Trausti Valsson

The book Shaping the Future has been published by Trausti Valsson, Professor Emeritus, who retired in January 2016 after 27 years of work at the University of Iceland.

This is his translation into English of his book Mótun Framtíðar, published in 2015. The book is Valsson's professional autobiography. The book presents examples of his projects in the field of design and planning, and discussion on the development of these fields in the last 50 years. The original book came with a DVD with 10 videos on various aspects of the Valsson´s life. He has now placed these videos to You Tube under his name. They all feature English subtitles.

Valsson has published 150 articles and fourteen books on design, planning, etc. Five books can be read for free on his website.

The book, which is 216 pages, is available, for example at Amazon.

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