- Do you have a BA, BS or BEd degree in another subject and want to become a teacher?
- Do you want the opportunity to do a paid student placement?
- Are you interested in teaching in compulsory schools?
- Are you interested in completing a graduate degree?
This is a theoretical and vocational Master's programme for students aiming to become teachers who have not completed a BEd degree in general teacher education.
The programme focuses on education and child development, curriculum design, organisation of the learning environment and diverse teaching and assessment methods.
Student placements in compulsory schools make up a significant part of the programme.
Programme structure
The programme is 120 ECTS and is organised as two years of full-time study. It can also be completed by studying part time for three or four years.
- Mandatory courses, 65 ECTS
- Restricted electives, 25 ECTS
- Final project, 30 ECTS
Organisation of teaching
Teaching and examinations are in Icelandic.
Many courses offer real-time distance teaching, though requirements may vary and students are encouraged to check carefully how each course is taught.
Main objectives
After completing the programme, students will be equipped to work independently within the education system in a variety of positions involving the education of primary age children.
All students graduate with a licence to teach at three levels of the education system, from preschools to upper secondary schools.
Completing the programme allows a student to apply for doctoral studies.
Bachelor's degree (BA/BS), in general with a first-class grade (7.25) or higher, in subjects or disciplines taught at the primary level of compulsory school. The application is examined according to the applicant's previous studies and assessed whether the person concerned needs to add courses in the field of teaching younger children.
After completing a programme in teacher education at an Icelandic university, a teacher should have reached a level of competence in Icelandic that corresponds to a minimum of C1 according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR).
For the final examen, 120 ECTS credits must be completed. After completing a programme in teacher education at an Icelandic university, a teacher should have reached a level of competence in Icelandic that corresponds to a minimum of C1 according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR), comparing the regulation number 1355/2022.
- CV
- Statement of purpose
- Reference 1, Name and email
- Reference 2, Name and email
- Certified copies of diplomas and transcripts
Further information on supporting documents can be found here
Programme structure
Check below to see how the programme is structured.
This programme does not offer specialisations.
- First year
- Fall
- Learning and teaching: Supporting children with special needs
- Language development
- Working in inclusive practices
- Teaching and Learning in Compulsory Schools
- Research on early childhood education
- Spring 1
- Introduction to quantitative Research
- Introduction to qualitative research
- Assessment and Curriculum in Compulsory Schools
- Mathematics education for primary school
- Teaching reading and writing in the first years of primary school.
Learning and teaching: Supporting children with special needs (MAL102F, KME104F, KME115F)
In this course students explore teaching of diverse groups in inclusive settings, emphasizing strategies to address diverse educational and sociological needs of students, guided by human values, democracy and social justice. The emphasis is on evidence-based strategies to address the most common students´ special needs related to reading difficulties, behavioral difficulties, attention deficit, hyperactivity, and autism spectrum disorder. At the same time the use of respectful, person-first language, putting strengths and talents of students in the foreground, is stressed. Multicultural teaching and teaching of students learning Icelandic as a second language will be addressed. Students will be introduced to classroom management strategies, individualized behavior support, multi-disciplinary and parent collaboration. The course focus is on inclusive, evidence-based practices that aim to provide students with special needs opportunities equal to those of their classmates.
Language development (MAL102F, KME104F, KME115F)
The main goal of this course is that students acquire a solid understanding of children’s language development from infancy through adolescence and the fundamental influencing factors. The main emphasis is to increase students’ proficiency in providing children with quality language intervention as foundation for education and reading. Further the students are encouraged to link together science and practice and to connect the topics with their prior experience. The emphasis is on that the students get to know Icelandic and international research in the field and what teachers can learn from the research results on what experience, education, communication, and intervention both at home and in schools provide the best practice for good language development
Central topics of the course: Development of language with historical perspective, living conditions, motivation, and natural competence of newborns. Development of language from birth, phonemic development, development of vocabulary, grammar, and communication skills. The importance of quality language input, at home and at school. The relation between language proficiency and cognitive and social skills, and literacy. The main disorders of language and speech like developmental language disorder (DLD), speech sound disorder and stuttering. Language development of multi/bilingual children. The importance of early intervention and general language stimulation. Informal language assessment on individual children's language skills, as well as design and plan teaching which central aim is to support and provide children opportunities to develop their language skills to become active language users.
Working in inclusive practices (MAL102F, KME104F, KME115F)
The course aims to prepare participants to draw on their resources in their work with diverse groups of students. In the course, we draw on inclusive education theories and research, emphasizing a holistic and creative approach to preparation and teaching at the forefront. Furthermore, a focus is put on teaching strategies and educative assessment that works for diverse groups of students, and adapting teaching and learning to students with special needs.
The focus of the course is on inclusive practices. How to create a learning environment that cares for all students learning is introduced. The focus is also on collaboration with parents, colleagues, professionals, and paraprofessionals.
Work process
The course is a blended course online and on campus. It is divided into four main themes. All the themes connect to teaching in inclusive educational settings. The focus on each theme is three or four weeks.
The teaching is through lectures, projects, collaboration, discussions in class, on canvas, and in formal assignments. The course is grounded in students' independence, responsibility, and participation.
Teaching and Learning in Compulsory Schools (KME102F)
This course focuses on theories and research related to learning, teaching and the teacher profession. Relations with on-site activities are emphasised, and that participants become familiar with the working environment of compulsory school teachers, compulsory school act and regulations.
Learning and teaching are discussed from various points of view and with respect to various learning theories. Participants organise their own teaching processes by making aims, organising teaching and learning, and organising interaction and collaboration. All this work is related do the conceptions of professionalism and practice theories.
Course design and procedure: Lectures, reflective studies, seminars, individual and group work, projects, interactive lectures, field work and training
Research on early childhood education (KME109F)
The main focus of the course is on early childhood education and research within the field. Various topics and controversial issues will be discussed. Special emphasis will be placed on different views on children and childhood, cooperation between playschool and primary school, teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and cooperation between school and family.
Introduction to quantitative Research (MVS213F, MVS212F)
Students in this course are expected to deepen their knowledge and skills in quantitative research methodology. Students will use a computer program for data analysis, with emphasis on interpretation and writing about research results. Students are expected to develop positive attitudes toward research and the value of research in educational and social settings.
Introduction to qualitative research (MVS213F, MVS212F)
This course focuses on qualitative research methods. It looks at different movements and traditions in research methodology and their relationship to the structure and execution of research. The course also touches on the ethics of research, validity and different views of these concepts. Students will conduct a small research project, which provides training in a literature review, data collection, data analysis, and presentation of research findings. Students work as a team throughout the semester.
Readings, lectures, in-class discussion and group work. Sessions for distance students are held twice during the semester and participation is mandatory
Assessment and Curriculum in Compulsory Schools (KME006F, GKY402F)
The course aims to expose students to perspectives on curriculum and assessment in compulsory education, from theory to practice. Students discuss and learn about basic concepts and issues related to curriculum theory as they appear in public schools. Issues and ideologies reflected in official curricula, laws, directives, and other policy briefings are discussed both theoretically and as they appear in praxis. Special focus is laid on the role of teachers and administrators in curriculum development and assessment, and alternatively their professional role in developing learning programs for groups of pupils as well as individual pupils with special needs. Nature, purpose, and strategies regarding assessment and curriculum are addressed (cf. formative assessment, summative assessment, writing test items and other test instruments, and marking and reporting). Students discuss and learn about controversial issues and different ideological currents concerning central questions about the purpose and aims of compulsory education.
The working process of the course consists of lectures, and critical discussion through seminars and group assignments
Mathematics education for primary school (KME006F, GKY402F)
The course is intended for students on the study line Teaching Studies for Primary Grades, MT/M.Ed. The course is integrated with field studies in the course GKY401F Learning and teaching - field practice II where the emphasis is on students using what they learn in the course in the field as well as evaluating their own teaching and their student's learning. Among the things discussed in the course and students will deal with is:
- Mathematics study and teaching in grades 1-7.
- Reading and reflecting on research on mathematics education with regard to one's own learning and teaching
- Ways that promote children's conceptual understanding and creativity
- Guided assessment in mathematics learning
- Project work and collective reflection in lessons
- The use of information technology in mathematics education
Teaching reading and writing in the first years of primary school. (GKY401G)
The course places a strong emphasis on deepening student teachers' knowledge of reading instruction in the five main components of reading education: phonological and phonemic awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, as well as writing. Students will gain an understanding of the teacher's responsibility and role in children's reading education. The course covers the prerequisites for reading education, evidence-based teaching methods related to reading instruction, and reading difficulties. It also addresses how the fundamental elements of reading—phonological awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension/listening comprehension, and writing—intertwine to promote reader confidence and fluency. Emphasis is placed on the importance of early intervention and teaching students at risk of reading difficulties.
The course discusses how a reading-promoting and creative learning environment, targeted instruction, and appropriate learning materials can enhance reading interest and ability. It will cover the collaboration between homes and schools regarding children's reading education, parental involvement in reading training, and the importance of providing information and support to families. Various assessment tools in reading instruction will be introduced, including formative assessment, preventive assessment (screening), and diagnostic tests, and the necessary links between teaching and assessment will be explained. The teacher's responsibility and role in reading instruction for diverse student groups will be examined, taking into account individual differences and methods aimed at helping students achieve the best possible reading proficiency.
The fieldwork component of the course (4 ECTS) takes place in partner schools of the School of Education and corresponds to two weeks in the field, 6 hours a day
- Second year
- Fall
- Teaching and Learning – becoming a Professional
- Spring 1
- Final project
- Learning and teaching - field practice II d Teaching and Learning - field
Teaching and Learning – becoming a Professional (KME301F)
This course focuses on providing the student teachers with competences for becoming professionals in their field, with focus on their subject area, and supporting them in laying the foundation for their own professional working theory. This will be obtained by building up knowledge and understanding of the responsibilities which is imbued in teaching and the skills needed for self evaluation in various situations in the field. An emphasis is also put on providing the student teachers with skills regarding the role of the classroom teacher and classroom management; team-teaching and co-operative skills; how to deal with traumatic experiences and children's welfare; and working with parents. Furthermore, research on school development, school evaluation and school ethos will be looked into together with research on teachers. Finally this will be linked with practicum.
Emphasis is on interactive lectures, inquiry and reflective studies, seminars, group work, projects, portfolios, field studies and fieldwork.
Final project (GKY401L)
The M.Ed. final project is an individual project of 30 ECTS credits. Students work on the project independently under the guidance of a project supervisor/supervisors chosen from among the academic staff at the School of Education. Students should consult the chair of their department on the choice of a project supervisor.
The thesis/project topic is chosen by the student in collaboration with his or her project supervisor and the department chair. The topic of the project should fall within the student's area of study, i.e. programme of study and chosen specialisation.
Various types of projects are permitted, for example, research essays, independent research projects, the development of new curricula or study materials.
Students sign up for the final project/thesis during annual registration via the Ugla Intraweb, and should register based on estimated progress in the fall and spring semester. In general, preparation for and work on the project takes at least two semesters. In some programmes the thesis is expected to spread over two or three semesters according to specific instructions, see under programme structure in the Course Catalogue for each programme.
Master´s projects are not awarded numerical grades but are marked pass or fail. Evaluation of projects are according to rules of the School of Education.
Students should follow the more detailed instructions and rules for M.Ed. projects set by the School of Education. See the School of Education intraweb, Ugla: Schools >> School of Education >> Master´s projects
Learning and teaching - field practice II d Teaching and Learning - field (GKY401F)
The main task of this course is fieldwork at the primary level of compulsory school. The emphasis is on actual teaching practice and giving the students opportunities to discuss, evaluate, reflect, and develop their teaching. Students will develop a teaching plan based on the national curriculum guide and school curricula. They will analyse incidents from their practice to learn from and improve their teaching. A range of teaching methods will be explored and applied in teaching in the field.
Students are in the field the whole semester in both courses (KME301F Teaching and Learning – becoming a Professional and GKY401F Learning and Teaching - field practice II d Teaching and Learning - field) and attend regular classes at the university. Emphasis is on interactive lectures, self-study, group work, and projects. The course of study is directly related to field practice. Various issues will be explored with concrete examples from school practice. Students read chosen materials and research on school practice, both provided by lecturers and chosen by students.
- Fall
- MAL102F, KME104F, KME115FLearning and teaching: Supporting children with special needsRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
In this course students explore teaching of diverse groups in inclusive settings, emphasizing strategies to address diverse educational and sociological needs of students, guided by human values, democracy and social justice. The emphasis is on evidence-based strategies to address the most common students´ special needs related to reading difficulties, behavioral difficulties, attention deficit, hyperactivity, and autism spectrum disorder. At the same time the use of respectful, person-first language, putting strengths and talents of students in the foreground, is stressed. Multicultural teaching and teaching of students learning Icelandic as a second language will be addressed. Students will be introduced to classroom management strategies, individualized behavior support, multi-disciplinary and parent collaboration. The course focus is on inclusive, evidence-based practices that aim to provide students with special needs opportunities equal to those of their classmates.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classMAL102F, KME104F, KME115FLanguage developmentRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main goal of this course is that students acquire a solid understanding of children’s language development from infancy through adolescence and the fundamental influencing factors. The main emphasis is to increase students’ proficiency in providing children with quality language intervention as foundation for education and reading. Further the students are encouraged to link together science and practice and to connect the topics with their prior experience. The emphasis is on that the students get to know Icelandic and international research in the field and what teachers can learn from the research results on what experience, education, communication, and intervention both at home and in schools provide the best practice for good language development
Central topics of the course: Development of language with historical perspective, living conditions, motivation, and natural competence of newborns. Development of language from birth, phonemic development, development of vocabulary, grammar, and communication skills. The importance of quality language input, at home and at school. The relation between language proficiency and cognitive and social skills, and literacy. The main disorders of language and speech like developmental language disorder (DLD), speech sound disorder and stuttering. Language development of multi/bilingual children. The importance of early intervention and general language stimulation. Informal language assessment on individual children's language skills, as well as design and plan teaching which central aim is to support and provide children opportunities to develop their language skills to become active language users.Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classMAL102F, KME104F, KME115FWorking in inclusive practicesRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course aims to prepare participants to draw on their resources in their work with diverse groups of students. In the course, we draw on inclusive education theories and research, emphasizing a holistic and creative approach to preparation and teaching at the forefront. Furthermore, a focus is put on teaching strategies and educative assessment that works for diverse groups of students, and adapting teaching and learning to students with special needs.
The focus of the course is on inclusive practices. How to create a learning environment that cares for all students learning is introduced. The focus is also on collaboration with parents, colleagues, professionals, and paraprofessionals.Work process
The course is a blended course online and on campus. It is divided into four main themes. All the themes connect to teaching in inclusive educational settings. The focus on each theme is three or four weeks.The teaching is through lectures, projects, collaboration, discussions in class, on canvas, and in formal assignments. The course is grounded in students' independence, responsibility, and participation.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME102FTeaching and Learning in Compulsory SchoolsMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits2 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThis course focuses on theories and research related to learning, teaching and the teacher profession. Relations with on-site activities are emphasised, and that participants become familiar with the working environment of compulsory school teachers, compulsory school act and regulations.
Learning and teaching are discussed from various points of view and with respect to various learning theories. Participants organise their own teaching processes by making aims, organising teaching and learning, and organising interaction and collaboration. All this work is related do the conceptions of professionalism and practice theories.
Course design and procedure: Lectures, reflective studies, seminars, individual and group work, projects, interactive lectures, field work and training
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME109FResearch on early childhood educationMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main focus of the course is on early childhood education and research within the field. Various topics and controversial issues will be discussed. Special emphasis will be placed on different views on children and childhood, cooperation between playschool and primary school, teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and cooperation between school and family.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Spring 2
MVS213F, MVS212FIntroduction to quantitative ResearchRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionStudents in this course are expected to deepen their knowledge and skills in quantitative research methodology. Students will use a computer program for data analysis, with emphasis on interpretation and writing about research results. Students are expected to develop positive attitudes toward research and the value of research in educational and social settings.
Distance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classMVS213F, MVS212FIntroduction to qualitative researchRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course focuses on qualitative research methods. It looks at different movements and traditions in research methodology and their relationship to the structure and execution of research. The course also touches on the ethics of research, validity and different views of these concepts. Students will conduct a small research project, which provides training in a literature review, data collection, data analysis, and presentation of research findings. Students work as a team throughout the semester.
Readings, lectures, in-class discussion and group work. Sessions for distance students are held twice during the semester and participation is mandatory
Distance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME006F, GKY402FAssessment and Curriculum in Compulsory SchoolsRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course aims to expose students to perspectives on curriculum and assessment in compulsory education, from theory to practice. Students discuss and learn about basic concepts and issues related to curriculum theory as they appear in public schools. Issues and ideologies reflected in official curricula, laws, directives, and other policy briefings are discussed both theoretically and as they appear in praxis. Special focus is laid on the role of teachers and administrators in curriculum development and assessment, and alternatively their professional role in developing learning programs for groups of pupils as well as individual pupils with special needs. Nature, purpose, and strategies regarding assessment and curriculum are addressed (cf. formative assessment, summative assessment, writing test items and other test instruments, and marking and reporting). Students discuss and learn about controversial issues and different ideological currents concerning central questions about the purpose and aims of compulsory education.
The working process of the course consists of lectures, and critical discussion through seminars and group assignments
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesKME006F, GKY402FMathematics education for primary schoolRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course is intended for students on the study line Teaching Studies for Primary Grades, MT/M.Ed. The course is integrated with field studies in the course GKY401F Learning and teaching - field practice II where the emphasis is on students using what they learn in the course in the field as well as evaluating their own teaching and their student's learning. Among the things discussed in the course and students will deal with is:
- Mathematics study and teaching in grades 1-7.
- Reading and reflecting on research on mathematics education with regard to one's own learning and teaching
- Ways that promote children's conceptual understanding and creativity
- Guided assessment in mathematics learning
- Project work and collective reflection in lessons
- The use of information technology in mathematics education
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesGKY401GTeaching reading and writing in the first years of primary school.Mandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits4 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe course places a strong emphasis on deepening student teachers' knowledge of reading instruction in the five main components of reading education: phonological and phonemic awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, as well as writing. Students will gain an understanding of the teacher's responsibility and role in children's reading education. The course covers the prerequisites for reading education, evidence-based teaching methods related to reading instruction, and reading difficulties. It also addresses how the fundamental elements of reading—phonological awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension/listening comprehension, and writing—intertwine to promote reader confidence and fluency. Emphasis is placed on the importance of early intervention and teaching students at risk of reading difficulties.
The course discusses how a reading-promoting and creative learning environment, targeted instruction, and appropriate learning materials can enhance reading interest and ability. It will cover the collaboration between homes and schools regarding children's reading education, parental involvement in reading training, and the importance of providing information and support to families. Various assessment tools in reading instruction will be introduced, including formative assessment, preventive assessment (screening), and diagnostic tests, and the necessary links between teaching and assessment will be explained. The teacher's responsibility and role in reading instruction for diverse student groups will be examined, taking into account individual differences and methods aimed at helping students achieve the best possible reading proficiency.
The fieldwork component of the course (4 ECTS) takes place in partner schools of the School of Education and corresponds to two weeks in the field, 6 hours a day
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Fall
- KME301FTeaching and Learning – becoming a ProfessionalMandatory (required) course20A mandatory (required) course for the programme20 ECTS, credits12 fieldwork creditsCourse Description
This course focuses on providing the student teachers with competences for becoming professionals in their field, with focus on their subject area, and supporting them in laying the foundation for their own professional working theory. This will be obtained by building up knowledge and understanding of the responsibilities which is imbued in teaching and the skills needed for self evaluation in various situations in the field. An emphasis is also put on providing the student teachers with skills regarding the role of the classroom teacher and classroom management; team-teaching and co-operative skills; how to deal with traumatic experiences and children's welfare; and working with parents. Furthermore, research on school development, school evaluation and school ethos will be looked into together with research on teachers. Finally this will be linked with practicum.
Emphasis is on interactive lectures, inquiry and reflective studies, seminars, group work, projects, portfolios, field studies and fieldwork.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisites- Spring 2
GKY401LFinal projectMandatory (required) course30A mandatory (required) course for the programme30 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe M.Ed. final project is an individual project of 30 ECTS credits. Students work on the project independently under the guidance of a project supervisor/supervisors chosen from among the academic staff at the School of Education. Students should consult the chair of their department on the choice of a project supervisor.
The thesis/project topic is chosen by the student in collaboration with his or her project supervisor and the department chair. The topic of the project should fall within the student's area of study, i.e. programme of study and chosen specialisation.
Various types of projects are permitted, for example, research essays, independent research projects, the development of new curricula or study materials.
Students sign up for the final project/thesis during annual registration via the Ugla Intraweb, and should register based on estimated progress in the fall and spring semester. In general, preparation for and work on the project takes at least two semesters. In some programmes the thesis is expected to spread over two or three semesters according to specific instructions, see under programme structure in the Course Catalogue for each programme.
Master´s projects are not awarded numerical grades but are marked pass or fail. Evaluation of projects are according to rules of the School of Education.
Students should follow the more detailed instructions and rules for M.Ed. projects set by the School of Education. See the School of Education intraweb, Ugla: Schools >> School of Education >> Master´s projects
Self-studyPrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis creditsGKY401FLearning and teaching - field practice II d Teaching and Learning - fieldMandatory (required) course15A mandatory (required) course for the programme15 ECTS, credits12 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe main task of this course is fieldwork at the primary level of compulsory school. The emphasis is on actual teaching practice and giving the students opportunities to discuss, evaluate, reflect, and develop their teaching. Students will develop a teaching plan based on the national curriculum guide and school curricula. They will analyse incidents from their practice to learn from and improve their teaching. A range of teaching methods will be explored and applied in teaching in the field.
Students are in the field the whole semester in both courses (KME301F Teaching and Learning – becoming a Professional and GKY401F Learning and Teaching - field practice II d Teaching and Learning - field) and attend regular classes at the university. Emphasis is on interactive lectures, self-study, group work, and projects. The course of study is directly related to field practice. Various issues will be explored with concrete examples from school practice. Students read chosen materials and research on school practice, both provided by lecturers and chosen by students.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classSecond year- Fall
- MAL102F, KME104F, KME115FLearning and teaching: Supporting children with special needsRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
In this course students explore teaching of diverse groups in inclusive settings, emphasizing strategies to address diverse educational and sociological needs of students, guided by human values, democracy and social justice. The emphasis is on evidence-based strategies to address the most common students´ special needs related to reading difficulties, behavioral difficulties, attention deficit, hyperactivity, and autism spectrum disorder. At the same time the use of respectful, person-first language, putting strengths and talents of students in the foreground, is stressed. Multicultural teaching and teaching of students learning Icelandic as a second language will be addressed. Students will be introduced to classroom management strategies, individualized behavior support, multi-disciplinary and parent collaboration. The course focus is on inclusive, evidence-based practices that aim to provide students with special needs opportunities equal to those of their classmates.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classMAL102F, KME104F, KME115FLanguage developmentRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main goal of this course is that students acquire a solid understanding of children’s language development from infancy through adolescence and the fundamental influencing factors. The main emphasis is to increase students’ proficiency in providing children with quality language intervention as foundation for education and reading. Further the students are encouraged to link together science and practice and to connect the topics with their prior experience. The emphasis is on that the students get to know Icelandic and international research in the field and what teachers can learn from the research results on what experience, education, communication, and intervention both at home and in schools provide the best practice for good language development
Central topics of the course: Development of language with historical perspective, living conditions, motivation, and natural competence of newborns. Development of language from birth, phonemic development, development of vocabulary, grammar, and communication skills. The importance of quality language input, at home and at school. The relation between language proficiency and cognitive and social skills, and literacy. The main disorders of language and speech like developmental language disorder (DLD), speech sound disorder and stuttering. Language development of multi/bilingual children. The importance of early intervention and general language stimulation. Informal language assessment on individual children's language skills, as well as design and plan teaching which central aim is to support and provide children opportunities to develop their language skills to become active language users.Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classMAL102F, KME104F, KME115FWorking in inclusive practicesRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course aims to prepare participants to draw on their resources in their work with diverse groups of students. In the course, we draw on inclusive education theories and research, emphasizing a holistic and creative approach to preparation and teaching at the forefront. Furthermore, a focus is put on teaching strategies and educative assessment that works for diverse groups of students, and adapting teaching and learning to students with special needs.
The focus of the course is on inclusive practices. How to create a learning environment that cares for all students learning is introduced. The focus is also on collaboration with parents, colleagues, professionals, and paraprofessionals.Work process
The course is a blended course online and on campus. It is divided into four main themes. All the themes connect to teaching in inclusive educational settings. The focus on each theme is three or four weeks.The teaching is through lectures, projects, collaboration, discussions in class, on canvas, and in formal assignments. The course is grounded in students' independence, responsibility, and participation.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME102FTeaching and Learning in Compulsory SchoolsMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits2 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThis course focuses on theories and research related to learning, teaching and the teacher profession. Relations with on-site activities are emphasised, and that participants become familiar with the working environment of compulsory school teachers, compulsory school act and regulations.
Learning and teaching are discussed from various points of view and with respect to various learning theories. Participants organise their own teaching processes by making aims, organising teaching and learning, and organising interaction and collaboration. All this work is related do the conceptions of professionalism and practice theories.
Course design and procedure: Lectures, reflective studies, seminars, individual and group work, projects, interactive lectures, field work and training
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME109FResearch on early childhood educationMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main focus of the course is on early childhood education and research within the field. Various topics and controversial issues will be discussed. Special emphasis will be placed on different views on children and childhood, cooperation between playschool and primary school, teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and cooperation between school and family.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Spring 2
MVS213F, MVS212FIntroduction to quantitative ResearchRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionStudents in this course are expected to deepen their knowledge and skills in quantitative research methodology. Students will use a computer program for data analysis, with emphasis on interpretation and writing about research results. Students are expected to develop positive attitudes toward research and the value of research in educational and social settings.
Distance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classMVS213F, MVS212FIntroduction to qualitative researchRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course focuses on qualitative research methods. It looks at different movements and traditions in research methodology and their relationship to the structure and execution of research. The course also touches on the ethics of research, validity and different views of these concepts. Students will conduct a small research project, which provides training in a literature review, data collection, data analysis, and presentation of research findings. Students work as a team throughout the semester.
Readings, lectures, in-class discussion and group work. Sessions for distance students are held twice during the semester and participation is mandatory
Distance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME006F, GKY402FAssessment and Curriculum in Compulsory SchoolsRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course aims to expose students to perspectives on curriculum and assessment in compulsory education, from theory to practice. Students discuss and learn about basic concepts and issues related to curriculum theory as they appear in public schools. Issues and ideologies reflected in official curricula, laws, directives, and other policy briefings are discussed both theoretically and as they appear in praxis. Special focus is laid on the role of teachers and administrators in curriculum development and assessment, and alternatively their professional role in developing learning programs for groups of pupils as well as individual pupils with special needs. Nature, purpose, and strategies regarding assessment and curriculum are addressed (cf. formative assessment, summative assessment, writing test items and other test instruments, and marking and reporting). Students discuss and learn about controversial issues and different ideological currents concerning central questions about the purpose and aims of compulsory education.
The working process of the course consists of lectures, and critical discussion through seminars and group assignments
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesKME006F, GKY402FMathematics education for primary schoolRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course is intended for students on the study line Teaching Studies for Primary Grades, MT/M.Ed. The course is integrated with field studies in the course GKY401F Learning and teaching - field practice II where the emphasis is on students using what they learn in the course in the field as well as evaluating their own teaching and their student's learning. Among the things discussed in the course and students will deal with is:
- Mathematics study and teaching in grades 1-7.
- Reading and reflecting on research on mathematics education with regard to one's own learning and teaching
- Ways that promote children's conceptual understanding and creativity
- Guided assessment in mathematics learning
- Project work and collective reflection in lessons
- The use of information technology in mathematics education
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesGKY401GTeaching reading and writing in the first years of primary school.Mandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits4 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe course places a strong emphasis on deepening student teachers' knowledge of reading instruction in the five main components of reading education: phonological and phonemic awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, as well as writing. Students will gain an understanding of the teacher's responsibility and role in children's reading education. The course covers the prerequisites for reading education, evidence-based teaching methods related to reading instruction, and reading difficulties. It also addresses how the fundamental elements of reading—phonological awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension/listening comprehension, and writing—intertwine to promote reader confidence and fluency. Emphasis is placed on the importance of early intervention and teaching students at risk of reading difficulties.
The course discusses how a reading-promoting and creative learning environment, targeted instruction, and appropriate learning materials can enhance reading interest and ability. It will cover the collaboration between homes and schools regarding children's reading education, parental involvement in reading training, and the importance of providing information and support to families. Various assessment tools in reading instruction will be introduced, including formative assessment, preventive assessment (screening), and diagnostic tests, and the necessary links between teaching and assessment will be explained. The teacher's responsibility and role in reading instruction for diverse student groups will be examined, taking into account individual differences and methods aimed at helping students achieve the best possible reading proficiency.
The fieldwork component of the course (4 ECTS) takes place in partner schools of the School of Education and corresponds to two weeks in the field, 6 hours a day
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Fall
- KME301FTeaching and Learning – becoming a ProfessionalMandatory (required) course20A mandatory (required) course for the programme20 ECTS, credits12 fieldwork creditsCourse Description
This course focuses on providing the student teachers with competences for becoming professionals in their field, with focus on their subject area, and supporting them in laying the foundation for their own professional working theory. This will be obtained by building up knowledge and understanding of the responsibilities which is imbued in teaching and the skills needed for self evaluation in various situations in the field. An emphasis is also put on providing the student teachers with skills regarding the role of the classroom teacher and classroom management; team-teaching and co-operative skills; how to deal with traumatic experiences and children's welfare; and working with parents. Furthermore, research on school development, school evaluation and school ethos will be looked into together with research on teachers. Finally this will be linked with practicum.
Emphasis is on interactive lectures, inquiry and reflective studies, seminars, group work, projects, portfolios, field studies and fieldwork.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisites- Spring 2
GKY401LFinal projectMandatory (required) course30A mandatory (required) course for the programme30 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe M.Ed. final project is an individual project of 30 ECTS credits. Students work on the project independently under the guidance of a project supervisor/supervisors chosen from among the academic staff at the School of Education. Students should consult the chair of their department on the choice of a project supervisor.
The thesis/project topic is chosen by the student in collaboration with his or her project supervisor and the department chair. The topic of the project should fall within the student's area of study, i.e. programme of study and chosen specialisation.
Various types of projects are permitted, for example, research essays, independent research projects, the development of new curricula or study materials.
Students sign up for the final project/thesis during annual registration via the Ugla Intraweb, and should register based on estimated progress in the fall and spring semester. In general, preparation for and work on the project takes at least two semesters. In some programmes the thesis is expected to spread over two or three semesters according to specific instructions, see under programme structure in the Course Catalogue for each programme.
Master´s projects are not awarded numerical grades but are marked pass or fail. Evaluation of projects are according to rules of the School of Education.
Students should follow the more detailed instructions and rules for M.Ed. projects set by the School of Education. See the School of Education intraweb, Ugla: Schools >> School of Education >> Master´s projects
Self-studyPrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis creditsGKY401FLearning and teaching - field practice II d Teaching and Learning - fieldMandatory (required) course15A mandatory (required) course for the programme15 ECTS, credits12 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe main task of this course is fieldwork at the primary level of compulsory school. The emphasis is on actual teaching practice and giving the students opportunities to discuss, evaluate, reflect, and develop their teaching. Students will develop a teaching plan based on the national curriculum guide and school curricula. They will analyse incidents from their practice to learn from and improve their teaching. A range of teaching methods will be explored and applied in teaching in the field.
Students are in the field the whole semester in both courses (KME301F Teaching and Learning – becoming a Professional and GKY401F Learning and Teaching - field practice II d Teaching and Learning - field) and attend regular classes at the university. Emphasis is on interactive lectures, self-study, group work, and projects. The course of study is directly related to field practice. Various issues will be explored with concrete examples from school practice. Students read chosen materials and research on school practice, both provided by lecturers and chosen by students.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class
Additional information The University of Iceland collaborates with over 400 universities worldwide. This provides a unique opportunity to pursue part of your studies at an international university thus gaining added experience and fresh insight into your field of study.
Students generally have the opportunity to join an exchange programme, internship, or summer courses. However, exchanges are always subject to faculty approval.
Students have the opportunity to have courses evaluated as part of their studies at the University of Iceland, so their stay does not have to affect the duration of their studies.
Most of those who complete a degree in teacher education go on to become teachers, but people with a background in this subject can also find careers in other professions, either within the education system or elsewhere. Teacher education is internationally recognised and opens up a wide range of career opportunities.
An education in this area can open up opportunities in:
- Teaching in compulsory schools
- Teaching in preschools
- Specialist positions within the education system
This list is not exhaustive.
Kennó is the organisation for student teachers at UI. Kennó organises events such as socials for new students, annual galas and workplace tours.
Get an insight into the lives of student teachers and qualified teachers through the Come and Teach project and the Icelandic Education Award.
Students' comments Students appreciate the University of Iceland for its strong academic reputation, modern campus facilities, close-knit community, and affordable tuition.Helpful content Study wheel
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