Hugdok Conference
The biennial conference of Hugdok, the Association of Doctoral Candidates and ECRs at the School of Humanities, will be held for the third time on Friday, April 19th, 2024, in the Edda auditorium (FB event).
10:00 – 10:30 Conference opening and keynote
- Geir Sigurðsson, Professor of Chinese studies Faculty of Languages and Cultures, University of Iceland
“Hvaða gagn er að hugvísindum?”
10:30 – 11:30 Session 1 (language: Icelandic)
Femínisk heimspeki: Flóttafólk, snerting, fyrirgefning og barbí. Bland í poka af allskyns femínisku góðgæti
- Sigurrós Alice Svöfudóttir “Siðferðisskilningur, ábyrgð og fólk á flótta”
- Steinunn Hreinsdóttir “Snerting, sjálfshrif og hið undirskilda í heimspeki Luce Irigaray”
- Elín Pjetursdóttir “Fyrirgefning, valdastaða þolenda og krafan um fyrirgefningu”
- Katrín Pálmadóttir Þorgerðardóttir “Barbíland og feðraveldið”
11:30 – 13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 – 14:30 Session 2 (language: English)
- Ármann Guðmundsson “All you can eat: Evaluating past diet In Iceland with Lipid analysis”
- Giulia Zorzan “Colours in the earliest Icelandic manuscripts”
- Katrín Lísa L. Mikaelsdóttir “Apocalypse Afterglow: Did the Black Death in Iceland Contribute to Language Change?”
14:30 – 15:00 Coffee Break
15:00 – 16:00 Session 3 (languages: English and Icelandic)
Margrét Ann Thors “Immigration and Identity in “Slant” 9/11 Novels: A Close Reading of The Namesake (2003), The Namesake (2007), and Americanah (2013)”
- Kathy D’Arcy “Academi(mi)cking while neurodivergent”
- Hrannar Már Hafberg “Objective Review Of Subjective Beliefs: A Study In Legal Epistemology”
- Valgerður Pálmadóttir “Hugmyndir um heimilisstörf og jafnrétti á Íslandi á seinni hluta 20. aldar”
16:00 – 18:00 Conference closing and light refreshments (in heimasvæði tungumála, Veröld) - link