Students presenting research
General information
About PhD studies

The primary goal of doctoral studies is to equip students with the necessary skills in science and research to prepare them for independent work in their chosen field. This includes training in research planning and implementation, analysis and interpretation of research findings, presentation and discussion of research, and publication in international peer-reviewed journals.

The University offers a wide range of PhD programmes, excellent research facilities, and expert instructors from among the nation's leading scholars. We collaborate on teaching and research with numerous outstanding domestic and international institutions.

PhD studies are expected to take 3-5 years with normal progress and are usually commenced after completing a Master's degree.

Embarking on a PhD programme at our University is a transformative journey that will equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to excel in your chosen field.

Standards and regulations

The University of Iceland is accredited by the Minister of Education, Science and Culture to offer doctoral programmes in all its schools.

Doctoral studies at UI aim to provide PhD students with academic training and prepare them for positions in higher education, research institutes and other settings that require high levels of expertise and accountability.

The University strives to ensure that its academic programmes measure up to internationally recognised standards, and to that end uses a formal quality framework that covers all aspects of the University.


University-wide standards and rules
English Icelandic
Standards and requirements for the quality of doctoral programmes Viðmið og kröfur um gæði doktorsnáms við Háskóla Íslands
University of Iceland rules on graduate studies (ch. VI) Reglur Háskóla Íslands um framhaldsnám (kafli VI)
Regulation on opponents for doctoral defences Reglur um andmælendur við doktorsvarnir
Rules of procedure on the digital submission and archiving of PhD theses at the University of Iceland Verklagsreglur um rafræn skil og vistun doktorsritgerða frá Háskóla Íslands
Rules of procedure after one or both opponents reject the thesis manuscript as not ready for defence Verklagsregla um viðbrögð eftir að andmælandi, annar eða báðir, hafnar handriti doktorsritgerðar til doktorsvarnar
Rules of procedure after one or more members of the evaluation committee are opposed to awarding a doctorate following the doctoral defence Verklagsregla um viðbrögð eftir að dómnefndarmaður, einn eða fleiri, hafnar veitingu doktorsnafnbótar eftir doktorsvörn
Regulation on the University of Iceland Doctoral Grant Fund Reglur um Doktorsstyrktasjóð Háskóla Íslands.


Regulations on doctoral studies within the Schools
English Icelandic
Regulation on doctoral study and doctoral degrees at the University of Iceland School of Social Sciences (presently unavailable in English) Reglur um doktorsnám við Félagsvísindasvið

Regulation on doctoral study and doctoral degrees at the University of Iceland School of Health Sciences

Reglur um doktorsnám og doktorspróf við Heilbrigðisvísindasvið Háskóla Íslands
Regulation on doctoral study and doctoral degrees at the University of Iceland School of Humanities Reglur um doktorsnám og doktorspróf við Hugvísindasvið Háskóla Íslands
Regulation on doctoral study at the University of Iceland School of Education Reglur um doktorsnám við Menntavísindasvið Háskóla Íslands
Regulation on doctoral study at the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences Reglur um doktorsnám við Verkfræði- og náttúruvísindasvið Háskóla Íslands


Regulations on interdisciplinary graduate programmes
English Icelandic
Regulation on the University of Iceland Master's and doctoral programmes in environment and natural resources Reglur um meistara- og doktorsnám við Háskóla Íslands í umhverfis- og auðlindafræðum
Regulation on the University of Iceland Master's and doctoral programmes in public health sciences Reglur um meistara- og doktorsnám í lýðheilsuvísindum við Háskóla Íslands


National regulations
English Icelandic
Regulation on doctoral studies in higher education institutions, no. 37/2007 Reglur um doktorsnám í háskólum samkvæmt 7. gr. laga nr. 63/2006 um háskóla, nr. 37/2007


Application deadlines
Application deadline for doctoral studies
School of: International students

Application deadline
Domestic and Nordic students

Application deadline
  • Education
  • Humanities 
  • Social Sciences
1 February 15 April - for fall semester

15 October - for spring semester
  • Engineering and Natural Sciences
  • Health Sciences
Rolling; applications accepted all year Rolling; applications accepted all year
  • Interdisciplinary programmes
Variable* Variable*

*Interdisciplinary programmes have the same deadline as the School where the student´s prospective PhD supervisor is based.


Contact the doctoral studies coordinator at the relevant school or staff at the Graduate School if you have further questions.

School of Education

School of Engineering and Natural Sciences

  • Guðríður Jóhannsdóttir, Project manager
  • Kristinn Jóhann Hjartarson, Project manager

Please use email:

School of Health Sciences

School of Humanities

School of Social Sciences



Further information
Doctoral student presenting his studies to other students
People in a conference room
Division of Science and Innovation staff
Icelandic króna
Upcoming events
13 Jan
18:00 to 20:00
School of Engineering and Natural Sciences
22 Jan
13:00 to 15:00
School of Engineering and Natural Sciences
17 Jan
13:00 to 15:00
School of Engineering and Natural Sciences
29 Jan
17:00 to 19:00
School of Humanities
18 Jan
10:30 to 11:30
School of Engineering and Natural Sciences
31 Jan
13:00 to 15:00
School specific information
University of Iceland, Stakkahlíð
Læknagarður building
SKORA – Stúlkur, Knattspyrna og Rannsókn á Atgervi
Ragna Kemp Haraldsdóttir
Vatn og spegilmynd
Kristinn Schram
Thamar Heijstra
Guðbjörg Linda Rafnsdóttir
Aðalbygging HÍ
Finnborg, Gyða og Laufey
 Lotta María Ellingsen


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