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Are you ready to innovate?

Are you ready to innovate? - Available at University of Iceland
Mon, 29/01/2024 - 12:00 to 14:00


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Free admission

What kind of opportunities are there for students at the University of Iceland for developing innovative ideas and what kind of support is offered? These questions will be answered at the opening event for the University of Iceland´s Career days which will take place in Gróska, (Bjargargötu) 1 on Monday January 29th.

Representatives from the University of Iceland will address the audience followed by external partners that work on innovation within the university community. Additionally, a young entrepreneur from the University of Iceland will share their experience. Representatives from various startups and innovation companies will be present on site and attendees are welcome to strike up a conversation, network and explore job opportunities within the startup scene.

The UI Science Park will offer a light lunch.

Register for the event: 

Join us at the opnening of the University of Iceland´s 2024 Career Days.


Gróska Auditorium 12 to 12:40
The programme will take place in Icelandic.

  • Opening remarks - Jón Atli Benediktsson, University of Iceland rector
  • University of Iceland Science Park – community of innovation and research: Hrólfur Jónsson CEO and Þórey Einarsdóttir vice CEO
  • Innovation support: Ásta Sóllilja Guðmundsdóttir, CEO of KLAK - Icelandic Startups
  • Endless opportunities in innovation - Valtýr Örn Kjartansson, BS in Software engineering from UI and co-founder of Euler 3D
  • Putting things in perspective - Jónína Kárdal, UI Careers Connection
  • Hire a university student for a summer job! - Þorgerður Eva Björnsdóttir, Rannís

Careers Connection

Gróska foyer 12.45 to 14:00

Strike up a conversation with entrepreneurs and start-up professionals to get insights on how you can pitch your idea. Create a lasting professional network and explore job opportunities within the startup scene.

UI Career Days will take place from January 29 to February 2. They are a collaborative effort of UI Careers Connection, UI Student Counselling Centre, the Student Union´s Financial & Career committee, UI Science Park, KLAK – Icelandic Startups and UI Graduate School

Are you ready to innovate?What kind of opportunities are there for students at the University of Iceland for developing innovative ideas and what kind of support is offered? These questions will be answered at the opening event for the University of Iceland´s Career days which will take place in Gróska, (Bjargargötu) 1 on Monday January 29th.

Are you ready to innovate?