Students practice on a medical doll patient.
Language skills
required, minimum level of B2
Programme length
Full time study for two academic years.
Study mode
Mostly distance learning
Application status
International students:
Students with Icelandic or Nordic citizenship:

  • Do you want to enhance your professional growth?
  • Would you like to improve your specialist knowledge?
  • Would you like to improve your administrative skills?
  • Would you like to concentrate on nursing research?
  • Do you want a diverse and flexible programme?

The programme is 120 ECTS and is organised as one and a half years of full-time study or up to four years of part-time study.

The MS in nursing allows students to choose to focus on clinical specialisation, nursing administration or research.

Special emphasis on clinical specialization

Master’s studies in a clinical specialisation are based on approaches to specialisation developed in the US, but adapted to Icelandic circumstances. Students are provided with opportunities to develop specialist knowledge in specific areas of nursing, with a wide choice of Specialisations.

Students who choose clinical specialisation are primarily interested in improving their clinical skills and many aspire to a specialist qualification.

The programme is designed to be flexible and provide students with opportunities to enhance their knowledge of a specific area of specialisation. Students receive training in scientific working methods, largely through completing their own research projects.

Elective courses may be organised within the Faculty of Nursing, at other UI faculties or other universities.

Special emphasis on Nursing administration

Knowledge of nursing administration and leadership is essential for all nurses and has a significant impact on the quality of healthcare services. This programme is designed to provide students with more in-depth knowledge, understanding and skills and prepare them for careers as administrators and leaders in nursing.

Students choose between the following specialisations:

  • Administration and human resource management: This specialisation is for students planning to work in administration and leadership of healthcare institutions and organisational units.
  • Leadership and project management: This specialisation is for students planning to work in administration and leadership within specific areas and projects in healthcare.

Elective courses may be organised within the Faculty of Nursing, at other UI faculties or other universities.

Special emphasis research training

The programme is designed to provide students with theoretical knowledge in a specific area of nursing and training in scientific working practices. Students will improve their skills in research and development and have opportunities to participate in exciting clinical studies alongside the country’s leading nursing experts.

Before applying for the programme, prospective students must find an academic supervisor willing to supervise the Master’s thesis project. After starting the programme, students must submit a research plan in cooperation with the academic supervisor, which must be approved by the research-based study committee before research begins.
Elective courses should ideally be selected in consultation with the academic supervisor.

Main objectives

The programme aims to provide students with enhanced knowledge of nursing, to train nurses in scientific working practices and improve their skills in a specific area of specialisation.

Organisation of teaching

This programme is taught in Icelandic and most textbooks are in English.

The programme is generally taught through blended learning, with two face-to-face blocks per semester, and distance learning otherwise. Attendance is compulsory for face-to-face blocks.

In some cases, face-to-face and distance teaching may be offered at the same time during distance learning weeks. Generally, classes are taught every other week through real-time distance learning, but students should carefully check the teaching arrangements for each course.

Students should also be aware that courses taught at other faculties most likely use different arrangements and that it is their responsibility to check.


Completing the programme allows a student to apply for doctoral studies.

In order to register for MS-studies at the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery a student must have completed a BS-degree in Nursing at the University of Iceland, or other equivalent qualification. The student should have a minimum grade of 6,5 (on a 0-10 scale) as an average grade in the BS-degree in nursing or equivalent and a valid icelandic nursing licence. The student must also have a good command of Icelandic and English. Teaching is in Icelandic. 

Please note that applicants who have not completed a comparable Bachelor's degree in nursing (240 ECTS) but have an Icelandic nursing license, may need to add a prerequisite course to complete the missing units in order to apply for a graduate program. Prospective applicants are therefore advised to contact the Evaluation Office of the University of Iceland for an assessment.

Please note that only those who have completed diploma programs in surgical nursing and anesthesia nursing can apply for the master's program in surgical nursing and anesthesia nursing.

MS-studies in nursing comprise 120 ECTS. With normal progress of studies, MS-studies are presumed to take one and a half years, and the studies are normally not expected to take longer than four years. Upon graduation, it shall be demonstrated that the student has been registered and paid his/her registration fee throughout the study period.

Students can get up to 30 ECTS  recognised from their BS studies from the University of Iceland or equivalent study. Students can also get courses from other MS studies recognised if they relate to his/her chosen field of study.

The studies entail training in scientific methods, and much of this consists of the student's own work on his/her own research project, the research report and a paper for publication in a periodical. The size of the research project is determined in the study plan, and it shall be a minimum of 30 ECTS, and a maximum of 60 ECTS. Other credits are earned through participation in compulsory and elective courses.

An MS-student may take a maximum of 15 ECTS on reading courses with a tutor, supervised by the supervisor. Reading courses shall be in a research field related to the student's research project, but not part of the principal project. A reading course is completed with an essay.

The following documents must accompany an application for this programme:
  • CV
  • Statement of purpose
  • Reference 1, Name and email
  • Reference 2, Name and email
  • Certified copies of diplomas and transcripts

Further information on supporting documents can be found here

Programme structure

Check below to see how the programme is structured.

First year | Fall
Theoretical Thinking in Nursing (HJÚ143F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Fall
Applied statistics (HJÚ135F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Quantitative Nursing Research (HJÚ252F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Qualitative Nursing Research (HJÚ253F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Fall
Advanced Nursing Practice I (HJÚ158F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
2 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Second year | Fall
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Spring 1
Advanced Nursing Practice II (HJÚ269F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Second year | Spring 1
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Fall
Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention (LÝÐ104F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition (HJÚ169F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases (HJÚ0AVF)
Free elective course within the programme
4 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Pharmacology for nurses (HJÚ159F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Fall
Intensive Care Nursing I (HJÚ160F)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in health care (HJÚ258F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Management in health care (HJÚ259F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Family Nursing Practice (HJÚ0ADF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Psychopharmocology for health care professionals (HJÚ0AFF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in nursing – a global approach (HJÚ801F)
Free elective course within the programme
3 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

Language of instruction: English
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced practice psyciatric nursing (HJÚ0ABF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children (HJÚ0AJF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

The main themes of the course are: 

  1. Theories and concepts;
  2. Public and community health and health promotion;
  3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
  4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
  5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care (HJÚ271F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
1 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities (LÝÐ202F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Palliative Care (HJÚ263F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Managerial economics and health services (HJÚ142F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

  • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
  • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
  • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
  • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
  • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
  • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
  • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year | Fall
Theoretical Thinking in Nursing (HJÚ143F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Fall
Applied statistics (HJÚ135F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Quantitative Nursing Research (HJÚ252F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Qualitative Nursing Research (HJÚ253F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Fall
Advanced Nursing Practice I (HJÚ158F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
2 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Second year | Fall
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Spring 1
Advanced Nursing Practice II (HJÚ269F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Second year | Spring 1
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition (HJÚ169F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases (HJÚ0AVF)
Free elective course within the programme
4 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Pharmacology for nurses (HJÚ159F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Fall
Intensive Care Nursing I (HJÚ160F)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in health care (HJÚ258F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Management in health care (HJÚ259F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Family Nursing Practice (HJÚ0ADF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Psychopharmocology for health care professionals (HJÚ0AFF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in nursing – a global approach (HJÚ801F)
Free elective course within the programme
3 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

Language of instruction: English
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced practice psyciatric nursing (HJÚ0ABF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children (HJÚ0AJF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

The main themes of the course are: 

  1. Theories and concepts;
  2. Public and community health and health promotion;
  3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
  4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
  5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care (HJÚ271F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
1 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities (LÝÐ202F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Palliative Care (HJÚ263F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Managerial economics and health services (HJÚ142F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

  • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
  • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
  • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
  • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
  • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
  • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
  • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year | Fall
Theoretical Thinking in Nursing (HJÚ143F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Fall
Applied statistics (HJÚ135F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care (HJÚ271F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
1 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Quantitative Nursing Research (HJÚ252F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Qualitative Nursing Research (HJÚ253F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Fall
Advanced Nursing Practice I (HJÚ158F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
2 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Second year | Fall
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Spring 1
Advanced Nursing Practice II (HJÚ269F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Second year | Spring 1
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Fall
Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention (LÝÐ104F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition (HJÚ169F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases (HJÚ0AVF)
Free elective course within the programme
4 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Pharmacology for nurses (HJÚ159F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Fall
Intensive Care Nursing I (HJÚ160F)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Palliative Care (HJÚ263F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in health care (HJÚ258F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Management in health care (HJÚ259F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Family Nursing Practice (HJÚ0ADF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Psychopharmocology for health care professionals (HJÚ0AFF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in nursing – a global approach (HJÚ801F)
Free elective course within the programme
3 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

Language of instruction: English
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced practice psyciatric nursing (HJÚ0ABF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children (HJÚ0AJF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

The main themes of the course are: 

  1. Theories and concepts;
  2. Public and community health and health promotion;
  3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
  4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
  5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care (HJÚ271F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
1 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities (LÝÐ202F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Palliative Care (HJÚ263F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Managerial economics and health services (HJÚ142F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

  • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
  • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
  • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
  • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
  • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
  • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
  • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year | Fall
Pharmacology for nurses (HJÚ159F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Fall
Theoretical Thinking in Nursing (HJÚ143F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Fall
Applied statistics (HJÚ135F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Quantitative Nursing Research (HJÚ252F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Qualitative Nursing Research (HJÚ253F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Fall
Advanced Nursing Practice I (HJÚ158F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
2 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Second year | Fall
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Spring 1
Advanced Nursing Practice II (HJÚ269F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Second year | Spring 1
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Fall
Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention (LÝÐ104F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition (HJÚ169F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases (HJÚ0AVF)
Free elective course within the programme
4 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Pharmacology for nurses (HJÚ159F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Fall
Intensive Care Nursing I (HJÚ160F)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in health care (HJÚ258F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Management in health care (HJÚ259F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Family Nursing Practice (HJÚ0ADF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Psychopharmocology for health care professionals (HJÚ0AFF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in nursing – a global approach (HJÚ801F)
Free elective course within the programme
3 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

Language of instruction: English
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced practice psyciatric nursing (HJÚ0ABF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children (HJÚ0AJF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

The main themes of the course are: 

  1. Theories and concepts;
  2. Public and community health and health promotion;
  3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
  4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
  5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care (HJÚ271F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
1 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities (LÝÐ202F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Palliative Care (HJÚ263F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Managerial economics and health services (HJÚ142F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

  • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
  • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
  • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
  • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
  • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
  • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
  • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year | Fall
Pharmacology for nurses (HJÚ159F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Fall
Theoretical Thinking in Nursing (HJÚ143F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Fall
Applied statistics (HJÚ135F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Quantitative Nursing Research (HJÚ252F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Qualitative Nursing Research (HJÚ253F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Fall
Advanced Nursing Practice I (HJÚ158F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
2 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Second year | Fall
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Spring 1
Advanced Nursing Practice II (HJÚ269F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Second year | Spring 1
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Fall
Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention (LÝÐ104F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition (HJÚ169F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases (HJÚ0AVF)
Free elective course within the programme
4 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Pharmacology for nurses (HJÚ159F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Fall
Intensive Care Nursing I (HJÚ160F)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Palliative Care (HJÚ263F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in health care (HJÚ258F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Management in health care (HJÚ259F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Family Nursing Practice (HJÚ0ADF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Psychopharmocology for health care professionals (HJÚ0AFF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in nursing – a global approach (HJÚ801F)
Free elective course within the programme
3 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

Language of instruction: English
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced practice psyciatric nursing (HJÚ0ABF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children (HJÚ0AJF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

The main themes of the course are: 

  1. Theories and concepts;
  2. Public and community health and health promotion;
  3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
  4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
  5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care (HJÚ271F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
1 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities (LÝÐ202F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Palliative Care (HJÚ263F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Managerial economics and health services (HJÚ142F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

  • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
  • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
  • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
  • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
  • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
  • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
  • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year | Fall
Intensive Care Nursing I (HJÚ160F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Fall
Clinical Practice in Intensvie Care Nursing: neonatal, pediatric and adult I (HJÚ0AZF)
Free elective course within the programme
7 ECTS, credits
7 fieldwork credits
Course Description

Nurses attending full masters progam in intensive care nursing at the Faculty of Nursing- and midwivery University of Iceland and working at the adult, pediatric or neonatal intensive care units (ICU) at Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavik, can apply for a course in ICU clinical practice (30 ECTS). A 30 ECTS from BS degree in nursing can be assessed into the masters program instead of the 30 ECTS ICU clinical practice course. The ICU clinical practice course is 950 hours over four consecutive semesters. The number of nurses that are accepted to the ICU clinical practice course is limited due to restricted number of clincal places at the ICUs.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
First year | Fall
Theoretical Thinking in Nursing (HJÚ143F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Fall
Applied statistics (HJÚ135F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
BASIC Pediatric (HJÚ0APF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
2 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of the BASIC Paediatric course is to teach participants to rapidly assess serously ill children and provide initial treatment and organ support. A two day course consisting of lectures, skill stations and tutorials taught by paediatric Intensive Care specialist, with an empahsis on a practical approach to management of critically ill patients. There is a course textbook (Paediatric Basic), a pre-course MCQ-based assessment and post-course MCQ-test. The topics are: teamwork, assessment of the seriously ill child, airway management, acute respiratory failure, mechanical ventilation, haemodynamic monitoring, management of shock, severe sepsis, trauma, neurological emergencies, acute kidney injury, nutrition and transport.

A two day course consisting of lectures, skill stations and tutorials taught by paediatric Intensive Care specialist, with an empahsis on a practical approach to management of critically ill patients. There is a post-course MCQ-test. The topics are: teamwork, assessment of the seriously ill child, airway management, acute respiratory failure, mechanical ventilation, haemodynamic monitoring, management of shock, severe sepsis, trauma, neurological emergencies, acute kidney injury, nutrition and transport.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Clinical Practice in Intensvie Care Nursing: neonatal, pediatric and adult II (HJÚ0B0F)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
8 fieldwork credits
Course Description

Nurses attending full masters progam in intensive care nursing at the Faculty of Nursing- and midwivery University of Iceland and working at the adult, pediatric or neonatal intensive care units (ICU) at Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavik, can apply for a course in ICU clinical practice (30 ECTS). A 30 ECTS from BS degree in nursing can be assessed into the masters program instead of the 30 ECTS ICU clinical practice course. The ICU clinical practice course is 950 hours over four consecutive semesters. The number of nurses that are accepted to the ICU clinical practice course is limited due to restricted number of clincal places at the ICUs.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Quantitative Nursing Research (HJÚ252F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Qualitative Nursing Research (HJÚ253F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Not taught this semester
Second year | Fall
Pharmacology of anesthetic drugs (HJÚ151F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
4 ECTS, credits
Course Description

A thorough study of the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of drugs commonly used in anesthesia practice.  Concurrent drug therapy and their anesthetic implications will be discussed. The major function of the autonomic nervous system in coordinating and regulating the physiological function of the body will be dealt with and the pharmacology of important therapeutic agents that will affect the function of the autonomic nervous system.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Not taught this semester
Second year | Fall
Intensive Care Nursing II (HJÚ343F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course, provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and newborn. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on nursing of head injury patients, patients with cardiovascular problems, sepsis and renal failure and subsequent ICU treatment and ECMO. Discussions of family nursing, palliative care in ICU and organ donation are included in the course.    

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Second year | Fall
Advanced Nursing Practice I (HJÚ158F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
2 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Second year | Fall
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Not taught this semester
Second year | Fall
Clinical Practice in Intensvie Care Nursing: neonatal, pediatric and adult III (HJÚ0B1F)
Free elective course within the programme
7 ECTS, credits
7 fieldwork credits
Course Description

Nurses attending full masters progam in intensive care nursing at the Faculty of Nursing- and midwivery University of Iceland and working at the adult, pediatric or neonatal intensive care units (ICU) at Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavik, can apply for a course in ICU clinical practice (30 ECTS). A 30 ECTS from BS degree in nursing can be assessed into the masters program instead of the 30 ECTS ICU clinical practice course. The ICU clinical practice course is 950 hours over four consecutive semesters. The number of nurses that are accepted to the ICU clinical practice course is limited due to restricted number of clincal places at the ICUs.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Spring 1
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Not taught this semester
Second year | Spring 1
Clinical Practice in Intensvie Care Nursing: neonatal, pediatric and adult IV (HJÚ0B2F)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
8 fieldwork credits
Course Description

Nurses attending full masters progam in intensive care nursing at the Faculty of Nursing- and midwivery University of Iceland and working at the adult, pediatric or neonatal intensive care units (ICU) at Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavik, can apply for a course in ICU clinical practice (30 ECTS). A 30 ECTS from BS degree in nursing can be assessed into the masters program instead of the 30 ECTS ICU clinical practice course. The ICU clinical practice course is 950 hours over four consecutive semesters. The number of nurses that are accepted to the ICU clinical practice course is limited due to restricted number of clincal places at the ICUs.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition (HJÚ169F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases (HJÚ0AVF)
Free elective course within the programme
4 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Pharmacology for nurses (HJÚ159F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Fall
Intensive Care Nursing I (HJÚ160F)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in health care (HJÚ258F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Management in health care (HJÚ259F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Family Nursing Practice (HJÚ0ADF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Psychopharmocology for health care professionals (HJÚ0AFF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in nursing – a global approach (HJÚ801F)
Free elective course within the programme
3 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

Language of instruction: English
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced practice psyciatric nursing (HJÚ0ABF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children (HJÚ0AJF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

The main themes of the course are: 

  1. Theories and concepts;
  2. Public and community health and health promotion;
  3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
  4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
  5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care (HJÚ271F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
1 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities (LÝÐ202F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Palliative Care (HJÚ263F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Managerial economics and health services (HJÚ142F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

  • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
  • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
  • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
  • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
  • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
  • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
  • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year | Fall
Theoretical Thinking in Nursing (HJÚ143F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Fall
Applied statistics (HJÚ135F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Quantitative Nursing Research (HJÚ252F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Qualitative Nursing Research (HJÚ253F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Fall
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Spring 1
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Fall
Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention (LÝÐ104F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition (HJÚ169F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases (HJÚ0AVF)
Free elective course within the programme
4 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Pharmacology for nurses (HJÚ159F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Fall
Intensive Care Nursing I (HJÚ160F)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in health care (HJÚ258F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Management in health care (HJÚ259F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Family Nursing Practice (HJÚ0ADF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Psychopharmocology for health care professionals (HJÚ0AFF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in nursing – a global approach (HJÚ801F)
Free elective course within the programme
3 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

Language of instruction: English
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced practice psyciatric nursing (HJÚ0ABF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children (HJÚ0AJF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

The main themes of the course are: 

  1. Theories and concepts;
  2. Public and community health and health promotion;
  3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
  4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
  5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care (HJÚ271F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
1 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities (LÝÐ202F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Palliative Care (HJÚ263F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Managerial economics and health services (HJÚ142F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

  • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
  • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
  • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
  • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
  • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
  • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
  • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year | Fall
Managerial economics and health services (HJÚ142F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

  • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
  • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
  • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
  • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
  • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
  • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
  • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year | Fall
Theoretical Thinking in Nursing (HJÚ143F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Fall
Applied statistics (HJÚ135F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Not taught this semester
First year | Spring 1
Management in health care (HJÚ259F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Leadership in health care (HJÚ258F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Quantitative Nursing Research (HJÚ252F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Qualitative Nursing Research (HJÚ253F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Fall
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Spring 1
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Well-being and health-promoting servant leadership (VIÐ175F)
Restricted elective course, conditions apply
7,5 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Wellbeing at work gains increasing attetion and discussion about prevention og job burnout has incresed. Leaders of organizations are becoming increasingly aware of the value of a healthy work environment and staff wellbeing being linked to better performance. The purpose of this interdisciplinary course is to introduce students to the emerging field of healthy work environment models that impact the wellbeing and health of people and how this links to leadership philosophy and behavior. The course is designed to discuss the context of determinants of wellbeing at work and different types of healthy work environment models in relation to wellbeing at work. Also to examine health promoting and servant leadership approaches and successful strategies to prevent burnout. Students visit successful organizations in this regard and get insight into managers' experience. Course materials and activities will challenge students to connect theory to practice. Students will be required to analyze current research on the topic and to identify an issue of unhealthy work environment and to develop an implementation of successful work environment model.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Course taught in period I
Year unspecified | Fall
Adult Learners and human resource development (NAF003F)
Restricted elective course, conditions apply
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course is a general introduction to Adult and Continuing education. Through the course participants will familiarize themselves with research on the charcteristics of adult learners, theories on adult learning, the societal place of adult education, participation in adult learning activities and the effects of adult development on their learning endevours.

The course aims are that participants acquaint themselves with research and theories of adult learning with the aim of informing practice and to rationalize choices and actions when organizing learning events and working with adults.

Coursework: Blended learning with face to face sessions and online collaborations: Discussions, lectures, individual assignments and group projects.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Distance learning
Year unspecified | Fall
Change Management (VIÐ190F)
Restricted elective course, conditions apply
7,5 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course will cover the key areas of change management, such as the implementation of change, employee reactions, key barriers to change, and the positive and negative forces that affect the change process. The theories and concepts that change management is based on will be discussed in detail as well as the key approaches and methods for managing change. The role of the leader, manager, and the middle manager in managing change as well as crises will be discussed. Organizational culture will be discussed and why it is an important element of the change process.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Course taught in period II
Year unspecified | Fall
Public Human Resource Management (OSS102F)
Restricted elective course, conditions apply
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course will examine human resource management (HRM) in the public sector. Civil service systems will be discussed in a historical context. Employment-related laws, regulations and procedures are reviewed. The students will be exposed to job functions of HRM professionals, including staffing, recruiting, performance appraisal and compensation. The strategic HRM approach is introduced and the procedure of formulating an HRM policy.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Distance learning
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition (HJÚ169F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases (HJÚ0AVF)
Free elective course within the programme
4 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Pharmacology for nurses (HJÚ159F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Fall
Intensive Care Nursing I (HJÚ160F)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Administrative Law for Public Executives (OSS204F)
Restricted elective course, conditions apply
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course deals with describtion of Icelandic authoroties (the executive), the basic structure of the Icelandic administrative system, main tasks of public authotiries, the scope, relevance and rules of the Administrative Act. no 37/1993 and the relevance and rules of the Information Act. no 140/2012. The main emphasis is on the Administrative Act. 

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Online learning
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in health care (HJÚ258F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Management in health care (HJÚ259F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Family Nursing Practice (HJÚ0ADF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Psychopharmocology for health care professionals (HJÚ0AFF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in nursing – a global approach (HJÚ801F)
Free elective course within the programme
3 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

Language of instruction: English
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced practice psyciatric nursing (HJÚ0ABF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children (HJÚ0AJF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

The main themes of the course are: 

  1. Theories and concepts;
  2. Public and community health and health promotion;
  3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
  4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
  5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care (HJÚ271F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
1 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities (LÝÐ202F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Palliative Care (HJÚ263F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Managerial economics and health services (HJÚ142F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

  • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
  • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
  • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
  • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
  • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
  • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
  • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year | Fall
Theoretical Thinking in Nursing (HJÚ143F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Fall
Applied statistics (HJÚ135F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children (HJÚ0AJF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

The main themes of the course are: 

  1. Theories and concepts;
  2. Public and community health and health promotion;
  3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
  4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
  5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Quantitative Nursing Research (HJÚ252F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Qualitative Nursing Research (HJÚ253F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Fall
Advanced Nursing Practice I (HJÚ158F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
2 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Second year | Fall
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Spring 1
Advanced Nursing Practice II (HJÚ269F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Second year | Spring 1
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Fall
Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention (LÝÐ104F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition (HJÚ169F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases (HJÚ0AVF)
Free elective course within the programme
4 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Pharmacology for nurses (HJÚ159F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Fall
Intensive Care Nursing I (HJÚ160F)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in health care (HJÚ258F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Management in health care (HJÚ259F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Family Nursing Practice (HJÚ0ADF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Psychopharmocology for health care professionals (HJÚ0AFF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in nursing – a global approach (HJÚ801F)
Free elective course within the programme
3 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

Language of instruction: English
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced practice psyciatric nursing (HJÚ0ABF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children (HJÚ0AJF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

The main themes of the course are: 

  1. Theories and concepts;
  2. Public and community health and health promotion;
  3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
  4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
  5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care (HJÚ271F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
1 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities (LÝÐ202F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Palliative Care (HJÚ263F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Managerial economics and health services (HJÚ142F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

  • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
  • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
  • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
  • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
  • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
  • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
  • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year | Fall
Pharmacology for nurses (HJÚ159F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Fall
Theoretical Thinking in Nursing (HJÚ143F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Fall
Applied statistics (HJÚ135F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Quantitative Nursing Research (HJÚ252F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Qualitative Nursing Research (HJÚ253F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Fall
Advanced Nursing Practice I (HJÚ158F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
2 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Second year | Fall
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Spring 1
Advanced Nursing Practice II (HJÚ269F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Second year | Spring 1
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Fall
Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention (LÝÐ104F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition (HJÚ169F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases (HJÚ0AVF)
Free elective course within the programme
4 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Pharmacology for nurses (HJÚ159F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Fall
Intensive Care Nursing I (HJÚ160F)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Factors of Influence in Ageing: Environment, Social Relationships and Health (ÖLD201F)
Free elective course within the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The goal of this course is to deepen students' knowledge of gerontology and geriatrics. The social, biological and psychological aspects of aging will be discussed. Services for older adults  will be discussed in general as well as caring for special needs. Icelandic and international research will be presented. Various theories in gerontology will be examined and their effects on attitudes towards and services for older people. Cross discipline teamwork will be discussed with emphasis placed on working with various professions.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Distance learning
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in health care (HJÚ258F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Management in health care (HJÚ259F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Family Nursing Practice (HJÚ0ADF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Psychopharmocology for health care professionals (HJÚ0AFF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in nursing – a global approach (HJÚ801F)
Free elective course within the programme
3 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

Language of instruction: English
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced practice psyciatric nursing (HJÚ0ABF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children (HJÚ0AJF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

The main themes of the course are: 

  1. Theories and concepts;
  2. Public and community health and health promotion;
  3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
  4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
  5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care (HJÚ271F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
1 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities (LÝÐ202F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Palliative Care (HJÚ263F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Managerial economics and health services (HJÚ142F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

  • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
  • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
  • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
  • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
  • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
  • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
  • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year | Fall
Pharmacology for nurses (HJÚ159F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Fall
Theoretical Thinking in Nursing (HJÚ143F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Fall
Applied statistics (HJÚ135F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Quantitative Nursing Research (HJÚ252F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Qualitative Nursing Research (HJÚ253F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Fall
Advanced Nursing Practice I (HJÚ158F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
2 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Second year | Fall
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Spring 1
Advanced Nursing Practice II (HJÚ269F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Second year | Spring 1
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Fall
Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention (LÝÐ104F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition (HJÚ169F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases (HJÚ0AVF)
Free elective course within the programme
4 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Pharmacology for nurses (HJÚ159F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Fall
Intensive Care Nursing I (HJÚ160F)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in health care (HJÚ258F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Management in health care (HJÚ259F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Family Nursing Practice (HJÚ0ADF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Psychopharmocology for health care professionals (HJÚ0AFF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in nursing – a global approach (HJÚ801F)
Free elective course within the programme
3 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

Language of instruction: English
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced practice psyciatric nursing (HJÚ0ABF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children (HJÚ0AJF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

The main themes of the course are: 

  1. Theories and concepts;
  2. Public and community health and health promotion;
  3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
  4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
  5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care (HJÚ271F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
1 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities (LÝÐ202F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Palliative Care (HJÚ263F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Managerial economics and health services (HJÚ142F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

  • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
  • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
  • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
  • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
  • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
  • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
  • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year | Fall
Theoretical Thinking in Nursing (HJÚ143F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Fall
Applied statistics (HJÚ135F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Quantitative Nursing Research (HJÚ252F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Qualitative Nursing Research (HJÚ253F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Fall
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Spring 1
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Fall
Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention (LÝÐ104F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition (HJÚ169F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases (HJÚ0AVF)
Free elective course within the programme
4 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Pharmacology for nurses (HJÚ159F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Fall
Intensive Care Nursing I (HJÚ160F)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in health care (HJÚ258F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Management in health care (HJÚ259F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Family Nursing Practice (HJÚ0ADF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Psychopharmocology for health care professionals (HJÚ0AFF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in nursing – a global approach (HJÚ801F)
Free elective course within the programme
3 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

Language of instruction: English
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced practice psyciatric nursing (HJÚ0ABF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children (HJÚ0AJF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

The main themes of the course are: 

  1. Theories and concepts;
  2. Public and community health and health promotion;
  3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
  4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
  5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care (HJÚ271F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
1 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities (LÝÐ202F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Palliative Care (HJÚ263F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Managerial economics and health services (HJÚ142F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

  • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
  • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
  • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
  • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
  • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
  • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
  • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year | Fall
Theoretical Thinking in Nursing (HJÚ143F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Fall
Applied statistics (HJÚ135F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Advanced practice psyciatric nursing (HJÚ0ABF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Quantitative Nursing Research (HJÚ252F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Qualitative Nursing Research (HJÚ253F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Fall
Advanced Nursing Practice I (HJÚ158F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
2 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Second year | Fall
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Spring 1
Advanced Nursing Practice II (HJÚ269F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Second year | Spring 1
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Fall
Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention (LÝÐ104F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition (HJÚ169F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases (HJÚ0AVF)
Free elective course within the programme
4 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Pharmacology for nurses (HJÚ159F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Fall
Intensive Care Nursing I (HJÚ160F)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in health care (HJÚ258F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Management in health care (HJÚ259F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Family Nursing Practice (HJÚ0ADF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Psychopharmocology for health care professionals (HJÚ0AFF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in nursing – a global approach (HJÚ801F)
Free elective course within the programme
3 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

Language of instruction: English
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced practice psyciatric nursing (HJÚ0ABF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children (HJÚ0AJF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

The main themes of the course are: 

  1. Theories and concepts;
  2. Public and community health and health promotion;
  3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
  4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
  5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care (HJÚ271F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
1 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities (LÝÐ202F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Palliative Care (HJÚ263F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Managerial economics and health services (HJÚ142F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

  • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
  • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
  • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
  • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
  • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
  • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
  • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year | Fall
Theoretical Thinking in Nursing (HJÚ143F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Fall
Applied statistics (HJÚ135F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
First year | Spring 1
Quantitative Nursing Research (HJÚ252F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Qualitative Nursing Research (HJÚ253F)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Fall
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Fall
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Second year | Spring 1
Final project (HJÚ441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Final project

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Spring 1
Research seminar (HJÚ0AIF)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Fall
Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention (LÝÐ104F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition (HJÚ169F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases (HJÚ0AVF)
Free elective course within the programme
4 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Pharmacology for nurses (HJÚ159F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Fall
Intensive Care Nursing I (HJÚ160F)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in health care (HJÚ258F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Management in health care (HJÚ259F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Family Nursing Practice (HJÚ0ADF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Psychopharmocology for health care professionals (HJÚ0AFF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Leadership in nursing – a global approach (HJÚ801F)
Free elective course within the programme
3 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

Language of instruction: English
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced practice psyciatric nursing (HJÚ0ABF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children (HJÚ0AJF)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

The main themes of the course are: 

  1. Theories and concepts;
  2. Public and community health and health promotion;
  3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
  4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
  5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology (HJÚ0AQF)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care (HJÚ271F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
1 fieldwork credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Spring 1
The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities (LÝÐ202F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Course taught second half of the semester
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Palliative Care (HJÚ263F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified | Year unspecified
Managerial economics and health services (HJÚ142F)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

  • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
  • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
  • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
  • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
  • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
  • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
  • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
Language of instruction: Icelandic
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Second year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Second year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Second year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Second year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified
  • Fall
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Second year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified
  • Fall
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Clinical Practice in Intensvie Care Nursing: neonatal, pediatric and adult I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    7 ECTS, credits
    7 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    Nurses attending full masters progam in intensive care nursing at the Faculty of Nursing- and midwivery University of Iceland and working at the adult, pediatric or neonatal intensive care units (ICU) at Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavik, can apply for a course in ICU clinical practice (30 ECTS). A 30 ECTS from BS degree in nursing can be assessed into the masters program instead of the 30 ECTS ICU clinical practice course. The ICU clinical practice course is 950 hours over four consecutive semesters. The number of nurses that are accepted to the ICU clinical practice course is limited due to restricted number of clincal places at the ICUs.

    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    BASIC Pediatric hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    2 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the BASIC Paediatric course is to teach participants to rapidly assess serously ill children and provide initial treatment and organ support. A two day course consisting of lectures, skill stations and tutorials taught by paediatric Intensive Care specialist, with an empahsis on a practical approach to management of critically ill patients. There is a course textbook (Paediatric Basic), a pre-course MCQ-based assessment and post-course MCQ-test. The topics are: teamwork, assessment of the seriously ill child, airway management, acute respiratory failure, mechanical ventilation, haemodynamic monitoring, management of shock, severe sepsis, trauma, neurological emergencies, acute kidney injury, nutrition and transport.

    A two day course consisting of lectures, skill stations and tutorials taught by paediatric Intensive Care specialist, with an empahsis on a practical approach to management of critically ill patients. There is a post-course MCQ-test. The topics are: teamwork, assessment of the seriously ill child, airway management, acute respiratory failure, mechanical ventilation, haemodynamic monitoring, management of shock, severe sepsis, trauma, neurological emergencies, acute kidney injury, nutrition and transport.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ0B0F
    Clinical Practice in Intensvie Care Nursing: neonatal, pediatric and adult II hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    8 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    Nurses attending full masters progam in intensive care nursing at the Faculty of Nursing- and midwivery University of Iceland and working at the adult, pediatric or neonatal intensive care units (ICU) at Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavik, can apply for a course in ICU clinical practice (30 ECTS). A 30 ECTS from BS degree in nursing can be assessed into the masters program instead of the 30 ECTS ICU clinical practice course. The ICU clinical practice course is 950 hours over four consecutive semesters. The number of nurses that are accepted to the ICU clinical practice course is limited due to restricted number of clincal places at the ICUs.

    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • Not taught this semester
    Pharmacology of anesthetic drugs hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    A thorough study of the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of drugs commonly used in anesthesia practice.  Concurrent drug therapy and their anesthetic implications will be discussed. The major function of the autonomic nervous system in coordinating and regulating the physiological function of the body will be dealt with and the pharmacology of important therapeutic agents that will affect the function of the autonomic nervous system.

  • Not taught this semester
    Intensive Care Nursing II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course, provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and newborn. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on nursing of head injury patients, patients with cardiovascular problems, sepsis and renal failure and subsequent ICU treatment and ECMO. Discussions of family nursing, palliative care in ICU and organ donation are included in the course.    

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
  • Not taught this semester
    Clinical Practice in Intensvie Care Nursing: neonatal, pediatric and adult III hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    7 ECTS, credits
    7 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    Nurses attending full masters progam in intensive care nursing at the Faculty of Nursing- and midwivery University of Iceland and working at the adult, pediatric or neonatal intensive care units (ICU) at Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavik, can apply for a course in ICU clinical practice (30 ECTS). A 30 ECTS from BS degree in nursing can be assessed into the masters program instead of the 30 ECTS ICU clinical practice course. The ICU clinical practice course is 950 hours over four consecutive semesters. The number of nurses that are accepted to the ICU clinical practice course is limited due to restricted number of clincal places at the ICUs.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
  • Not taught this semester
    Clinical Practice in Intensvie Care Nursing: neonatal, pediatric and adult IV hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    8 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    Nurses attending full masters progam in intensive care nursing at the Faculty of Nursing- and midwivery University of Iceland and working at the adult, pediatric or neonatal intensive care units (ICU) at Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavik, can apply for a course in ICU clinical practice (30 ECTS). A 30 ECTS from BS degree in nursing can be assessed into the masters program instead of the 30 ECTS ICU clinical practice course. The ICU clinical practice course is 950 hours over four consecutive semesters. The number of nurses that are accepted to the ICU clinical practice course is limited due to restricted number of clincal places at the ICUs.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Second year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Clinical Practice in Intensvie Care Nursing: neonatal, pediatric and adult I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    7 ECTS, credits
    7 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    Nurses attending full masters progam in intensive care nursing at the Faculty of Nursing- and midwivery University of Iceland and working at the adult, pediatric or neonatal intensive care units (ICU) at Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavik, can apply for a course in ICU clinical practice (30 ECTS). A 30 ECTS from BS degree in nursing can be assessed into the masters program instead of the 30 ECTS ICU clinical practice course. The ICU clinical practice course is 950 hours over four consecutive semesters. The number of nurses that are accepted to the ICU clinical practice course is limited due to restricted number of clincal places at the ICUs.

    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    BASIC Pediatric hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    2 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the BASIC Paediatric course is to teach participants to rapidly assess serously ill children and provide initial treatment and organ support. A two day course consisting of lectures, skill stations and tutorials taught by paediatric Intensive Care specialist, with an empahsis on a practical approach to management of critically ill patients. There is a course textbook (Paediatric Basic), a pre-course MCQ-based assessment and post-course MCQ-test. The topics are: teamwork, assessment of the seriously ill child, airway management, acute respiratory failure, mechanical ventilation, haemodynamic monitoring, management of shock, severe sepsis, trauma, neurological emergencies, acute kidney injury, nutrition and transport.

    A two day course consisting of lectures, skill stations and tutorials taught by paediatric Intensive Care specialist, with an empahsis on a practical approach to management of critically ill patients. There is a post-course MCQ-test. The topics are: teamwork, assessment of the seriously ill child, airway management, acute respiratory failure, mechanical ventilation, haemodynamic monitoring, management of shock, severe sepsis, trauma, neurological emergencies, acute kidney injury, nutrition and transport.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ0B0F
    Clinical Practice in Intensvie Care Nursing: neonatal, pediatric and adult II hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    8 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    Nurses attending full masters progam in intensive care nursing at the Faculty of Nursing- and midwivery University of Iceland and working at the adult, pediatric or neonatal intensive care units (ICU) at Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavik, can apply for a course in ICU clinical practice (30 ECTS). A 30 ECTS from BS degree in nursing can be assessed into the masters program instead of the 30 ECTS ICU clinical practice course. The ICU clinical practice course is 950 hours over four consecutive semesters. The number of nurses that are accepted to the ICU clinical practice course is limited due to restricted number of clincal places at the ICUs.

    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • Not taught this semester
    Pharmacology of anesthetic drugs hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    A thorough study of the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of drugs commonly used in anesthesia practice.  Concurrent drug therapy and their anesthetic implications will be discussed. The major function of the autonomic nervous system in coordinating and regulating the physiological function of the body will be dealt with and the pharmacology of important therapeutic agents that will affect the function of the autonomic nervous system.

  • Not taught this semester
    Intensive Care Nursing II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course, provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and newborn. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on nursing of head injury patients, patients with cardiovascular problems, sepsis and renal failure and subsequent ICU treatment and ECMO. Discussions of family nursing, palliative care in ICU and organ donation are included in the course.    

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
  • Not taught this semester
    Clinical Practice in Intensvie Care Nursing: neonatal, pediatric and adult III hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    7 ECTS, credits
    7 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    Nurses attending full masters progam in intensive care nursing at the Faculty of Nursing- and midwivery University of Iceland and working at the adult, pediatric or neonatal intensive care units (ICU) at Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavik, can apply for a course in ICU clinical practice (30 ECTS). A 30 ECTS from BS degree in nursing can be assessed into the masters program instead of the 30 ECTS ICU clinical practice course. The ICU clinical practice course is 950 hours over four consecutive semesters. The number of nurses that are accepted to the ICU clinical practice course is limited due to restricted number of clincal places at the ICUs.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
  • Not taught this semester
    Clinical Practice in Intensvie Care Nursing: neonatal, pediatric and adult IV hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    8 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    Nurses attending full masters progam in intensive care nursing at the Faculty of Nursing- and midwivery University of Iceland and working at the adult, pediatric or neonatal intensive care units (ICU) at Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavik, can apply for a course in ICU clinical practice (30 ECTS). A 30 ECTS from BS degree in nursing can be assessed into the masters program instead of the 30 ECTS ICU clinical practice course. The ICU clinical practice course is 950 hours over four consecutive semesters. The number of nurses that are accepted to the ICU clinical practice course is limited due to restricted number of clincal places at the ICUs.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified
  • Fall
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Clinical Practice in Intensvie Care Nursing: neonatal, pediatric and adult I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    7 ECTS, credits
    7 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    Nurses attending full masters progam in intensive care nursing at the Faculty of Nursing- and midwivery University of Iceland and working at the adult, pediatric or neonatal intensive care units (ICU) at Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavik, can apply for a course in ICU clinical practice (30 ECTS). A 30 ECTS from BS degree in nursing can be assessed into the masters program instead of the 30 ECTS ICU clinical practice course. The ICU clinical practice course is 950 hours over four consecutive semesters. The number of nurses that are accepted to the ICU clinical practice course is limited due to restricted number of clincal places at the ICUs.

    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    BASIC Pediatric hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    2 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the BASIC Paediatric course is to teach participants to rapidly assess serously ill children and provide initial treatment and organ support. A two day course consisting of lectures, skill stations and tutorials taught by paediatric Intensive Care specialist, with an empahsis on a practical approach to management of critically ill patients. There is a course textbook (Paediatric Basic), a pre-course MCQ-based assessment and post-course MCQ-test. The topics are: teamwork, assessment of the seriously ill child, airway management, acute respiratory failure, mechanical ventilation, haemodynamic monitoring, management of shock, severe sepsis, trauma, neurological emergencies, acute kidney injury, nutrition and transport.

    A two day course consisting of lectures, skill stations and tutorials taught by paediatric Intensive Care specialist, with an empahsis on a practical approach to management of critically ill patients. There is a post-course MCQ-test. The topics are: teamwork, assessment of the seriously ill child, airway management, acute respiratory failure, mechanical ventilation, haemodynamic monitoring, management of shock, severe sepsis, trauma, neurological emergencies, acute kidney injury, nutrition and transport.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ0B0F
    Clinical Practice in Intensvie Care Nursing: neonatal, pediatric and adult II hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    8 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    Nurses attending full masters progam in intensive care nursing at the Faculty of Nursing- and midwivery University of Iceland and working at the adult, pediatric or neonatal intensive care units (ICU) at Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavik, can apply for a course in ICU clinical practice (30 ECTS). A 30 ECTS from BS degree in nursing can be assessed into the masters program instead of the 30 ECTS ICU clinical practice course. The ICU clinical practice course is 950 hours over four consecutive semesters. The number of nurses that are accepted to the ICU clinical practice course is limited due to restricted number of clincal places at the ICUs.

    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • Not taught this semester
    Pharmacology of anesthetic drugs hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    A thorough study of the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of drugs commonly used in anesthesia practice.  Concurrent drug therapy and their anesthetic implications will be discussed. The major function of the autonomic nervous system in coordinating and regulating the physiological function of the body will be dealt with and the pharmacology of important therapeutic agents that will affect the function of the autonomic nervous system.

  • Not taught this semester
    Intensive Care Nursing II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course, provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and newborn. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on nursing of head injury patients, patients with cardiovascular problems, sepsis and renal failure and subsequent ICU treatment and ECMO. Discussions of family nursing, palliative care in ICU and organ donation are included in the course.    

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
  • Not taught this semester
    Clinical Practice in Intensvie Care Nursing: neonatal, pediatric and adult III hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    7 ECTS, credits
    7 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    Nurses attending full masters progam in intensive care nursing at the Faculty of Nursing- and midwivery University of Iceland and working at the adult, pediatric or neonatal intensive care units (ICU) at Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavik, can apply for a course in ICU clinical practice (30 ECTS). A 30 ECTS from BS degree in nursing can be assessed into the masters program instead of the 30 ECTS ICU clinical practice course. The ICU clinical practice course is 950 hours over four consecutive semesters. The number of nurses that are accepted to the ICU clinical practice course is limited due to restricted number of clincal places at the ICUs.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
  • Not taught this semester
    Clinical Practice in Intensvie Care Nursing: neonatal, pediatric and adult IV hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    8 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    Nurses attending full masters progam in intensive care nursing at the Faculty of Nursing- and midwivery University of Iceland and working at the adult, pediatric or neonatal intensive care units (ICU) at Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavik, can apply for a course in ICU clinical practice (30 ECTS). A 30 ECTS from BS degree in nursing can be assessed into the masters program instead of the 30 ECTS ICU clinical practice course. The ICU clinical practice course is 950 hours over four consecutive semesters. The number of nurses that are accepted to the ICU clinical practice course is limited due to restricted number of clincal places at the ICUs.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Second year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • Not taught this semester
    Well-being and health-promoting servant leadership hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    7,5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Wellbeing at work gains increasing attetion and discussion about prevention og job burnout has incresed. Leaders of organizations are becoming increasingly aware of the value of a healthy work environment and staff wellbeing being linked to better performance. The purpose of this interdisciplinary course is to introduce students to the emerging field of healthy work environment models that impact the wellbeing and health of people and how this links to leadership philosophy and behavior. The course is designed to discuss the context of determinants of wellbeing at work and different types of healthy work environment models in relation to wellbeing at work. Also to examine health promoting and servant leadership approaches and successful strategies to prevent burnout. Students visit successful organizations in this regard and get insight into managers' experience. Course materials and activities will challenge students to connect theory to practice. Students will be required to analyze current research on the topic and to identify an issue of unhealthy work environment and to develop an implementation of successful work environment model.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught in period I
  • NAF003F
    Adult Learners and human resource development hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course is a general introduction to Adult and Continuing education. Through the course participants will familiarize themselves with research on the charcteristics of adult learners, theories on adult learning, the societal place of adult education, participation in adult learning activities and the effects of adult development on their learning endevours.

    The course aims are that participants acquaint themselves with research and theories of adult learning with the aim of informing practice and to rationalize choices and actions when organizing learning events and working with adults.

    Coursework: Blended learning with face to face sessions and online collaborations: Discussions, lectures, individual assignments and group projects.

    Face-to-face learning
    Distance learning
  • VIÐ190F
    Change Management hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    7,5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course will cover the key areas of change management, such as the implementation of change, employee reactions, key barriers to change, and the positive and negative forces that affect the change process. The theories and concepts that change management is based on will be discussed in detail as well as the key approaches and methods for managing change. The role of the leader, manager, and the middle manager in managing change as well as crises will be discussed. Organizational culture will be discussed and why it is an important element of the change process.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught in period II
  • OSS102F
    Public Human Resource Management hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course will examine human resource management (HRM) in the public sector. Civil service systems will be discussed in a historical context. Employment-related laws, regulations and procedures are reviewed. The students will be exposed to job functions of HRM professionals, including staffing, recruiting, performance appraisal and compensation. The strategic HRM approach is introduced and the procedure of formulating an HRM policy.

    Distance learning
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • OSS204F
    Administrative Law for Public Executives hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course deals with describtion of Icelandic authoroties (the executive), the basic structure of the Icelandic administrative system, main tasks of public authotiries, the scope, relevance and rules of the Administrative Act. no 37/1993 and the relevance and rules of the Information Act. no 140/2012. The main emphasis is on the Administrative Act. 

    Face-to-face learning
    Online learning
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Second year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • Not taught this semester
    Well-being and health-promoting servant leadership hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    7,5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Wellbeing at work gains increasing attetion and discussion about prevention og job burnout has incresed. Leaders of organizations are becoming increasingly aware of the value of a healthy work environment and staff wellbeing being linked to better performance. The purpose of this interdisciplinary course is to introduce students to the emerging field of healthy work environment models that impact the wellbeing and health of people and how this links to leadership philosophy and behavior. The course is designed to discuss the context of determinants of wellbeing at work and different types of healthy work environment models in relation to wellbeing at work. Also to examine health promoting and servant leadership approaches and successful strategies to prevent burnout. Students visit successful organizations in this regard and get insight into managers' experience. Course materials and activities will challenge students to connect theory to practice. Students will be required to analyze current research on the topic and to identify an issue of unhealthy work environment and to develop an implementation of successful work environment model.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught in period I
  • NAF003F
    Adult Learners and human resource development hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course is a general introduction to Adult and Continuing education. Through the course participants will familiarize themselves with research on the charcteristics of adult learners, theories on adult learning, the societal place of adult education, participation in adult learning activities and the effects of adult development on their learning endevours.

    The course aims are that participants acquaint themselves with research and theories of adult learning with the aim of informing practice and to rationalize choices and actions when organizing learning events and working with adults.

    Coursework: Blended learning with face to face sessions and online collaborations: Discussions, lectures, individual assignments and group projects.

    Face-to-face learning
    Distance learning
  • VIÐ190F
    Change Management hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    7,5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course will cover the key areas of change management, such as the implementation of change, employee reactions, key barriers to change, and the positive and negative forces that affect the change process. The theories and concepts that change management is based on will be discussed in detail as well as the key approaches and methods for managing change. The role of the leader, manager, and the middle manager in managing change as well as crises will be discussed. Organizational culture will be discussed and why it is an important element of the change process.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught in period II
  • OSS102F
    Public Human Resource Management hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course will examine human resource management (HRM) in the public sector. Civil service systems will be discussed in a historical context. Employment-related laws, regulations and procedures are reviewed. The students will be exposed to job functions of HRM professionals, including staffing, recruiting, performance appraisal and compensation. The strategic HRM approach is introduced and the procedure of formulating an HRM policy.

    Distance learning
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • OSS204F
    Administrative Law for Public Executives hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course deals with describtion of Icelandic authoroties (the executive), the basic structure of the Icelandic administrative system, main tasks of public authotiries, the scope, relevance and rules of the Administrative Act. no 37/1993 and the relevance and rules of the Information Act. no 140/2012. The main emphasis is on the Administrative Act. 

    Face-to-face learning
    Online learning
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified
  • Fall
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • Not taught this semester
    Well-being and health-promoting servant leadership hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    7,5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Wellbeing at work gains increasing attetion and discussion about prevention og job burnout has incresed. Leaders of organizations are becoming increasingly aware of the value of a healthy work environment and staff wellbeing being linked to better performance. The purpose of this interdisciplinary course is to introduce students to the emerging field of healthy work environment models that impact the wellbeing and health of people and how this links to leadership philosophy and behavior. The course is designed to discuss the context of determinants of wellbeing at work and different types of healthy work environment models in relation to wellbeing at work. Also to examine health promoting and servant leadership approaches and successful strategies to prevent burnout. Students visit successful organizations in this regard and get insight into managers' experience. Course materials and activities will challenge students to connect theory to practice. Students will be required to analyze current research on the topic and to identify an issue of unhealthy work environment and to develop an implementation of successful work environment model.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught in period I
  • NAF003F
    Adult Learners and human resource development hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course is a general introduction to Adult and Continuing education. Through the course participants will familiarize themselves with research on the charcteristics of adult learners, theories on adult learning, the societal place of adult education, participation in adult learning activities and the effects of adult development on their learning endevours.

    The course aims are that participants acquaint themselves with research and theories of adult learning with the aim of informing practice and to rationalize choices and actions when organizing learning events and working with adults.

    Coursework: Blended learning with face to face sessions and online collaborations: Discussions, lectures, individual assignments and group projects.

    Face-to-face learning
    Distance learning
  • VIÐ190F
    Change Management hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    7,5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course will cover the key areas of change management, such as the implementation of change, employee reactions, key barriers to change, and the positive and negative forces that affect the change process. The theories and concepts that change management is based on will be discussed in detail as well as the key approaches and methods for managing change. The role of the leader, manager, and the middle manager in managing change as well as crises will be discussed. Organizational culture will be discussed and why it is an important element of the change process.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught in period II
  • OSS102F
    Public Human Resource Management hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course will examine human resource management (HRM) in the public sector. Civil service systems will be discussed in a historical context. Employment-related laws, regulations and procedures are reviewed. The students will be exposed to job functions of HRM professionals, including staffing, recruiting, performance appraisal and compensation. The strategic HRM approach is introduced and the procedure of formulating an HRM policy.

    Distance learning
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • OSS204F
    Administrative Law for Public Executives hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course deals with describtion of Icelandic authoroties (the executive), the basic structure of the Icelandic administrative system, main tasks of public authotiries, the scope, relevance and rules of the Administrative Act. no 37/1993 and the relevance and rules of the Information Act. no 140/2012. The main emphasis is on the Administrative Act. 

    Face-to-face learning
    Online learning
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Second year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • ÖLD201F
    Factors of Influence in Ageing: Environment, Social Relationships and Health hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The goal of this course is to deepen students' knowledge of gerontology and geriatrics. The social, biological and psychological aspects of aging will be discussed. Services for older adults  will be discussed in general as well as caring for special needs. Icelandic and international research will be presented. Various theories in gerontology will be examined and their effects on attitudes towards and services for older people. Cross discipline teamwork will be discussed with emphasis placed on working with various professions.

    Distance learning
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Second year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • ÖLD201F
    Factors of Influence in Ageing: Environment, Social Relationships and Health hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The goal of this course is to deepen students' knowledge of gerontology and geriatrics. The social, biological and psychological aspects of aging will be discussed. Services for older adults  will be discussed in general as well as caring for special needs. Icelandic and international research will be presented. Various theories in gerontology will be examined and their effects on attitudes towards and services for older people. Cross discipline teamwork will be discussed with emphasis placed on working with various professions.

    Distance learning
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified
  • Fall
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • ÖLD201F
    Factors of Influence in Ageing: Environment, Social Relationships and Health hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The goal of this course is to deepen students' knowledge of gerontology and geriatrics. The social, biological and psychological aspects of aging will be discussed. Services for older adults  will be discussed in general as well as caring for special needs. Icelandic and international research will be presented. Various theories in gerontology will be examined and their effects on attitudes towards and services for older people. Cross discipline teamwork will be discussed with emphasis placed on working with various professions.

    Distance learning
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Second year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified
  • Fall
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Second year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Second year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ158F
    Advanced Nursing Practice I hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    2 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The course gives an overview of the role and theoretical background of advanced practice nursing. The students gain insight into the main roles of advanced practice nurses: clinical, teaching and educating, consultation, leadership, information technique and data management, research and quality improvement. The focus is on training students in using advanced methods of information gathering and patient assessment, both physical and mental.

    The course is taught in six sessions over the semester. The clinical part of the course is organized in collaboration with the supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ269F
    Advanced Nursing Practice II hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students comprehend and apply knowledge in and about nursing as a practice discipline and utilize that knowledge in developing practice/a unit of interventions that meets the complex needs of a pre-selected group of clients. Students practice decision making, implementation and evaluation of a pre-selected practice/unit of nursing interventions.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
First year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Second year
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified
  • Fall
  • HJÚ143F
    Theoretical Thinking in Nursing hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course addresses a variety of trends and issues that have become influential in the understanding of the nature of knowledge in nursing and how it develops. Knowledge development is explored from a historical perspective with a close reading of original texts by key authors such as Nightingale and Henderson. A number of much-quoted contemporary scholars are introduced. The influence and use of feminist and post-structural ideas within nursing are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in the analysis and evaluation of texts. A minimum number of students: 15.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ135F
    Applied statistics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This is the second course in applied statistics, focusing on calculation, interpretation, and presentation of results. Topics include mean and frequency-based tests of significance, alternative measures of correlation, simple/oneway and multivariate ANOVA and Regression, and statistical measures of reliability and validity of variables and instruments.

    The course is composed of lectures and problem-based sessions.  It is given in the classroom.

    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ252F
    Quantitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in practical quantitative methodology.

    The course will be presented scientific methodology with particular emphasis on the systematic literature review that is the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. In addition, the study of tailored procedures used in clinical trials in Health discussed and analyzed.

    The systematic theoretical summary of field training to set out a clear research question or research questions and to make use of PICO criteria to assemble a search with keywords from the research question/categories. In addition, emphasis will be placed on guided by the PRISMA statement on how to levy the results of a systematic literature review to identify, select and criticize the relevant studies and to collect and analyze studies that meet the entry requirements for academic SPC.

    Students are trained to assess the quality of research, among others from the Joanna Briggs Institute manual.

    The course will place special emphasis on introducing students to the cross-sectional studies, long-term research and development of standard and semi-standard experimental research.

    In the treatment studies, among other things, deals with the coordination of research subjects and the research questions and hypotheses to the methodology relied upon, ie, the sample size, format, measurement, data processing and effect size (effect size).

    Special emphasis is placed on providing students with insight into the requirements for your creative research results in international journals and the exploitation of nursing and midwifery.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ253F
    Qualitative Nursing Research hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is intended to deepen students' knowledge in qualitative methodology. The philosophical and theoretical basis of qualitative methods is taught alongside its practical application in nursing and midwifery. In this context, students develop skills to develop initiate their own research projects and to utilize research results within their own field of expertise.

    The student brings interesting research articles conducted within his/her speciality to class and they are used in wider discussions of qualitative methodology.

    To prepare the student to conduct qualitative studies we have organized interactive workshops. Throughout the course, ethical issues related to qualitative research are also discussed, such as confidentiality, validity and generalization of research results.

    The student is also trained to critically appraise the quality of published qualitative research articles. Particular emphasis is placed on getting the student acquainted with phenomenology, qualitative content analysis (theme analysis vs. coding and deductive vs. inductive analysis), field studies (ethnography), individual interviews and focus group interviews, mixed-method research, and action research.

    Projects that the student engage in during the course should be associated with their own field of expertise and must be prepared in collaboration with their main supervisor.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Final project

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
    Research seminar hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main emphasis is on providing the students with the opportunity to present their research proposals and participate in critical discussions about the relevance, methods and other aspects of the research process. Each student has to present his research proposal once and be the "main opponent" in the presentation of at least one other student.

    Participation in the master's seminar is mandatory for finishing the final master's thesis and the aim is to guide and support students in completing their thesis. The aim of the seminar is to train the students in critical discussion and presentation of their thesis. At the beginning of each semester, all students receive an announcement of when the seminars are planned and how they will be scheduled that semester. A seminar is intended for all masters’ students during the whole study period. It is therefore recommended for students to start attending as soon as possible. The student must attend 10 seminars before the final project is evaluated.

  • Fall
  • LÝÐ104F
    Determinants of health, health promotion and disease prevention hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides an overview of the main determinants of health in a westernized society (such as Iceland) and preventive interventions at different levels of such societies. With main emphasis on planning, implementing and documentation of the effectiveness of interventions aiming at general health promotion and primary prevention, the course also covers examples of secondary and tertiary prevention. The students get training in planning their own preventive interventions.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Not taught this semester
    Cognitive behavioral therapy during times of transition hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main purpose of the course is to introduce the theoretical basis and clinical methods of cognitive behavioral therapy that benefit individuals and groups facing challenging life changes e.g. related to illness, mental health risk factors, stress, developmental tasks and circumstances. Special focus will be on the theories of Meleis et al. on life transitions and cognitive behavioral therapy according to Aaron Beck. Students will examine their own professional and, when appropriate personal experiences, of life-transitions according to the transition theory.

    Emphasis will be on student activity and collaboration, where work will be done with personal and professional experiences, case examples and client(s). Students will receive basic training in applying methods based on cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with distressful emotions, e.g. stress, anxiety and depression with short and targeted interventions. Individual assessment will be carried out specifically according to the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy to analyze the effects of life changes and transitions on individuals well-being as well as evidence-based methods for intervention.The use of thought records and behavioral activation according to cognitive behavioral therapy will be introduced and practiced in skills camps and with a client/clients. Interventions to deal with physical symptoms of discomfort will also be discussed according to the evidence e.g. exercises, mindfulness and breathing exercises.  Teaching takes place in four to six sessions. Specialists in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy will be visiting teachers in the course.

    Assessment takes place with individual assignments and 80% attendance is required.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Health and prevention in people with chronic diseases hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The topic of this course is health and prevention in people with chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic lung disease, heart – and vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease according to the Health Policy for Iceland.

    The focus is on second and tertiary prevention in these groups. A short introduction to the epidemiology and main risk factors of common chronic diseases and their relationship to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. 

    The research and knowledge base for prevention will be addressed, and evidence-based methods to enhance self-care will be discussed. Smoking cessation will be specifically addressed. Student assignments will build on their interest or field of practice.

    The course is taught in sessions according to the teaching schedule in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The course is expected to begin in mid-October.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • HJÚ159F
    Pharmacology for nurses hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The objective of the course is for nurses to know and understand drugs activity in order to enable administration of drugs and complex medications to patients in a safe and responsible manner.

    The course introduces activity, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications to cardiovascular drugs, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs, endocrine drugs, hormonal drugs, neuropathic drugs, painkillers and respiratory drugs, with lectures and discussion sessions. Emphasis is placed on solving complex clinical examples in in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care where knowledge of efficacy, adverse, intermediate, and drug-drug interactions.

    The course is for registered nurses enrolled in the MS program at Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Iceland.

    The teachers are pharmacists, specialists and specialists in nursing.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ160F
    Intensive Care Nursing I hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course provides a comprehensive overview of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing of adults, children and neonates. Students work with evidence-based knowledge in ICU nursing that supports long- and short-term outcomes of ICU patients. Emphasis is on interventions for clinically complex ICU patients. Assignments aim at developing students´ specific field of knowledge in ICU nursing and according to the assignments´ descriptions in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Spring 2
  • HJÚ258F
    Leadership in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The work environment of health care services has changed constantly in recent years requiring more than ever leadership skills of nurses as well as other healthcare professionals, whether in clinical roles, teaching or education. The course should prepare students for leadership roles in healthcare.

    The course content includes concepts, models and theories in leadership. The role and characteristics of leaders and the role of leaders as change agents are discussed, within health care organizations and generally in the community, locally and globally, at present and in the future. A global approach and innovation are emphasized.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Management in health care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is for students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the administrative matters and prepare them for administrative roles in health care. The role of managers is emphasized including human resource management, teamwork, work environment, patient services, quality and safety. Students projects are derived from real practice locally as well as globally in present times as well as in the future, strenthening the theoretical as well as practical competence of students.

    The course is taught in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and is a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course that includes joint teaching material and projects with teachers and students in the DNP program in nursing leadership. The main cooperating teacher at the University of Minnesota is dr. Stephanie Gingerich, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Advanced Family Nursing Practice hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims to give nurses and other health care professionals the opportunity to enhance their skills in evaluating and implementing the philosophy that family care-based as well as focus on developing clinical skills of nurses in their persons and their families who are dealing with various diseases, disorders and or shocks.

    On this occasion, the focus will be on working with the support of individuals and families, a family activity and attitude of family members to diseases/trauma. Communication Theories and ideas Wright and Bell (2009) and Wright and Leahey (2019) changed the relationship of family members to chronic or acute disease or trauma and ideology of cooperation with the families of the clinical arena is among the materials that will be considered.

    The main focus of the course is on evidence-based practice in family care and the development of therapeutic dialogue with individuals and families, with the views of family members, health workers attitude and attitude to disease and the interaction between them include examined.

    Full coverage will be the preparation and implementation of family interviews coercion and development styrkleikamiðaðra treatments for individuals and families.

    The course is also designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in assisting families with adjustment/experience of serious illness and trauma such as loss and thus enable families in their own health.

    Special emphasis will be placed on individual training where students receive personal guidance on the implementation of treatment discussion with family members. Assessment is in the form of individual projects and group projects, but as the test release phase of the case requires 80% attendance in the course.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Psychopharmocology for health care professionals hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course presents advanced concepts in neuroscience, psychopharmacology and clinical management related to psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and symptoms.  The course reflects current scientific knowledge of psychopharmacology and its application to problems seen in a variety of clinical settings.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • HJÚ801F
    Leadership in nursing – a global approach hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    3 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In recent years, there have been major changes in the working environment of healthcare institutions. The ever-changing working environment makes even greater demands on nurses for skills in the leadership role, that they think no less than locally and adopt the methods of entrepreneurs in management and leadership.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
    Course taught second half of the semester
    Advanced practice psyciatric nursing hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course the students will obtain theoretical knowledge related to evidence based clinical skills used in psychiatric nursing and psychotherapy. The students will obtain comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research on which treatment for mental health problems is founded and planned. Further, the course emphasis theoretical learning for the promotion of professional competence within advanced practice psychiatric nursing. Each student will choose one of the following approaches to study in detail: clinical training in individual and/or group therapy, and in mental health nursing for groups at risk.

    Attendance required in class
    Nursing care of children and families I: Health care systems and the health and illness of children hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the realities of children in illness and distress in circumstances that impact on their health and illness in the context of family and community.

    The main themes of the course are: 

    1. Theories and concepts;
    2. Public and community health and health promotion;
    3. Countering acute illnesses of children;
    4. Countering chronic and long term illnesses of children;
    5. The role of the nursing and the health care system in providing care for children and their families.

    The course teaches the major concepts and theories of advanced methods in the assessment and diagnosis of issues related to nursing problems of children and their families and evidence-based nursing interventions to counter them e.g. pain, physical and mental distress and alterations, alterations of self-image, perception, understanding, and physical systems, danger, and needs of parents etc.

    The student is provided with an encounter with the core elements and concepts of clinical realities in advanced contexts of children and families in normal development as well as distress within tertiary as well as primary health care. The student learns the methods and skills to distinguish between common problems in childhood and those that are considered unusual or problematic in relation to age, development, context, community, culture and the needs of and resources of their parents. A special emphasis is on developing knowledge and skills related to communication and collaboration with children and parents.

    Attendance required in class
    Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In this course, the emphasis is on advanced physiology and pathophysiological changes in body function that lead to disorder and disease. The focus is on organ systems and particular alterations in physiological processes underlying common diseases across the lifespan. Prevalent clinical symptoms will be discussed, etiologies, diagnosis and treatment therein. In the course,  various teaching methods will be used with an emphasis on active participation of students and the transfer of their knowledge to clinical situations.

  • HJÚ271F
    Advanced emergency nursing - assessment and care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    1 fieldwork credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to deepen nurses' knowledge on the causes of acute and critical diseases and improve their skills in the assessment and treatment of seriously ill patients. The course covers, among other things, acute infectious diseases, poisons and trauma, assessment of the critically ill, resuscitation, respiratory failure, acute central nervous system problems, kidney problems, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, sepsis and shock. Emphasis will be placed on teaching students to assess the critically ill patient and respond with adequate care. There will be a special focus on clinical guidelines and standards of care, evidence-based clinical knowledge, skills training and strengthening the competence of students in acute situations.

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • LÝÐ202F
    The Scientific Process: Ethics, Communication and Practicalities hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course constitutes a practical guide to the preparation of a health-related research study. Modules include: reference search and handling, development of hypotheses, creation of a systematic critical review within chosen field of research, development and presentation of research proposals.

    The course is for graduate students who have chosen a field/research question for their dissertation project.

    Students in MPH Public Health Sciences and MS Epidemiology and Biostatistics must pass the course before starting work on their final thesis.

    Face-to-face learning
    Course taught second half of the semester
  • Year unspecified
  • HJÚ263F
    Palliative Care hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The focus of the course is palliative and end of life care with the main emphasis on quality of life for patients and their families, end of life care that contributes to a positive experience and a good death. The course will highlight key palliative care issues both as a philosophy and practical intervention. The course will cover key symptoms assessment and management, psychosocial support for patients and their families, communication, ethical issues and grief and bereavement issues. The course will also highlight the applicability of palliative care for different patients groups.  The way palliative care is delivered as integrated care in a modern health care system will be emphasized.  Much focus will be on the clinical relevance of the learning material and students will be encouraged to reflect on new learning in light of their own practice. 

    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • HJÚ142F
    Managerial economics and health services hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course aims at introducing students to economical issues as well as managerial accounting affecting health services. The same issues affect all factors whether the institutions in question are large or small and no matter if publicly or privately held. The appearance of these factors will be studied and how to affect them in a positive way. Concepts addressed:

    • Supply, demand, factors of production, elasticity.
    • Variable-, fixed-, direct- and indirect costs
    • Taxation and externalities. Private- and public goods.
    • Trade and comparative advantage. Circular flow of the economy.
    • Cost of living, indexes and national accounts.
    • Financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet.
    • Cost accounting, managerial benchmarks.
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Additional information

The University of Iceland collaborates with over 400 universities worldwide. This provides a unique opportunity to pursue part of your studies at an international university thus gaining added experience and fresh insight into your field of study.

Students generally have the opportunity to join an exchange programme, internship, or summer courses. However, exchanges are always subject to faculty approval.

Students have the opportunity to have courses evaluated as part of their studies at the University of Iceland, so their stay does not have to affect the duration of their studies.

Nursing professionals are in high demand all over the world. Nursing is an extremely diverse profession with many areas of specialisation.

Besides nursing, an education in this area can open up opportunities in:

  • Research
  • Innovation in nursing
  • Change management
  • Health and safety in healthcare
  • Project management
  • Data processing and information technology
  • Teaching

This list is not exhaustive.

The student organisation Curator organises a busy social calendar at the Faculty of Nursing. Curator aims to promote fun, community and a positive atmosphere at the Faculty.

Curator organises events such as new student orientations, workplace tours, mystery trips, etc.

Students' comments
I chose this programme for its depth in meeting the needs of children and families. It is challenging, diverse, and enjoyable, highlighting the impressive academic side of nursing.
Pursuing an MS alongside a diploma in anaesthesia nursing has significantly enhanced my clinical skills and theoretical knowledge, fostering critical evaluation of practices. The supportive faculty has made the research enjoyable.
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Weekdays 9 am-12 pm and 1-3 pm
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University of Iceland, Eirberg


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