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Looking for lifestyle factors that influence healthy ageing

31/03/2022 - 09:37

Life expectancy in Iceland has been gradually rising in recent decades as society progresses in other areas. Data from Statistics Iceland show that on average, both men and women in Iceland can expect to live to over 80 years old, which is among the highest life expectancies in Europe. Furthermore, a child born today is more likely to see their 100th birthday than not. The ageing population has prompted scientists to start looking at various issues to do with rising numbers of elderly people in our society, including the impact on the social system and the healthcare system and ways to ensure that as many people as possible are able to grow old with dignity. 

Shedding new light on how organisms respond to each other in Icelandic ecosystems

20/04/2022 - 11:03

A team of scientists from a large number of different institutions that study Icelandic ecology are now involved in an extensive collaboration with the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), aiming to shed new light on how organisms, from the smallest to the largest, respond to each other and to environmental changes. A pilot project planned for this summer will focus on coastal ecosystems in Iceland.The project is called TREC and is part of the EMBL's programme for the next five-year cycle, "Molecules to Ecosystems".  The research theme is planetary biology and the aim is to harness the latest technology and methods in molecular biology to learn more about the status of individual ecosystems and the health of our planet. 

Academy for Woman Entrepreneurs – prizes awarded for best business plans

10/05/2022 - 13:46

Projects related to sustainable use of materials, transportation, sustainable farming, support for artists, green consumerism, and an online initiative to prevent violence were selected as the best ideas in the AWE programme, which is organised by the University of Iceland in partnership with the American Embassy in Iceland. The programme formally ended on 6 May and the winners were awarded prize money totalling ISK 2.2 million. 

We must defend the values we hold most dear

11/03/2022 - 11:20

Jón Atli Benediktsson, Rector of the University of Iceland, sent the following message to University staff and students today (11 March 2022):

"Every country needs a university that delves into the spirit of that nation: its history and culture, human connections with the society, ecosystems and environment. We often look to convince people, not least ourselves, that research needs some practical application, but we must not forget that university research has intrinsic value. Scholarship in and of itself changes us, changes the world. Knowledge is the foundation of wellbeing and fosters democracy. 

"Science furthers all great deeds, strengthens the spirit, sharpens the mind, kindles hope." 

Doctoral lecture in Geology -  Catherine Rachael Gallagher

9. November 2021 - 14:00 to 16:00


The Aula

Live stream:

Ph.D. student: Catherine Rachael Gallagher

Dissertation title: The timing and mechanisms of sulfur release by Icelandic flood lava eruptions: Holuhraun 2014–15 CE and Laki 1783–84 CE a case study

Opponents: Dr. Valentin Rudolf Troll, Professor at the Faculty of Earth Sciences at Uppsala University, Sweden.
Dr. Colin Macpherson, Professor at Durham University, UK

Advisor: Dr. Kevin W. Burton. Professor at Durham University, UK
Dr. Þorvaldur Þórðarson, Professor at the Faculty of Earth Sciences at the University of Iceland
Dr. Bruce Houghton, Gordon A. Macdonald Chair and Professor at SOEST, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, USA

The University of Iceland belongs to all of us

12/11/2021 - 12:38

Jón Atli Benediktsson, Rector of the University of Iceland, sent the following message to University staff and students today (12 November 2021):

"Dear students and colleagues, 

Strong messages from students and experts at Aurora conference

23/11/2021 - 16:09

Last week, a group of students and staff from the University of Iceland travelled to Tarragona, Spain. The purpose of the trip was to take part in the Aurora Autumn Biannual conference organised by the University of Rovira i Virgili. This was the eleventh Biannual that has been held since the Aurora collaboration began in 2016.

Doctoral defence in Chemistry - Mostafa Ghasemisarabbadieh

22. September 2021 - 14:00 to 16:00


The Aula

Live stream

Ph.D. student: Mostafa Ghasemisarabbadieh

Dissertation title: Thermal stabilization of oxytocin and fibroblast growth factor 2

Opponents: Dr. Kazimierz Wisniewski, Senior Director of Chemistry at Peptide Logic LLC, San Diego, USA
Dr. Felix Khuluza, Senior Lecturer at Kamuzu University of Health Sciences, Blantyre, Malawi

Advisors: Dr. Benjamín Ragnar Sveinbjörnsson, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Physical Sciences at the University of Iceland and Dr. Sveinbjörn Gizurarson, Professor at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Iceland

Equality and Diversity

15/10/2021 - 12:54

Jón Atli Benediktsson, Rector of the University of Iceland, sent the following message to University staff and students today (15 October 2021):

"Dear students and colleagues,

Public trust is not something that universities can take for granted, but for years the University of Iceland has been ranked as one of the most trusted institutions in the country. The same is true of the University's international reputation. Equality is not just one of the University's core values, but one of the key foundations of the Icelandic nation's trust in UI. Equality is a key focus of the new Strategy of the University, because without equality the University cannot achieve a leadership role in knowledge creation for Icelandic society. 
