A group of nineteen master students in Environment and Natural Resources participated at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris last week.
Exams at the University have been delayed by 30 minutes and start at 9.30.
People are asked not to be outside after 5 p.m. today according to the Civil Protection in Iceland. This is due to violent storm or hurricane force winds that are expected throughout most of the country this afternoon and night.
Sixty-four doctoral candidates, whose doctoral defence took place at the University of Iceland from 1st December 2014 to 1st December 2015, received the University’s gold medal at the Ceremony for graduated Doctors.
A digital map, showing all the places that occur in the Icelandic Sagas, won this year’s UI Applied Science Prize. Two other projects were rewarded.
Two representatives from the Organisation for PhD Education in Biomedicine and Health Sciences in the European System came for a two day visit at the School of Health Sciences to finalize the quality assessment of the School’s PhD studies.
The Watanabe Trust Fund at the University of Iceland calls for applications from students or scholars who wish to carry out a part of their studies or research work in Iceland or Japan.
The annual International Day of the University of Iceland will be held on 12 November where opportunities for exchange studies and other studies abroad are introduced.
FUTUREVOLC IS project in the field of volcanology, led by University of Iceland in collaboration with the Icelandic Meteorological Office.
The University of Iceland and Guandong University of Foreign Studies signed a cooperation agreement at the end of September.