The University of Iceland and INCAE Business School in Costa Rica have signed a declaration of intent regarding collaboration in the field of sustainability and innovation in tourism.
The University of Iceland has entered in collaboration with Yale School of Management and IESE Business School of Navarra in Barcelona, both cutting edge in MBA studies in the world.
The University of Iceland is ranked between places 101-200 according to the Times Higher University Impact Rankings assessing universities against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
The International Summer School is now admittings students for the program Democratic Constitutional Design: Negotiating Civic Engagement, Institutional Control and the Common Good at Bifröst July 20-25.
The collaboration between the Icelandic Touring Association and the University of Iceland in the project Hiking trips with Science tips (Með fróðleik í fararnesti) has been very successful and popular among our members and the general public.
Software that helps hospital administrators in finding and maintaining the best categorisation of surgeries received first prize in the Applied Science Prize at the University of Iceland yesterday.
Building a Sustainable Arctic is the main theme of Green Days at the University of Iceland; 18 - 22 March.
Finnur Dellsén, associate professor in philosophy at the University of Iceland is this year’s recipient of the Nils Klim Prize.
Jón Atli Benediktsson, Rector of the University of Iceland, and Gunnar Stefánsson, professor at the Faculty of Physical Sciences at the University of Iceland, recently signed an agreement that the University of Iceland will support the Smileycoin electronic currency.
Bjarnveig Birta Bjarnadóttir, graduate student at the School of Business, recently received a grant from the Icelandic Student Innovation Fund for a total of 900,000 ISK.