Would you like to learn about professional supervision in order to be able to apply these methods in your work? Do you plan to work independently in professional supervision? Do you have a legally recognised professional qualification?
Are you interested in the Swedish language? Do you enjoy Swedish culture? Do you want to work in the arts and cultural sector?
Are you interested in the language and culture of Iceland? Do you want to promote better Icelandic skills? Would you like to do a paid student placement in the final year of the programme?
Do you want to promote better Icelandic skills? Are you interested in the language and culture of Iceland? Would you like to do a paid student placement in the final year of the programme?
Do you want to be licensed to teach your chosen subject? Do you want to teach in upper secondary schools? Are you interested in professional growth and development?
Do you want to qualify as a compulsory school teacher? Do you want the opportunity to do a paid student placement? Do you want a flexible programme?
Do you want to qualify as a teacher? Would you rather take more courses than write a final thesis? Do you want the opportunity to do a paid student placement?