Three University students in undergraduate studies are leaving for California in the next few days for a ten week project this summer at the California Institute of Technology - Caltech in Pasadena, California.
Four students from the University of Iceland will be studying this summer at Stanford University in California, as part of the so-called Stanford Summer International Honors Programme (SSIHP).
Academic staff from the Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, Slovakia, visited the BioMedical Center (BMC), University of Iceland during 21-24 of May by a support from the EEA grants.
Twenty-five students from various countries took part in an on location course at the UI Institute of Regional Research Centres in Húsavík, and The University Centre of the West Fjords on methods for research on marine mammals at the end of May.
The University of Iceland is ranked among the 201 - 300 top in the world for societal and economic impact based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, in accordance with a list published by Times Higher Education.
So says Jón Atli Benediktsson, Rector of the University of Iceland at the graduation of 2,652 candidates on Saturday.
A total of 2,652 will graduate with undergraduate and postgraduate degrees from the University of Iceland on Saturday 15 June.
Eighteen students and academics from the University of Iceland and Japanese universities have been awarded grants from the University of Iceland Watanabe Trust Fund.
On the 28 and 29 May, representatives from the University of Iceland and other Aurora Universities will attend the Aurora Spring Biannual 2024 in Naples, Italy.
The GRÓ GEST program at the University of Iceland celebrated, on Friday 24 May 2024, the graduation of its 16th cohort of young gender equality professionals and emerging scholars.