- Does your job involve teaching university students?
- Do you want to learn more about the pedagogy of higher education?
- Do you want to be able to use effective assessment and feedback techniques?
- Are you interested in developing your courses?
- Do you want to learn more about communication in teaching and learning?
This programme is organised in collaboration with the Centre for Teaching and Learning and is designed for working university instructors, PhD students and others involved with university teaching on the basis of their specialist knowledge.
The University of Iceland offers this programme to help university instructors acquire the pedagogical knowledge and skills they need.
University instructors are specialists in their academic fields, but seldom have the expertise in teaching and learning required to plan courses, manage students’ learning and assess it effectively. This expertise is essential, since the student body is becoming ever more diverse, greater demands are made of instructors regarding the use of IT, and universities are increasingly judged on the quality of teaching.
Programme structure
The programme is 30 ECTS and is organised as two years of part-time study.
Mandatory courses:
- Introduction to teaching studies at the university level, 10 ECTS
- Assessment and feedback, 5 ECTS
- Curriculum design and development, 5 ECTS
- Reflective practice and professional development, 10 ECTS
Topics include:
- defining learning outcomes
- coordinated curriculum design
- relationship between learning outcomes and assessment
- pedagogical development and evaluating course quality
Organisation of teaching
The programme is taught in Icelandic.
Participants can complete the programme alongside their jobs. As well as attending class, participants complete various projects related to their own teaching.
Main objectives
Participants will develop a good understanding of key concepts in teaching, learning and assessment in higher education.
For further information on the programme, contact the Centre for Teaching and Learning
The University of Iceland supports tenured instructors who wish to complete the programme by providing scholarship grants from the Academic Affairs Fund to cover the registration fee.
The programme is intended for practicing university teachers and other who teach in higher education (e.g. part-time teachers, doctoral students).
Participants in the programme complete four mandatory courses, total 30 credits.
Further information on supporting documents can be found here
Programme structure
Check below to see how the programme is structured.
This programme does not offer specialisations.
- First year
- Whole year courses
- Reflective practice and professional development
- Fall
- Introduction to teaching studies at the university level
- Year unspecified
- Assessment and feedback
- Curriculum design and development
Reflective practice and professional development (STM031F)
The course provides a cooperative and collegial forum where participants work on their own educational research projects. The course is a whole year course and at the end of the course the participants are expected to disseminate their findings at a research conference or an educational forum.
Introduction to teaching studies at the university level (STM105F)
During the course, participants become acquainted with the fundamental concepts of learning, teaching and assessment at the university level. The role of teachers, teaching principles, learning theories, theories of teaching and assessment will be discussed. Participants will also be introduced to practical ways to organize teaching and gain insight into the theories behind various forms of teaching. Emphasis is placed on strengthening the discussion on teaching methods and supporting participants in reflecting on their own work.
Assessment and feedback (STM209F)
Assessing student learning and providing feedback are crucial tasks of university teachers and an important part of the quality of learning. In the course the participants will become familiar with key concepts of assessment as well as theories and recent research on the influence of assessment and feedback on learning. The course covers different types of assessment (summative vs. formative), ways of providing feedback, assessment methods and student participation in assessment.
Curriculum design and development (STM208F)
Curriculum development is an important task for university teachers. Their responsibility is to organize the curriculum and create the best possible framework for their students. At the same time, many university teachers are involved in curriculum development within study programs. The course aims are to provide the participants with an opportunity to become more scholarly in curriculum design. The course addresses issues like defining learning outcomes, students learning needs, curriculum alignment, student workloads, and course assessment. In the course, participants develop their own courses.
- Whole year courses
- STM031FReflective practice and professional developmentMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
The course provides a cooperative and collegial forum where participants work on their own educational research projects. The course is a whole year course and at the end of the course the participants are expected to disseminate their findings at a research conference or an educational forum.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisites- Fall
STM105FIntroduction to teaching studies at the university levelMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionDuring the course, participants become acquainted with the fundamental concepts of learning, teaching and assessment at the university level. The role of teachers, teaching principles, learning theories, theories of teaching and assessment will be discussed. Participants will also be introduced to practical ways to organize teaching and gain insight into the theories behind various forms of teaching. Emphasis is placed on strengthening the discussion on teaching methods and supporting participants in reflecting on their own work.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisites- Year unspecified
STM209FAssessment and feedbackMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionAssessing student learning and providing feedback are crucial tasks of university teachers and an important part of the quality of learning. In the course the participants will become familiar with key concepts of assessment as well as theories and recent research on the influence of assessment and feedback on learning. The course covers different types of assessment (summative vs. formative), ways of providing feedback, assessment methods and student participation in assessment.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTM208FCurriculum design and developmentMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionCurriculum development is an important task for university teachers. Their responsibility is to organize the curriculum and create the best possible framework for their students. At the same time, many university teachers are involved in curriculum development within study programs. The course aims are to provide the participants with an opportunity to become more scholarly in curriculum design. The course addresses issues like defining learning outcomes, students learning needs, curriculum alignment, student workloads, and course assessment. In the course, participants develop their own courses.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisites
The University of Iceland collaborates with over 400 universities worldwide. This provides a unique opportunity to pursue part of your studies at an international university thus gaining added experience and fresh insight into your field of study.
Students generally have the opportunity to join an exchange programme, internship, or summer courses. However, exchanges are always subject to faculty approval.
Students have the opportunity to have courses evaluated as part of their studies at the University of Iceland, so their stay does not have to affect the duration of their studies.
An education in this area can open up opportunities in:
- University teaching
- Specialist positions
This list is not exhaustive.
There is no specific student organisation for this programme, but students meet frequently in the Student Cellar.

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