Flags in University centre, University of Iceland

The event programme of the International Days that begin 2 November includes presentations of exchange studies, traineeships and summer schools abroad, as well as karaoke, a photo competition and opportunities offered for students and staff through the Aurora cooperation. The highlight will be the International Festival at the University Centre on 4 November.

International Days have been held annually for several years to emphasise the various international opportunities for students, teachers and staff, which are made possible through the university’s active participation in international cooperation.

Students' opportunities lie in exchange studies, summer schools and traineeships abroad and presentations will be held on these possibilities every day during the International Days; both in Icelandic and English. Furthermore, university staff members can learn about teacher and staff exchange programmes, both in Europe and elsewhere and introductions will be held on 3 and 5 November.

Special emphasis will be placed the opportunities involved in participation in the Aurora cooperation for both students and staff, and the eleven universities that form the network host partner webinar series, Get to know your Aurora university study abroad partner destinations, where all partners will promote their university and what they have to offer. A special introduction will be delivered by Anne-May Janssen, the Secretary General of Aurora, at the semniar „Aurora for Academics: How can it enrich your teaching?“ on 4 November.

The highlight of International Days is the International Festival held at noon at the University Centre on 4 November. Guests of the Festival will get the chance to speak to students who have previously gone on an exchange and current international exchange students. Representatives from embassies and various Icelandic organisations will also be attending. University schools and faculties, as well as the members of staff of the International Office will be present and provide information on studies abroad.

The Student Cellar will be one of the central points during International Days where a lot of fun can be had! This includes karaoke, chatting with former exchange students and live music during evenings.
Current exchange students will take over the University's social media and thus give an insight into their experience and students can enter a photography competition on Instagram with a chance to win a prize.

The ambitious programme for International Days can be found on its website.

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