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Midway evaluation in Computational Engineering - Amer Delilbasic

Midway evaluation in Computational Engineering - Amer Delilbasic - Available at University of Iceland
Thu, 19/09/2024 - 10:30 to 12:30


Room 158

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Event on Zoom 

Title of thesis: Hybrid Quantum-Classical Processing Workflows in Modular Supercomputing Architectures for Data-Intensive Earth Observation Applications.

Student: Amer Delilbasic

Doctoral committee: Dr. Morris Riedel, Professor at the Engineering and Natural Sciences faculty & Head of National Competence for HPC & AI.
Prof. Dr. -Ing. Gabriele Cavallaro - Head of Simulation and Data Lab Remote Sensing at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Adjunct Associate Professor University of Iceland.
Dr. Bertrand Le Saux - Senior Scientist with the European Space Agency Φ-lab in Frascati, Italy.

Quantum computing is a rapidly evolving technology that has a disruptive potential for several applications involving computationally intensive tasks. As hardware advances, experiments on larger and more complex problems become feasible. However, in noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era, quantum hardware has proven to be best coupled with classical hardware in a hybrid regime. Current high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructures are leaning towards modular architectures, where quantum hardware fits as a specialized computing module. The main goal of the PhD is to investigate how remote sensing systems for Earth observation can benefit from the quantum computing landscape. For this purpose, multiple hybrid quantum-classical algorithms are evaluated on Earth observation tasks. Real and simulated hardware based on the adiabatic and the gate-based quantum computational models are considered.

Amer Delilbasic

Midway evaluation in Computational Engineering - Amer Delilbasic