- Do you want to be a teacher?
- Are you interested in language and literacy development?
- Do you want to tackle diverse projects under the guidance of Iceland's leading scholars of pedagogy?
- Do you want to teach children in grades 1-5?
- Do you have a lively imagination?
- Do you enjoy working with children?
- Do you want to open up future opportunities in challenging careers?
This is an academic and vocational 180 ECTS undergraduate programme designed for people planning to teach grades 1-5 in Icelandic compulsory schools.
The programme aims to provide students with knowledge of childhood development in the area of language and communication, literacy learning and teaching, as well as language education and first language learning.
Emphasis is placed on the importance of parental involvement and the main subjects and areas of learning for children in primary grades.
The programme is organised in close collaboration with schools. Placements in schools are combined with theoretical learning to prepare students for work in compulsory schools and further study.
Course topics include:
- Icelandic
- Literacy and literacy learning
- Developmental and educational psychology
- Methodology and education research
- Mathematics
- Teaching of children in grades 1-5
- Curriculums and assessment
- Children's literature
- Spoken and written language
- Support in play and learning
Upon graduation from a teacher's program at an Icelandic university, a teacher must have a competency in Icelandic that corresponds to a minimum of C1 in the European Language Framework.
Here you can see the Language Framework of the Council of Europe.
Icelandic matriculation examination (Stúdentspróf) or an equivalent qualification.
- After completing a teacher education programme at an Icelandic university, a teacher should have reached a level of competence in Icelandic that corresponds to a minimum of C1 according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR).
- All teaching takes place in Icelandic, so it is essential that students can communicate and submit written assignments and tests in Icelandic.
- Teaching hours of compulsory courses usually occur on the premises of the Faculty of Education, in Saga, and in real-time online. Students fulfill their attendance obligation either by participating on-site or via Zoom.
Programme structure
Check below to see how the programme is structured.
This programme does not offer specialisations.
- First year
- Fall
- Introduction to Learning and Instruction
- Academic writing and critical reading
- Integration and creative approach in teaching
- Icelandic in the classroom I
- Mathematics I
- Spring 1
- Literacy and literacy learning
- Pedagogy of Compulsory School
- Creativity and play: Art, drama and music
- Children´s literature – Literature for young children
- Mathematics II
Introduction to Learning and Instruction (KME102G)
An introductory course intended to provide an overview of contemporary ideas and perspectives on learning and instruction and teachers working environments. Major learning theories, trends and issues are introduced which will then be discussed in later courses focusing on learning and the teacher profession.
Important conceptions, concepts and issues covered: Learning theories and research, conditions for learning and teaching, teachers practice theories, learning-learner-learning environment, organisation of learning, instructional planning, curriculum development and collaboration, teachers professionalism and practice theories, legal and regulatory frameworks for compulsory education.
Procedure: Lectures, reflective studies, seminars, individual and group work, projects, interactive lectures, field work and training.
Academic writing and critical reading (ÍET102G)
The main objective of the course is to prepare students for reading, writing and communicating academic texts.
The course will cover various types of scholarly material and its representation. Students will familiarize themselves with different aspects of academic writing and learn to distinguish between different genres. Students will be trained in independent and critical reading of different texts. Copyright, plagiarism, and fake news will also be discussed.
Students will acquire skills in working with academic texts, such as abstracts and summaries and in using sources when writing their own texts. They will also receive instructions in making bibliographies and using citation systems. Students will also be trained in using source material in their own writing and distinguish between their own voice and the source.
Integration and creative approach in teaching (GKY102G)
The main focus of the course will be on the teaching of natural and social sciences and how these subjects can be integrated through the Storyline approach. Special issues and tasks will be chosen within nature and social sciences and integrated with other subject areas. Teaching material, equipment and teaching environment that supports learning and teaching will be explored and appropriate assessment methods will be introduced and discussed. Students will learn to apply information technology tools and a creative approach in teaching and learning.
Icelandic in the classroom I (ÍET103G)
This course will focus on Icelandic culture and literature in a broad understanding, as well as how both factor into language use and linguistic world of different subjects within the school system.
This will include a discussion of basic concepts of literary theory, discourse analysis and cultural studies, and a variety of methods and media in teaching will be introduced, which can increase understanding and interest among elementary school students in their own culture as well as other cultures.
Students will have the opportunity to read literary fiction from both past and present and put it into context with their own experiences as well as their future approach to teaching different school subjects.
A variety of texts will be discussed, both fiction as well as practical/didactic texts and recreational texts, with the goal that students realize and appreciate that language is the tool we use in all our daily lives and studies regardless of subject. The deep layers of meaning found in all manner of texts will be analyzed, and students will be given the proper tools to scrutinize texts in their surroundings in an independent and critical manner.
This course will focus on interweaving of different elementary school subjects and how Icelandic is the subject that binds all other subjects together, emphasizing the teacher’s role of teaching in Icelandic, rather than teaching Icelandic as a subject. For this reason a special focus will be placed on how Icelandic provides a base for the teaching of several other subjects, including social studies, mathematics, natural sciences, foreign languages, and not least art subjects, e.g. visual arts and drama.
Mathematics I (SNU101G)
In the course teacher students are introduced to the main goals of teaching mathematics in compulsory schools. The emphasis is both on content and the process of teaching and learning.
Emphasis is put on problem solving and inquiry based approach to learning and teaching. The teacher students will study how different approaches in teaching affect learning. Consideration is given to the role of the teacher and competances to be expected.
Students use ICT in their own learning and in connection with the teaching of mathematics.
Literacy and literacy learning (KME204G)
The central objective of this course is to provide students with an insight in the development of language and literacy during the primary school years and introduce them to leading practices in the instruction of reading and writing during primary school.
The main topics include linguistic prerequisites of literacy, problems of second language learning, current theories of the developmental of reading, writing and reading comprehension, reading difficulties and effective ways of promoting literacy skills. Along with theoretical considerations we will examine teaching materials and methods used in Icelandic schools.
At the end of the course, students are supposed to have theoretical and practical knowledge to be able to provide their future students with motivation and support in reading and writing througout their school years.
Pedagogy of Compulsory School (KME206G)
The course aims for student teachers to acquire knowledge and skills in general pedagogy and the ability to teach students at the compulsory school level.
- The focus is on teaching methods in compulsory schools, the learning environment, and class management, and on discussing what characterizes effective teaching.
- Attention is directed to the characteristics of the age levels of compulsory school and presents ways to stimulate development and meet the different needs of students in an inclusive school.
- Cooperation and communication between students, teamwork, and team teaching by teachers will be discussed, but also the relationship between homes and schools and the participation of parents in their children's education.
- Student teachers receive training in pronunciation and voice protection, expression, and manners.
- With a field study, a student teacher gets practice in planning diverse studies, implementing teaching methods, using information technology, and evaluating his experience.
Creativity and play: Art, drama and music (KME205G)
Students will learn about the importance of the arts in the education of children and adolescents. The focus will be on expression through drama, visual arts, and music. One common theme will be chosen as a pivot point for the three genres of artistic expression.
Children´s literature – Literature for young children (LSS207G)
- Children's literature as a literary field; characteristics and literary concepts.
- Cultural and artistic assessment of a variety of children's books with special emphasis on recent books and selected themes.
- Children´s books as an important part of youth culture and common cultural awareness.
- Children´s books as a foundation for experience, creation, expression and communication.
- The value of literature in children's education.
- Children´s books in elementary school: reading for pleasure, reading and literacy, writing and written expression, life skills and ethics.
- Children´s books regarding multicultural issues and equality.
- The relationship between children's literature with other forms of literature and art.
Mathematics II (SNU204G)
The teacher students strengthen their knowledge of selected mathematical topics, including number theory and geometry.
The course also treats numeration systems and basic arithmetic.
Emphasis is put on problem solving and inquiry-based approach to learning and teaching. The teacher students reflect on how different approaches in teaching affect students understanding of mathematical concepts.
- Second year
- Fall
- Development of language and literacy
- Psychology of Development and Learning
- Spring 1
- Teaching reading and writing in the first years of primary school.
- Curriculum and Assessment
- Year unspecified
- The Preschool as a educational institution
- Sustainability, nature and arts
- Movement and dramatic expression, inside and outside
Development of language and literacy (GKY301G)
In this course students acquire knowledge about underlying influencing factors that contribute to language and literacy development of children age 0-10. Students learn how children learn language and how language becomes a valuable tool for learning. The relation between language and other skills, e.g. vocabulary and active language use will be discussed and the mutual connections between language and literacy. Students learn about children with developmental language disorder (DLD) and how they can best support them in shool. Another topic for discussion are bi- and multilingual children and how they can effectively be supported in school activities. Students learn about language assesments. This course is a foundation for another course in spring term: The teaching of reading and writing in the first years in primary school.
Psychology of Development and Learning (KME301G)
The course will aim to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the developmental changes that take place from birth through adolescence.
The course will cover a broad range of developmental changes during different phases of childhood and adolescence, and theories that describe and explain those changes. Theories of cognitive development, emotional and social development, the development of self, and moral development will be discussed. The approaches of behaviourism and ecological theory will also be highlighted. The origins and nature of individual differences, continuity and discontinuity of development, as well as plasticity of development will be discussed. The interaction between development and learning, motivation, parenting practices, culture, and different social environments will be addressed. A strong emphasis will be placed on the importance of understanding child development when working with children in applied settings.
The course will consist of lectures and recitations. Students' will have a chance to discuss the topics of the course and deepen their understanding of the age group they plan to focus on during their studies and work.
Teaching reading and writing in the first years of primary school. (GKY401G)
The course places a strong emphasis on deepening student teachers' knowledge of reading instruction in the five main components of reading education: phonological and phonemic awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, as well as writing. Students will gain an understanding of the teacher's responsibility and role in children's reading education. The course covers the prerequisites for reading education, evidence-based teaching methods related to reading instruction, and reading difficulties. It also addresses how the fundamental elements of reading—phonological awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension/listening comprehension, and writing—intertwine to promote reader confidence and fluency. Emphasis is placed on the importance of early intervention and teaching students at risk of reading difficulties.
The course discusses how a reading-promoting and creative learning environment, targeted instruction, and appropriate learning materials can enhance reading interest and ability. It will cover the collaboration between homes and schools regarding children's reading education, parental involvement in reading training, and the importance of providing information and support to families. Various assessment tools in reading instruction will be introduced, including formative assessment, preventive assessment (screening), and diagnostic tests, and the necessary links between teaching and assessment will be explained. The teacher's responsibility and role in reading instruction for diverse student groups will be examined, taking into account individual differences and methods aimed at helping students achieve the best possible reading proficiency.
The fieldwork component of the course (4 ECTS) takes place in partner schools of the School of Education and corresponds to two weeks in the field, 6 hours a day
Curriculum and Assessment (KME402G)
The course is designed to expose students to perspectives on curriculum development and assessment in compulsory education. The following educational process is emphasized:
Students discuss and learn about basic concepts and issues related to assessment and curriculum development in compulsory education. Issues and ideologies reflected in official curricula, law, directives, and other policy briefings are discussed both theoretically and in praxis. Special focus is laid on the role of teachers in curriculum development and assessment, and alternatively their professional role in developing learning programs for groups of pupils as well as individual pupils with special needs. Nature, purpose, and strategies regarding assessment and curriculum are addressed (cf. formative assessment, summative assessment, writing test items and other test instruments, and marking and reporting). Students discuss and learn about controversial issues and different ideological currents concerning central questions about the purpose and aims of compulsory education. Key questions discussed are: What should be the purpose of the school, what should be taught and assessed in compulsory schools, how and why? What counts as legitimate knowledge and competence, and how should we administer and organize compulsory education.
The working process of the course consists of lectures, field-related assignments, and critical discussion through seminars and group assignments
The Preschool as a educational institution (LSS101G, LSS309G, LSS202G)
The main aims of the course are that students gain knowledge about, and insight into the role and position of the preschool in the Icelandic educational system, how different ideology, visions and attitudes are embedded in the goals and methods in preschool education, the role of preschool teachers in children‘s learning.
It is an introductory course in preschool education where the emphasis is on presenting the educational role and the professional workplace of preschool teachers. The fundamental view is that children are entitled to challenging projects and opportunities to participate in society which is based on equality and democratic participation. Among the issues that are addressed are:
- law on preschools, fundamental pillars of education and the curriculum framework
- policy and ideology of preschool practice
- role and practice theory of preschool teachers
- children‘s play and learning based environment
- structure and practice methods in preschools
- cooperation between parents and preschools
- food culture - the relationship of environmental issues, nutrition and health
Lectures, seminars, and assignment work, both individual and team work.
Sustainability, nature and arts (LSS101G, LSS309G, LSS202G)
The emphasis in the course is on sustainability and sustainability education involving children’s participation in society and their learning about nature in connection to sustainability education. Children’s ideas about the body will be discussed and how it can be connected to their health and wellbeing, as well as biodiversity and how organisms are connected to each other and nature. The importance and purpose of sustainability education will be stressed as well as how man is responsible for many environmental problems and how we can solve these problems among others in the light of the UN sustainability goals. Different strategies of value in sustainability education will be introduced.
Emphasis will be on nature perception and aesthetics and how to work with nature and sustainability in visual arts with children. How to work with the subject of the course in acting will be discussed, such as in; role-playing games, traditional games and spinning, i.e. processing of perceptions, experiences, feelings and ideas in creativity and play.
Movement and dramatic expression, inside and outside (LSS101G, LSS309G, LSS202G)
This course introduces methods of dramatic expression related to caring, trust and feelings of security in children, as a mechanism to bolster tolerance, friendship and expression.
- Third year
- Fall
- Educational research
- Transition from preschool to primary school
- Spring 1
- B.Ed. thesis
- Not taught this semesterCreative mathematics learning
- Year unspecified
- The local environment as a source for learning
- Preschool Education II _Play, communication and documentation
Educational research (KME501G)
The course is designed to expose students with two main perspectives on educational research. On the one hand methodology related to data collection and data analysis, on the other hand reading and discussing educational research conducted by others. In all sections of the course an emphasis is placed on knowing and understanding concepts and ideas from educational research; students read about them, discuss and apply them in tasks connected to quantitative, qualitative and mixed research methods. They also discuss and apply concepts related to action research.
The course comprises lectures, discourse, student presentations and field-related assignments.
Transition from preschool to primary school (LSS501G)
Topics in the course are transitions and continuity between preschool, primary school, and leisure-time centers. From the perspectives of children, teachers, and parents. Continuity in children's learning will be addressed and emphasis placed on teaching diverse approaches that involve children's participation, such as play, Project approach, play with unit blocks, and philosophical discussion with children.
B.Ed. thesis (GKY601L)
The B.Ed. thesis in teachingis a 10 ECTS credit written thesis completed under supervision of a faculty member.
Creative mathematics learning (GKY202G)
The aim of the course is to cover the main concepts in mathematics learning in primary school. Students explore what it means to do mathematics and developing understanding in mathematics. They learn to plan mathematics teaching in problem based environment using information technology and plan assessment into instruction.
The local environment as a source for learning (LSS105G, LSS206G)
The emphasis is on that students realise how they can use children's local environment as a source for learning about science and mathematics. The importance of children's outdoor learning and children's motion for their health and development is stressed and how teachers can integrate these into children's education. Students will investigate different approaches to scaffold children's learning of mammals, small animals, plants, water, air, forms, number, and volume in their local environment.
Preschool Education II _Play, communication and documentation (LSS105G, LSS206G)
The main emphases in the course are different ideas and perspectives on children's play. Theories on play and influences in early childhood education will be explored. Emphasis will be placed on studies of children's communication in play, children's culture and relationships. This involves the view that children's learning takes place through their interaction in the social context and ttheir right to influence the learning environment. Documentations of children's learning in play as well as preschool teacher's role and curriculum will be addressed.
The course has a two week (4Ve) practice placement in a cooperating preschool. During the practice placement, students are expected to take part in the daily activities of the preschool, as well as working on practice placement assignments.
- Year unspecified
- Whole year courses
- Mentor in Sprettur
- Fall
- Introduction to English language teaching
- Toddlers in preschool
- Proficiency Course I
- Introduction to Sign Language Studies
- Introduction to Design and Craft
- Designing and making from glass
- Areas of conflict - challenges of multiculturalism
- Life skills – ethics education
- Creative play and technology
- Teaching about waves, light, sound and environment
- The local environment as a source for learning
- Peer to peer support (spring)
- Dramafusion –communication in drama
- Not taught this semesterDrama, stories and narration
- Not taught this semesterEnergy and matter in nature and society
- Not taught this semesterFashion and product design
- Not taught this semesterComputer games, virtual worlds, and game culture
- Not taught this semesterTextile methods
- Spring 1
- Trans children and the society
- Literature and identities
- Not taught this semesterQueer pedagogy
- Designhistory - fashion, textiles and furniture
- Peer to peer support (spring)
- Online learning and open education
- Not taught this semesterComputer programming and makerspaces
- Not taught this semesterLanguage and communication
- Not taught this semesterReligious education and diversity
- Not taught this semesterThe art of creating music
- Not taught this semesterDesign history
- Not taught this semesterToy Design
- Not taught this semesterVisual Arts
- Not taught this semesterTeaching about motion, forces, energy and environment
- Summer
- Adventure, leadership and reflection: Under an open sky
- Introduction to place based outdoor education
- Not taught this semesterFire and ice – Force of nature, education and experience
Mentor in Sprettur (GKY001M)
In the course, the student's task consists in being a mentor for participants that are upper secondary school students and university students in the project "Sprettur". Mentors' main role is to support and encourage participants in their studies and social life. As well as creating a constructive relationship with the participants, being a positive role model, and participating in events organized in Sprettur. The mentor role centers around building relationships and spending meaningful time together with the commitment to support participants.
Sprettur is a project that supports students with an immigrant or refugee background who come from families with little or no university education. The students in this course are mentors of the participants and are paired together based on a common field of interest. Each mentor is responsible for supporting two participants. Mentors plan activities with participants and spend three hours a month (from August to May) with Sprettur’s participants, three hours a month in a study group and attend five seminars that are spread over the school year. Students submit journal entries on Canvas in November and March. Diary entries are based on reading material and students' reflections on the mentorship. Compulsory attendance in events, study groups, and seminars. The course is taught in Icelandic and English.
Students must apply for a seat in the course. Applicants go through an interview process and 15-30 students are selected to participate.
See the digital application form.
More information about Sprettur can be found here: www.hi.is/sprettur
Introduction to English language teaching (ÍET202G)
A historical overview of principles, methods, and best practices of English language teaching. Introduction to the national curriculum of English, teaching materials, and resources. Focus on student-centered teaching, learner autonomy, teacher reflection, and developing a philosophy of teaching.
The National Curriculum Guide will be read and analyzed. Students will have an opportunity to observe and evaluate recorded teaching and they will practice reflecting on their own ideas about teaching and experience of language learning.
Course work demands active participation and consists of reading, written assignments, discussion, group and individual work, and microteaching.
Toddlers in preschool (LSS306G)
In the course, children‘s (1-3 years) perspectives, development, and learning in preschool will be addressed, and how children create their communities through playful actions will be discussed. The transition from home to preschool where communication between preschool teachers, children, and parents is in focus. Organization of the learning environment, care, play material, and preschool teacher‘s views and how it creates conditions for how children are supported in their play and peer relationships will be addressed. The value of creative work such as music and crafts with young children and how subject areas in the curriculum are interwoven in the preschool work will also be looked into.
Proficiency Course I (TÁK102G)
Aim: To teach students the basic language functions found in Icelandic Sign Language. The main focus will be on language used in daily life and social uses of Icelandic Sign Language. Both expressive and comprehension skills will be emphasized throughout the course. Topics will include grammatical non-manual features with signs and classifier predicates and their importance in sign language. Students use video recordings to study the language.
Methods: Lectures, sign language text examinations andpractical group- and individual practises during the lessons which students take active part in. 80% attendance in the course is obligatory and is a prerequisite for the final examination.
Assessment: Different assignments, mostly video assignments spread over the semester. Students have to pass all parts of the assesement with minimum grade (5,0) and fulfill the 80% attendance.
Introduction to Sign Language Studies (TÁK108G)
In this course the main theme are sign language communities, in particular the community of the Icelandic Sign Language. Deaf culture and the history of Icelandic Sign Language will be discussed as well as language ideology and the status and viability of Icelandic Sign Language. Approaches from Deaf studies, anthropology and sociolinguistics will be applied.
Introduction to Design and Craft (LVG203G)
This is a basic course in wood work. Students learn to used hand tools and machines, they design and make artefact from wood and learn about old craft traditions. The course is base on practical work, lectures and seminars. This is a basic course in wood work. Students learn to used hand tools and machines, they design and make artefact from wood and learn about old craft traditions. The course is base on practical work, lectures and seminars.
Support material: Websites and photocopies from the teacher.
Literature: Collins Complete Woodworkers Manual and photocopies from the teacher.
Designing and making from glass (LVG601G)
This course aim is to train students in using different techniques to form artefacts from glass, for example by using the Tiffanies method, form a glass in an oven and make mosaic pictures. The course emphasis is on artistic design and construction of jewelleries and applied artefacts. Examples of projects are window decorations, bowls and sculptures. This course aim is to train students in using different techniques to form artefacts from glass, for example by using the Tiffanies method, form a glass in an oven and make mosaic pictures. The course emphasis is on artistic design and construction of jewelleries and applied artefacts. Examples of projects are window decorations, bowls and sculptures.
Support material: Websites and photocopies from the teacher.
Areas of conflict - challenges of multiculturalism (SFG001G)
The main purpose of this course is conflict and conflict zones in the world with regard to opportunities and challenges which such topics provide in teaching. Participants will be introduced to ideas and issues of conflicts and relate these to geogarphical situations, history, culture and religion. Two or three areas will be selected for analysis. These could be Ireland and the Irish democacy, Israel and Palestine, Mexico, Myanmar, Nigeria and Turkey, together with areas that geogarphically can be difficult to define. The selection of topics will be made in consultance with participants which will, depending on circumstances, be related to Icelandic history and situation.
The course assignments will cover systematic search for information, suitable exposition of historical and geographical results and explanation of complex and delicate issues.
Final exam counts as 40%, but assignments and partial exams count as 60%. Participants have to attend 80% of classes.
Further information is on CANVAS.
Life skills – ethics education (SFG006G)
Content: The course focuses on the theory and practice of those elements of life skills education that have to do with communication skills and ethics. The course is in accordance with the Icelandic national curriculum, working towards mental health, healthy self-image and strong moral character in students. Topics include practical wisdom (phronesis), personal strengths and empathy.
Methods: Most weeks there will be lectures and discussions. Lectures will usually be recorded before sessions and uploaded to the course website on Canvas. Students should view them before taking part in sessions. Discussions will not be recorded, but students who are not able to attend can participate by posting a blog on the course website. Students submit three assignments.
Creative play and technology (SNU003G)
The course focuses on play and creative work with children involving digital devices and technology. Students review and discuss different sources on creative work digital technologies at the preschool and premium school level. They get acquainted with demonstrative examples of practice in selected schools and look for fruitful ways to apply information technologies and digital media in educational activities with young pupils. Students wrestle with animation, drawing and creative editing of photos with digital tools in relation with digital storytelling. Pioneers in programming designed for children are introduced as well as tools to create simple materials, stories and games with visual programming systems desigend for young users. Students also get to try out a selection of digital devices and pedagogical technology sets designed for the young. Some of these acitivities involve making and artistic expressions in different materials. Students get to design and draw objects for laser cutting and 3-dimensional printing, as well reflect on entrepreneurship and inventive learning as pedagogial focus areas in education. They describe their efforts and experimental work with technical sets and equipment in pictures, videos and texts displayed on web sites set up with templates of their own choice.
Teaching about waves, light, sound and environment (SNU003M)
The main objective of this introductory course is to educate students about waves, sound and light to prepare them for teaching these subjects in Icelandic compulsory school. Participants are expected to develop a thorough scientific understanding of these issues and scientific concepts related to them such as oscillations, waves on a string and on water, wave properties, sound production, propagation and interaction with matter, light production, propagation and interaction with matter. Besides they will be taught how to illustrate these concepts in practice by carrying out simple experiments. Emphasis will also be paid to the ideas young people have about these concepts and phenomena and how they may be helped to develop those ideas toward scientific understanding. Approaching these issues the participants will be encouraged to inquire into their own understandings of these phenomena and concepts and develop those understandings and their practical teaching competences.
The local environment as a source for learning (LSS105G)
The emphasis is on that students realise how they can use children's local environment as a source for learning about science and mathematics. The importance of children's outdoor learning and children's motion for their health and development is stressed and how teachers can integrate these into children's education. Students will investigate different approaches to scaffold children's learning of mammals, small animals, plants, water, air, forms, number, and volume in their local environment.
Peer to peer support (spring) (TÓS106G)
The subjects of the course is social interaction, co-operation and learning assistance for students who may need assistance and / or support in their studies at School of Education.
This course will focus on new emphases and innovations in education with a focus on inclusive education and universal design. Coaching, equality, inclusive society and human rights will also be discussed in a broad context. Ways will be introduced to enhance the educational and social participation of students in the university in a variety of ways. At the end of the course, students receive confirmation that they have completed the course which they can, for example, use in their CV.
The Collaboration with fellow students usually take three lessons a week. The collaboration may include educational assistance, for example in project work or spending time together at the library or Háma and participation in social events on behalf of student associations. There will be five meetings with teachers in the first half off the semester as well as one working day where students receive support and training. In addition, students can book meetings as needed with the course teachers.
Students do a journal and submit a final report on their experience.
Dramafusion –communication in drama (LVG108M)
Assignments: Traning in devised methods of acting, as well as training in Physical Theater and Imagery. Theatre. Students will become acquaint with artists and art events in Icelandic society, linking to ideology and theory of artistic experience. Area of contact of drama will be explored from a variety of perspectives with different communication in drama
Work will mainly through workshops where students seek a variety ways to work with drama (traditional, unconventional), through different communication like, still images, film, sound, text, staging, and social media. Conditions and influence of drama in the present will be explored.
The projects aim for creativity and expression, related to the development of students learning trajectories, curriculum drama and reflect on drama in cultural and social dimension.
Drama, stories and narration (LVG308G)
Aims: That the students gain understanding and training in using drama methods to involve students in storytelling. That the students look at the value of good stories for live-skill teaching (5 to 13 years old.). That the students gain basic knowledge in storytelling with impotrance on climate change.
Energy and matter in nature and society (SNU018G)
Fashion and product design (LVG501M)
Emphasis is placed on pattern construction and sewing techniques in connection with the design of clothing and textile products. Students use themes and research as sources of new ideas and innovation. Students work according to design methods that involve researching, experimenting and planning the processing of a product. Students complete projects in idea and design folders. Reports are made of the results of the course in context with pedagogical aspects and the value of fashion and textile design in further education and working life.
Computer games, virtual worlds, and game culture (SNU019G)
Textile methods (LVG021G)
Students become acquainted with the diversity of textiles in crafts, industry and art. The basic techniques of textile methods are trained with an emphasis on experimental and development work in the craft of the methods. Students are introduced to the historical connection of textiles with an emphasis on Icelandic and foreign textile heritage and how this knowledge and approach can become a source of new ideas and works. In the final projects, work is done with mixed techniques and emphasis is placed on a creative and professional approach and high-quality work methods. Work methods are trained from idea to completion, with an emphasis on sustainability, re-creation, reuse and innovation. Students submit a theoretical report that contains a discussion and arguments for project selection, material selection, elaboration, implementation and conclusion. Students link the work and results of the course to pedagogical emphases and teaching projects.
Trans children and the society (UME204M)
The aim of the course is that students get aquainted with ideas, theories, and research about the experiences of trans people, as well as the main ideas of critical childhood studies. Emphasis is placed on that participants will become conscious about the reality of trans youth and trans children and the discourse in society about the matter.
The concepts of gender, gender binaries, non-binary, intersectionality, trans*, (Cis), care, children’s protection, and children’s rights. Main ideas of trans and queer studies are presented as well as how to use them to understand upbringing, education, society, leisure, and sports. The matter will be approached via critical trans and childhood studies as well as constructivist idea. The school system and other institution will be discussed in light of how many types of discrimination have been created and maintained, and how such systems can maintain trans phobic attitudes and (cis)heteronormativity. New Icelandic and international research is presented. Emphases are placed on training candidates education studies, social education, parent education, teaching at all school levels, leisure studies, management and other professional disciplines to create queer and trans friendly atmosphere in the groups they will work with.
Literature and identities (ÍET006G)
The course will cover Icelandic literature from 1900 to the present with a focus on the interaction between literature, history and society.
The role of literature in the construction of national identity in 20th century Iceland will be explored, from the beginning of the century when Icelandic literature became increasingly international to the multicultural and diversified literary culture of the present.
Icelandic literature is interwoven with the literature of other cultures. In the course, Icelandic literature will be put in an international context.
Literature and its interpretation were a key element in the construction of Icelandic nationality in the period. The school system and teaching of literature within that system were an important feature in this identity construction and special attention will be paid to this aspect of literary history.
The main themes of Icelandic literature of the period will be discussed in lectures and in student’s assignments. Among the themes are political literature and class struggle, the country and the city, and increased diversity and visibility of minorities in Icelandic literature and society in the last decades,
Particular attention will be paid to the new trends in Icelandic literary culture, new genres, children’s literature, new and old forms of poetry and the interaction between literature and other art forms.
In student’s assignments, an emphasis will be placed on the student’s ability to communicate their knowledge to different age groups and to connect the pupils’ everyday reality to literature and literary history.
Film, internet resources and other new media will form a part of the class as the period in question is characterized by new technologies which have influenced literature and culture in various ways.
Teaching will be conducted through lectures, group assignment’s and individual assignments.
Queer pedagogy (SFG004M)
Objective: The objective of the course is that students learn about concepts, theories and research in queer pedagogy. Furthermore, they will receive good insight into queer theory. Students will acquire critical view of schools and education and gain insight intof the reality of queer youth.
Topics include the concepts of gender, sexuality, intersectionality, masculinity, femininity, gender binary, heteronormativity and cisnormativity. Students gain insight into the main subject matters of queer pedagogy and the ways in which this field can shed light on education, pedagogy, leisure, and and society. The approach will be in the spirit of queer theory and social constructivist perspective, which will be employed to explain different views on gender, gender identity and queer sexuality. The course examines how the Icelandic school system directly and indirectly maintains a wide variety of discrimination and sustains institutionlized heternormativity and cisnormativity. New research, domestic and international, will be read, related to sexual orientation and gender identity. Furthermore, the course focuses on the training of future professionals working with children and teenagers in establishing a queer friendly atmosphere and incorporate queer realities into their work.
Designhistory - fashion, textiles and furniture (LVG008M)
Emphasis is placed on the history of Egyptian design to the present day, focusing on clothing and utilities. The furniture and building history will also be seen in the context of decorations in homes such as upholstery and curtains. in an international context compared to the development of clothing and textile history in Iceland and connections with the economy, culture, museums and education.The program is organized with lectures and practical research projects involving a wide range of data collection and presentation of projects.
Peer to peer support (spring) (TÓS213G)
The subjects of the course is social interaction, co-operation and learning assistance for students who may need assistance and / or support in their studies at School of Education.
This course will focus on new emphases and innovations in education with a focus on inclusive education and universal design. Equality, inclusive society and human rights will also be discussed in a broad context. Ways will be introduced to enhance the educational and social participation of students in the university in a variety of ways. Emphasis on collaboration with students regarding the structure of the course.
Students do a journal and submit a final report on their experience.
Online learning and open education (SNU014G)
The course deals with the internet as a platform for education and learning, with an emphasis on generative artificial intelligence, learning communities, heutagogy (self-determined learning), and digital citizenship. Students will learn about how informal and non-formal learning takes place in online environments, where individuals seek and acquire knowledge that is not linked to traditional teaching or curricula. Special emphasis will be placed on the design of formal learning environments that support informal and non-formal learning online. Theories and ideas about informal and non-formal learning will be explored, such as heutagogy, distributed cognition, and connectivist learning approaches. Various challenges related to internet use in contemporary society will also be explored, such as digital citizenship and information literacy. The practical aspects of the course will include the creation and use of open educational resources and software, design of learning environments online, as well as an examination of how artificial intelligence can affect learning and teaching in daily life.
Participants will develop digital portfolios to reflect their personal learning journey and will learn to evaluate and utilize technology to support and enhance their own learning. The course is designed to be accessible and flexible, offering a variety of assignments that can be adapted to the needs and interests of each student. Among other things, students will choose an open online course (MOOC) in their area of interest, which they will complete as part of the course.
Computer programming and makerspaces (SNU010G)
Language and communication (ÍET004G)
The course will focus on the Icelandic language and its use in writing and in films. The students’ work will include creative writing different genres, creative reading and new ways of mediation. All the activities aim at preparing the students for their future work. The concept „creativity“ is discussed and defined in the course. The three aspects of it which do matter for teachers are emphasised, i.e. the creative teacher, creativity in writing assignments and the activation of the creative abilities of the students. The activities in the classroom will mainly be through work on assignments and discussion.
Religious education and diversity (SFG003G)
The course is about religion and religious education in a multicultural society. The students will get basic knowledge about the major religions of the world and how to prepare teaching and learning in religious education in the elementary school. They are also trained in discussing issues and questions about religion and view of life.
The content of the course is religion, religious experience, the search for meaning and the main concepts of religious studies. The value of religions for individuals and societies will be discussed and their impact on the shaping of identities, values and understanding of life. The major religions of the world will be explored, i.e. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and some other religions and secular worldviews. Also the role of religion nowadays, new religious movements, multiculturalism and pluralism, prejudice and tolerance.
Teaching methods: Lectures, discussion groups, field study and papers on religion and teaching and learning in religious studies. The course is planned for both regular and distance students.
The art of creating music (LVG009G)
The aim of this course is to increase knowledge and skill in applying various methods for encouraging musical creativity in children and youth in the context of education and leisure.
Students learn various methods for creating melodies and small musical compositions. Students will study several forms and styles of composition which they learn to apply in their own musical compositions.
Methods: Hands-on work shops in composition, improvisation and team projects.
Design history (LVG005M)
Students will work with ideas and design in connection with clothing and textiles, patterns, colors and shapes, fashion design, look and format. They also experiments with textile methods and textile materials. Special emphasis is placed on the work process from the idea of implementation and registration of information. Students will work on organized research and development work. Experiments in various methods in textile and clothing will be linked to historical and contemporary trends. Emphasis is also placed on the preparation and presentation of projects.
Toy Design (LVG501G)
Aim: To learn to design and make toys in a pedagogical context.
General Description: The main undertakings are to help student to develop their knowledge and skill to design educational toys and build it. Students learn to use simple cad, which enables them to draw up their own designs in a professional and easy manner. Students design and make educational toys for different age.
Ways of working: Teaching methods are based on lectures and practical work.
Support material: Websites and photocopies from the teacher.
Visual Arts (LVG403G)
Two dimensional form 2-D
Objective: Emphasis on drawing, printmaking,color studies and different options of expression through various two dimensional media.
Nature will be a primary source through the course.
Photography will be used for documentation.
Field trips and visits to art exhibitions and lectures on art will be held.
This course emphazises on knowledge necessary to work with visual arts in education.
Students are to hand in a portfolio towards a final grade.
Teaching about motion, forces, energy and environment (SNU008G)
The main objective of this introductory course is to educate students about motion, forces, and energy to prepare them for teaching these subjects in Icelandic compulsory school. Participants are expected to develop a thorough scientific understanding of these issues and scientific concepts related to them such as simple machines, motion, velocity, acceleration, force, inertia, mass, lows of motion, the gravitational forces, frictional forces, adding forces, work, power, various energy forms such as kinetic energy, gravitational energy, elastic energy, transformation of energy from one form to another, conservation of energy, useable energy, energy in nature, and energy in society. Besides they will be taught how to illustrate these concepts in practice by carrying out simple experiments. Emphasis will also be paid to the ideas young people have about these concepts and phenomena and how they may be helped to develop those ideas toward scientific understanding. Approaching these issues the participants will be encouraged to inquire into their own understandings of these phenomena and concepts and develop those understandings and their practical teaching competences.
Adventure, leadership and reflection: Under an open sky (TÓS004M)
Emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary approaches, a collaboration between students and teachers of different fields of study. The field of study is the nature of Iceland. Work with three subjects ie. reflection, friluftslif and sustainability with an emphasis on the personal- and professional development of participants.
The course will cover the relationship between man and nature and the reflection of their own experiences. Issues will be taught and trained about traveling through the wilderness. The ideology of outdoor life is discussed and it is linked to contemporary times.
The layout will be as follows:
Preparatory day 16 May 2025 17-18.30.
Daytrips are scheduled on 25 May, and 1 June 10:00-17:00.
The course field trip is 13 - 15 June 2025 (Friday at 9:00 to Sunday at 18:00). Going out of town, staying in tents, and traveling in nature around Iceland. Further agenda announced in May.
The material fee is ISK 13,000. In addition, students pay the cost of camping, food, and travel.
Compulsory attendance is in all aspects of the course.
To complete the course, each student must do the following:
1. Participate actively in the whole course (preparation day, trip and workshop).
2. Read study material and put it in context.
3. Before departure to have chosen one book out of three and read.
4. Submit a 500-600 word reflection on one book (students choose one of three books) to be selected and read before leaving.
5. Keep a journal, both with the group and one to train them in applying critique or reflective learning methods. The group book is submitted as study material, but the individual book is not returned in its entirety to the teacher, but is used as a basis in the "Analytical refflection on the experience".
6. Submit a project based on a reflective journal. Its scope is 4-6 pages (2500-3500 words), follow APA rules regarding installation and reference to sources. There must be a special chapter where the theoretical basis of thoughtful learning methods is discussed.
7. In August, the group meets again and examines the experience in the context of their own outdoor activities during the summer and the theoretical context of the course.
Assessment is complete / incomplete. It is not possible to complete part of the course.
Introduction to place based outdoor education (TÓS001M)
Place-responsive education is a learning that is rooted in what is local: the unique history, environment, culture, economy, literature, and art of a particular place.
In this course, the local community provides the context for learning. An experiential approach is used and with the perspective of “sailing and the seashore”. Student work focuses on community needs and interests, and community members will, with educators from the university, serve as resources and partners in teaching and the learning process.
A pedagogy of place in outdoor education allows us to discover and inhabit the world in a manner that acknowledges the historical roots and cultural connections to the stories of our people. As such this moves outdoor education and recreation practice into the 21st century. Moves beyond what was the dominant UK (western) paradigm of imperialistic, white, masculine, colonisation of outdoor spaces as wild landscapes to be conquered. As such place connection, and place responsiveness, helps develop a deeper understanding, respect, and care of these places. By connecting with the stories of the past and present it is possible to conceive of what the future stories may be. These new perspectives and understanding help students to consider the bigger questions around global issues; environmental justice, sustainability, and social justice.
The syllabus will typically include:
- an examination of the concept of place in an outdoor pedagogy and how this challenge the dominant underpinning philosophies of the adventure paradigm;
- opportunities to develop curiosity about place and develop a process to apply this in a variety of settings including in a global context;
- an introduction to the contribution that adventurous activities on the water make to place-responsive outdoor education experiences in a coastal location;
- development of personal experience in adventurous activities used in an outdoor pedagogy;
- development of higher education research skills: reading, digital research, and exploration of local museums and archives.
This course is run as a collaboration of the University of Iceland and the Outdoor Learning team at Plymouth Marjon University UK and is supported by Siglunes Watersport Centre, Oceancluster, Reykjavik Maritime museum, Hostelling International, The Icelandic Lighthouse Society and Reykjavík City Museum.
Work Methods:
The course is based on active students and participation. The course takes place August 6-8 and 11-13 the year 2025 and is based on teaching throughout the day. Preparation day is June 25th at 16.30-18.
The material fee is ISK 15,000
Fire and ice – Force of nature, education and experience (TÓS003M)
The course focuses on direct experiences in Icelandic nature and the natural sciences, with an emphasis on volcanology and glaciology; fire and ice. The course is suitable for those who intend to organize study and field trips in Icelandic nature, e.g. those who work in schools or aim to work in schools, leisure work or tourism.
The course settings will be used to examine the educational concepts outdoor education, nature interpretation, life education and vocational studies, and the tourism studies concepts mountain tourism, climate tourism, science tourism and social tourism. Coordinated social responses to natural disasters and security issues will also be addressed.
The setting of the course will be the volcanic sites in Reykjanes and Breiðamerkursandur in the Vatnajökull National Park, which provides an opportunity to contextualize the sustainable coexistence between man and nature, with special emphasis on volcanic eruptions, glaciers, climate change, extreme weather, natural disasters and natural hazards.
At the core of the course is a four-day journey. We will travel by bus, stay in hostels and take hikes in the nature of Iceland. Participants will be partly responsible for contributing to shared meals. They also need to be prepared for outdoor activities. There is emphasis on reflective practice based on perceptions and experience as well as that participants can enjoy traveling in nature at a slow pace. A preparatory meeting will be held in June , between 4 and 6 PM.
The main themes of the course are related to nature, education and tourism, and how to approach these aspects with responsibility and safety. The topics of the course will be examined in view of the following concepts: dynamics, diversity, interactivity and, last but not least, processes – and how experience and reflection intertwine with these themes.
Teaching and learning
An interdisciplinary team of experts and teachers will be involved in the course and we intend to invite professionals from the areas visited to join the course, with special emphasis on purposeful presentations, conversations, perception and reflection. Learning takes place from morning to evening, exploring the unclear borders between teaching and learning, and between learning from the environment, other people and the journey itself.
The assessment emphasizes that students are able to reflect on their experiences and place them into context with theoretical topics introduced in the course and their previous experiences. Students will also work on projects where they connect the topics, and their own experience and knowledge to real life practices. This can e.g. take place within schools and leisure activities, social affairs, tourism or research.
The course is a development project connecting parties from e.g. the School of Education, University of Iceland, the Research Center Hornafjörður and Austur-Skaftafellssýsla Secondary School.
- Fall
- KME102GIntroduction to Learning and InstructionMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, credits1 fieldwork creditsCourse Description
An introductory course intended to provide an overview of contemporary ideas and perspectives on learning and instruction and teachers working environments. Major learning theories, trends and issues are introduced which will then be discussed in later courses focusing on learning and the teacher profession.
Important conceptions, concepts and issues covered: Learning theories and research, conditions for learning and teaching, teachers practice theories, learning-learner-learning environment, organisation of learning, instructional planning, curriculum development and collaboration, teachers professionalism and practice theories, legal and regulatory frameworks for compulsory education.
Procedure: Lectures, reflective studies, seminars, individual and group work, projects, interactive lectures, field work and training.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classÍET102GAcademic writing and critical readingMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main objective of the course is to prepare students for reading, writing and communicating academic texts.
The course will cover various types of scholarly material and its representation. Students will familiarize themselves with different aspects of academic writing and learn to distinguish between different genres. Students will be trained in independent and critical reading of different texts. Copyright, plagiarism, and fake news will also be discussed.
Students will acquire skills in working with academic texts, such as abstracts and summaries and in using sources when writing their own texts. They will also receive instructions in making bibliographies and using citation systems. Students will also be trained in using source material in their own writing and distinguish between their own voice and the source.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesGKY102GIntegration and creative approach in teachingMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main focus of the course will be on the teaching of natural and social sciences and how these subjects can be integrated through the Storyline approach. Special issues and tasks will be chosen within nature and social sciences and integrated with other subject areas. Teaching material, equipment and teaching environment that supports learning and teaching will be explored and appropriate assessment methods will be introduced and discussed. Students will learn to apply information technology tools and a creative approach in teaching and learning.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classÍET103GIcelandic in the classroom IMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course will focus on Icelandic culture and literature in a broad understanding, as well as how both factor into language use and linguistic world of different subjects within the school system.
This will include a discussion of basic concepts of literary theory, discourse analysis and cultural studies, and a variety of methods and media in teaching will be introduced, which can increase understanding and interest among elementary school students in their own culture as well as other cultures.
Students will have the opportunity to read literary fiction from both past and present and put it into context with their own experiences as well as their future approach to teaching different school subjects.
A variety of texts will be discussed, both fiction as well as practical/didactic texts and recreational texts, with the goal that students realize and appreciate that language is the tool we use in all our daily lives and studies regardless of subject. The deep layers of meaning found in all manner of texts will be analyzed, and students will be given the proper tools to scrutinize texts in their surroundings in an independent and critical manner.
This course will focus on interweaving of different elementary school subjects and how Icelandic is the subject that binds all other subjects together, emphasizing the teacher’s role of teaching in Icelandic, rather than teaching Icelandic as a subject. For this reason a special focus will be placed on how Icelandic provides a base for the teaching of several other subjects, including social studies, mathematics, natural sciences, foreign languages, and not least art subjects, e.g. visual arts and drama.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classSNU101GMathematics IMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn the course teacher students are introduced to the main goals of teaching mathematics in compulsory schools. The emphasis is both on content and the process of teaching and learning.
Emphasis is put on problem solving and inquiry based approach to learning and teaching. The teacher students will study how different approaches in teaching affect learning. Consideration is given to the role of the teacher and competances to be expected.
Students use ICT in their own learning and in connection with the teaching of mathematics.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisites- Spring 2
KME204GLiteracy and literacy learningMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe central objective of this course is to provide students with an insight in the development of language and literacy during the primary school years and introduce them to leading practices in the instruction of reading and writing during primary school.
The main topics include linguistic prerequisites of literacy, problems of second language learning, current theories of the developmental of reading, writing and reading comprehension, reading difficulties and effective ways of promoting literacy skills. Along with theoretical considerations we will examine teaching materials and methods used in Icelandic schools.
At the end of the course, students are supposed to have theoretical and practical knowledge to be able to provide their future students with motivation and support in reading and writing througout their school years.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME206GPedagogy of Compulsory SchoolMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits2 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe course aims for student teachers to acquire knowledge and skills in general pedagogy and the ability to teach students at the compulsory school level.
- The focus is on teaching methods in compulsory schools, the learning environment, and class management, and on discussing what characterizes effective teaching.
- Attention is directed to the characteristics of the age levels of compulsory school and presents ways to stimulate development and meet the different needs of students in an inclusive school.
- Cooperation and communication between students, teamwork, and team teaching by teachers will be discussed, but also the relationship between homes and schools and the participation of parents in their children's education.
- Student teachers receive training in pronunciation and voice protection, expression, and manners.
- With a field study, a student teacher gets practice in planning diverse studies, implementing teaching methods, using information technology, and evaluating his experience.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME205GCreativity and play: Art, drama and musicMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionStudents will learn about the importance of the arts in the education of children and adolescents. The focus will be on expression through drama, visual arts, and music. One common theme will be chosen as a pivot point for the three genres of artistic expression.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS207GChildren´s literature – Literature for young childrenMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse Description- Children's literature as a literary field; characteristics and literary concepts.
- Cultural and artistic assessment of a variety of children's books with special emphasis on recent books and selected themes.
- Children´s books as an important part of youth culture and common cultural awareness.
- Children´s books as a foundation for experience, creation, expression and communication.
- The value of literature in children's education.
- Children´s books in elementary school: reading for pleasure, reading and literacy, writing and written expression, life skills and ethics.
- Children´s books regarding multicultural issues and equality.
- The relationship between children's literature with other forms of literature and art.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classSNU204GMathematics IIMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe teacher students strengthen their knowledge of selected mathematical topics, including number theory and geometry.
The course also treats numeration systems and basic arithmetic.
Emphasis is put on problem solving and inquiry-based approach to learning and teaching. The teacher students reflect on how different approaches in teaching affect students understanding of mathematical concepts.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisites- Fall
- GKY301GDevelopment of language and literacyMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
In this course students acquire knowledge about underlying influencing factors that contribute to language and literacy development of children age 0-10. Students learn how children learn language and how language becomes a valuable tool for learning. The relation between language and other skills, e.g. vocabulary and active language use will be discussed and the mutual connections between language and literacy. Students learn about children with developmental language disorder (DLD) and how they can best support them in shool. Another topic for discussion are bi- and multilingual children and how they can effectively be supported in school activities. Students learn about language assesments. This course is a foundation for another course in spring term: The teaching of reading and writing in the first years in primary school.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME301GPsychology of Development and LearningMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course will aim to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the developmental changes that take place from birth through adolescence.
The course will cover a broad range of developmental changes during different phases of childhood and adolescence, and theories that describe and explain those changes. Theories of cognitive development, emotional and social development, the development of self, and moral development will be discussed. The approaches of behaviourism and ecological theory will also be highlighted. The origins and nature of individual differences, continuity and discontinuity of development, as well as plasticity of development will be discussed. The interaction between development and learning, motivation, parenting practices, culture, and different social environments will be addressed. A strong emphasis will be placed on the importance of understanding child development when working with children in applied settings.Procedure:
The course will consist of lectures and recitations. Students' will have a chance to discuss the topics of the course and deepen their understanding of the age group they plan to focus on during their studies and work.Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Spring 2
GKY401GTeaching reading and writing in the first years of primary school.Mandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits4 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe course places a strong emphasis on deepening student teachers' knowledge of reading instruction in the five main components of reading education: phonological and phonemic awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, as well as writing. Students will gain an understanding of the teacher's responsibility and role in children's reading education. The course covers the prerequisites for reading education, evidence-based teaching methods related to reading instruction, and reading difficulties. It also addresses how the fundamental elements of reading—phonological awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension/listening comprehension, and writing—intertwine to promote reader confidence and fluency. Emphasis is placed on the importance of early intervention and teaching students at risk of reading difficulties.
The course discusses how a reading-promoting and creative learning environment, targeted instruction, and appropriate learning materials can enhance reading interest and ability. It will cover the collaboration between homes and schools regarding children's reading education, parental involvement in reading training, and the importance of providing information and support to families. Various assessment tools in reading instruction will be introduced, including formative assessment, preventive assessment (screening), and diagnostic tests, and the necessary links between teaching and assessment will be explained. The teacher's responsibility and role in reading instruction for diverse student groups will be examined, taking into account individual differences and methods aimed at helping students achieve the best possible reading proficiency.
The fieldwork component of the course (4 ECTS) takes place in partner schools of the School of Education and corresponds to two weeks in the field, 6 hours a day
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME402GCurriculum and AssessmentMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course is designed to expose students to perspectives on curriculum development and assessment in compulsory education. The following educational process is emphasized:
Students discuss and learn about basic concepts and issues related to assessment and curriculum development in compulsory education. Issues and ideologies reflected in official curricula, law, directives, and other policy briefings are discussed both theoretically and in praxis. Special focus is laid on the role of teachers in curriculum development and assessment, and alternatively their professional role in developing learning programs for groups of pupils as well as individual pupils with special needs. Nature, purpose, and strategies regarding assessment and curriculum are addressed (cf. formative assessment, summative assessment, writing test items and other test instruments, and marking and reporting). Students discuss and learn about controversial issues and different ideological currents concerning central questions about the purpose and aims of compulsory education. Key questions discussed are: What should be the purpose of the school, what should be taught and assessed in compulsory schools, how and why? What counts as legitimate knowledge and competence, and how should we administer and organize compulsory education.
The working process of the course consists of lectures, field-related assignments, and critical discussion through seminars and group assignments
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisites- Year unspecified
LSS101G, LSS309G, LSS202GThe Preschool as a educational institutionElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main aims of the course are that students gain knowledge about, and insight into the role and position of the preschool in the Icelandic educational system, how different ideology, visions and attitudes are embedded in the goals and methods in preschool education, the role of preschool teachers in children‘s learning.
It is an introductory course in preschool education where the emphasis is on presenting the educational role and the professional workplace of preschool teachers. The fundamental view is that children are entitled to challenging projects and opportunities to participate in society which is based on equality and democratic participation. Among the issues that are addressed are:- law on preschools, fundamental pillars of education and the curriculum framework
- policy and ideology of preschool practice
- role and practice theory of preschool teachers
- children‘s play and learning based environment
- structure and practice methods in preschools
- cooperation between parents and preschools
- food culture - the relationship of environmental issues, nutrition and health
Lectures, seminars, and assignment work, both individual and team work.Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS101G, LSS309G, LSS202GSustainability, nature and artsElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe emphasis in the course is on sustainability and sustainability education involving children’s participation in society and their learning about nature in connection to sustainability education. Children’s ideas about the body will be discussed and how it can be connected to their health and wellbeing, as well as biodiversity and how organisms are connected to each other and nature. The importance and purpose of sustainability education will be stressed as well as how man is responsible for many environmental problems and how we can solve these problems among others in the light of the UN sustainability goals. Different strategies of value in sustainability education will be introduced.
Emphasis will be on nature perception and aesthetics and how to work with nature and sustainability in visual arts with children. How to work with the subject of the course in acting will be discussed, such as in; role-playing games, traditional games and spinning, i.e. processing of perceptions, experiences, feelings and ideas in creativity and play.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS101G, LSS309G, LSS202GMovement and dramatic expression, inside and outsideElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course introduces methods of dramatic expression related to caring, trust and feelings of security in children, as a mechanism to bolster tolerance, friendship and expression.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Fall
- KME501GEducational researchMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
The course is designed to expose students with two main perspectives on educational research. On the one hand methodology related to data collection and data analysis, on the other hand reading and discussing educational research conducted by others. In all sections of the course an emphasis is placed on knowing and understanding concepts and ideas from educational research; students read about them, discuss and apply them in tasks connected to quantitative, qualitative and mixed research methods. They also discuss and apply concepts related to action research.
The course comprises lectures, discourse, student presentations and field-related assignments.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS501GTransition from preschool to primary schoolMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits2 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionTopics in the course are transitions and continuity between preschool, primary school, and leisure-time centers. From the perspectives of children, teachers, and parents. Continuity in children's learning will be addressed and emphasis placed on teaching diverse approaches that involve children's participation, such as play, Project approach, play with unit blocks, and philosophical discussion with children.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Spring 2
GKY601LB.Ed. thesisMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe B.Ed. thesis in teachingis a 10 ECTS credit written thesis completed under supervision of a faculty member.
Self-studyPrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis creditsNot taught this semesterGKY202GCreative mathematics learningMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits4 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe aim of the course is to cover the main concepts in mathematics learning in primary school. Students explore what it means to do mathematics and developing understanding in mathematics. They learn to plan mathematics teaching in problem based environment using information technology and plan assessment into instruction.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Year unspecified
LSS105G, LSS206GThe local environment as a source for learningElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe emphasis is on that students realise how they can use children's local environment as a source for learning about science and mathematics. The importance of children's outdoor learning and children's motion for their health and development is stressed and how teachers can integrate these into children's education. Students will investigate different approaches to scaffold children's learning of mammals, small animals, plants, water, air, forms, number, and volume in their local environment.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS105G, LSS206GPreschool Education II _Play, communication and documentationElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main emphases in the course are different ideas and perspectives on children's play. Theories on play and influences in early childhood education will be explored. Emphasis will be placed on studies of children's communication in play, children's culture and relationships. This involves the view that children's learning takes place through their interaction in the social context and ttheir right to influence the learning environment. Documentations of children's learning in play as well as preschool teacher's role and curriculum will be addressed.
The course has a two week (4Ve) practice placement in a cooperating preschool. During the practice placement, students are expected to take part in the daily activities of the preschool, as well as working on practice placement assignments.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Whole year courses
- Course Description
In the course, the student's task consists in being a mentor for participants that are upper secondary school students and university students in the project "Sprettur". Mentors' main role is to support and encourage participants in their studies and social life. As well as creating a constructive relationship with the participants, being a positive role model, and participating in events organized in Sprettur. The mentor role centers around building relationships and spending meaningful time together with the commitment to support participants.
Sprettur is a project that supports students with an immigrant or refugee background who come from families with little or no university education. The students in this course are mentors of the participants and are paired together based on a common field of interest. Each mentor is responsible for supporting two participants. Mentors plan activities with participants and spend three hours a month (from August to May) with Sprettur’s participants, three hours a month in a study group and attend five seminars that are spread over the school year. Students submit journal entries on Canvas in November and March. Diary entries are based on reading material and students' reflections on the mentorship. Compulsory attendance in events, study groups, and seminars. The course is taught in Icelandic and English.
Students must apply for a seat in the course. Applicants go through an interview process and 15-30 students are selected to participate.
See the digital application form.
More information about Sprettur can be found here: www.hi.is/sprettur
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Fall
ÍET202GIntroduction to English language teachingElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionA historical overview of principles, methods, and best practices of English language teaching. Introduction to the national curriculum of English, teaching materials, and resources. Focus on student-centered teaching, learner autonomy, teacher reflection, and developing a philosophy of teaching.
The National Curriculum Guide will be read and analyzed. Students will have an opportunity to observe and evaluate recorded teaching and they will practice reflecting on their own ideas about teaching and experience of language learning.
Course work demands active participation and consists of reading, written assignments, discussion, group and individual work, and microteaching.
Face-to-face learningOnline learningPrerequisitesLSS306GToddlers in preschoolElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn the course, children‘s (1-3 years) perspectives, development, and learning in preschool will be addressed, and how children create their communities through playful actions will be discussed. The transition from home to preschool where communication between preschool teachers, children, and parents is in focus. Organization of the learning environment, care, play material, and preschool teacher‘s views and how it creates conditions for how children are supported in their play and peer relationships will be addressed. The value of creative work such as music and crafts with young children and how subject areas in the curriculum are interwoven in the preschool work will also be looked into.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classTÁK102GProficiency Course IElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionAim: To teach students the basic language functions found in Icelandic Sign Language. The main focus will be on language used in daily life and social uses of Icelandic Sign Language. Both expressive and comprehension skills will be emphasized throughout the course. Topics will include grammatical non-manual features with signs and classifier predicates and their importance in sign language. Students use video recordings to study the language.
Methods: Lectures, sign language text examinations andpractical group- and individual practises during the lessons which students take active part in. 80% attendance in the course is obligatory and is a prerequisite for the final examination.
Assessment: Different assignments, mostly video assignments spread over the semester. Students have to pass all parts of the assesement with minimum grade (5,0) and fulfill the 80% attendance.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classTÁK108GIntroduction to Sign Language StudiesElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course the main theme are sign language communities, in particular the community of the Icelandic Sign Language. Deaf culture and the history of Icelandic Sign Language will be discussed as well as language ideology and the status and viability of Icelandic Sign Language. Approaches from Deaf studies, anthropology and sociolinguistics will be applied.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesLVG203GIntroduction to Design and CraftElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis is a basic course in wood work. Students learn to used hand tools and machines, they design and make artefact from wood and learn about old craft traditions. The course is base on practical work, lectures and seminars. This is a basic course in wood work. Students learn to used hand tools and machines, they design and make artefact from wood and learn about old craft traditions. The course is base on practical work, lectures and seminars.
Support material: Websites and photocopies from the teacher.
Literature: Collins Complete Woodworkers Manual and photocopies from the teacher.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLVG601GDesigning and making from glassElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course aim is to train students in using different techniques to form artefacts from glass, for example by using the Tiffanies method, form a glass in an oven and make mosaic pictures. The course emphasis is on artistic design and construction of jewelleries and applied artefacts. Examples of projects are window decorations, bowls and sculptures. This course aim is to train students in using different techniques to form artefacts from glass, for example by using the Tiffanies method, form a glass in an oven and make mosaic pictures. The course emphasis is on artistic design and construction of jewelleries and applied artefacts. Examples of projects are window decorations, bowls and sculptures.
Support material: Websites and photocopies from the teacher.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesSFG001GAreas of conflict - challenges of multiculturalismElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main purpose of this course is conflict and conflict zones in the world with regard to opportunities and challenges which such topics provide in teaching. Participants will be introduced to ideas and issues of conflicts and relate these to geogarphical situations, history, culture and religion. Two or three areas will be selected for analysis. These could be Ireland and the Irish democacy, Israel and Palestine, Mexico, Myanmar, Nigeria and Turkey, together with areas that geogarphically can be difficult to define. The selection of topics will be made in consultance with participants which will, depending on circumstances, be related to Icelandic history and situation.
The course assignments will cover systematic search for information, suitable exposition of historical and geographical results and explanation of complex and delicate issues.
Final exam counts as 40%, but assignments and partial exams count as 60%. Participants have to attend 80% of classes.
Further information is on CANVAS.Distance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classSFG006GLife skills – ethics educationElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionContent: The course focuses on the theory and practice of those elements of life skills education that have to do with communication skills and ethics. The course is in accordance with the Icelandic national curriculum, working towards mental health, healthy self-image and strong moral character in students. Topics include practical wisdom (phronesis), personal strengths and empathy.
Methods: Most weeks there will be lectures and discussions. Lectures will usually be recorded before sessions and uploaded to the course website on Canvas. Students should view them before taking part in sessions. Discussions will not be recorded, but students who are not able to attend can participate by posting a blog on the course website. Students submit three assignments.
Distance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classSNU003GCreative play and technologyElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course focuses on play and creative work with children involving digital devices and technology. Students review and discuss different sources on creative work digital technologies at the preschool and premium school level. They get acquainted with demonstrative examples of practice in selected schools and look for fruitful ways to apply information technologies and digital media in educational activities with young pupils. Students wrestle with animation, drawing and creative editing of photos with digital tools in relation with digital storytelling. Pioneers in programming designed for children are introduced as well as tools to create simple materials, stories and games with visual programming systems desigend for young users. Students also get to try out a selection of digital devices and pedagogical technology sets designed for the young. Some of these acitivities involve making and artistic expressions in different materials. Students get to design and draw objects for laser cutting and 3-dimensional printing, as well reflect on entrepreneurship and inventive learning as pedagogial focus areas in education. They describe their efforts and experimental work with technical sets and equipment in pictures, videos and texts displayed on web sites set up with templates of their own choice.
Distance learningPrerequisitesSNU003MTeaching about waves, light, sound and environmentElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main objective of this introductory course is to educate students about waves, sound and light to prepare them for teaching these subjects in Icelandic compulsory school. Participants are expected to develop a thorough scientific understanding of these issues and scientific concepts related to them such as oscillations, waves on a string and on water, wave properties, sound production, propagation and interaction with matter, light production, propagation and interaction with matter. Besides they will be taught how to illustrate these concepts in practice by carrying out simple experiments. Emphasis will also be paid to the ideas young people have about these concepts and phenomena and how they may be helped to develop those ideas toward scientific understanding. Approaching these issues the participants will be encouraged to inquire into their own understandings of these phenomena and concepts and develop those understandings and their practical teaching competences.
PrerequisitesLSS105GThe local environment as a source for learningElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe emphasis is on that students realise how they can use children's local environment as a source for learning about science and mathematics. The importance of children's outdoor learning and children's motion for their health and development is stressed and how teachers can integrate these into children's education. Students will investigate different approaches to scaffold children's learning of mammals, small animals, plants, water, air, forms, number, and volume in their local environment.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classTÓS106GPeer to peer support (spring)Elective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe subjects of the course is social interaction, co-operation and learning assistance for students who may need assistance and / or support in their studies at School of Education.
This course will focus on new emphases and innovations in education with a focus on inclusive education and universal design. Coaching, equality, inclusive society and human rights will also be discussed in a broad context. Ways will be introduced to enhance the educational and social participation of students in the university in a variety of ways. At the end of the course, students receive confirmation that they have completed the course which they can, for example, use in their CV.
The Collaboration with fellow students usually take three lessons a week. The collaboration may include educational assistance, for example in project work or spending time together at the library or Háma and participation in social events on behalf of student associations. There will be five meetings with teachers in the first half off the semester as well as one working day where students receive support and training. In addition, students can book meetings as needed with the course teachers.
Students do a journal and submit a final report on their experience.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLVG108MDramafusion –communication in dramaElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionAssignments: Traning in devised methods of acting, as well as training in Physical Theater and Imagery. Theatre. Students will become acquaint with artists and art events in Icelandic society, linking to ideology and theory of artistic experience. Area of contact of drama will be explored from a variety of perspectives with different communication in drama
Work will mainly through workshops where students seek a variety ways to work with drama (traditional, unconventional), through different communication like, still images, film, sound, text, staging, and social media. Conditions and influence of drama in the present will be explored.
The projects aim for creativity and expression, related to the development of students learning trajectories, curriculum drama and reflect on drama in cultural and social dimension.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classNot taught this semesterLVG308GDrama, stories and narrationElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionAims: That the students gain understanding and training in using drama methods to involve students in storytelling. That the students look at the value of good stories for live-skill teaching (5 to 13 years old.). That the students gain basic knowledge in storytelling with impotrance on climate change.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classNot taught this semesterSNU018GEnergy and matter in nature and societyElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionDescription missingFace-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterLVG501MFashion and product designElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionEmphasis is placed on pattern construction and sewing techniques in connection with the design of clothing and textile products. Students use themes and research as sources of new ideas and innovation. Students work according to design methods that involve researching, experimenting and planning the processing of a product. Students complete projects in idea and design folders. Reports are made of the results of the course in context with pedagogical aspects and the value of fashion and textile design in further education and working life.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterSNU019GComputer games, virtual worlds, and game cultureElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse Descriptionxxx
Distance learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterLVG021GTextile methodsElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionStudents become acquainted with the diversity of textiles in crafts, industry and art. The basic techniques of textile methods are trained with an emphasis on experimental and development work in the craft of the methods. Students are introduced to the historical connection of textiles with an emphasis on Icelandic and foreign textile heritage and how this knowledge and approach can become a source of new ideas and works. In the final projects, work is done with mixed techniques and emphasis is placed on a creative and professional approach and high-quality work methods. Work methods are trained from idea to completion, with an emphasis on sustainability, re-creation, reuse and innovation. Students submit a theoretical report that contains a discussion and arguments for project selection, material selection, elaboration, implementation and conclusion. Students link the work and results of the course to pedagogical emphases and teaching projects.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisites- Spring 2
UME204MTrans children and the societyElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionAim:
The aim of the course is that students get aquainted with ideas, theories, and research about the experiences of trans people, as well as the main ideas of critical childhood studies. Emphasis is placed on that participants will become conscious about the reality of trans youth and trans children and the discourse in society about the matter.
The concepts of gender, gender binaries, non-binary, intersectionality, trans*, (Cis), care, children’s protection, and children’s rights. Main ideas of trans and queer studies are presented as well as how to use them to understand upbringing, education, society, leisure, and sports. The matter will be approached via critical trans and childhood studies as well as constructivist idea. The school system and other institution will be discussed in light of how many types of discrimination have been created and maintained, and how such systems can maintain trans phobic attitudes and (cis)heteronormativity. New Icelandic and international research is presented. Emphases are placed on training candidates education studies, social education, parent education, teaching at all school levels, leisure studies, management and other professional disciplines to create queer and trans friendly atmosphere in the groups they will work with.
Distance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classÍET006GLiterature and identitiesElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course will cover Icelandic literature from 1900 to the present with a focus on the interaction between literature, history and society.
The role of literature in the construction of national identity in 20th century Iceland will be explored, from the beginning of the century when Icelandic literature became increasingly international to the multicultural and diversified literary culture of the present.
Icelandic literature is interwoven with the literature of other cultures. In the course, Icelandic literature will be put in an international context.
Literature and its interpretation were a key element in the construction of Icelandic nationality in the period. The school system and teaching of literature within that system were an important feature in this identity construction and special attention will be paid to this aspect of literary history.
The main themes of Icelandic literature of the period will be discussed in lectures and in student’s assignments. Among the themes are political literature and class struggle, the country and the city, and increased diversity and visibility of minorities in Icelandic literature and society in the last decades,
Particular attention will be paid to the new trends in Icelandic literary culture, new genres, children’s literature, new and old forms of poetry and the interaction between literature and other art forms.
In student’s assignments, an emphasis will be placed on the student’s ability to communicate their knowledge to different age groups and to connect the pupils’ everyday reality to literature and literary history.Film, internet resources and other new media will form a part of the class as the period in question is characterized by new technologies which have influenced literature and culture in various ways.
Teaching will be conducted through lectures, group assignment’s and individual assignments.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classNot taught this semesterSFG004MQueer pedagogyElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionObjective: The objective of the course is that students learn about concepts, theories and research in queer pedagogy. Furthermore, they will receive good insight into queer theory. Students will acquire critical view of schools and education and gain insight intof the reality of queer youth.
Topics include the concepts of gender, sexuality, intersectionality, masculinity, femininity, gender binary, heteronormativity and cisnormativity. Students gain insight into the main subject matters of queer pedagogy and the ways in which this field can shed light on education, pedagogy, leisure, and and society. The approach will be in the spirit of queer theory and social constructivist perspective, which will be employed to explain different views on gender, gender identity and queer sexuality. The course examines how the Icelandic school system directly and indirectly maintains a wide variety of discrimination and sustains institutionlized heternormativity and cisnormativity. New research, domestic and international, will be read, related to sexual orientation and gender identity. Furthermore, the course focuses on the training of future professionals working with children and teenagers in establishing a queer friendly atmosphere and incorporate queer realities into their work.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLVG008MDesignhistory - fashion, textiles and furnitureElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionEmphasis is placed on the history of Egyptian design to the present day, focusing on clothing and utilities. The furniture and building history will also be seen in the context of decorations in homes such as upholstery and curtains. in an international context compared to the development of clothing and textile history in Iceland and connections with the economy, culture, museums and education.The program is organized with lectures and practical research projects involving a wide range of data collection and presentation of projects.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesTÓS213GPeer to peer support (spring)Elective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe subjects of the course is social interaction, co-operation and learning assistance for students who may need assistance and / or support in their studies at School of Education.
This course will focus on new emphases and innovations in education with a focus on inclusive education and universal design. Equality, inclusive society and human rights will also be discussed in a broad context. Ways will be introduced to enhance the educational and social participation of students in the university in a variety of ways. Emphasis on collaboration with students regarding the structure of the course.
Students do a journal and submit a final report on their experience.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classSNU014GOnline learning and open educationElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course deals with the internet as a platform for education and learning, with an emphasis on generative artificial intelligence, learning communities, heutagogy (self-determined learning), and digital citizenship. Students will learn about how informal and non-formal learning takes place in online environments, where individuals seek and acquire knowledge that is not linked to traditional teaching or curricula. Special emphasis will be placed on the design of formal learning environments that support informal and non-formal learning online. Theories and ideas about informal and non-formal learning will be explored, such as heutagogy, distributed cognition, and connectivist learning approaches. Various challenges related to internet use in contemporary society will also be explored, such as digital citizenship and information literacy. The practical aspects of the course will include the creation and use of open educational resources and software, design of learning environments online, as well as an examination of how artificial intelligence can affect learning and teaching in daily life.
Participants will develop digital portfolios to reflect their personal learning journey and will learn to evaluate and utilize technology to support and enhance their own learning. The course is designed to be accessible and flexible, offering a variety of assignments that can be adapted to the needs and interests of each student. Among other things, students will choose an open online course (MOOC) in their area of interest, which they will complete as part of the course.
Distance learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterSNU010GComputer programming and makerspacesElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse Descriptionxx
Distance learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterÍET004GLanguage and communicationElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course will focus on the Icelandic language and its use in writing and in films. The students’ work will include creative writing different genres, creative reading and new ways of mediation. All the activities aim at preparing the students for their future work. The concept „creativity“ is discussed and defined in the course. The three aspects of it which do matter for teachers are emphasised, i.e. the creative teacher, creativity in writing assignments and the activation of the creative abilities of the students. The activities in the classroom will mainly be through work on assignments and discussion.
PrerequisitesAttendance required in classNot taught this semesterSFG003GReligious education and diversityElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course is about religion and religious education in a multicultural society. The students will get basic knowledge about the major religions of the world and how to prepare teaching and learning in religious education in the elementary school. They are also trained in discussing issues and questions about religion and view of life.
The content of the course is religion, religious experience, the search for meaning and the main concepts of religious studies. The value of religions for individuals and societies will be discussed and their impact on the shaping of identities, values and understanding of life. The major religions of the world will be explored, i.e. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and some other religions and secular worldviews. Also the role of religion nowadays, new religious movements, multiculturalism and pluralism, prejudice and tolerance.
Teaching methods: Lectures, discussion groups, field study and papers on religion and teaching and learning in religious studies. The course is planned for both regular and distance students.
Distance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classNot taught this semesterLVG009GThe art of creating musicElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe aim of this course is to increase knowledge and skill in applying various methods for encouraging musical creativity in children and youth in the context of education and leisure.
Students learn various methods for creating melodies and small musical compositions. Students will study several forms and styles of composition which they learn to apply in their own musical compositions.Methods: Hands-on work shops in composition, improvisation and team projects.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classNot taught this semesterLVG005MDesign historyElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionStudents will work with ideas and design in connection with clothing and textiles, patterns, colors and shapes, fashion design, look and format. They also experiments with textile methods and textile materials. Special emphasis is placed on the work process from the idea of implementation and registration of information. Students will work on organized research and development work. Experiments in various methods in textile and clothing will be linked to historical and contemporary trends. Emphasis is also placed on the preparation and presentation of projects.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterLVG501GToy DesignElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionAim: To learn to design and make toys in a pedagogical context.
General Description: The main undertakings are to help student to develop their knowledge and skill to design educational toys and build it. Students learn to use simple cad, which enables them to draw up their own designs in a professional and easy manner. Students design and make educational toys for different age.
Ways of working: Teaching methods are based on lectures and practical work.
Support material: Websites and photocopies from the teacher.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classNot taught this semesterLVG403GVisual ArtsElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionTwo dimensional form 2-D
Objective: Emphasis on drawing, printmaking,color studies and different options of expression through various two dimensional media.
Nature will be a primary source through the course.
Photography will be used for documentation.
Field trips and visits to art exhibitions and lectures on art will be held.
This course emphazises on knowledge necessary to work with visual arts in education.
Students are to hand in a portfolio towards a final grade.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterSNU008GTeaching about motion, forces, energy and environmentElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main objective of this introductory course is to educate students about motion, forces, and energy to prepare them for teaching these subjects in Icelandic compulsory school. Participants are expected to develop a thorough scientific understanding of these issues and scientific concepts related to them such as simple machines, motion, velocity, acceleration, force, inertia, mass, lows of motion, the gravitational forces, frictional forces, adding forces, work, power, various energy forms such as kinetic energy, gravitational energy, elastic energy, transformation of energy from one form to another, conservation of energy, useable energy, energy in nature, and energy in society. Besides they will be taught how to illustrate these concepts in practice by carrying out simple experiments. Emphasis will also be paid to the ideas young people have about these concepts and phenomena and how they may be helped to develop those ideas toward scientific understanding. Approaching these issues the participants will be encouraged to inquire into their own understandings of these phenomena and concepts and develop those understandings and their practical teaching competences.
Distance learningPrerequisites- Summer
TÓS004MAdventure, leadership and reflection: Under an open skyElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionEmphasis is placed on interdisciplinary approaches, a collaboration between students and teachers of different fields of study. The field of study is the nature of Iceland. Work with three subjects ie. reflection, friluftslif and sustainability with an emphasis on the personal- and professional development of participants.
The course will cover the relationship between man and nature and the reflection of their own experiences. Issues will be taught and trained about traveling through the wilderness. The ideology of outdoor life is discussed and it is linked to contemporary times.
The layout will be as follows:
Preparatory day 16 May 2025 17-18.30.Daytrips are scheduled on 25 May, and 1 June 10:00-17:00.
The course field trip is 13 - 15 June 2025 (Friday at 9:00 to Sunday at 18:00). Going out of town, staying in tents, and traveling in nature around Iceland. Further agenda announced in May.
The material fee is ISK 13,000. In addition, students pay the cost of camping, food, and travel.
Compulsory attendance is in all aspects of the course.
To complete the course, each student must do the following:
1. Participate actively in the whole course (preparation day, trip and workshop).
2. Read study material and put it in context.
3. Before departure to have chosen one book out of three and read.
4. Submit a 500-600 word reflection on one book (students choose one of three books) to be selected and read before leaving.
5. Keep a journal, both with the group and one to train them in applying critique or reflective learning methods. The group book is submitted as study material, but the individual book is not returned in its entirety to the teacher, but is used as a basis in the "Analytical refflection on the experience".
6. Submit a project based on a reflective journal. Its scope is 4-6 pages (2500-3500 words), follow APA rules regarding installation and reference to sources. There must be a special chapter where the theoretical basis of thoughtful learning methods is discussed.
7. In August, the group meets again and examines the experience in the context of their own outdoor activities during the summer and the theoretical context of the course.
Assessment is complete / incomplete. It is not possible to complete part of the course.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesTÓS001MIntroduction to place based outdoor educationElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionPlace-responsive education is a learning that is rooted in what is local: the unique history, environment, culture, economy, literature, and art of a particular place.
In this course, the local community provides the context for learning. An experiential approach is used and with the perspective of “sailing and the seashore”. Student work focuses on community needs and interests, and community members will, with educators from the university, serve as resources and partners in teaching and the learning process.
A pedagogy of place in outdoor education allows us to discover and inhabit the world in a manner that acknowledges the historical roots and cultural connections to the stories of our people. As such this moves outdoor education and recreation practice into the 21st century. Moves beyond what was the dominant UK (western) paradigm of imperialistic, white, masculine, colonisation of outdoor spaces as wild landscapes to be conquered. As such place connection, and place responsiveness, helps develop a deeper understanding, respect, and care of these places. By connecting with the stories of the past and present it is possible to conceive of what the future stories may be. These new perspectives and understanding help students to consider the bigger questions around global issues; environmental justice, sustainability, and social justice.
The syllabus will typically include:
- an examination of the concept of place in an outdoor pedagogy and how this challenge the dominant underpinning philosophies of the adventure paradigm;
- opportunities to develop curiosity about place and develop a process to apply this in a variety of settings including in a global context;
- an introduction to the contribution that adventurous activities on the water make to place-responsive outdoor education experiences in a coastal location;
- development of personal experience in adventurous activities used in an outdoor pedagogy;
- development of higher education research skills: reading, digital research, and exploration of local museums and archives.
This course is run as a collaboration of the University of Iceland and the Outdoor Learning team at Plymouth Marjon University UK and is supported by Siglunes Watersport Centre, Oceancluster, Reykjavik Maritime museum, Hostelling International, The Icelandic Lighthouse Society and Reykjavík City Museum.
Work Methods:
The course is based on active students and participation. The course takes place August 6-8 and 11-13 the year 2025 and is based on teaching throughout the day. Preparation day is June 25th at 16.30-18.
The material fee is ISK 15,000
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classNot taught this semesterTÓS003MFire and ice – Force of nature, education and experienceElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course focuses on direct experiences in Icelandic nature and the natural sciences, with an emphasis on volcanology and glaciology; fire and ice. The course is suitable for those who intend to organize study and field trips in Icelandic nature, e.g. those who work in schools or aim to work in schools, leisure work or tourism.
The course settings will be used to examine the educational concepts outdoor education, nature interpretation, life education and vocational studies, and the tourism studies concepts mountain tourism, climate tourism, science tourism and social tourism. Coordinated social responses to natural disasters and security issues will also be addressed.
The setting of the course will be the volcanic sites in Reykjanes and Breiðamerkursandur in the Vatnajökull National Park, which provides an opportunity to contextualize the sustainable coexistence between man and nature, with special emphasis on volcanic eruptions, glaciers, climate change, extreme weather, natural disasters and natural hazards.
At the core of the course is a four-day journey. We will travel by bus, stay in hostels and take hikes in the nature of Iceland. Participants will be partly responsible for contributing to shared meals. They also need to be prepared for outdoor activities. There is emphasis on reflective practice based on perceptions and experience as well as that participants can enjoy traveling in nature at a slow pace. A preparatory meeting will be held in June , between 4 and 6 PM.
The main themes of the course are related to nature, education and tourism, and how to approach these aspects with responsibility and safety. The topics of the course will be examined in view of the following concepts: dynamics, diversity, interactivity and, last but not least, processes – and how experience and reflection intertwine with these themes.
Teaching and learning
An interdisciplinary team of experts and teachers will be involved in the course and we intend to invite professionals from the areas visited to join the course, with special emphasis on purposeful presentations, conversations, perception and reflection. Learning takes place from morning to evening, exploring the unclear borders between teaching and learning, and between learning from the environment, other people and the journey itself.
The assessment emphasizes that students are able to reflect on their experiences and place them into context with theoretical topics introduced in the course and their previous experiences. Students will also work on projects where they connect the topics, and their own experience and knowledge to real life practices. This can e.g. take place within schools and leisure activities, social affairs, tourism or research.
The course is a development project connecting parties from e.g. the School of Education, University of Iceland, the Research Center Hornafjörður and Austur-Skaftafellssýsla Secondary School.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classExtra material fee collectedSecond year- Fall
- KME102GIntroduction to Learning and InstructionMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, credits1 fieldwork creditsCourse Description
An introductory course intended to provide an overview of contemporary ideas and perspectives on learning and instruction and teachers working environments. Major learning theories, trends and issues are introduced which will then be discussed in later courses focusing on learning and the teacher profession.
Important conceptions, concepts and issues covered: Learning theories and research, conditions for learning and teaching, teachers practice theories, learning-learner-learning environment, organisation of learning, instructional planning, curriculum development and collaboration, teachers professionalism and practice theories, legal and regulatory frameworks for compulsory education.
Procedure: Lectures, reflective studies, seminars, individual and group work, projects, interactive lectures, field work and training.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classÍET102GAcademic writing and critical readingMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main objective of the course is to prepare students for reading, writing and communicating academic texts.
The course will cover various types of scholarly material and its representation. Students will familiarize themselves with different aspects of academic writing and learn to distinguish between different genres. Students will be trained in independent and critical reading of different texts. Copyright, plagiarism, and fake news will also be discussed.
Students will acquire skills in working with academic texts, such as abstracts and summaries and in using sources when writing their own texts. They will also receive instructions in making bibliographies and using citation systems. Students will also be trained in using source material in their own writing and distinguish between their own voice and the source.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesGKY102GIntegration and creative approach in teachingMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main focus of the course will be on the teaching of natural and social sciences and how these subjects can be integrated through the Storyline approach. Special issues and tasks will be chosen within nature and social sciences and integrated with other subject areas. Teaching material, equipment and teaching environment that supports learning and teaching will be explored and appropriate assessment methods will be introduced and discussed. Students will learn to apply information technology tools and a creative approach in teaching and learning.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classÍET103GIcelandic in the classroom IMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course will focus on Icelandic culture and literature in a broad understanding, as well as how both factor into language use and linguistic world of different subjects within the school system.
This will include a discussion of basic concepts of literary theory, discourse analysis and cultural studies, and a variety of methods and media in teaching will be introduced, which can increase understanding and interest among elementary school students in their own culture as well as other cultures.
Students will have the opportunity to read literary fiction from both past and present and put it into context with their own experiences as well as their future approach to teaching different school subjects.
A variety of texts will be discussed, both fiction as well as practical/didactic texts and recreational texts, with the goal that students realize and appreciate that language is the tool we use in all our daily lives and studies regardless of subject. The deep layers of meaning found in all manner of texts will be analyzed, and students will be given the proper tools to scrutinize texts in their surroundings in an independent and critical manner.
This course will focus on interweaving of different elementary school subjects and how Icelandic is the subject that binds all other subjects together, emphasizing the teacher’s role of teaching in Icelandic, rather than teaching Icelandic as a subject. For this reason a special focus will be placed on how Icelandic provides a base for the teaching of several other subjects, including social studies, mathematics, natural sciences, foreign languages, and not least art subjects, e.g. visual arts and drama.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classSNU101GMathematics IMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn the course teacher students are introduced to the main goals of teaching mathematics in compulsory schools. The emphasis is both on content and the process of teaching and learning.
Emphasis is put on problem solving and inquiry based approach to learning and teaching. The teacher students will study how different approaches in teaching affect learning. Consideration is given to the role of the teacher and competances to be expected.
Students use ICT in their own learning and in connection with the teaching of mathematics.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisites- Spring 2
KME204GLiteracy and literacy learningMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe central objective of this course is to provide students with an insight in the development of language and literacy during the primary school years and introduce them to leading practices in the instruction of reading and writing during primary school.
The main topics include linguistic prerequisites of literacy, problems of second language learning, current theories of the developmental of reading, writing and reading comprehension, reading difficulties and effective ways of promoting literacy skills. Along with theoretical considerations we will examine teaching materials and methods used in Icelandic schools.
At the end of the course, students are supposed to have theoretical and practical knowledge to be able to provide their future students with motivation and support in reading and writing througout their school years.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME206GPedagogy of Compulsory SchoolMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits2 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe course aims for student teachers to acquire knowledge and skills in general pedagogy and the ability to teach students at the compulsory school level.
- The focus is on teaching methods in compulsory schools, the learning environment, and class management, and on discussing what characterizes effective teaching.
- Attention is directed to the characteristics of the age levels of compulsory school and presents ways to stimulate development and meet the different needs of students in an inclusive school.
- Cooperation and communication between students, teamwork, and team teaching by teachers will be discussed, but also the relationship between homes and schools and the participation of parents in their children's education.
- Student teachers receive training in pronunciation and voice protection, expression, and manners.
- With a field study, a student teacher gets practice in planning diverse studies, implementing teaching methods, using information technology, and evaluating his experience.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME205GCreativity and play: Art, drama and musicMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionStudents will learn about the importance of the arts in the education of children and adolescents. The focus will be on expression through drama, visual arts, and music. One common theme will be chosen as a pivot point for the three genres of artistic expression.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS207GChildren´s literature – Literature for young childrenMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse Description- Children's literature as a literary field; characteristics and literary concepts.
- Cultural and artistic assessment of a variety of children's books with special emphasis on recent books and selected themes.
- Children´s books as an important part of youth culture and common cultural awareness.
- Children´s books as a foundation for experience, creation, expression and communication.
- The value of literature in children's education.
- Children´s books in elementary school: reading for pleasure, reading and literacy, writing and written expression, life skills and ethics.
- Children´s books regarding multicultural issues and equality.
- The relationship between children's literature with other forms of literature and art.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classSNU204GMathematics IIMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe teacher students strengthen their knowledge of selected mathematical topics, including number theory and geometry.
The course also treats numeration systems and basic arithmetic.
Emphasis is put on problem solving and inquiry-based approach to learning and teaching. The teacher students reflect on how different approaches in teaching affect students understanding of mathematical concepts.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisites- Fall
- GKY301GDevelopment of language and literacyMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
In this course students acquire knowledge about underlying influencing factors that contribute to language and literacy development of children age 0-10. Students learn how children learn language and how language becomes a valuable tool for learning. The relation between language and other skills, e.g. vocabulary and active language use will be discussed and the mutual connections between language and literacy. Students learn about children with developmental language disorder (DLD) and how they can best support them in shool. Another topic for discussion are bi- and multilingual children and how they can effectively be supported in school activities. Students learn about language assesments. This course is a foundation for another course in spring term: The teaching of reading and writing in the first years in primary school.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME301GPsychology of Development and LearningMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course will aim to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the developmental changes that take place from birth through adolescence.
The course will cover a broad range of developmental changes during different phases of childhood and adolescence, and theories that describe and explain those changes. Theories of cognitive development, emotional and social development, the development of self, and moral development will be discussed. The approaches of behaviourism and ecological theory will also be highlighted. The origins and nature of individual differences, continuity and discontinuity of development, as well as plasticity of development will be discussed. The interaction between development and learning, motivation, parenting practices, culture, and different social environments will be addressed. A strong emphasis will be placed on the importance of understanding child development when working with children in applied settings.Procedure:
The course will consist of lectures and recitations. Students' will have a chance to discuss the topics of the course and deepen their understanding of the age group they plan to focus on during their studies and work.Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Spring 2
GKY401GTeaching reading and writing in the first years of primary school.Mandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits4 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe course places a strong emphasis on deepening student teachers' knowledge of reading instruction in the five main components of reading education: phonological and phonemic awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, as well as writing. Students will gain an understanding of the teacher's responsibility and role in children's reading education. The course covers the prerequisites for reading education, evidence-based teaching methods related to reading instruction, and reading difficulties. It also addresses how the fundamental elements of reading—phonological awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension/listening comprehension, and writing—intertwine to promote reader confidence and fluency. Emphasis is placed on the importance of early intervention and teaching students at risk of reading difficulties.
The course discusses how a reading-promoting and creative learning environment, targeted instruction, and appropriate learning materials can enhance reading interest and ability. It will cover the collaboration between homes and schools regarding children's reading education, parental involvement in reading training, and the importance of providing information and support to families. Various assessment tools in reading instruction will be introduced, including formative assessment, preventive assessment (screening), and diagnostic tests, and the necessary links between teaching and assessment will be explained. The teacher's responsibility and role in reading instruction for diverse student groups will be examined, taking into account individual differences and methods aimed at helping students achieve the best possible reading proficiency.
The fieldwork component of the course (4 ECTS) takes place in partner schools of the School of Education and corresponds to two weeks in the field, 6 hours a day
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME402GCurriculum and AssessmentMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course is designed to expose students to perspectives on curriculum development and assessment in compulsory education. The following educational process is emphasized:
Students discuss and learn about basic concepts and issues related to assessment and curriculum development in compulsory education. Issues and ideologies reflected in official curricula, law, directives, and other policy briefings are discussed both theoretically and in praxis. Special focus is laid on the role of teachers in curriculum development and assessment, and alternatively their professional role in developing learning programs for groups of pupils as well as individual pupils with special needs. Nature, purpose, and strategies regarding assessment and curriculum are addressed (cf. formative assessment, summative assessment, writing test items and other test instruments, and marking and reporting). Students discuss and learn about controversial issues and different ideological currents concerning central questions about the purpose and aims of compulsory education. Key questions discussed are: What should be the purpose of the school, what should be taught and assessed in compulsory schools, how and why? What counts as legitimate knowledge and competence, and how should we administer and organize compulsory education.
The working process of the course consists of lectures, field-related assignments, and critical discussion through seminars and group assignments
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisites- Year unspecified
LSS101G, LSS309G, LSS202GThe Preschool as a educational institutionElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main aims of the course are that students gain knowledge about, and insight into the role and position of the preschool in the Icelandic educational system, how different ideology, visions and attitudes are embedded in the goals and methods in preschool education, the role of preschool teachers in children‘s learning.
It is an introductory course in preschool education where the emphasis is on presenting the educational role and the professional workplace of preschool teachers. The fundamental view is that children are entitled to challenging projects and opportunities to participate in society which is based on equality and democratic participation. Among the issues that are addressed are:- law on preschools, fundamental pillars of education and the curriculum framework
- policy and ideology of preschool practice
- role and practice theory of preschool teachers
- children‘s play and learning based environment
- structure and practice methods in preschools
- cooperation between parents and preschools
- food culture - the relationship of environmental issues, nutrition and health
Lectures, seminars, and assignment work, both individual and team work.Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS101G, LSS309G, LSS202GSustainability, nature and artsElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe emphasis in the course is on sustainability and sustainability education involving children’s participation in society and their learning about nature in connection to sustainability education. Children’s ideas about the body will be discussed and how it can be connected to their health and wellbeing, as well as biodiversity and how organisms are connected to each other and nature. The importance and purpose of sustainability education will be stressed as well as how man is responsible for many environmental problems and how we can solve these problems among others in the light of the UN sustainability goals. Different strategies of value in sustainability education will be introduced.
Emphasis will be on nature perception and aesthetics and how to work with nature and sustainability in visual arts with children. How to work with the subject of the course in acting will be discussed, such as in; role-playing games, traditional games and spinning, i.e. processing of perceptions, experiences, feelings and ideas in creativity and play.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS101G, LSS309G, LSS202GMovement and dramatic expression, inside and outsideElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course introduces methods of dramatic expression related to caring, trust and feelings of security in children, as a mechanism to bolster tolerance, friendship and expression.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Fall
- KME501GEducational researchMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
The course is designed to expose students with two main perspectives on educational research. On the one hand methodology related to data collection and data analysis, on the other hand reading and discussing educational research conducted by others. In all sections of the course an emphasis is placed on knowing and understanding concepts and ideas from educational research; students read about them, discuss and apply them in tasks connected to quantitative, qualitative and mixed research methods. They also discuss and apply concepts related to action research.
The course comprises lectures, discourse, student presentations and field-related assignments.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS501GTransition from preschool to primary schoolMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits2 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionTopics in the course are transitions and continuity between preschool, primary school, and leisure-time centers. From the perspectives of children, teachers, and parents. Continuity in children's learning will be addressed and emphasis placed on teaching diverse approaches that involve children's participation, such as play, Project approach, play with unit blocks, and philosophical discussion with children.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Spring 2
GKY601LB.Ed. thesisMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe B.Ed. thesis in teachingis a 10 ECTS credit written thesis completed under supervision of a faculty member.
Self-studyPrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis creditsNot taught this semesterGKY202GCreative mathematics learningMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits4 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe aim of the course is to cover the main concepts in mathematics learning in primary school. Students explore what it means to do mathematics and developing understanding in mathematics. They learn to plan mathematics teaching in problem based environment using information technology and plan assessment into instruction.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Year unspecified
LSS105G, LSS206GThe local environment as a source for learningElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe emphasis is on that students realise how they can use children's local environment as a source for learning about science and mathematics. The importance of children's outdoor learning and children's motion for their health and development is stressed and how teachers can integrate these into children's education. Students will investigate different approaches to scaffold children's learning of mammals, small animals, plants, water, air, forms, number, and volume in their local environment.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS105G, LSS206GPreschool Education II _Play, communication and documentationElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main emphases in the course are different ideas and perspectives on children's play. Theories on play and influences in early childhood education will be explored. Emphasis will be placed on studies of children's communication in play, children's culture and relationships. This involves the view that children's learning takes place through their interaction in the social context and ttheir right to influence the learning environment. Documentations of children's learning in play as well as preschool teacher's role and curriculum will be addressed.
The course has a two week (4Ve) practice placement in a cooperating preschool. During the practice placement, students are expected to take part in the daily activities of the preschool, as well as working on practice placement assignments.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Whole year courses
- Course Description
In the course, the student's task consists in being a mentor for participants that are upper secondary school students and university students in the project "Sprettur". Mentors' main role is to support and encourage participants in their studies and social life. As well as creating a constructive relationship with the participants, being a positive role model, and participating in events organized in Sprettur. The mentor role centers around building relationships and spending meaningful time together with the commitment to support participants.
Sprettur is a project that supports students with an immigrant or refugee background who come from families with little or no university education. The students in this course are mentors of the participants and are paired together based on a common field of interest. Each mentor is responsible for supporting two participants. Mentors plan activities with participants and spend three hours a month (from August to May) with Sprettur’s participants, three hours a month in a study group and attend five seminars that are spread over the school year. Students submit journal entries on Canvas in November and March. Diary entries are based on reading material and students' reflections on the mentorship. Compulsory attendance in events, study groups, and seminars. The course is taught in Icelandic and English.
Students must apply for a seat in the course. Applicants go through an interview process and 15-30 students are selected to participate.
See the digital application form.
More information about Sprettur can be found here: www.hi.is/sprettur
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Fall
ÍET202GIntroduction to English language teachingElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionA historical overview of principles, methods, and best practices of English language teaching. Introduction to the national curriculum of English, teaching materials, and resources. Focus on student-centered teaching, learner autonomy, teacher reflection, and developing a philosophy of teaching.
The National Curriculum Guide will be read and analyzed. Students will have an opportunity to observe and evaluate recorded teaching and they will practice reflecting on their own ideas about teaching and experience of language learning.
Course work demands active participation and consists of reading, written assignments, discussion, group and individual work, and microteaching.
Face-to-face learningOnline learningPrerequisitesLSS306GToddlers in preschoolElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn the course, children‘s (1-3 years) perspectives, development, and learning in preschool will be addressed, and how children create their communities through playful actions will be discussed. The transition from home to preschool where communication between preschool teachers, children, and parents is in focus. Organization of the learning environment, care, play material, and preschool teacher‘s views and how it creates conditions for how children are supported in their play and peer relationships will be addressed. The value of creative work such as music and crafts with young children and how subject areas in the curriculum are interwoven in the preschool work will also be looked into.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classTÁK102GProficiency Course IElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionAim: To teach students the basic language functions found in Icelandic Sign Language. The main focus will be on language used in daily life and social uses of Icelandic Sign Language. Both expressive and comprehension skills will be emphasized throughout the course. Topics will include grammatical non-manual features with signs and classifier predicates and their importance in sign language. Students use video recordings to study the language.
Methods: Lectures, sign language text examinations andpractical group- and individual practises during the lessons which students take active part in. 80% attendance in the course is obligatory and is a prerequisite for the final examination.
Assessment: Different assignments, mostly video assignments spread over the semester. Students have to pass all parts of the assesement with minimum grade (5,0) and fulfill the 80% attendance.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classTÁK108GIntroduction to Sign Language StudiesElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course the main theme are sign language communities, in particular the community of the Icelandic Sign Language. Deaf culture and the history of Icelandic Sign Language will be discussed as well as language ideology and the status and viability of Icelandic Sign Language. Approaches from Deaf studies, anthropology and sociolinguistics will be applied.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesLVG203GIntroduction to Design and CraftElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis is a basic course in wood work. Students learn to used hand tools and machines, they design and make artefact from wood and learn about old craft traditions. The course is base on practical work, lectures and seminars. This is a basic course in wood work. Students learn to used hand tools and machines, they design and make artefact from wood and learn about old craft traditions. The course is base on practical work, lectures and seminars.
Support material: Websites and photocopies from the teacher.
Literature: Collins Complete Woodworkers Manual and photocopies from the teacher.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLVG601GDesigning and making from glassElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course aim is to train students in using different techniques to form artefacts from glass, for example by using the Tiffanies method, form a glass in an oven and make mosaic pictures. The course emphasis is on artistic design and construction of jewelleries and applied artefacts. Examples of projects are window decorations, bowls and sculptures. This course aim is to train students in using different techniques to form artefacts from glass, for example by using the Tiffanies method, form a glass in an oven and make mosaic pictures. The course emphasis is on artistic design and construction of jewelleries and applied artefacts. Examples of projects are window decorations, bowls and sculptures.
Support material: Websites and photocopies from the teacher.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesSFG001GAreas of conflict - challenges of multiculturalismElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main purpose of this course is conflict and conflict zones in the world with regard to opportunities and challenges which such topics provide in teaching. Participants will be introduced to ideas and issues of conflicts and relate these to geogarphical situations, history, culture and religion. Two or three areas will be selected for analysis. These could be Ireland and the Irish democacy, Israel and Palestine, Mexico, Myanmar, Nigeria and Turkey, together with areas that geogarphically can be difficult to define. The selection of topics will be made in consultance with participants which will, depending on circumstances, be related to Icelandic history and situation.
The course assignments will cover systematic search for information, suitable exposition of historical and geographical results and explanation of complex and delicate issues.
Final exam counts as 40%, but assignments and partial exams count as 60%. Participants have to attend 80% of classes.
Further information is on CANVAS.Distance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classSFG006GLife skills – ethics educationElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionContent: The course focuses on the theory and practice of those elements of life skills education that have to do with communication skills and ethics. The course is in accordance with the Icelandic national curriculum, working towards mental health, healthy self-image and strong moral character in students. Topics include practical wisdom (phronesis), personal strengths and empathy.
Methods: Most weeks there will be lectures and discussions. Lectures will usually be recorded before sessions and uploaded to the course website on Canvas. Students should view them before taking part in sessions. Discussions will not be recorded, but students who are not able to attend can participate by posting a blog on the course website. Students submit three assignments.
Distance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classSNU003GCreative play and technologyElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course focuses on play and creative work with children involving digital devices and technology. Students review and discuss different sources on creative work digital technologies at the preschool and premium school level. They get acquainted with demonstrative examples of practice in selected schools and look for fruitful ways to apply information technologies and digital media in educational activities with young pupils. Students wrestle with animation, drawing and creative editing of photos with digital tools in relation with digital storytelling. Pioneers in programming designed for children are introduced as well as tools to create simple materials, stories and games with visual programming systems desigend for young users. Students also get to try out a selection of digital devices and pedagogical technology sets designed for the young. Some of these acitivities involve making and artistic expressions in different materials. Students get to design and draw objects for laser cutting and 3-dimensional printing, as well reflect on entrepreneurship and inventive learning as pedagogial focus areas in education. They describe their efforts and experimental work with technical sets and equipment in pictures, videos and texts displayed on web sites set up with templates of their own choice.
Distance learningPrerequisitesSNU003MTeaching about waves, light, sound and environmentElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main objective of this introductory course is to educate students about waves, sound and light to prepare them for teaching these subjects in Icelandic compulsory school. Participants are expected to develop a thorough scientific understanding of these issues and scientific concepts related to them such as oscillations, waves on a string and on water, wave properties, sound production, propagation and interaction with matter, light production, propagation and interaction with matter. Besides they will be taught how to illustrate these concepts in practice by carrying out simple experiments. Emphasis will also be paid to the ideas young people have about these concepts and phenomena and how they may be helped to develop those ideas toward scientific understanding. Approaching these issues the participants will be encouraged to inquire into their own understandings of these phenomena and concepts and develop those understandings and their practical teaching competences.
PrerequisitesLSS105GThe local environment as a source for learningElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe emphasis is on that students realise how they can use children's local environment as a source for learning about science and mathematics. The importance of children's outdoor learning and children's motion for their health and development is stressed and how teachers can integrate these into children's education. Students will investigate different approaches to scaffold children's learning of mammals, small animals, plants, water, air, forms, number, and volume in their local environment.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classTÓS106GPeer to peer support (spring)Elective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe subjects of the course is social interaction, co-operation and learning assistance for students who may need assistance and / or support in their studies at School of Education.
This course will focus on new emphases and innovations in education with a focus on inclusive education and universal design. Coaching, equality, inclusive society and human rights will also be discussed in a broad context. Ways will be introduced to enhance the educational and social participation of students in the university in a variety of ways. At the end of the course, students receive confirmation that they have completed the course which they can, for example, use in their CV.
The Collaboration with fellow students usually take three lessons a week. The collaboration may include educational assistance, for example in project work or spending time together at the library or Háma and participation in social events on behalf of student associations. There will be five meetings with teachers in the first half off the semester as well as one working day where students receive support and training. In addition, students can book meetings as needed with the course teachers.
Students do a journal and submit a final report on their experience.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLVG108MDramafusion –communication in dramaElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionAssignments: Traning in devised methods of acting, as well as training in Physical Theater and Imagery. Theatre. Students will become acquaint with artists and art events in Icelandic society, linking to ideology and theory of artistic experience. Area of contact of drama will be explored from a variety of perspectives with different communication in drama
Work will mainly through workshops where students seek a variety ways to work with drama (traditional, unconventional), through different communication like, still images, film, sound, text, staging, and social media. Conditions and influence of drama in the present will be explored.
The projects aim for creativity and expression, related to the development of students learning trajectories, curriculum drama and reflect on drama in cultural and social dimension.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classNot taught this semesterLVG308GDrama, stories and narrationElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionAims: That the students gain understanding and training in using drama methods to involve students in storytelling. That the students look at the value of good stories for live-skill teaching (5 to 13 years old.). That the students gain basic knowledge in storytelling with impotrance on climate change.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classNot taught this semesterSNU018GEnergy and matter in nature and societyElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionDescription missingFace-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterLVG501MFashion and product designElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionEmphasis is placed on pattern construction and sewing techniques in connection with the design of clothing and textile products. Students use themes and research as sources of new ideas and innovation. Students work according to design methods that involve researching, experimenting and planning the processing of a product. Students complete projects in idea and design folders. Reports are made of the results of the course in context with pedagogical aspects and the value of fashion and textile design in further education and working life.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterSNU019GComputer games, virtual worlds, and game cultureElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse Descriptionxxx
Distance learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterLVG021GTextile methodsElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionStudents become acquainted with the diversity of textiles in crafts, industry and art. The basic techniques of textile methods are trained with an emphasis on experimental and development work in the craft of the methods. Students are introduced to the historical connection of textiles with an emphasis on Icelandic and foreign textile heritage and how this knowledge and approach can become a source of new ideas and works. In the final projects, work is done with mixed techniques and emphasis is placed on a creative and professional approach and high-quality work methods. Work methods are trained from idea to completion, with an emphasis on sustainability, re-creation, reuse and innovation. Students submit a theoretical report that contains a discussion and arguments for project selection, material selection, elaboration, implementation and conclusion. Students link the work and results of the course to pedagogical emphases and teaching projects.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisites- Spring 2
UME204MTrans children and the societyElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionAim:
The aim of the course is that students get aquainted with ideas, theories, and research about the experiences of trans people, as well as the main ideas of critical childhood studies. Emphasis is placed on that participants will become conscious about the reality of trans youth and trans children and the discourse in society about the matter.
The concepts of gender, gender binaries, non-binary, intersectionality, trans*, (Cis), care, children’s protection, and children’s rights. Main ideas of trans and queer studies are presented as well as how to use them to understand upbringing, education, society, leisure, and sports. The matter will be approached via critical trans and childhood studies as well as constructivist idea. The school system and other institution will be discussed in light of how many types of discrimination have been created and maintained, and how such systems can maintain trans phobic attitudes and (cis)heteronormativity. New Icelandic and international research is presented. Emphases are placed on training candidates education studies, social education, parent education, teaching at all school levels, leisure studies, management and other professional disciplines to create queer and trans friendly atmosphere in the groups they will work with.
Distance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classÍET006GLiterature and identitiesElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course will cover Icelandic literature from 1900 to the present with a focus on the interaction between literature, history and society.
The role of literature in the construction of national identity in 20th century Iceland will be explored, from the beginning of the century when Icelandic literature became increasingly international to the multicultural and diversified literary culture of the present.
Icelandic literature is interwoven with the literature of other cultures. In the course, Icelandic literature will be put in an international context.
Literature and its interpretation were a key element in the construction of Icelandic nationality in the period. The school system and teaching of literature within that system were an important feature in this identity construction and special attention will be paid to this aspect of literary history.
The main themes of Icelandic literature of the period will be discussed in lectures and in student’s assignments. Among the themes are political literature and class struggle, the country and the city, and increased diversity and visibility of minorities in Icelandic literature and society in the last decades,
Particular attention will be paid to the new trends in Icelandic literary culture, new genres, children’s literature, new and old forms of poetry and the interaction between literature and other art forms.
In student’s assignments, an emphasis will be placed on the student’s ability to communicate their knowledge to different age groups and to connect the pupils’ everyday reality to literature and literary history.Film, internet resources and other new media will form a part of the class as the period in question is characterized by new technologies which have influenced literature and culture in various ways.
Teaching will be conducted through lectures, group assignment’s and individual assignments.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classNot taught this semesterSFG004MQueer pedagogyElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionObjective: The objective of the course is that students learn about concepts, theories and research in queer pedagogy. Furthermore, they will receive good insight into queer theory. Students will acquire critical view of schools and education and gain insight intof the reality of queer youth.
Topics include the concepts of gender, sexuality, intersectionality, masculinity, femininity, gender binary, heteronormativity and cisnormativity. Students gain insight into the main subject matters of queer pedagogy and the ways in which this field can shed light on education, pedagogy, leisure, and and society. The approach will be in the spirit of queer theory and social constructivist perspective, which will be employed to explain different views on gender, gender identity and queer sexuality. The course examines how the Icelandic school system directly and indirectly maintains a wide variety of discrimination and sustains institutionlized heternormativity and cisnormativity. New research, domestic and international, will be read, related to sexual orientation and gender identity. Furthermore, the course focuses on the training of future professionals working with children and teenagers in establishing a queer friendly atmosphere and incorporate queer realities into their work.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLVG008MDesignhistory - fashion, textiles and furnitureElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionEmphasis is placed on the history of Egyptian design to the present day, focusing on clothing and utilities. The furniture and building history will also be seen in the context of decorations in homes such as upholstery and curtains. in an international context compared to the development of clothing and textile history in Iceland and connections with the economy, culture, museums and education.The program is organized with lectures and practical research projects involving a wide range of data collection and presentation of projects.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesTÓS213GPeer to peer support (spring)Elective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe subjects of the course is social interaction, co-operation and learning assistance for students who may need assistance and / or support in their studies at School of Education.
This course will focus on new emphases and innovations in education with a focus on inclusive education and universal design. Equality, inclusive society and human rights will also be discussed in a broad context. Ways will be introduced to enhance the educational and social participation of students in the university in a variety of ways. Emphasis on collaboration with students regarding the structure of the course.
Students do a journal and submit a final report on their experience.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classSNU014GOnline learning and open educationElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course deals with the internet as a platform for education and learning, with an emphasis on generative artificial intelligence, learning communities, heutagogy (self-determined learning), and digital citizenship. Students will learn about how informal and non-formal learning takes place in online environments, where individuals seek and acquire knowledge that is not linked to traditional teaching or curricula. Special emphasis will be placed on the design of formal learning environments that support informal and non-formal learning online. Theories and ideas about informal and non-formal learning will be explored, such as heutagogy, distributed cognition, and connectivist learning approaches. Various challenges related to internet use in contemporary society will also be explored, such as digital citizenship and information literacy. The practical aspects of the course will include the creation and use of open educational resources and software, design of learning environments online, as well as an examination of how artificial intelligence can affect learning and teaching in daily life.
Participants will develop digital portfolios to reflect their personal learning journey and will learn to evaluate and utilize technology to support and enhance their own learning. The course is designed to be accessible and flexible, offering a variety of assignments that can be adapted to the needs and interests of each student. Among other things, students will choose an open online course (MOOC) in their area of interest, which they will complete as part of the course.
Distance learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterSNU010GComputer programming and makerspacesElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse Descriptionxx
Distance learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterÍET004GLanguage and communicationElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course will focus on the Icelandic language and its use in writing and in films. The students’ work will include creative writing different genres, creative reading and new ways of mediation. All the activities aim at preparing the students for their future work. The concept „creativity“ is discussed and defined in the course. The three aspects of it which do matter for teachers are emphasised, i.e. the creative teacher, creativity in writing assignments and the activation of the creative abilities of the students. The activities in the classroom will mainly be through work on assignments and discussion.
PrerequisitesAttendance required in classNot taught this semesterSFG003GReligious education and diversityElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course is about religion and religious education in a multicultural society. The students will get basic knowledge about the major religions of the world and how to prepare teaching and learning in religious education in the elementary school. They are also trained in discussing issues and questions about religion and view of life.
The content of the course is religion, religious experience, the search for meaning and the main concepts of religious studies. The value of religions for individuals and societies will be discussed and their impact on the shaping of identities, values and understanding of life. The major religions of the world will be explored, i.e. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and some other religions and secular worldviews. Also the role of religion nowadays, new religious movements, multiculturalism and pluralism, prejudice and tolerance.
Teaching methods: Lectures, discussion groups, field study and papers on religion and teaching and learning in religious studies. The course is planned for both regular and distance students.
Distance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classNot taught this semesterLVG009GThe art of creating musicElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe aim of this course is to increase knowledge and skill in applying various methods for encouraging musical creativity in children and youth in the context of education and leisure.
Students learn various methods for creating melodies and small musical compositions. Students will study several forms and styles of composition which they learn to apply in their own musical compositions.Methods: Hands-on work shops in composition, improvisation and team projects.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classNot taught this semesterLVG005MDesign historyElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionStudents will work with ideas and design in connection with clothing and textiles, patterns, colors and shapes, fashion design, look and format. They also experiments with textile methods and textile materials. Special emphasis is placed on the work process from the idea of implementation and registration of information. Students will work on organized research and development work. Experiments in various methods in textile and clothing will be linked to historical and contemporary trends. Emphasis is also placed on the preparation and presentation of projects.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterLVG501GToy DesignElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionAim: To learn to design and make toys in a pedagogical context.
General Description: The main undertakings are to help student to develop their knowledge and skill to design educational toys and build it. Students learn to use simple cad, which enables them to draw up their own designs in a professional and easy manner. Students design and make educational toys for different age.
Ways of working: Teaching methods are based on lectures and practical work.
Support material: Websites and photocopies from the teacher.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classNot taught this semesterLVG403GVisual ArtsElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionTwo dimensional form 2-D
Objective: Emphasis on drawing, printmaking,color studies and different options of expression through various two dimensional media.
Nature will be a primary source through the course.
Photography will be used for documentation.
Field trips and visits to art exhibitions and lectures on art will be held.
This course emphazises on knowledge necessary to work with visual arts in education.
Students are to hand in a portfolio towards a final grade.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterSNU008GTeaching about motion, forces, energy and environmentElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, credits