The scientists from 11 institutions in 7 countries across Europe will connect sophisticated climate and ice flow models with field and satellite data to improve our understanding of the impact of climate change on land ice in the North Atlantic region.
The University of Iceland calls for original and innovative ideas among University students and staff that may contribute to society or industry for the annual Science and Innovation Award.
“In the past decade, a new approach to blue-green stormwater solutions has been gaining momentum – one based on using water as a resource where it falls rather than disposing of it,” says Hrund Ólöf Andradóttir, professor at the faculty of Civil and Engineering. She is leading a study on the multifaceted benefits of blue-green infrastructure in the city.
Brynja Þorgeirsdóttir, assistant professor at the Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies at the University of Iceland, who is participating in an international research project analysing emotional expression in the poems of the Icelandic sagas.
“Fertility of immigrants in Iceland hasn’t been researched before,” says Ari Klængur Jónsson, a project manager and researcher at UI. He is currently looking at the fertility rate of Polish immigrants as part of a larger project exploring fertility and childbearing intentions in Iceland from several perspectives.
Sæmundur Rögnvaldsson, a research specialist at the UI Faculty of Medicine, was recently awarded a grant of just over ISK 60 million from the World Cancer Research Fund for a study looking at how nutrition and body weight are linked to multiple myeloma precursor conditions and the likelihood of them developing into multiple myeloma.
You can learn more about over 400 undergraduate and graduate programmes at the 2025 University Open Day, which will be held on 1 March from 12 pm to 3 pm. Anyone who is interested can come and visit the UI campus, speak to instructors and students from specific programmes and find out more about the University and the services available to students.
Information pages regarding the rector elections at the University of Iceland have been opened on the University's Icelandic and English websites. The elections take place on 18 and 19 March 2025.
Four hundred sixty-two candidates will graduate from the University of Iceland on Friday, 21 February, at a festive graduation ceremony in the University Cinema at 3 pm.
Jón Atli Benediktsson, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Rector of the University of Iceland, has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE).