking in response to specific experiences. 


In the first part of the lecture, Bert Vandenbussche (LUCA School of Arts, Belgium) elaborates on the necessary conditions for the educator/facilitator to develop a stimulating reflective atmosphere in a learning group, based on the publication 'Holding the Space' of the European research project REFLECT. These include allowing learners to own up their learning process (and simultaneously a ‘owning down’ by the educator/facilitator), directing reflective attention, taking care of the possible impact of assessment  and the importance of slowing down. 


In the second part of the lecture, Eva Janssens (VIVES, Belgium) unfolds a specific perspective on integrating 'not-knowing' by both learner and educator/facilitator within reflective processes.  Based on recent findings from neuropsychology and Gestalt psychology, she understands 'not-knowing' as moments when patterned, sometimes limiting ways of seeing, thinking and feeling can reconfigure themselves. This requires an authentic, not-steering presence of the educator/facilitator which can allow the learner to stay in the chaotic moment of not-knowing. This sometimes proves to be a transformative moment in the learning process.


The lecture will take 40 minutes (+ extra time for questions)


For more information on the REFLECT project: