- Are you looking for an exciting and varied programme?
- Do you want a programme tailored to your interests?
- Would you like to learn more about the design of various structures?
- Are you interested in working on a realistic thesis project based on Icelandic conditions?
- Do you enjoy tackling a wide range of challenges?
- Do you want to build up your domestic and international contact networks?
- Would you like to have the professional title of engineer?
The MS in civil engineering at the University of Iceland trains students to understand Icelandic conditions and requirements, while also providing an international perspective on engineering. The programme teaches students core engineering subjects through mandatory courses, while also offering elective courses to broaden and deepen their knowledge in specific areas.
The programme is designed to be flexible; the student's administrative supervisor will help the student select courses to suit their needs. Instructors at the Faculty are active researchers and highly experienced engineers.
Programme structure
The programme is 120 ECTS and is organised as two years of full-time study.
The programme is made up of:
- Courses, 60-90 ECTS
- Research project, 30-60 ECTS
The final thesis must be a basic research study that will benefit the entire engineering profession. Students may choose to complete either a 30 ECTS thesis with practical value for engineers in Iceland or a 60 ECTS thesis with scientific value.
Students may choose between the following specialisations:
- Building and earthquake engineering with a focus on engineering for Icelandic conditions, taking into account the harsh natural environment and the risk of natural hazards. Students focus on a specific area within this specialisation.
- Geotechnical and transportation engineering with a focus on young sedimentary strata and Icelandic conditions. Students focus on geotechnical engineering, rock mechanics, road or transportation engineering.
- Renewable energy – energy engineering with a focus on hydroelectric and wind energy. Students take an interdisciplinary approach to renewable energy potential and hydroelectric plant design and operations. See more programmes with a specialisation in renewable energy.
Students may take elective courses at other departments within the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, with the consent of the administrative supervisor. Students select a thesis topic in consultation with the administrative supervisor.
Organisation of teaching
The programme is taught in Icelandic and English.
Students often take one semester, up to 60 ECTS, abroad.
The programme aims to provide students with the knowledge required to develop and design safe and practical engineering solutions that have a positive impact on health and the environment.
Students learn to apply their knowledge to analyse and resolve realistic challenges for Icelandic conditions.
After completing the Master's degree in civil engineering, students can apply for the right to use the title of engineer. This professional title is legally protected.
Completing a Master's degree in civil engineering allows you to apply for doctoral studies.
- A BS degree in engineering or equivalent with a minimum average grade of 6.5. In addition to the BS degree there may be some preliminary course requirements.
- All international applicants, whose native language is not English, are required to provide results of the TOEFL (79) or IELTS (6.5) tests as evidence of English proficiency.
- Applicants are asked to submit a letter of motivation, 1 pages, where they should state the reasons they want to pursue graduate work, their academic goals and a suggestion or outline for a final paper.
- Letters of recommendation (2) should be submitted. These should be from faculty members or others who are familiar with your academic work and qualified to evaluate your potential for graduate study. Please ask your referees to send their letters of recommendation directly to the University of Iceland electronically by e-mail (PDF file as attachment) to transcript@hi.is.
120 ECTS credits have to be completed for the qualification, organised as a two-year programme. The course of study is either 60 ECTS credits in courses and 60 ECTS credits in a thesis project, or 90 ECTS credits in courses and 30 ECTS credits in a thesis project.
- CV
- Statement of purpose
- Reference 1, Name and email
- Reference 2, Name and email
- Certified copies of diplomas and transcripts
- Proof of English proficiency
Further information on supporting documents can be found here
Programme structure
Check below to see how the programme is structured.
- Year unspecified
- Fall
- Not taught this semesterSpatial Sound Engineering
- Structures, Actions and Reliability
- Not taught this semesterSteel Structures 2
- Reinforced Concrete Structures 2
- Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering 2
- Not taught this semesterStructural Dynamics
- Timber Structures 1
- Not taught this semesterEngineering Rock Mechanics
- Natural Catastrophes
- Thesis skills: project management, writing skills and presentation
- Final project
- Seminar in Civil and Environmental Engineering with Presentation
- Circular economy in the construction sector
- Seminar in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Sustainable City
- Spring 1
- Hydropower Plants
- Steel Structures 1
- Reinforced Concrete Structures 1
- Not taught this semesterHighway Design
- Design of Transportation Infrastructure
- Fire Protection Engineering
- Structural Analysis 2
- Not taught this semesterEarthquake Engineering 1
- Not taught this semesterWater and Wastewater Systems
- Final project
- Not taught this semesterSeminar in Civil and Environmental Engineering with Presentation
- Not taught this semesterSeminar in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Year unspecified
- Not taught this semesterCoastal and Harbor Engineering
- Not taught this semesterEnvironmental Impact Assessment 1
- Not taught this semesterEnvironmental Impact Assessment 1
Spatial Sound Engineering (IÐN129F)
This course provides an overview of virtual acoustics (also known as 3D sound, 3D audio, binaural audio, or spatialized sound). The course pulls from many subdisciplines of acoustics including psychoacoustics, physical acoustics, signal processing, active acoustic control, architectural acoustics, audio engineering, and computational acoustics.
Topics to be covered include Head related transfer functions (HRTFs); elements of psychoacoustics for 3D sound; the "stereo dipole"; auralization (including reverberation effects); virtual acoustic systems; cross talk cancellation; ambisonics; wave field synthesis; multi-channel audio; 3D modelling and applications.
Structures, Actions and Reliability (BYG101M)
The main aim of the course is to introduce the probabilistic basis for structural design and building codes. Methods are described which can be used to compute safety and reliability of structures. Furtherrmore it is outlined how they can be used to define material strengths and loads for design. An introduction is given to current Eurocodes that cover safety and definition of structural loads. Students will have to solve number of home projects and in some of them programming in Matlab is required.
Steel Structures 2 (BYG114F)
Contents: Beams: Strength of cross sections for complex loadings, lateral torsional buckling. Plate girders: buckling of thin plates, tension field action, design of plate girders, cellular girders. Columns: Behaviour of columns with imperfections, buckling lengths in frames, built-up columns. Frames: Elastic and plastic design of portal frames, high rise frames, braced and unbraced frames. Connections: Beam connections, end plate connections, beam to column moment connections, portal frame connectiones, column bases, fatigue in connectiones. Homework: Exercises connected to lectures. Design project: Design of a industrial hall with a overhead travelling crane.
Reinforced Concrete Structures 2 (BYG115F)
Aim: This course is an advanced concrete course, where the main effort will be on two-dimensional concrete plates, columns, shells and prestress. The course will be taught according to Eurocode 2.
Contents: Different methods to analyse two-dimensional concrete plates will be introduced, i.e. the theoretical method, the yield line method and the strip method. Axial bearing capacity of columns and walls, with and without buckling effect. Combination of normal forces and bending moments. M-N diagrams for axial force and bending moment in ultimate limit state, with and without second order effect. Prestressed structures, both pre-tensioned and post-tensioned. Properties of prestressing steel and effect of different locations of prestressing steel in cross sections. Losses in the prestressing steel because of friction, anchorage losses, elastic deformation, shrinkage and creep in concrete and relaxation of the prestressing steel. Prestressed structures in ultimate limit state. Shells/shear walls. The stringer method. Torsion.
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering 2 (BYG116F)
To introduce the basic ideas and principles of foundation of structures, furthermore to give training in applying these principles to solve variety of problems within the field of structural design.
Course contents:
Shallow foundations, bearing capacity of soils, settlement calculations. Mat foundations. Lateral earth pressure, retaining walls and sheet piles. Deep foundations, pile foundations, pile bearing capacity, pile groups. Slope stability and analysis, method of slices. Reinforced earth pressure. Design assumptions. Design codes, EC7. Introduction to geosynthetics.
Structural Dynamics (BYG118F)
Fundamentals of dynamics: Energy methods, virtual work, kinetic energy, Hamilton's principle, Lagrange equations, D'Alembert's principle, Rayleigh's principle, Rayleigh-Ritz method, finite elements, equations of motion for linear systems, generalized coordinates. Natural vibrations: Fundamental equations, damped and undamped natural vibrations, evaluation of natural frequencies, Rayleigh's quotient, natural frequency and natural modes of vibration, normal coordinates, modal analysis. Forced vibrations: Frequency response method, Fourier-analysis, impulse response method, impulse response spectra, application of modal analysis, numerical integration and nonlinear systems. Damping. Random vibrations and spectral analysis. Wind induced vibrations of structures. Earthquake induced vibrations of structures and response spectrum analysis.
Timber Structures 1 (BYG120F)
Goal: Design of timber structures. Behaviour of timber structures and design according to Eourocodes. Contents: Wood as a building material, Material properties of wood, strength and stiffness, influence of density, moisture and duration of load. Strength classes of wood, characteristic values, design values. Glued laminated timber (glulam), Plywood, Laminated veneer lumber (LVL), production and strength values. Ultimate limit state, Serviceability limit state. Tension, compression, bending, torsion, shear. Stability of members. Tapered beams curved and pitched cambered beams. Trusses, frames, bracing, diaphragms. Built-up beams and columns. Connections, nails, bolts, dowels, screws. Glued connections. Durability, protection of timber structures, environmental aspects, fire resistance of wood. Workshop exercises and design examples.
Engineering Rock Mechanics (BYG121F)
To provide the student with an introduction to the description and usage of rock as an engineering material and to the analysis and design techniques for common rock mechanics and underground problems. Further to provide the student with an introduction to the description of rock blasting techniques and how they are used in constructions.
Course content:
A: Rock mechanics. The nature of rocks. Subsurface explorations, in-situ tests, laboratory tests. Intact rock, joints. Rock mass. Strength and deformability. Rock mass classification. Underground openings, tunnels. Stresses and strains around excavations in rock, rock support and design. Water in rock mass. Stability of rock slopes. B: Blasting techniques. Properties and characteristics of various explosives, type of explosive, charges, blasting caps, delays. Drilling pattern. Surface, subsurface and underwater blasting operations. Construction vibrations.
Natural Catastrophes (UMV114F)
The course is intended to introduce methodology to develop disaster risk scenarios.
Disaster risk scenarios are the basis for developing short and longterm disaster response plans. Without an understanding of what could happen in regards to type, scale, likelihood, and consequences, planning efforts will lack focus and context. Scenarios are based on scientific risk analysis.
A difference is made between a static disaster risk scenario and dynamic scenario. The former is a snapshot of a situaion, such as number of injured and damaged buildings at a given time, where as the latter is a timeline portraying chains of interconnected concequences.
Students learn to analyze earthquake risk, flood risk, and volcanic risk.
The course will explain how a disaster risk scenario is designed based on stakeholder perspectives. Stakeholders are devided into four: 1) the owner or party responsible for ensuring that the plan is made, 2) the writers of the plan, 3) the user of the plan, and 4) the beneficiaries of the implementation of the plan. Relevant stakeholders need to be determined before scenario development begins.
The course addresses how to present disaster risk scenarios. Examples of existing scenarios are given and students are encouraged to find new and improved approaches to present scenarios.
Students will work on projects to develop skills in creating scenario for different hazards and stakeholders.
Course content
1. Disaster Risk Management
a. Goals, objectives, and principles
b. Definitions and literature
c. Knowledge Institutions, websites
d. Mitigation option analysis
e. Types of disaster response plans: Impact, Rescue, Relief and Recovery operations.
2. Engineering approach to disaster scenario development
a. Loss estimation methodology
b. Hazard analysis: earthquake, flood and volcanic.
c. Exposure compilation
d. Vulnerability modelling
e. Disaster scenario presentation
3. Stakeholder analysis
a. Type: Owner, Developer, User, Beneficiary
b. Stakeholder based exposure identification
4. Disaster risk scenario projects for different hazards and stakeholders
Thesis skills: project management, writing skills and presentation (VON001F)
Introduction to the scientific method. Ethics of science and within the university community.
The role of the student, advisors and external examiner. Effective and honest communications.
Conducting a literature review, using bibliographic databases and reference handling. Thesis structure, formulating research questions, writing and argumentation. How scientific writing differs from general purpose writing. Writing a MS study plan and proposal. Practical skills for presenting tables and figures, layout, fonts and colors. Presentation skills. Project management for a thesis, how to divide a large project into smaller tasks, setting a work plan and following a timeline. Life after graduate school and being employable.
Final project (BYG441L)
A master’s project is a research and/or an engineering design project completed under supervision of a master’s committee. A master’s student selects a thesis topic in consultation with their assigned faculty supervisor, who is typically also the thesis advisor. There is a choice between a 30 or 60 credit master’s project (one or two semesters). In a 30-credit project the emphasis is on engineering design or research of interest to a local community. In a 60-credit project the objective is to provide a scientific contribution of international interest publishable in a peer-reviewed forum. The master’s student writes a thesis according to the School’s template and defends it in a master’s defense. An outside examiner and the master’s committee evaluate the master’s thesis, the project, and the defense for a grade according to the evaluation rubric of the Faculty on Ugla (https://ugla.hi.is/kerfi/view/page.php?sid=3753). The student delivers a thesis and a project poster. The master’s committee may request that the student print the thesis and provide copies to the examiner and committee. Please familiarize yourself with the graduation checklist (https://ugla.hi.is/kerfi/view/page.php?sid=4500) and the regulation for master’s studies (https://english.hi.is/node/54553).
Seminar in Civil and Environmental Engineering with Presentation (UMV036F)
The objective is to train graduate students in presenting research and organizing a seminar, additionally to be introduced to new research in the fields of the Faculty and to participate in discussion of research. Four seminar talks are planned in the fall semester and eight seminar talks are planned in the spring semester. Students can join seminars during both fall and spring semesters and can at most receive 3 ECTS for seminar courses (total of UMV036F and UMV037F), based on participation. The course is open to all graduate students who are working on research in collaboration with a member of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Circular economy in the construction sector (UMV123F)
Course description (subject matter - objective): The course focuses on various aspects of circularity applied to the construction sector and, eventually, aims to answer the question if the transition of the construction sector to circular is possible. The practical approach to this issue will be discussed, including environmental, legal, political, and economic aspects. The core concepts of circular construction (reusing and recycling materials, design-for-disassembly/adaptability, and space-sharing potential) will also be introduced based on real-life examples. The course will familiarise the students with the current challenges and possibilities related to circular construction in Icelandic, Nordic, and European contexts. Eventually, the existing ways of measuring the circularity of buildings will be critically discussed. Based on this knowledge and materials inventory from an existing building, the students will propose concrete solutions to increase the building's circularity.
ATTN: The class is intended for Masters students in Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Environment & Natural Resources.
Seminar in Civil and Environmental Engineering (UMV037F)
The objective is for graduate students to be introduced to new research in the fields of the Faculty and to participate in discussion of research. Four seminar talks are planned in the fall semester and eight seminar talks are planned in the spring semester. Students can join seminar talks during both fall and spring semesters and can at most receive 3 ECTS for seminar courses (total of UMV036F and UMV037F), based on participation. The course is open to all graduate students who are working on research in collaboration with a member of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Sustainable City (UMV122F)
The course focuses on the different perspectives of sustainability applied to cities and other human settlements, and ultimately to the question of what a sustainable city as a concept means. The concepts of one planet boundary and safe operating space are brought into city-level to depict the role of cities in the quest for sustainable living, and to show the conditions to be met for a city to be truly sustainable. The course familiarizes the students with the key items of the three areas of sustainability in the context of human settlements. What is ecological sustainability when it comes to cities and other human settlements? Social? Economic? How can we combine these three to create truly sustainable human settlements? Wellbeing, economic growth, direct and indirect ecological impacts, technological and societal solutions and the feedback loops between these are introduced and critically discussed.
Hydropower Plants (UMV605M)
Iceland is somewhat unique in that almost all electricity is produced with renewable energy sources. Hydropower is one of the two main pillars of electricity supply in Iceland, together with geothermal power.
Goal: Provide technological insights into hydropower harnessing, with special emphasis on Icelandic conditions. This is a critical class in the emphasis areas of Water Resources Engineering and Renewable Energy Engineering, and touches upon United Nations Sustainable Development Goal nr. 7, sustainable energy.
Topics: Hydropower potential. Technically feasible hydropower. Main structural components in a hydropower plant. Structural design of hydropower plants, both underground (tunnels) and above ground (dams, spillways). Regulations. Environment, health and safety considerations over life cycle of plant. Ice and sedimentation. Hydro- and electromechanical components. Electricity production.
Term assignments/projects, final presentation and oral final exam at the end of semester.
Teaching methods
Emphasis is on self-study and independent project work. Weekly meetings, 3 x 40 min, are planned. A field site visit is planned. The class is taught in English.
Students in following specialization have predecedence over others in registration in the course: Renewable Energy - Hydroelectric Engineering, Water resource engineering
Steel Structures 1 (BYG201M)
Aim: The course is an introductory course in steel structures. Its aim is to establish an understanding of the behaviour of steel structures and their components and how to apply the design codes in design. Contents: Steel production and main structural and material parameters of steel for use in construction. Behaviour and design of main structural steel members such as tension members, beams, columns and beam-columns. Buckling of steel members: Columns, beams, local buckling and the classification of cross sections. Connections in steel structures, behaviour and basis of design. Connections with welding and bolting and the design of simple connections. Project work: Analysis and design exercises.
Reinforced Concrete Structures 1 (BYG202M)
Aim: This course is an introduction course in designing of reinforced concrete structures. The main effort will be on the understanding and designing of simple reinforced concrete beams and one-dimensional plates. The course will be taught according to Eurocode 2. Contents: The properties of concrete and reinforcement will be defined and the interaction of these two materials in a reinforced concrete structures explained. Stress-strain relationship and E-modulus. Deflection and stresses will be calculated in serviceability limit state for cracked sections. Safety factors. Plastic analysis. Moment and shear bearing capacity in the ultimate limit state, also punching shear for plates. Balanced and minimum reinforcement. Ductility. Time dependent behaviour of concrete structures, creep and shrinkage. Anchorage and detailing of reinforcement, environmental conditions. Workshops: Exercises.
Highway Design (BYG203M)
Traffic volume, location, plan geometry and elevation of roads and airfields, sight distance, intersections, cross-sections. Foundation materials, drainage, compaction, stabilization, fills. Design of highway and airport pavements, load distribution, bases and sub-bases, rigid and flexible surfaces. Selection and design of concrete, asphalt concrete, asphalt emulsion, surface dressing and other materials used for pavement surfaces. Pavement management systems (PMS). Impact analysis. Methods used for testing road-building materials, pavement structures and surfaces. Tests carried out in the laboratory. Design exercises.
Design of Transportation Infrastructure (BYG221F)
Planning and design of large transportation facilities such as airports and airport terminals, highway grade separated intersections, weaving areas, ramps and ramp junctions and tunnels. Economic evaluation of transportation infrastructure projects. Impact assessment. Design exercises.
Fire Protection Engineering (BYG222F)
The main goal is to introduce Fire Safety Engineering design to the students. In the first 10 weeks, lectures will be given on fire development in rooms and methods to estimate heat release rate, fire plume flows, gas temperatures and smoke fillin time. Computer models for fire simulation will be introduced and models for simulating how humans evacuate in case of fire. In the last 5 weeks the students will work in groups on a given project.
Structural Analysis 2 (BYG223F)
The course focuses on different computational models used in structural analysis based on the Finite Element method. Linear and non-linear analysis is covered both in static and dynamic models. Theoretical solutions for thin plates will be addressed by solving the classical partial differential equations for such structures. Special emphasis is on nonlinear material properties in reinforced concrete and modelling of them.
Dynamic models will be related to earthquake response analysis of simple structures.
In the course there will be given 5 projects. Standard Finite Element program (SAP2000) will be used to compute internal forces, stresses and deformations of structures. Matlab will be used to solve differential equations for thin plates
Earthquake Engineering 1 (BYG227F)
Aim: To present the main nature and characteristics of earthquakes and to present the methodology used to assess earthquake impacts. Subject: Seismicity and source models. Earthquake waves and wave propagation. Strong ground motion and attenuation models. Soil amplification. Linear and non-linear response spectra. Mapping of earthquake hazard. Projects and thesis work.
Water and Wastewater Systems (UMV203M)
The course goal is to provide insights into the design and construction of water systems and wastewater treatment plants.
Course contents: Water demand design parameters. Water supply and sizing of water storage tanks. Pumps and pumps selections. Design of supply network with Hazen Williams equation. Pipes, valves and hydrants. Legal framework for water supply. Drinking water quality requirement, threats to water quality and preventive measures to secure public health.
Chemical and biological characteristics of waste water. Types and quantities of sanitary sewage. Physical, biological and chemical treatment of municipal sewage. Design parameters and sizing considerations of treatment tanks. Research of novel methods to treat sewage in rural areas close to sensitive water recipients. The class includes group projects on the design of a small water system, laboratory measurements of sewage strength and wastewater plant treatment efficiency, a research project on wastewater solutions, and field visit(s).
Final project (BYG441L)
A master’s project is a research and/or an engineering design project completed under supervision of a master’s committee. A master’s student selects a thesis topic in consultation with their assigned faculty supervisor, who is typically also the thesis advisor. There is a choice between a 30 or 60 credit master’s project (one or two semesters). In a 30-credit project the emphasis is on engineering design or research of interest to a local community. In a 60-credit project the objective is to provide a scientific contribution of international interest publishable in a peer-reviewed forum. The master’s student writes a thesis according to the School’s template and defends it in a master’s defense. An outside examiner and the master’s committee evaluate the master’s thesis, the project, and the defense for a grade according to the evaluation rubric of the Faculty on Ugla (https://ugla.hi.is/kerfi/view/page.php?sid=3753). The student delivers a thesis and a project poster. The master’s committee may request that the student print the thesis and provide copies to the examiner and committee. Please familiarize yourself with the graduation checklist (https://ugla.hi.is/kerfi/view/page.php?sid=4500) and the regulation for master’s studies (https://english.hi.is/node/54553).
Seminar in Civil and Environmental Engineering with Presentation (UMV036F)
The objective is to train graduate students in presenting research and organizing a seminar, additionally to be introduced to new research in the fields of the Faculty and to participate in discussion of research. Four seminar talks are planned in the fall semester and eight seminar talks are planned in the spring semester. Students can join seminars during both fall and spring semesters and can at most receive 3 ECTS for seminar courses (total of UMV036F and UMV037F), based on participation. The course is open to all graduate students who are working on research in collaboration with a member of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Seminar in Civil and Environmental Engineering (UMV037F)
The objective is for graduate students to be introduced to new research in the fields of the Faculty and to participate in discussion of research. Four seminar talks are planned in the fall semester and eight seminar talks are planned in the spring semester. Students can join seminar talks during both fall and spring semesters and can at most receive 3 ECTS for seminar courses (total of UMV036F and UMV037F), based on participation. The course is open to all graduate students who are working on research in collaboration with a member of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Coastal and Harbor Engineering (UMV205F)
Harbor structures are a cornerstone of Icelandic economy and society. Ports serve the fishing industry, enable the transport of people and goods in and out of the country. Coastal structures protect settlements from floods or erosion due to wind and wave action. The Department of Navigation at the Icelandic Road Administration is responsible for the planning, design and operations of safe harbors and coastal structures in harmony with the environmental conditions in Iceland.
The goals of the class are (1) to provide students with an understanding of the main aspects of preparatory research and the design of harbors and coastal structures; (2) prepare students for thesis or professional work in coastal engineering. The course is a part of the Water Resources Engieering emphasis area and is suitable for both students pursuing a MS degree in environmental and civil engineering.
Topics: Students gain a basic understanding of linear wave theory; Wave shoaling, wave refraction, wave breaking and wave diffraction. Probability calculations for estimating the hydraulic load on coastal structures, including return period estimations of waves and sea level. The basic elements of port planning and the key design standards are covered, e.g. relating to design vessels, turning space, width and depth of seals. Basic elements in the design of breakwaters, e.g. types of breakwaters, rock size, and load conditions.
Teaching methods: This is a reading class with few lectures. Emphasis is on self-study and independent project work. A mixture of in-class and teams meetings is planned. Students will have an opportunity to visit the Road Administration headquartrs and/or a harbor. The class is taught in English.
Environmental Impact Assessment 1 (UMV205M, UMV205M)
Aim: To give an overview of the principles of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of anthropogenic activities and to introduce the procedures and methods used in the environmental assessment process. At the end of the course, students should have gained an understanding of the main principles of EIA and the methods used for its application. After having completed the course, students should be able to actively participate in the making of EIA. Subject: Environmental Impact Assessment of Projects is the main subject of the course. EIA is a systematic process meant to streamline development projects by minimizing environmental effects. The first part of the course is an introduction to the global context and history of EIA, the subject of EIA, and an introduction to the EIA methodology. The second part of the course focuses on processes. The aim, subject, and process of EIA will be explained, including a discussion on the various stages and aspects of the EIA procedure (such as screening, scoping, participants, stakeholders and consultation, impact prediction and assessment, reporting and monitoring). Although the examples of processes, definitions and methods introduced in the course will be based on the Icelandic legislation, the learning outcome will be of practical use for all students, without regard to their nationality. Through individual assignments, each student will be able to explore the EIA process in context with an area of their choice.
Environmental Impact Assessment 1 (UMV205M, UMV205M)
Aim: To give an overview of the principles of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of anthropogenic activities and to introduce the procedures and methods used in the environmental assessment process. At the end of the course, students should have gained an understanding of the main principles of EIA and the methods used for its application. After having completed the course, students should be able to actively participate in the making of EIA. Subject: Environmental Impact Assessment of Projects is the main subject of the course. EIA is a systematic process meant to streamline development projects by minimizing environmental effects. The first part of the course is an introduction to the global context and history of EIA, the subject of EIA, and an introduction to the EIA methodology. The second part of the course focuses on processes. The aim, subject, and process of EIA will be explained, including a discussion on the various stages and aspects of the EIA procedure (such as screening, scoping, participants, stakeholders and consultation, impact prediction and assessment, reporting and monitoring). Although the examples of processes, definitions and methods introduced in the course will be based on the Icelandic legislation, the learning outcome will be of practical use for all students, without regard to their nationality. Through individual assignments, each student will be able to explore the EIA process in context with an area of their choice.
- Fall
- Not taught this semesterIÐN129FSpatial Sound EngineeringElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
This course provides an overview of virtual acoustics (also known as 3D sound, 3D audio, binaural audio, or spatialized sound). The course pulls from many subdisciplines of acoustics including psychoacoustics, physical acoustics, signal processing, active acoustic control, architectural acoustics, audio engineering, and computational acoustics.
Topics to be covered include Head related transfer functions (HRTFs); elements of psychoacoustics for 3D sound; the "stereo dipole"; auralization (including reverberation effects); virtual acoustic systems; cross talk cancellation; ambisonics; wave field synthesis; multi-channel audio; 3D modelling and applications.
Distance learningSelf-studyThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesBYG101MStructures, Actions and ReliabilityElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main aim of the course is to introduce the probabilistic basis for structural design and building codes. Methods are described which can be used to compute safety and reliability of structures. Furtherrmore it is outlined how they can be used to define material strengths and loads for design. An introduction is given to current Eurocodes that cover safety and definition of structural loads. Students will have to solve number of home projects and in some of them programming in Matlab is required.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterBYG114FSteel Structures 2Elective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionContents: Beams: Strength of cross sections for complex loadings, lateral torsional buckling. Plate girders: buckling of thin plates, tension field action, design of plate girders, cellular girders. Columns: Behaviour of columns with imperfections, buckling lengths in frames, built-up columns. Frames: Elastic and plastic design of portal frames, high rise frames, braced and unbraced frames. Connections: Beam connections, end plate connections, beam to column moment connections, portal frame connectiones, column bases, fatigue in connectiones. Homework: Exercises connected to lectures. Design project: Design of a industrial hall with a overhead travelling crane.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesBYG115FReinforced Concrete Structures 2Elective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionAim: This course is an advanced concrete course, where the main effort will be on two-dimensional concrete plates, columns, shells and prestress. The course will be taught according to Eurocode 2.
Contents: Different methods to analyse two-dimensional concrete plates will be introduced, i.e. the theoretical method, the yield line method and the strip method. Axial bearing capacity of columns and walls, with and without buckling effect. Combination of normal forces and bending moments. M-N diagrams for axial force and bending moment in ultimate limit state, with and without second order effect. Prestressed structures, both pre-tensioned and post-tensioned. Properties of prestressing steel and effect of different locations of prestressing steel in cross sections. Losses in the prestressing steel because of friction, anchorage losses, elastic deformation, shrinkage and creep in concrete and relaxation of the prestressing steel. Prestressed structures in ultimate limit state. Shells/shear walls. The stringer method. Torsion.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesBYG116FSoil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering 2Elective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionObjectives:
To introduce the basic ideas and principles of foundation of structures, furthermore to give training in applying these principles to solve variety of problems within the field of structural design.
Course contents:
Shallow foundations, bearing capacity of soils, settlement calculations. Mat foundations. Lateral earth pressure, retaining walls and sheet piles. Deep foundations, pile foundations, pile bearing capacity, pile groups. Slope stability and analysis, method of slices. Reinforced earth pressure. Design assumptions. Design codes, EC7. Introduction to geosynthetics.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterBYG118FStructural DynamicsElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionFundamentals of dynamics: Energy methods, virtual work, kinetic energy, Hamilton's principle, Lagrange equations, D'Alembert's principle, Rayleigh's principle, Rayleigh-Ritz method, finite elements, equations of motion for linear systems, generalized coordinates. Natural vibrations: Fundamental equations, damped and undamped natural vibrations, evaluation of natural frequencies, Rayleigh's quotient, natural frequency and natural modes of vibration, normal coordinates, modal analysis. Forced vibrations: Frequency response method, Fourier-analysis, impulse response method, impulse response spectra, application of modal analysis, numerical integration and nonlinear systems. Damping. Random vibrations and spectral analysis. Wind induced vibrations of structures. Earthquake induced vibrations of structures and response spectrum analysis.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesBYG120FTimber Structures 1Elective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionGoal: Design of timber structures. Behaviour of timber structures and design according to Eourocodes. Contents: Wood as a building material, Material properties of wood, strength and stiffness, influence of density, moisture and duration of load. Strength classes of wood, characteristic values, design values. Glued laminated timber (glulam), Plywood, Laminated veneer lumber (LVL), production and strength values. Ultimate limit state, Serviceability limit state. Tension, compression, bending, torsion, shear. Stability of members. Tapered beams curved and pitched cambered beams. Trusses, frames, bracing, diaphragms. Built-up beams and columns. Connections, nails, bolts, dowels, screws. Glued connections. Durability, protection of timber structures, environmental aspects, fire resistance of wood. Workshop exercises and design examples.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterBYG121FEngineering Rock MechanicsElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionObjectives:
To provide the student with an introduction to the description and usage of rock as an engineering material and to the analysis and design techniques for common rock mechanics and underground problems. Further to provide the student with an introduction to the description of rock blasting techniques and how they are used in constructions.
Course content:
A: Rock mechanics. The nature of rocks. Subsurface explorations, in-situ tests, laboratory tests. Intact rock, joints. Rock mass. Strength and deformability. Rock mass classification. Underground openings, tunnels. Stresses and strains around excavations in rock, rock support and design. Water in rock mass. Stability of rock slopes. B: Blasting techniques. Properties and characteristics of various explosives, type of explosive, charges, blasting caps, delays. Drilling pattern. Surface, subsurface and underwater blasting operations. Construction vibrations.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesUMV114FNatural CatastrophesElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course is intended to introduce methodology to develop disaster risk scenarios.
Disaster risk scenarios are the basis for developing short and longterm disaster response plans. Without an understanding of what could happen in regards to type, scale, likelihood, and consequences, planning efforts will lack focus and context. Scenarios are based on scientific risk analysis.
A difference is made between a static disaster risk scenario and dynamic scenario. The former is a snapshot of a situaion, such as number of injured and damaged buildings at a given time, where as the latter is a timeline portraying chains of interconnected concequences.
Students learn to analyze earthquake risk, flood risk, and volcanic risk.
The course will explain how a disaster risk scenario is designed based on stakeholder perspectives. Stakeholders are devided into four: 1) the owner or party responsible for ensuring that the plan is made, 2) the writers of the plan, 3) the user of the plan, and 4) the beneficiaries of the implementation of the plan. Relevant stakeholders need to be determined before scenario development begins.
The course addresses how to present disaster risk scenarios. Examples of existing scenarios are given and students are encouraged to find new and improved approaches to present scenarios.
Students will work on projects to develop skills in creating scenario for different hazards and stakeholders.
Course content
1. Disaster Risk Management
a. Goals, objectives, and principles
b. Definitions and literature
c. Knowledge Institutions, websites
d. Mitigation option analysis
e. Types of disaster response plans: Impact, Rescue, Relief and Recovery operations.
2. Engineering approach to disaster scenario development
a. Loss estimation methodology
b. Hazard analysis: earthquake, flood and volcanic.
c. Exposure compilation
d. Vulnerability modelling
e. Disaster scenario presentation
3. Stakeholder analysis
a. Type: Owner, Developer, User, Beneficiary
b. Stakeholder based exposure identification
4. Disaster risk scenario projects for different hazards and stakeholders
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesVON001FThesis skills: project management, writing skills and presentationMandatory (required) course4A mandatory (required) course for the programme4 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIntroduction to the scientific method. Ethics of science and within the university community.
The role of the student, advisors and external examiner. Effective and honest communications.
Conducting a literature review, using bibliographic databases and reference handling. Thesis structure, formulating research questions, writing and argumentation. How scientific writing differs from general purpose writing. Writing a MS study plan and proposal. Practical skills for presenting tables and figures, layout, fonts and colors. Presentation skills. Project management for a thesis, how to divide a large project into smaller tasks, setting a work plan and following a timeline. Life after graduate school and being employable.Face-to-face learningOnline learningPrerequisitesBYG441LFinal projectMandatory (required) course0A mandatory (required) course for the programme0 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionA master’s project is a research and/or an engineering design project completed under supervision of a master’s committee. A master’s student selects a thesis topic in consultation with their assigned faculty supervisor, who is typically also the thesis advisor. There is a choice between a 30 or 60 credit master’s project (one or two semesters). In a 30-credit project the emphasis is on engineering design or research of interest to a local community. In a 60-credit project the objective is to provide a scientific contribution of international interest publishable in a peer-reviewed forum. The master’s student writes a thesis according to the School’s template and defends it in a master’s defense. An outside examiner and the master’s committee evaluate the master’s thesis, the project, and the defense for a grade according to the evaluation rubric of the Faculty on Ugla (https://ugla.hi.is/kerfi/view/page.php?sid=3753). The student delivers a thesis and a project poster. The master’s committee may request that the student print the thesis and provide copies to the examiner and committee. Please familiarize yourself with the graduation checklist (https://ugla.hi.is/kerfi/view/page.php?sid=4500) and the regulation for master’s studies (https://english.hi.is/node/54553).
Self-studyPrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis creditsUMV036FSeminar in Civil and Environmental Engineering with PresentationElective course3Free elective course within the programme3 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe objective is to train graduate students in presenting research and organizing a seminar, additionally to be introduced to new research in the fields of the Faculty and to participate in discussion of research. Four seminar talks are planned in the fall semester and eight seminar talks are planned in the spring semester. Students can join seminars during both fall and spring semesters and can at most receive 3 ECTS for seminar courses (total of UMV036F and UMV037F), based on participation. The course is open to all graduate students who are working on research in collaboration with a member of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
PrerequisitesUMV123FCircular economy in the construction sectorElective course3Free elective course within the programme3 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionCourse description (subject matter - objective): The course focuses on various aspects of circularity applied to the construction sector and, eventually, aims to answer the question if the transition of the construction sector to circular is possible. The practical approach to this issue will be discussed, including environmental, legal, political, and economic aspects. The core concepts of circular construction (reusing and recycling materials, design-for-disassembly/adaptability, and space-sharing potential) will also be introduced based on real-life examples. The course will familiarise the students with the current challenges and possibilities related to circular construction in Icelandic, Nordic, and European contexts. Eventually, the existing ways of measuring the circularity of buildings will be critically discussed. Based on this knowledge and materials inventory from an existing building, the students will propose concrete solutions to increase the building's circularity.
ATTN: The class is intended for Masters students in Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Environment & Natural Resources.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesUMV037FSeminar in Civil and Environmental EngineeringElective course1Free elective course within the programme1 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe objective is for graduate students to be introduced to new research in the fields of the Faculty and to participate in discussion of research. Four seminar talks are planned in the fall semester and eight seminar talks are planned in the spring semester. Students can join seminar talks during both fall and spring semesters and can at most receive 3 ECTS for seminar courses (total of UMV036F and UMV037F), based on participation. The course is open to all graduate students who are working on research in collaboration with a member of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
PrerequisitesCourse DescriptionThe course focuses on the different perspectives of sustainability applied to cities and other human settlements, and ultimately to the question of what a sustainable city as a concept means. The concepts of one planet boundary and safe operating space are brought into city-level to depict the role of cities in the quest for sustainable living, and to show the conditions to be met for a city to be truly sustainable. The course familiarizes the students with the key items of the three areas of sustainability in the context of human settlements. What is ecological sustainability when it comes to cities and other human settlements? Social? Economic? How can we combine these three to create truly sustainable human settlements? Wellbeing, economic growth, direct and indirect ecological impacts, technological and societal solutions and the feedback loops between these are introduced and critically discussed.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisites- Spring 2
Course DescriptionIceland is somewhat unique in that almost all electricity is produced with renewable energy sources. Hydropower is one of the two main pillars of electricity supply in Iceland, together with geothermal power.
Goal: Provide technological insights into hydropower harnessing, with special emphasis on Icelandic conditions. This is a critical class in the emphasis areas of Water Resources Engineering and Renewable Energy Engineering, and touches upon United Nations Sustainable Development Goal nr. 7, sustainable energy.
Topics: Hydropower potential. Technically feasible hydropower. Main structural components in a hydropower plant. Structural design of hydropower plants, both underground (tunnels) and above ground (dams, spillways). Regulations. Environment, health and safety considerations over life cycle of plant. Ice and sedimentation. Hydro- and electromechanical components. Electricity production.
Term assignments/projects, final presentation and oral final exam at the end of semester.
Teaching methods
Emphasis is on self-study and independent project work. Weekly meetings, 3 x 40 min, are planned. A field site visit is planned. The class is taught in English.
Students in following specialization have predecedence over others in registration in the course: Renewable Energy - Hydroelectric Engineering, Water resource engineering
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionAim: The course is an introductory course in steel structures. Its aim is to establish an understanding of the behaviour of steel structures and their components and how to apply the design codes in design. Contents: Steel production and main structural and material parameters of steel for use in construction. Behaviour and design of main structural steel members such as tension members, beams, columns and beam-columns. Buckling of steel members: Columns, beams, local buckling and the classification of cross sections. Connections in steel structures, behaviour and basis of design. Connections with welding and bolting and the design of simple connections. Project work: Analysis and design exercises.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesBYG202MReinforced Concrete Structures 1Elective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionAim: This course is an introduction course in designing of reinforced concrete structures. The main effort will be on the understanding and designing of simple reinforced concrete beams and one-dimensional plates. The course will be taught according to Eurocode 2. Contents: The properties of concrete and reinforcement will be defined and the interaction of these two materials in a reinforced concrete structures explained. Stress-strain relationship and E-modulus. Deflection and stresses will be calculated in serviceability limit state for cracked sections. Safety factors. Plastic analysis. Moment and shear bearing capacity in the ultimate limit state, also punching shear for plates. Balanced and minimum reinforcement. Ductility. Time dependent behaviour of concrete structures, creep and shrinkage. Anchorage and detailing of reinforcement, environmental conditions. Workshops: Exercises.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterBYG203MHighway DesignElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionTraffic volume, location, plan geometry and elevation of roads and airfields, sight distance, intersections, cross-sections. Foundation materials, drainage, compaction, stabilization, fills. Design of highway and airport pavements, load distribution, bases and sub-bases, rigid and flexible surfaces. Selection and design of concrete, asphalt concrete, asphalt emulsion, surface dressing and other materials used for pavement surfaces. Pavement management systems (PMS). Impact analysis. Methods used for testing road-building materials, pavement structures and surfaces. Tests carried out in the laboratory. Design exercises.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesBYG221FDesign of Transportation InfrastructureElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionPlanning and design of large transportation facilities such as airports and airport terminals, highway grade separated intersections, weaving areas, ramps and ramp junctions and tunnels. Economic evaluation of transportation infrastructure projects. Impact assessment. Design exercises.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesBYG222FFire Protection EngineeringElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main goal is to introduce Fire Safety Engineering design to the students. In the first 10 weeks, lectures will be given on fire development in rooms and methods to estimate heat release rate, fire plume flows, gas temperatures and smoke fillin time. Computer models for fire simulation will be introduced and models for simulating how humans evacuate in case of fire. In the last 5 weeks the students will work in groups on a given project.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesBYG223FStructural Analysis 2Elective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course focuses on different computational models used in structural analysis based on the Finite Element method. Linear and non-linear analysis is covered both in static and dynamic models. Theoretical solutions for thin plates will be addressed by solving the classical partial differential equations for such structures. Special emphasis is on nonlinear material properties in reinforced concrete and modelling of them.
Dynamic models will be related to earthquake response analysis of simple structures.
In the course there will be given 5 projects. Standard Finite Element program (SAP2000) will be used to compute internal forces, stresses and deformations of structures. Matlab will be used to solve differential equations for thin plates
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterBYG227FEarthquake Engineering 1Elective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionAim: To present the main nature and characteristics of earthquakes and to present the methodology used to assess earthquake impacts. Subject: Seismicity and source models. Earthquake waves and wave propagation. Strong ground motion and attenuation models. Soil amplification. Linear and non-linear response spectra. Mapping of earthquake hazard. Projects and thesis work.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterUMV203MWater and Wastewater SystemsElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course goal is to provide insights into the design and construction of water systems and wastewater treatment plants.
Course contents: Water demand design parameters. Water supply and sizing of water storage tanks. Pumps and pumps selections. Design of supply network with Hazen Williams equation. Pipes, valves and hydrants. Legal framework for water supply. Drinking water quality requirement, threats to water quality and preventive measures to secure public health.
Chemical and biological characteristics of waste water. Types and quantities of sanitary sewage. Physical, biological and chemical treatment of municipal sewage. Design parameters and sizing considerations of treatment tanks. Research of novel methods to treat sewage in rural areas close to sensitive water recipients. The class includes group projects on the design of a small water system, laboratory measurements of sewage strength and wastewater plant treatment efficiency, a research project on wastewater solutions, and field visit(s).Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesBYG441LFinal projectMandatory (required) course0A mandatory (required) course for the programme0 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionA master’s project is a research and/or an engineering design project completed under supervision of a master’s committee. A master’s student selects a thesis topic in consultation with their assigned faculty supervisor, who is typically also the thesis advisor. There is a choice between a 30 or 60 credit master’s project (one or two semesters). In a 30-credit project the emphasis is on engineering design or research of interest to a local community. In a 60-credit project the objective is to provide a scientific contribution of international interest publishable in a peer-reviewed forum. The master’s student writes a thesis according to the School’s template and defends it in a master’s defense. An outside examiner and the master’s committee evaluate the master’s thesis, the project, and the defense for a grade according to the evaluation rubric of the Faculty on Ugla (https://ugla.hi.is/kerfi/view/page.php?sid=3753). The student delivers a thesis and a project poster. The master’s committee may request that the student print the thesis and provide copies to the examiner and committee. Please familiarize yourself with the graduation checklist (https://ugla.hi.is/kerfi/view/page.php?sid=4500) and the regulation for master’s studies (https://english.hi.is/node/54553).
Self-studyPrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis creditsNot taught this semesterUMV036FSeminar in Civil and Environmental Engineering with PresentationElective course3Free elective course within the programme3 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe objective is to train graduate students in presenting research and organizing a seminar, additionally to be introduced to new research in the fields of the Faculty and to participate in discussion of research. Four seminar talks are planned in the fall semester and eight seminar talks are planned in the spring semester. Students can join seminars during both fall and spring semesters and can at most receive 3 ECTS for seminar courses (total of UMV036F and UMV037F), based on participation. The course is open to all graduate students who are working on research in collaboration with a member of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
PrerequisitesNot taught this semesterUMV037FSeminar in Civil and Environmental EngineeringElective course1Free elective course within the programme1 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe objective is for graduate students to be introduced to new research in the fields of the Faculty and to participate in discussion of research. Four seminar talks are planned in the fall semester and eight seminar talks are planned in the spring semester. Students can join seminar talks during both fall and spring semesters and can at most receive 3 ECTS for seminar courses (total of UMV036F and UMV037F), based on participation. The course is open to all graduate students who are working on research in collaboration with a member of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Prerequisites- Year unspecified
Not taught this semesterUMV205FCoastal and Harbor EngineeringElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionHarbor structures are a cornerstone of Icelandic economy and society. Ports serve the fishing industry, enable the transport of people and goods in and out of the country. Coastal structures protect settlements from floods or erosion due to wind and wave action. The Department of Navigation at the Icelandic Road Administration is responsible for the planning, design and operations of safe harbors and coastal structures in harmony with the environmental conditions in Iceland.
The goals of the class are (1) to provide students with an understanding of the main aspects of preparatory research and the design of harbors and coastal structures; (2) prepare students for thesis or professional work in coastal engineering. The course is a part of the Water Resources Engieering emphasis area and is suitable for both students pursuing a MS degree in environmental and civil engineering.
Topics: Students gain a basic understanding of linear wave theory; Wave shoaling, wave refraction, wave breaking and wave diffraction. Probability calculations for estimating the hydraulic load on coastal structures, including return period estimations of waves and sea level. The basic elements of port planning and the key design standards are covered, e.g. relating to design vessels, turning space, width and depth of seals. Basic elements in the design of breakwaters, e.g. types of breakwaters, rock size, and load conditions.
Teaching methods: This is a reading class with few lectures. Emphasis is on self-study and independent project work. A mixture of in-class and teams meetings is planned. Students will have an opportunity to visit the Road Administration headquartrs and/or a harbor. The class is taught in English.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterUMV205M, UMV205MEnvironmental Impact Assessment 1Elective course6/6Free elective course within the programme6/6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionAim: To give an overview of the principles of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of anthropogenic activities and to introduce the procedures and methods used in the environmental assessment process. At the end of the course, students should have gained an understanding of the main principles of EIA and the methods used for its application. After having completed the course, students should be able to actively participate in the making of EIA. Subject: Environmental Impact Assessment of Projects is the main subject of the course. EIA is a systematic process meant to streamline development projects by minimizing environmental effects. The first part of the course is an introduction to the global context and history of EIA, the subject of EIA, and an introduction to the EIA methodology. The second part of the course focuses on processes. The aim, subject, and process of EIA will be explained, including a discussion on the various stages and aspects of the EIA procedure (such as screening, scoping, participants, stakeholders and consultation, impact prediction and assessment, reporting and monitoring). Although the examples of processes, definitions and methods introduced in the course will be based on the Icelandic legislation, the learning outcome will be of practical use for all students, without regard to their nationality. Through individual assignments, each student will be able to explore the EIA process in context with an area of their choice.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesUMV205M, UMV205MEnvironmental Impact Assessment 1Elective course6/6Free elective course within the programme6/6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionAim: To give an overview of the principles of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of anthropogenic activities and to introduce the procedures and methods used in the environmental assessment process. At the end of the course, students should have gained an understanding of the main principles of EIA and the methods used for its application. After having completed the course, students should be able to actively participate in the making of EIA. Subject: Environmental Impact Assessment of Projects is the main subject of the course. EIA is a systematic process meant to streamline development projects by minimizing environmental effects. The first part of the course is an introduction to the global context and history of EIA, the subject of EIA, and an introduction to the EIA methodology. The second part of the course focuses on processes. The aim, subject, and process of EIA will be explained, including a discussion on the various stages and aspects of the EIA procedure (such as screening, scoping, participants, stakeholders and consultation, impact prediction and assessment, reporting and monitoring). Although the examples of processes, definitions and methods introduced in the course will be based on the Icelandic legislation, the learning outcome will be of practical use for all students, without regard to their nationality. Through individual assignments, each student will be able to explore the EIA process in context with an area of their choice.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisites