The conference, Fræði og fjölmenning 2016 (Academia and Multiculturalism 2016) will be held at the University of Iceland on Saturday 6 February from 10 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.
The University of Iceland Japan Festival will be held on Saturday 30 January 2016 at Háskólatorg, University of Iceland.
Össur and Ottobock, two of the world’s leading prosthetics innovators, will undertake a historic joint philanthropic effort to further development in the breakthrough field of mind-controlled prosthetics, it was announced today.
The annual concert series, University concerts, begins this Thursday. The concerts are four this spring semester and the programme of the series is varied as usual.
The Institute of International Affairs at the University of Iceland holds an open seminar this Friday noon on Europe's refugee crisis.
The University of Iceland is among 103 institutes and companies in Iceland that signed a declaration last November vowing to take action in climate issues.
Doctoral Grants from University of Iceland Research Fund / Eimskip University Fund are currently open for applications.
Earlier this year the Faculty of Political Science signed a collaborative contract with the University of Bratislava in Slovakia.
The inaugural General Assembly and launch meeting of a new European research project (Models of Child Health Appraised - MOCHA) was recently held in London to critically examine primary health care services for children in the 30 EU and European Economic Area countries.
The Small States Summer School at the University of Iceland‘s Institute of International Affairs is among ten projects that received the Erasmus + Quality Award this year.