with subsequent amendments.
Authorised translation |
Article 1. About the programme. Objective.
Within the School of Education, it is possible to pursue a Master's degree in those subjects specified in Chapter XIII of the Regulation for the University of Iceland no. 569/2009.
The objective of a Master's programme at the School of Education is for students to expand their knowledge of a specific field and develop as researchers and academics.
This Regulation defines a common framework for Master's programmes at the School of Education; further details on the implementation of various points can be found in the rules for organisation of study for individual subjects.
Article 2. Standing committee.
The School dean shall appoint a [six-member]1 Master's studies committee for the School for a two-year term. The board of the School shall nominate the chair of the committee. Each faculty shall nominate a representative and an alternate. Master's students shall nominate a student representative and alternate.
The role of the committee is to ensure consultation between the faculties on matters pertaining to Master's studies and to monitor implementation of study programmes. The committee shall also be responsible for communication with the Graduate School; the chair of the standing committee is the School's contact with the Graduate School.
School of Education faculties shall bear academic responsibility for Master's studies at the School.
1Amended by Article 1 of Regulation no. 306/2018.
Article 3. Application deadline.
The application deadline for Master's programmes at the School of Education, for students wishing to enrol in the autumn semester, is 15 April or 1 February for students outside the EEA. The application deadline for enrolment in the spring semester is 15 October.
Article 4. Processing of applications.
Applications must be submitted to the University of Iceland Student Registration using a special electronic form available on the University website.
When the Student Registration has recorded the information, applications are handled by the relevant faculty. Consideration shall be given to admission requirements and the quality of applications.
Having fully considered an application, the faculty shall inform the applicant of its decision. The faculty's decision shall be recorded in the Student Registration's electronic system. Applications shall generally have been processed and answered in writing within six weeks following the application deadline. An application shall be rejected if it fails to meet quality requirements.
A student who has been accepted by a faculty into a Master's programme must contact Student Registration to complete payment of the registration fee for the upcoming academic year. The deadline for paying the registration fee shall be stated in the written response from the faculty to the applicant. Students will then need to register annually for each upcoming academic year and pay the registration fee. Registration and payment of the registration fee are a precondition for commencing or continuing study.
Article 5. Information that must accompany applications.
An application for admission to a Master's programme shall include:
- A personal statement on the applicant's academic goals. The intended length of study.
- A CV and academic record.
- Names, email addresses and telephone numbers for two references.
- Certified transcripts of degree certificates and academic records from all previous higher education institutions.
The personal statement, CV and academic records, and the names of references shall be submitted online using an electronic form to the University of Iceland Student Registration.
Transcripts of degree certificates and academic records shall be printed or photocopied and certified with a stamp and signature and submitted to the School of Education Office of Academic and Student Affairs labelled "Application for Master's programme – [name of faculty]." Records in electronic format will not be accepted.
Article 6. Student responsibilities.
Master's students must comply with good academic working practices, and refrain from any behaviour which is dishonourable or disreputable or likely to bring discredit upon their studies or the institution. They are required to acquaint themselves thoroughly with those rules and conventions pertaining to academic work, and to adopt in all ways recognised academic practice in research and the handling of sources. For example, staff and students should show one another respect in their behaviour, language and writing, exchange opinions in an objective manner, maintain integrity in collaborative work, seek the truth and present it to the best of their knowledge, and avoid allowing personal relationships and interests to affect collaboration, cf. the University Code of Ethics.
Article 7. Admission requirements.
Students commencing a Master's programme at the School of Education shall have completed a BA, B.Ed. or BS degree, or another equivalent qualification, from a recognised university, with a first-class grade or comparable performance. Individual faculties may establish specific admission requirements for certain programmes. Such requirements must be approved by the faculty and publicised in the University of Iceland course catalogue.
1Amended by Article 2 of Regulation no. 306/2018.
Article 8. Number of credits and length of study.
A Master's programme at the School of Education is 120 ECTS. The length of the programme should be two years (four semesters) for full-time students. The maximum length of study is eight semesters from the time of enrolment. Faculties may grant an exemption from these time limits in exceptional circumstances if a student specifically requests it. A student enrolled in a Master's programme must be registered and pay the registration fee for the duration of the period of study.
Article 9. Organisation of study and student progression.
Master's programmes at the School of Education shall involve training in scientific methods and participation in courses at the postgraduate level, as well as vocational training when applicable. Programmes conclude with a final project and care shall be taken to ensure that this project is related to a specialist field chosen by the student. The project shall be worth [30-60 ECTS.]1 Other credits shall be earned through participation in courses, seminars or reading courses. Courses on offer, and their classification as mandatory or elective courses, are determined by the School and the relevant faculty. This information is stated in the course catalogue.
At the end of the first year of study or beginning of the second year, each student shall have been assigned an academic supervisor for their Master's project, approved by the faculty. Students shall also submit a plan stating when they intend to graduate. By the third semester, a description of the final project and an implementation plan shall be available, as further detailed by the School of Education's rules on Master's projects.
1Amended by Article 3 of Regulation no. 306/2018.
Article 10. Undergraduate courses as part of postgraduate study.
Courses taken as part of a postgraduate programme shall, as a general rule, be specifically designated as postgraduate courses at the University of Iceland or other recognised institutions. Should a Master's student believe that an undergraduate course would be particularly useful in connection with the Master's programme, this student may request permission from the faculty to take the course, subject to the approval of the head of department.
The student must not have completed the course as part of a previous degree. Generally these credits are organised as third-year courses, or courses that require at least 90 ECTS as a prerequisite. It shall be clear that these courses are not available at the Master's level. Undergraduate courses should not make up more than 20 ECTS out of 120. Students should pass these courses with a minimum grade of 6.0.
Article 11. Administrative supervisor and academic supervisor.
An academic supervisor shall assist the student with the final project. The academic supervisor shall generally be a member of regular teaching staff at the faculty and is then also the student's administrative supervisor. The administrative supervisor shall oversee the project and is responsible for ensuring that it conforms with faculty requirements and School of Education rules on Master's projects.
Academic supervisors of Master's students must have completed at least a Master's degree in the relevant academic field. Care must be taken to ensure that students' projects fall under the specialisations of their supervisors. Supervisors must meet conditions set by the Standards and Requirements for the Quality of Master's Programmes. They must furthermore be recognised specialists in the field concerned and have published works in this field in an outlet which makes rigorous academic demands.
A faculty may permit a student to have an external academic if this person meets the requirements stipulated in this Regulation. If the academic supervisor is not a regular member of teaching staff at the School of Education, the faculty shall nominate an administrative supervisor who is.
Article 12. Master's degree committees and external examiners.
Faculties are authorised to appoint a Master's degree committee for each student. If a Master's degree committee is appointed, it shall comprise at least two specialists in the field, one of whom shall be the administrative supervisor. A Master's degree committee must be appointed if the final project is worth more than 40 ECTS. In cases where the administrative supervisor is not the academic supervisor, the latter shall also sit on the Master's degree committee. A third member may be appointed to a Master's degree committee, for example if the project concerns more than one faculty. The Master's degree committee shall ensure that the quality of the final project complies with faculty and School of Education rules on Master's projects.
The dean of the School of Education shall appoint external examiners in response to faculty proposals. The external examiner shall assess the final project along with the academic supervisor, or the Master's degree committee if one has been appointed. The external examiner must not be connected to the student's research project. Only those who have completed an accredited university degree in the subject and are recognised in their field may be appointed as external examiners.
Article 13. Assessment and Master's examinations.
When a thesis is submitted, a summary of the student’s academic record shall also be submitted for assessment.
The external examiner, along with the academic supervisor or the Master's degree committee if applicable, shall assess the student's performance on the final Master's project. Instead of a number grade, the final project is awarded only a pass or fail grade. The detailed results of the assessment will appear in the external examiner's statement on the project. When the Master's project is [50 or 60 ECTS,]1 a Master's defence will be held. Assessment of the Master's project shall be in accordance with School of Education rules.
1Amended by Article 4 of Regulation no. 306/2018.
Article 14. Submission and format of Master's theses.
A Master's thesis must be submitted in accordance with the School of Education rules on Master's projects. With regard to the format of final projects and handling of sources, students must comply with the School of Education rules on Master's projects.
The thesis must include clear indication that the project was completed at the University of Iceland, identifying the supervisors, school, faculty and research institute, if applicable, any University funding awarded to the project, and any external institutes or companies that the student has connected with regarding work on the project. The logo of the University of Iceland must appear on the front page of the thesis. In the case of joint degrees awarded with another university or universities in accordance with an agreement thereon, the logos of both or all universities involved must appear on the front page of the thesis.
The thesis shall be written in Icelandic but shall include abstracts in both Icelandic and English. A thesis may be written in English or a Nordic language other than Icelandic, subject to the approval of the academic supervisor and faculty.
A Master's thesis may be written in the form of a scientific article if accompanied by a detailed academic statement. Students wishing to write a scientific article must obtain permission from their academic supervisor and the faculty.
The student shall cover the expenses of publishing the thesis and be responsible for submitting it to the National and University Library, in accordance with the law. An electronic copy must be saved in the Skemman database, managed by the library.
Article 15. Connections with other universities.
Students may take part of a Master's programme at another University of Iceland faculty, or another university or recognised scientific/research institute, subject to the approval of their faculty. A Master's degree may also be jointly awarded with another University of Iceland faculty or another university.
Article 16. Academic title.
A Master's degree awarded in accordance with this Regulation confers the right to the academic title Magister Artium (MA), Magister Educationis (M.Ed.) or Magister Scientarium (MS), cf. Article 1 of this Regulation and Article 55 of the Regulation for the University of Iceland.
Article 17. The Graduate School.
The University of Iceland Graduate School shall oversee and follow up established standards and requirements for the quality of postgraduate studies at the University of Iceland, cf. Article 66 of the Regulation for the University of Iceland. School of Education faculties shall bear academic responsibility for Master's studies at the School. Any information requested by the Graduate School must be supplied.
Article 18. Entry into force etc.
This Regulation is established by the University Council in accordance with the authority of paragraph 3, Article 18 of the Act on Public Higher Education Institutions no. 85/2008. This Regulation has been approved by the faculties and governing board of the School of Education and by the Graduate School, cf. Articles 66 and 69 of the Regulation for the University of Iceland no. 569/2009. The Regulation shall enter into force 1 July 2011.
University of Iceland, 3 May 2011.