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Class Division within Icelandic Language Community

Class Division within Icelandic Language Community - Available at University of Iceland
Tue, 07/02/2023 - 10:00 to 11:30



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The Amnesty International University Association is hosting a seminar to address the power imbalance in the Icelandic language community regarding Icelandic as a second language. The session will focus on addressing class division among people of foreign origin and their access to and proficiency in Icelandic as a second language. Nichole Leigh Mosty, Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson, and Chanel Björk Sturludóttir will speak on the topic and participate in a panel discussion.

Nichole Leigh Mosty, an immigrant from the United States and former minister/mp, will speak about her personal experience with Icelandic language and society's treatment of those with limited Icelandic proficiency. She will also discuss the challenges of integration into Icelandic society and the quality of education available for immigrants. Currently, she serves as the CEO of the Multicultural Information Center.

Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson, a professor emeritus of Icelandic and expert in language usage, will address the importance of foreigners residing in Iceland learning the language for both their own benefit and the benefit of Icelandic society. He will also discuss Icelanders’ attitudes towards foreign accents, “imperfect” Icelandic, and the need for increased tolerance in this area.

Chanel Björk Sturludóttir, an advocate for equal rights for immigrants in Iceland, will discuss the obstacles faced by women of foreign origin in obtaining Icelandic education and proficiency in the language. She works as a producer and manages the radio show Íslenska Mannflóran on Rás 1, and is a founder of Her Voice.

The seminar will conclude with a panel discussion on the power imbalance in the Icelandic language community regarding Icelandic as a second language.

Equality Days 2023

Class Division within Icelandic Language Community