University centre, moon in the sky, lights reflecting from the window

Announcement from the Rector to University staff and students on 25 March:

"Dear students and staff,

Over the last few days my colleagues and I have met with the boards of all schools at the University to discuss the best ways to finish this semester in the difficult circumstances we now find ourselves in. Staff are working hard to resolve these questions. Faculties and teaching staff have been informing students of new arrangements for course assessment and will continue to do so over the next days. High on our list of concerns are those students who are under the most strain due to the current situation.

When tackling a major challenge, like the one facing us now, it is important to consider the perspectives of as many different people as possible. For this reason it has been essential to talk to faculty heads, teaching staff and students over the last few days. This helps us to get as clear an impression of the situation as possible.

The President of the Student Council, Jóna Þórey Pétursdóttir, attended the Emergency Response Board meeting this morning to present the viewpoints of students. She will continue to attend Emergency Response Board meetings, since we consider it vital to prioritise the welfare of our students.

Magnús Gottfreðsson, professor of medicine and expert in infectious diseases, also attended a meeting of the Emergency Response Board yesterday morning to review the current status of the epidemic and predicted outlook. Magnús sits on the Emergency Response Board for the Landspítali University Hospital and is sharing his incredibly valuable knowledge and experience with us, which will benefit the University enormously.

These are troubled times, but we know that they will pass. We must stand together and find solutions, think of the common good, and not neglect our own wellbeing.

Best regards,

Jón Atli Benediktsson, Rector"


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