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Doctoral lecture in Environmental studies - Jani Laine

Doctoral lecture in Environmental studies  - Jani Laine - Available at University of Iceland
Thu, 25/03/2021 - 13:30 to 14:30
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Ph.D. student: Jani Laine

Dissertation title: The significance of municipal energy related actions when aiming at carbon neutral cities

Opponents were: 
Dr. Laura Saikku, Docent at the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Finland
Dr. André Bohne, Professor at NTNU, Norway

Advisor: Dr. Jukka Heinonen, Professor at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Iceland

Doctoral committee: 
Dr. Guðmundur Freyr Úlfarsson, Professor and Head of the  Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Iceland
Dr. Seppo Junnila, Professor at Aalto University, Finland

Chair of Ceremony: Dr. Guðmundur Freyr Úlfarsson, professor and Head of the  Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Iceland

This is a joint degree with Aalto University in Finland.  Jani Laine defended his thesis successfully in Finland on March 5th.

This dissertation discusses the implications of municipal energy-related actions in the generation of low carbon and carbon neutral cities. The purpose of the study is to examine the implications of these actions within the boundaries of scope 2 - 3 (according to the GHG Protocol) and from a consequential system implication perspective. This dissertation considers municipal energy systems to be energy systems which are located within the city boundaries, or within wider boundaries where municipalities may have an impact through ownership or similar arrangements. The energy sector convers electricity and heat supplies, thus excluding fuel supplies which are not related to the former. This dissertation consists of four peer-reviewed scientific journal papers. The research utilized a lifecycle approach to identify system implications together with single- and multiple case studies as well as semi-constructed interviews as research methods. Finnish cities and their energy systems were studied throughout the dissertation studies. It was identified that municipal energy related actions have a significantly higher importance and greater implications when the boundaries are extended from scope 1 of the GHG Protocol and the attributional life cycle assessment to scope 2 and 3 of the GHG Protocol together from a consequential life cycle assessment perspective. Generally, cities' role in scope 3 GHG emissions is significant. Even more so when marginal production implications are considered. These implications can lead to either significantly lower or higher system level GHG emission regardless even when the initial aim is to reduce GHG emissions. Examining the marginal energy system implications is a powerful method for cities to reduce their GHG emissions within the city and within wider boundaries. Examining such implications could be utilized to compensate for GHG emissions within sectors which find it more difficult to take actions to directly reduce their GHG emissions. Still the utilization and recognition of these implications together with their potential is seen to be lacking in carbon neutral city processes. Bettter understanding scope 2 and 3 system implications offer great potential for cities to reduce their GHG emissions within such boundaries as they aim to achieve low carbon and carbon neutral cities.

About the doctoral candidate:

Jani Laine is an entrepreneur and researcher. His company is developing low carbon and carbon neutral housing projects. From the research perspective, he is focusing on similar topics in order to further the generation of carbon neutral and carbon negative built environment. He lives in Espoo, Finland.


Jani Laine

Doctoral lecture in Environmental studies  - Jani Laine