Outside University Centre, at University of Iceland. Sky reflecting in the windows. Woman waving at the camera

The University of Iceland operates in a number of buildings. The combined area of all University buildings is approximately 100,000 m².

Most buildings have reading rooms and good facilities for group work. There are also several computer labs across the campus.

See below for general opening hours during term time (15 August until 22 May, except for Christmas and Easter). An asterisk* means that the building is open til midnight every day with a student access card and until 2 am during exam periods.

Opening hours may change during organised events, such as conferences and meetings.

All buildings
University of Iceland, Main building

Fri: 7:30 am - 4 pm
Weekends: Closed

University of Iceland, Askja

Weekends: Closed

University of Iceland, Árnagarður

Weekends: Closed


Sat: 8 am - 5 pm
Sun: Closed

University of Iceland, Eirberg

Weekends: Closed

University of Iceland, Gimli

Sat: 7:30 am - 5 pm
Sun: Closed

University of Iceland, Gróska

Weekends: Closed

University of Iceland, Hagi

Weekends: Closed​​​​​​


Weekends: Closed


University of Iceland, Laugarvatn

Weekends: Closed

University of Iceland, Læknagarður

Weekends: Closed

University of Iceland, Lögberg

Sat: 7:30 am - 5 pm
Sun: Closed

University of Iceland, Neshagi

Weekends: Closed

University of Iceland, Nýi Garður

Weekends: Closed

University of Iceland, Oddi

Sat: 7:30 am - 5 pm
Sun: Closed

Raunvísindastofnun, The Science Institute

Weekends: Closed

University of Iceland, Saga (Building)

Opening hours not available yet

University of Iceland, Setberg

Closed during lunch 12 to 1 pm.
Weekends: Closed

University of Iceland, Skipholt 37

Weekends: Closed

University of Iceland, Stakkahlíð

Weekends: Closed

University of Iceland, Stapi

Weekends: Closed

University of Iceland, Tæknigarður (Centre for Technical Innovation)

Weekends: Closed

University of Iceland, Háskólatorg, University Centre

Sat: 7:30 am - 5 pm
Sun: Closed

University of Iceland, University Gym, Íþróttahús Háskólans

Fri: 7 am - 8 pm
Sat: 8 am - 6 pm
Sun: Closed

University of Iceland, Veröld – House of Vigdís, Veröld – Hús Vigdísar

Sat: 7:30 am - 5 pm
Sun: Closed

University of Iceland, VR-I

Weekends: Closed

University of Iceland, VR-II

Sat: 7:30 am - 5 pm
Sun: Closed

University of Iceland, VR-III

Weekends: Closed


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