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Addressing the health status of migrant childbearing women in Iceland

Addressing the health status of migrant childbearing women in Iceland - Available at University of Iceland
Thu, 16/05/2024 - 13:00 to 16:00

Decode genetics' conference hall

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Free admission

A conference on the research "Addressing the health status of migrant childbearing women in Iceland: their access to the health care system and experience of maternity care" will be held in the house of Decode Genetics.


Opening by Helga Gottfreðsdóttir, midwife

Embla Ýr Guðmundsdóttir, midwife

Perinatal and maternal outcomes of migrant women in Iceland and their experience of care.

Ásdís Björk Gunnarsdóttir, medical doctor

Perinatal outcomes of preterm briths occuring to native-born and migrant mothers in Iceland.

Áslaug Haraldsdóttir, medical student

Obstetric interventions in migrant women studied using the Robson´s Ten Group Classification System

Valdimar Bersi Kristjánsson, medical doctor

Anaesthesia for Emergent Caesarean Section: A population-based Study on Icelandic and Migrant Women during 2007-2018.

Break- coffee and refreshments

Edythe Laquindanum Mangindin, midwife

Respect, autonomy and childbirth experience of migrant women in Icelandic maternity care.

Sunna Símonardóttir, sociologist

"We at least say we are equal": Gender equality and class in healthcare professionals´ discursive framing of migrant mothers.

Emma Marie Swift, midwife

The next steps - implementing research into clinical practice.

Panel discussion, followed by light refreshments after the conference ends.

Conference Chair: Berglind Hálfdánsdóttir, midwife

Addressing the health status of migrant childbearing women in Iceland

Addressing the health status of migrant childbearing women in Iceland