Language skills
Programme length
Full time study for three academic years
Study mode
Face-to-face learning
Application status
International students:
Students with Icelandic or Nordic citizenship:

  • Are you interested in the Spanish language? 
  • Are you interested in Spanish literature and culture? 
  • Are you good at written and spoken Spanish? 
  • Do you want a diverse selection of courses that suit your interests? 
  • Do you want to open up future opportunities in challenging careers? 
  • Do you want to be able to choose between a diverse range of professions? 

The BA programme provides students with a foundational knowledge of the language and cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. 

You will explore the cultures of Spain and Latin America. the literature, films, society and intellectual history. 

At the start of the programme, you will learn to write and speak Spanish, with a focus on independent academic working practices. You will also gain insight into the world of translation and learn about the history and evolution of the language. 

The Faculty endeavours to make the programme as vibrant as possible. Significant emphasis is placed on building connections to Spanish-speaking countries, e.g. through media and the internet, networks of international students at UI, and exchange studies abroad. 

Course topics include: 

  • Oral and written communication 
  • Spanish grammar 
  • The culture, society and history of Spain 
  • Spanish for tourism and business 
  • Latin America 
  • Spanish literature 
  • Films  
  • The history of the Spanish language 
  • Translation 


Spanish can be taken as a: 

A minor in Spanish can be combined with a major in all subjects taught at the School of Humanities and the School of Social Sciences, including business administration and economics. Spanish can also be a good foundation for study abroad in various subjects, for example art history and theory.  

Spanish can be taken as a three-semester practical diploma. The diploma programme aims to equip students to express themselves in spoken and written Spanish and communicate general information

Icelandic matriculation examination (stúdentspróf: school leaving examination from secondary school) or equivalent qualification. Further information can be found in article 15, regulation on admission requirements for undergraduate study no. 331/2022.

Students should be able to show competency at an A2 level in Spanish according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

180 ECTS have to be completed for the qualification. The 1st year courses are all compulsory.

Other compulsory courses are:

- SPÆ102M Introduction to Spanish Linguistics
- SPÆ305G Spanish Literature of the 19th and 20th Century
- SPÆ306G Spanish Grammar III
- SPÆ307G Introduction to Literature
- SPÆ202M History of the Spanish Language
- SPÆ401M Translation (Spanish)
- SPÆ261L BA-thesis in Spanish

Student must also pick between SPÆ405M Latin American Literature: The 20th Century Novel or SPÆ412M The Latin American Literature: Short stories.

Programme structure

Check below to see how the programme is structured.

This programme does not offer specialisations.

First year | Fall
Languages and cultures in times of crisis (MOM101G, MOM102G)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
4 ECTS, credits
Course Description


MOM101G is intended for students of foreign languages OTHER than English. BA-students in English and those who do not speak Icelandic should register in MOM102G.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
First year | Fall
Languages and Cultures I: Academic Methods and Techniques (MOM101G, MOM102G)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
4 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is an introductory course in the Faculty of Languages and Cultures. Its aims and purpose include an introduction of basic concepts and terminology in the field, exploration of critical thinking to increase reading comprehension of academic texts, implementation of practical learning practices and academic procedures to facilitate successful academic studies, discussion on plagiarism and academic integrity, evaluation of academic standards, etc. Students receive practical training in critical evaluation of academic texts, basic argumentation analysis, identification of rhetorical patterns and text structure in various text types, review of acceptable references, and an introduction to analytical reading. Furthermore, students will gain insight into the importance of academic literacy to enhance understanding and writing of academic papers, presentation of research findings, etc.

The course is taught in English and is intended for students in:

  1. The English BA program.
  2.  Students of foreign languages (other than English)

 *Those students that need ECT credits as a result of changes in the MOM courses, as MOM102G used to be a 5-credit course, need to add an individual assignment (MOM001G, 1 ECT) within the MOM102G course.

  • This individual assignment is only intended for students who finished MOM202G (before the school year 2024-2025) and are now enrolled in MOM102G, and have thus only gained 9 credits in the two mandatory MOM courses.
  • Students who intend to increase their credits with a 6 ECT course, within their departments, are free to do so – and do thus not take this additional individual assignment (in MOM102G).

To sign up for the individual project you must talk to the teacher of MOM102G.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
First year | Fall
Conversation I (SPÆ102G)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
5 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The emphasis of this course relies on practicing the following skills: oral interaction and oral production. The acquisition of vocabulary, the practice of grammatical structures and the presentation of socio-cultural contents are also part of the course. News, short films, literature and other cultural expressions of the target language and culture are used as teaching material.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Face-to-face learning
Attendance required in class
First year | Fall
Spanish Grammar I (SPÆ105G)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
5 ECTS, credits
Course Description

A survey course in Spanish grammar at A2 level (CEFR/MCER. See: https://europa.eu/europass/is/common-european-framework-reference). Special emphasis will be put on the use of verbal tenses, determiners, pronouns and connectors. The course includes theoretical explanations of main grammar concepts as well as actual practice.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Face-to-face learning
First year | Fall
Spanish Culture, Civilization and History (SPÆ107G)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is to give students a good overview of historical, social and political background of contemporary Spanish society. In the process of doing this we will examine patterns of Spanish culture, political and social institutions, etc.

The student is adviced to take the course MOM101G (also taught in English) coinciding with this course.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Face-to-face learning
First year | Fall
Composition I (SPÆ110G)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
5 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Students receive training in the structuring and writing of both short and long texts in Spanish. They receive training in the use of dictionaries and guidance in spelling in Spanish. Rules that apply to citations and the use of sources will also be addressed. Students work with different types of text, listening and retelling, and visual material.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Face-to-face learning
First year | Fall
Self-Directed Study in Spanish I (online) (SPÆ003G)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Self-directed study in Spanish I is intended for those learners who have basic knowledge of Spanish language, A2 or above. Learners are partly or completely in charge of all the main aspects of the learning process such as objectives, strategies, selection of resources and assessment. Learners work closely with the instructor through interviews to set up an individualized instructional plan and to assess their progress. They participate in weekly workshops in small groups to practice oral and written production. The assessment covers all four language skills: writing, reading, oral comprehension and oral expression. Each skill is assessed in accordance with the learner's objectives. Learners can also choose how many credits they achieve (2, 4 or 6)and the assessment is completed in accordance with the number of credits.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Distance learning
First year | Spring 1
Languages and Cultures II: Intellectual and Linguistic History (MOM201G, MOM202G)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In a world increasingly awash in fake news, AI-generated deep fakes and denialism of scientific and historical facts, our ability to interpret politics, culture and society with critical discernment is more important than ever. 

Focusing on culture and linguistics, this course aims to give you the analytical tools you need as a student and citizen to critically interpret texts, visual culture and language. 

You will train your hermeneutical skills on short narratives, photographs and various characteristics of language, with help from selected readings in literary theory, cultural studies, visual culture(s) and linguistics. 

The emphasis in the class will be on critical thinking and group discussion,  allowing you to share your analytical discoveries with your fellow students and build interpretative communities.


  1. Deciphering texts
  2. Understanding visual cultures
  3. Figuring out language
Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
First year | Spring 1
Languages and Cultures II: Intellectual and Linguistic History (MOM201G, MOM202G)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In a world increasingly awash in fake news, AI-generated deep fakes and denialism of scientific and historical facts, our ability to interpret politics, culture and society with critical discernment is more important than ever. 

Focusing on culture and linguistics, this course aims to give you the analytical tools you need as a student and citizen to critically interpret texts, visual culture and language. 

You will train your hermeneutical skills on short narratives, photographs and various characteristics of language, with help from selected readings in literary theory, cultural studies, visual culture(s) and linguistics. 

The emphasis in the class will be on critical thinking and group discussion,  allowing you to share your analytical discoveries with your fellow students and build interpretative communities.


  1. Deciphering texts
  2. Understanding visual cultures
  3. Figuring out language
Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
First year | Spring 1
Composition II (SPÆ201G)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
5 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is to train students to write correct Spanish. There will be a particular emphasis put on orthography, punctuation and accentuation.

The classes are both lectures and exercise sessions.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Face-to-face learning
First year | Spring 1
Spanish Grammar II (SPÆ204G)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
5 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course is a continuation of Spanish Grammar I. New topics: subjunctive and imperative moods and subordinate clauses

Language of instruction: Spanish
Face-to-face learning
First year | Spring 1
Latin American Culture, Civilization and History (SPÆ205G)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The aim of this course is to give students a good overview of historical, social and political background of contemporary Latin American societies. In the process of doing this we will examine patterns of culture, political and social institutions, ethnic groups and minorities, etc.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Face-to-face learning
First year | Spring 1
Conversation II (SPÆ267G)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
5 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The main goal of this course is to practice oral skills (production and interaction). Acquisition of vocabulary, practice of speech connectors and socio-cultural aspects are also part of the course.

News, short films, literature and other cultural expressions of the target language and culture are used as teaching material. The course includes a project and online collaboration project with the University of Barcelona where the Icelandic students will have the chance to  practice the language with other Spanish speakers  through different tasks using digital applications.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Face-to-face learning
Attendance required in class
First year | Spring 1
Self-Directed Study in Spanish II (SPÆ004G)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Self-directed studies in Spanish is a learner-centred distance course where the learner is in charge of all of the main aspects of the learning process such as objectives, strategies, selection of resources and evaluation. This course is a continuation of Self-directed studies in Spanish I but as the objectives are determined on an individual basis depending on each participant's needs, it is also open to new learners. Learners meet with the instructor to set up an individualized instructional plan based on prior evaluation and participate in weekly workshops in small groups to practice oral and written expression. The evaluation covers all four language skills: writing, reading, oral comprehension and oral expression. Each skill is evaluated in accordance with the objectives of the learner. Learners can also choose how many credits they achieve (2, 4 or 6) and the assessment is completed in accordance with the number of credits.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Distance learning
Second year | Fall
Introduction to Spanish Linguistics (SPÆ102M)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course offers a general introduction to Spanish Linguistics: Spanish phonetics and phonology, Spanish morphology and word formation, semantics, etc.


En este curso se presentan los conceptos básicos de la lingüística general y se estudian los componentes de la estructura de la lengua española: el estudio de los sonidos (fonética/fonología), la organización interna de las palabras (morfología), las relaciones de las palabras en la oración (la sintaxis), el conjunto de palabras de que dispone el español (lexicología) y el significado de las palabras (semántica). Asimismo, se abordan los conceptos de variación lingüística y adquisición de la lengua materna y lengua extranjera.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Face-to-face learning
Second year | Fall
Spanish Literature of the 19th and 20th Century (SPÆ305G)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Spanish literature of the 19th and 20th centuries. A survey course.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Face-to-face learning
Second year | Fall
Spanish Grammar III (SPÆ306G)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
5 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course is a continuation of Grammar I (SPÆ105G) and Grammar II (SPÆ306G). More complex aspects of Spanish grammar will be covered, including the different tenses in the subjunctive mood and indirect/reported speech. Students are asked to come prepared for the lessons.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Distance learning
Second year | Fall
Introduction to Literature (SPÆ307G)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
5 ECTS, credits
Course Description

An introductory course on literary theory and history. The principal aim of the course is that students become familiar with the principal literary texts of different periods and with the terminology and methods of text analysis and interpretation.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Face-to-face learning
Not taught this semester
Second year | Spring 1
Latin American Literature: The 20th Century Novel (SPÆ405M, SPÆ412M)
Restricted elective course, conditions apply
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

An introductory course in Latin American Literature. Literary works include poems, short stories and novels.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Face-to-face learning
Not taught this semester
Second year | Spring 1
The Latin American Literature: Short stories (SPÆ405M, SPÆ412M)
Restricted elective course, conditions apply
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

An introductory course in Latin American Literature. Literary works include poems, short stories and novels.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Face-to-face learning
Second year | Spring 1
History of the Spanish Language (SPÆ202M)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

An overview of the history and developments of the Spanish language.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Face-to-face learning
Second year | Spring 1
Translation (Spanish) (SPÆ401M)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
5 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course will focus on the history of translation and methods available in the field of translation. Students will try their hand at the different methods of translation working with technical- periodical- as well as literary texts.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Face-to-face learning
Third year | Fall
BA-thesis in Spanish (SPÆ261L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

BA-thesis in Spanish.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Not taught this semester
Third year | Fall
Spanish Film Studies (SPÆ101M, SPÆ303M)
Free elective course within the programme
5 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course will explore the history of Spanish cinema in twentieth century Spain, with particular emphasis on the post-Franco period. (The Cine-Club Hispano will be operated during the semester).

Language of instruction: Spanish
Face-to-face learning
Not taught this semester
Third year | Fall
Latin American Cinema (SPÆ101M, SPÆ303M)
Free elective course within the programme
5 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Special Theme: Contemporaneity: Social Contexts in Recent Visual Texts

This course will offer an introduction to a range of films from Latin America while examining cinema as a format embedded in the visual culture of the continent. From a sociological standpoint and in light of various strands of influential theoretical models, this course will consider the centrality of movies and television programs as cultural expressions of contemporaneity. This course embraces forms other than feature films or short films, images from media other than scenes from a film, and audience response platforms other than academic articles or reviews from critics. The emphasis is placed on visual texts released in the last decade. The focal points are cross-border / global production and reception, digitization of cinema and recent approaches to cultural identity (identity branding migratory displacement, films as artefacts of contestation, new understanding of gender and ethnicity, memory, neoliberalism and markets, mediatized narcoculture, social inclusion, core-periphery relations, new video cultures and affect). The class will be mainly taught in English

Language of instruction: Spanish
Face-to-face learning
Third year | Fall
Latin I: Beginner's Course (KLM101G)
Free elective course within the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course is a beginner’s course in Latin. No prior knowledge of Latin is assumed at the outset. It introduces the basics of Latin grammar and syntax. Chosen passages will be read in Latin, translated and thoroughly analysed. Teaching consists of 24 lectures on particular aspects of the Latin language and assigned readings.

This course is taught in Icelandic but students can get permission of the instructor to complete assignments and exams in English.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Third year | Spring 1
BA-thesis in Spanish (SPÆ261L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description

BA-thesis in Spanish.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Third year | Spring 1
Spanish for Tourism and Business (SPÆ104G)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

En este curso los alumnos aprenden a organizar viajes a distintos países (por ejemplo, Islandia, España, Perú, México, etc) y de diversa índole (excursiones, viajes de trabajo, de ocio, etc.). Aprenden asimismo sobre la recepción de turistas en estos países. También se tratan varios temas relacionados con el mundo de los negocios. Se pondrá especial énfasis en el léxico del turismo y de los negocios.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Face-to-face learning
Third year | Spring 1
Directed Study in Spanish (SPÆ208G)
Free elective course within the programme
5 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Special project.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Third year | Spring 1
Literature and Culture of the Mexico-US Border Region (SPÆ402M, SPÆ501M)
Free elective course within the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

A survey of literature and history of the Mexico-USA boarder regions. Works by Mexican and Mexico-American (Chicano) authors read.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Face-to-face learning
Third year | Spring 1
Colonial Literature (SPÆ402M, SPÆ501M)
Free elective course within the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course will explore literature from the colonial period, with particular emphasis on the role of the conquest gaze as a promoting factor in the image making for the new world. Geographic, literary, and ethnic issues will be examined.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Face-to-face learning
Third year | Spring 1
Social Movements and Subcultures in Latin America (SPÆ411M)
Free elective course within the programme
5 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course offers a survey of Latin-American subcultures from a socio-cultural perspective. Using cultural productions, such as movies, videos, new media outlets and music, backed by sociological standpoints, the course explores predominant contemporary forms of subcultures from different areas of the continent. Youth cultures, musical- and art cultures, progressive, alternative social movements, etc., will be examined to better understand what is at stake within these subcultures, sometimes defined as subversives, and the societies they originate from.

Language of instruction: Spanish
Third year | Spring 1
Languages and Theatre (MOM401G)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Optional course for students of the Faculty of Languages and Cultures, in their 2nd or 3rd year of the BA-programme. The students read and study a well-known play that has been translated into several languages. The students will read the text in the target language. The students choose scenes from the play for the production.

Teachers from the target languages will assist the students with pronunciation.

Maximum number of students in this course is 15.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
First year
  • Fall
  • MOM101G, MOM102G
    Languages and cultures in times of crisis
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description


    MOM101G is intended for students of foreign languages OTHER than English. BA-students in English and those who do not speak Icelandic should register in MOM102G.

    Face-to-face learning
  • MOM101G, MOM102G
    Languages and Cultures I: Academic Methods and Techniques
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is an introductory course in the Faculty of Languages and Cultures. Its aims and purpose include an introduction of basic concepts and terminology in the field, exploration of critical thinking to increase reading comprehension of academic texts, implementation of practical learning practices and academic procedures to facilitate successful academic studies, discussion on plagiarism and academic integrity, evaluation of academic standards, etc. Students receive practical training in critical evaluation of academic texts, basic argumentation analysis, identification of rhetorical patterns and text structure in various text types, review of acceptable references, and an introduction to analytical reading. Furthermore, students will gain insight into the importance of academic literacy to enhance understanding and writing of academic papers, presentation of research findings, etc.

    The course is taught in English and is intended for students in:

    1. The English BA program.
    2.  Students of foreign languages (other than English)

     *Those students that need ECT credits as a result of changes in the MOM courses, as MOM102G used to be a 5-credit course, need to add an individual assignment (MOM001G, 1 ECT) within the MOM102G course.

    • This individual assignment is only intended for students who finished MOM202G (before the school year 2024-2025) and are now enrolled in MOM102G, and have thus only gained 9 credits in the two mandatory MOM courses.
    • Students who intend to increase their credits with a 6 ECT course, within their departments, are free to do so – and do thus not take this additional individual assignment (in MOM102G).

    To sign up for the individual project you must talk to the teacher of MOM102G.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ102G
    Conversation I
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The emphasis of this course relies on practicing the following skills: oral interaction and oral production. The acquisition of vocabulary, the practice of grammatical structures and the presentation of socio-cultural contents are also part of the course. News, short films, literature and other cultural expressions of the target language and culture are used as teaching material.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
  • SPÆ105G
    Spanish Grammar I
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    A survey course in Spanish grammar at A2 level (CEFR/MCER. See: https://europa.eu/europass/is/common-european-framework-reference). Special emphasis will be put on the use of verbal tenses, determiners, pronouns and connectors. The course includes theoretical explanations of main grammar concepts as well as actual practice.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ107G
    Spanish Culture, Civilization and History
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to give students a good overview of historical, social and political background of contemporary Spanish society. In the process of doing this we will examine patterns of Spanish culture, political and social institutions, etc.

    The student is adviced to take the course MOM101G (also taught in English) coinciding with this course.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ110G
    Composition I
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students receive training in the structuring and writing of both short and long texts in Spanish. They receive training in the use of dictionaries and guidance in spelling in Spanish. Rules that apply to citations and the use of sources will also be addressed. Students work with different types of text, listening and retelling, and visual material.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ003G
    Self-Directed Study in Spanish I (online)
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Self-directed study in Spanish I is intended for those learners who have basic knowledge of Spanish language, A2 or above. Learners are partly or completely in charge of all the main aspects of the learning process such as objectives, strategies, selection of resources and assessment. Learners work closely with the instructor through interviews to set up an individualized instructional plan and to assess their progress. They participate in weekly workshops in small groups to practice oral and written production. The assessment covers all four language skills: writing, reading, oral comprehension and oral expression. Each skill is assessed in accordance with the learner's objectives. Learners can also choose how many credits they achieve (2, 4 or 6)and the assessment is completed in accordance with the number of credits.

    Distance learning
  • Spring 2
  • MOM201G, MOM202G
    Languages and Cultures II: Intellectual and Linguistic History
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In a world increasingly awash in fake news, AI-generated deep fakes and denialism of scientific and historical facts, our ability to interpret politics, culture and society with critical discernment is more important than ever. 

    Focusing on culture and linguistics, this course aims to give you the analytical tools you need as a student and citizen to critically interpret texts, visual culture and language. 

    You will train your hermeneutical skills on short narratives, photographs and various characteristics of language, with help from selected readings in literary theory, cultural studies, visual culture(s) and linguistics. 

    The emphasis in the class will be on critical thinking and group discussion,  allowing you to share your analytical discoveries with your fellow students and build interpretative communities.


    1. Deciphering texts
    2. Understanding visual cultures
    3. Figuring out language
    Face-to-face learning
  • MOM201G, MOM202G
    Languages and Cultures II: Intellectual and Linguistic History
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In a world increasingly awash in fake news, AI-generated deep fakes and denialism of scientific and historical facts, our ability to interpret politics, culture and society with critical discernment is more important than ever. 

    Focusing on culture and linguistics, this course aims to give you the analytical tools you need as a student and citizen to critically interpret texts, visual culture and language. 

    You will train your hermeneutical skills on short narratives, photographs and various characteristics of language, with help from selected readings in literary theory, cultural studies, visual culture(s) and linguistics. 

    The emphasis in the class will be on critical thinking and group discussion,  allowing you to share your analytical discoveries with your fellow students and build interpretative communities.


    1. Deciphering texts
    2. Understanding visual cultures
    3. Figuring out language
    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ201G
    Composition II
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to train students to write correct Spanish. There will be a particular emphasis put on orthography, punctuation and accentuation.

    The classes are both lectures and exercise sessions.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ204G
    Spanish Grammar II
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course is a continuation of Spanish Grammar I. New topics: subjunctive and imperative moods and subordinate clauses

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ205G
    Latin American Culture, Civilization and History
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to give students a good overview of historical, social and political background of contemporary Latin American societies. In the process of doing this we will examine patterns of culture, political and social institutions, ethnic groups and minorities, etc.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ267G
    Conversation II
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main goal of this course is to practice oral skills (production and interaction). Acquisition of vocabulary, practice of speech connectors and socio-cultural aspects are also part of the course.

    News, short films, literature and other cultural expressions of the target language and culture are used as teaching material. The course includes a project and online collaboration project with the University of Barcelona where the Icelandic students will have the chance to  practice the language with other Spanish speakers  through different tasks using digital applications.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
  • SPÆ004G
    Self-Directed Study in Spanish II
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Self-directed studies in Spanish is a learner-centred distance course where the learner is in charge of all of the main aspects of the learning process such as objectives, strategies, selection of resources and evaluation. This course is a continuation of Self-directed studies in Spanish I but as the objectives are determined on an individual basis depending on each participant's needs, it is also open to new learners. Learners meet with the instructor to set up an individualized instructional plan based on prior evaluation and participate in weekly workshops in small groups to practice oral and written expression. The evaluation covers all four language skills: writing, reading, oral comprehension and oral expression. Each skill is evaluated in accordance with the objectives of the learner. Learners can also choose how many credits they achieve (2, 4 or 6) and the assessment is completed in accordance with the number of credits.

    Distance learning
  • Fall
  • SPÆ102M
    Introduction to Spanish Linguistics
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course offers a general introduction to Spanish Linguistics: Spanish phonetics and phonology, Spanish morphology and word formation, semantics, etc.


    En este curso se presentan los conceptos básicos de la lingüística general y se estudian los componentes de la estructura de la lengua española: el estudio de los sonidos (fonética/fonología), la organización interna de las palabras (morfología), las relaciones de las palabras en la oración (la sintaxis), el conjunto de palabras de que dispone el español (lexicología) y el significado de las palabras (semántica). Asimismo, se abordan los conceptos de variación lingüística y adquisición de la lengua materna y lengua extranjera.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ305G
    Spanish Literature of the 19th and 20th Century
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Spanish literature of the 19th and 20th centuries. A survey course.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ306G
    Spanish Grammar III
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course is a continuation of Grammar I (SPÆ105G) and Grammar II (SPÆ306G). More complex aspects of Spanish grammar will be covered, including the different tenses in the subjunctive mood and indirect/reported speech. Students are asked to come prepared for the lessons.

    Distance learning
  • SPÆ307G
    Introduction to Literature
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    An introductory course on literary theory and history. The principal aim of the course is that students become familiar with the principal literary texts of different periods and with the terminology and methods of text analysis and interpretation.

    Face-to-face learning
  • Spring 2
  • Not taught this semester
    SPÆ405M, SPÆ412M
    Latin American Literature: The 20th Century Novel
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    An introductory course in Latin American Literature. Literary works include poems, short stories and novels.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ405M, SPÆ412M
    The Latin American Literature: Short stories
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    An introductory course in Latin American Literature. Literary works include poems, short stories and novels.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ202M
    History of the Spanish Language
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    An overview of the history and developments of the Spanish language.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ401M
    Translation (Spanish)
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course will focus on the history of translation and methods available in the field of translation. Students will try their hand at the different methods of translation working with technical- periodical- as well as literary texts.

    Face-to-face learning
  • Fall
  • SPÆ261L
    BA-thesis in Spanish
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    BA-thesis in Spanish.

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
  • Not taught this semester
    SPÆ101M, SPÆ303M
    Spanish Film Studies
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course will explore the history of Spanish cinema in twentieth century Spain, with particular emphasis on the post-Franco period. (The Cine-Club Hispano will be operated during the semester).

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ101M, SPÆ303M
    Latin American Cinema
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Special Theme: Contemporaneity: Social Contexts in Recent Visual Texts

    This course will offer an introduction to a range of films from Latin America while examining cinema as a format embedded in the visual culture of the continent. From a sociological standpoint and in light of various strands of influential theoretical models, this course will consider the centrality of movies and television programs as cultural expressions of contemporaneity. This course embraces forms other than feature films or short films, images from media other than scenes from a film, and audience response platforms other than academic articles or reviews from critics. The emphasis is placed on visual texts released in the last decade. The focal points are cross-border / global production and reception, digitization of cinema and recent approaches to cultural identity (identity branding migratory displacement, films as artefacts of contestation, new understanding of gender and ethnicity, memory, neoliberalism and markets, mediatized narcoculture, social inclusion, core-periphery relations, new video cultures and affect). The class will be mainly taught in English

    Face-to-face learning
  • KLM101G
    Latin I: Beginner's Course
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course is a beginner’s course in Latin. No prior knowledge of Latin is assumed at the outset. It introduces the basics of Latin grammar and syntax. Chosen passages will be read in Latin, translated and thoroughly analysed. Teaching consists of 24 lectures on particular aspects of the Latin language and assigned readings.

    This course is taught in Icelandic but students can get permission of the instructor to complete assignments and exams in English.

    Face-to-face learning
  • Spring 2
  • SPÆ261L
    BA-thesis in Spanish
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    BA-thesis in Spanish.

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
  • SPÆ104G
    Spanish for Tourism and Business
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    En este curso los alumnos aprenden a organizar viajes a distintos países (por ejemplo, Islandia, España, Perú, México, etc) y de diversa índole (excursiones, viajes de trabajo, de ocio, etc.). Aprenden asimismo sobre la recepción de turistas en estos países. También se tratan varios temas relacionados con el mundo de los negocios. Se pondrá especial énfasis en el léxico del turismo y de los negocios.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ208G
    Directed Study in Spanish
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Special project.

  • SPÆ402M, SPÆ501M
    Literature and Culture of the Mexico-US Border Region
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    A survey of literature and history of the Mexico-USA boarder regions. Works by Mexican and Mexico-American (Chicano) authors read.

    Face-to-face learning
  • Not taught this semester
    SPÆ402M, SPÆ501M
    Colonial Literature
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course will explore literature from the colonial period, with particular emphasis on the role of the conquest gaze as a promoting factor in the image making for the new world. Geographic, literary, and ethnic issues will be examined.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ411M
    Social Movements and Subcultures in Latin America
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course offers a survey of Latin-American subcultures from a socio-cultural perspective. Using cultural productions, such as movies, videos, new media outlets and music, backed by sociological standpoints, the course explores predominant contemporary forms of subcultures from different areas of the continent. Youth cultures, musical- and art cultures, progressive, alternative social movements, etc., will be examined to better understand what is at stake within these subcultures, sometimes defined as subversives, and the societies they originate from.

  • MOM401G
    Languages and Theatre
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Optional course for students of the Faculty of Languages and Cultures, in their 2nd or 3rd year of the BA-programme. The students read and study a well-known play that has been translated into several languages. The students will read the text in the target language. The students choose scenes from the play for the production.

    Teachers from the target languages will assist the students with pronunciation.

    Maximum number of students in this course is 15.

    Face-to-face learning
Second year
  • Fall
  • MOM101G, MOM102G
    Languages and cultures in times of crisis
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description


    MOM101G is intended for students of foreign languages OTHER than English. BA-students in English and those who do not speak Icelandic should register in MOM102G.

    Face-to-face learning
  • MOM101G, MOM102G
    Languages and Cultures I: Academic Methods and Techniques
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is an introductory course in the Faculty of Languages and Cultures. Its aims and purpose include an introduction of basic concepts and terminology in the field, exploration of critical thinking to increase reading comprehension of academic texts, implementation of practical learning practices and academic procedures to facilitate successful academic studies, discussion on plagiarism and academic integrity, evaluation of academic standards, etc. Students receive practical training in critical evaluation of academic texts, basic argumentation analysis, identification of rhetorical patterns and text structure in various text types, review of acceptable references, and an introduction to analytical reading. Furthermore, students will gain insight into the importance of academic literacy to enhance understanding and writing of academic papers, presentation of research findings, etc.

    The course is taught in English and is intended for students in:

    1. The English BA program.
    2.  Students of foreign languages (other than English)

     *Those students that need ECT credits as a result of changes in the MOM courses, as MOM102G used to be a 5-credit course, need to add an individual assignment (MOM001G, 1 ECT) within the MOM102G course.

    • This individual assignment is only intended for students who finished MOM202G (before the school year 2024-2025) and are now enrolled in MOM102G, and have thus only gained 9 credits in the two mandatory MOM courses.
    • Students who intend to increase their credits with a 6 ECT course, within their departments, are free to do so – and do thus not take this additional individual assignment (in MOM102G).

    To sign up for the individual project you must talk to the teacher of MOM102G.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ102G
    Conversation I
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The emphasis of this course relies on practicing the following skills: oral interaction and oral production. The acquisition of vocabulary, the practice of grammatical structures and the presentation of socio-cultural contents are also part of the course. News, short films, literature and other cultural expressions of the target language and culture are used as teaching material.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
  • SPÆ105G
    Spanish Grammar I
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    A survey course in Spanish grammar at A2 level (CEFR/MCER. See: https://europa.eu/europass/is/common-european-framework-reference). Special emphasis will be put on the use of verbal tenses, determiners, pronouns and connectors. The course includes theoretical explanations of main grammar concepts as well as actual practice.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ107G
    Spanish Culture, Civilization and History
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to give students a good overview of historical, social and political background of contemporary Spanish society. In the process of doing this we will examine patterns of Spanish culture, political and social institutions, etc.

    The student is adviced to take the course MOM101G (also taught in English) coinciding with this course.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ110G
    Composition I
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students receive training in the structuring and writing of both short and long texts in Spanish. They receive training in the use of dictionaries and guidance in spelling in Spanish. Rules that apply to citations and the use of sources will also be addressed. Students work with different types of text, listening and retelling, and visual material.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ003G
    Self-Directed Study in Spanish I (online)
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Self-directed study in Spanish I is intended for those learners who have basic knowledge of Spanish language, A2 or above. Learners are partly or completely in charge of all the main aspects of the learning process such as objectives, strategies, selection of resources and assessment. Learners work closely with the instructor through interviews to set up an individualized instructional plan and to assess their progress. They participate in weekly workshops in small groups to practice oral and written production. The assessment covers all four language skills: writing, reading, oral comprehension and oral expression. Each skill is assessed in accordance with the learner's objectives. Learners can also choose how many credits they achieve (2, 4 or 6)and the assessment is completed in accordance with the number of credits.

    Distance learning
  • Spring 2
  • MOM201G, MOM202G
    Languages and Cultures II: Intellectual and Linguistic History
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In a world increasingly awash in fake news, AI-generated deep fakes and denialism of scientific and historical facts, our ability to interpret politics, culture and society with critical discernment is more important than ever. 

    Focusing on culture and linguistics, this course aims to give you the analytical tools you need as a student and citizen to critically interpret texts, visual culture and language. 

    You will train your hermeneutical skills on short narratives, photographs and various characteristics of language, with help from selected readings in literary theory, cultural studies, visual culture(s) and linguistics. 

    The emphasis in the class will be on critical thinking and group discussion,  allowing you to share your analytical discoveries with your fellow students and build interpretative communities.


    1. Deciphering texts
    2. Understanding visual cultures
    3. Figuring out language
    Face-to-face learning
  • MOM201G, MOM202G
    Languages and Cultures II: Intellectual and Linguistic History
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In a world increasingly awash in fake news, AI-generated deep fakes and denialism of scientific and historical facts, our ability to interpret politics, culture and society with critical discernment is more important than ever. 

    Focusing on culture and linguistics, this course aims to give you the analytical tools you need as a student and citizen to critically interpret texts, visual culture and language. 

    You will train your hermeneutical skills on short narratives, photographs and various characteristics of language, with help from selected readings in literary theory, cultural studies, visual culture(s) and linguistics. 

    The emphasis in the class will be on critical thinking and group discussion,  allowing you to share your analytical discoveries with your fellow students and build interpretative communities.


    1. Deciphering texts
    2. Understanding visual cultures
    3. Figuring out language
    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ201G
    Composition II
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to train students to write correct Spanish. There will be a particular emphasis put on orthography, punctuation and accentuation.

    The classes are both lectures and exercise sessions.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ204G
    Spanish Grammar II
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course is a continuation of Spanish Grammar I. New topics: subjunctive and imperative moods and subordinate clauses

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ205G
    Latin American Culture, Civilization and History
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to give students a good overview of historical, social and political background of contemporary Latin American societies. In the process of doing this we will examine patterns of culture, political and social institutions, ethnic groups and minorities, etc.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ267G
    Conversation II
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main goal of this course is to practice oral skills (production and interaction). Acquisition of vocabulary, practice of speech connectors and socio-cultural aspects are also part of the course.

    News, short films, literature and other cultural expressions of the target language and culture are used as teaching material. The course includes a project and online collaboration project with the University of Barcelona where the Icelandic students will have the chance to  practice the language with other Spanish speakers  through different tasks using digital applications.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
  • SPÆ004G
    Self-Directed Study in Spanish II
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Self-directed studies in Spanish is a learner-centred distance course where the learner is in charge of all of the main aspects of the learning process such as objectives, strategies, selection of resources and evaluation. This course is a continuation of Self-directed studies in Spanish I but as the objectives are determined on an individual basis depending on each participant's needs, it is also open to new learners. Learners meet with the instructor to set up an individualized instructional plan based on prior evaluation and participate in weekly workshops in small groups to practice oral and written expression. The evaluation covers all four language skills: writing, reading, oral comprehension and oral expression. Each skill is evaluated in accordance with the objectives of the learner. Learners can also choose how many credits they achieve (2, 4 or 6) and the assessment is completed in accordance with the number of credits.

    Distance learning
  • Fall
  • SPÆ102M
    Introduction to Spanish Linguistics
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course offers a general introduction to Spanish Linguistics: Spanish phonetics and phonology, Spanish morphology and word formation, semantics, etc.


    En este curso se presentan los conceptos básicos de la lingüística general y se estudian los componentes de la estructura de la lengua española: el estudio de los sonidos (fonética/fonología), la organización interna de las palabras (morfología), las relaciones de las palabras en la oración (la sintaxis), el conjunto de palabras de que dispone el español (lexicología) y el significado de las palabras (semántica). Asimismo, se abordan los conceptos de variación lingüística y adquisición de la lengua materna y lengua extranjera.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ305G
    Spanish Literature of the 19th and 20th Century
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Spanish literature of the 19th and 20th centuries. A survey course.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ306G
    Spanish Grammar III
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course is a continuation of Grammar I (SPÆ105G) and Grammar II (SPÆ306G). More complex aspects of Spanish grammar will be covered, including the different tenses in the subjunctive mood and indirect/reported speech. Students are asked to come prepared for the lessons.

    Distance learning
  • SPÆ307G
    Introduction to Literature
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    An introductory course on literary theory and history. The principal aim of the course is that students become familiar with the principal literary texts of different periods and with the terminology and methods of text analysis and interpretation.

    Face-to-face learning
  • Spring 2
  • Not taught this semester
    SPÆ405M, SPÆ412M
    Latin American Literature: The 20th Century Novel
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    An introductory course in Latin American Literature. Literary works include poems, short stories and novels.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ405M, SPÆ412M
    The Latin American Literature: Short stories
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    An introductory course in Latin American Literature. Literary works include poems, short stories and novels.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ202M
    History of the Spanish Language
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    An overview of the history and developments of the Spanish language.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ401M
    Translation (Spanish)
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course will focus on the history of translation and methods available in the field of translation. Students will try their hand at the different methods of translation working with technical- periodical- as well as literary texts.

    Face-to-face learning
  • Fall
  • SPÆ261L
    BA-thesis in Spanish
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    BA-thesis in Spanish.

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
  • Not taught this semester
    SPÆ101M, SPÆ303M
    Spanish Film Studies
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course will explore the history of Spanish cinema in twentieth century Spain, with particular emphasis on the post-Franco period. (The Cine-Club Hispano will be operated during the semester).

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ101M, SPÆ303M
    Latin American Cinema
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Special Theme: Contemporaneity: Social Contexts in Recent Visual Texts

    This course will offer an introduction to a range of films from Latin America while examining cinema as a format embedded in the visual culture of the continent. From a sociological standpoint and in light of various strands of influential theoretical models, this course will consider the centrality of movies and television programs as cultural expressions of contemporaneity. This course embraces forms other than feature films or short films, images from media other than scenes from a film, and audience response platforms other than academic articles or reviews from critics. The emphasis is placed on visual texts released in the last decade. The focal points are cross-border / global production and reception, digitization of cinema and recent approaches to cultural identity (identity branding migratory displacement, films as artefacts of contestation, new understanding of gender and ethnicity, memory, neoliberalism and markets, mediatized narcoculture, social inclusion, core-periphery relations, new video cultures and affect). The class will be mainly taught in English

    Face-to-face learning
  • KLM101G
    Latin I: Beginner's Course
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course is a beginner’s course in Latin. No prior knowledge of Latin is assumed at the outset. It introduces the basics of Latin grammar and syntax. Chosen passages will be read in Latin, translated and thoroughly analysed. Teaching consists of 24 lectures on particular aspects of the Latin language and assigned readings.

    This course is taught in Icelandic but students can get permission of the instructor to complete assignments and exams in English.

    Face-to-face learning
  • Spring 2
  • SPÆ261L
    BA-thesis in Spanish
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    BA-thesis in Spanish.

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
  • SPÆ104G
    Spanish for Tourism and Business
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    En este curso los alumnos aprenden a organizar viajes a distintos países (por ejemplo, Islandia, España, Perú, México, etc) y de diversa índole (excursiones, viajes de trabajo, de ocio, etc.). Aprenden asimismo sobre la recepción de turistas en estos países. También se tratan varios temas relacionados con el mundo de los negocios. Se pondrá especial énfasis en el léxico del turismo y de los negocios.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ208G
    Directed Study in Spanish
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Special project.

  • SPÆ402M, SPÆ501M
    Literature and Culture of the Mexico-US Border Region
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    A survey of literature and history of the Mexico-USA boarder regions. Works by Mexican and Mexico-American (Chicano) authors read.

    Face-to-face learning
  • Not taught this semester
    SPÆ402M, SPÆ501M
    Colonial Literature
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course will explore literature from the colonial period, with particular emphasis on the role of the conquest gaze as a promoting factor in the image making for the new world. Geographic, literary, and ethnic issues will be examined.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ411M
    Social Movements and Subcultures in Latin America
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course offers a survey of Latin-American subcultures from a socio-cultural perspective. Using cultural productions, such as movies, videos, new media outlets and music, backed by sociological standpoints, the course explores predominant contemporary forms of subcultures from different areas of the continent. Youth cultures, musical- and art cultures, progressive, alternative social movements, etc., will be examined to better understand what is at stake within these subcultures, sometimes defined as subversives, and the societies they originate from.

  • MOM401G
    Languages and Theatre
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Optional course for students of the Faculty of Languages and Cultures, in their 2nd or 3rd year of the BA-programme. The students read and study a well-known play that has been translated into several languages. The students will read the text in the target language. The students choose scenes from the play for the production.

    Teachers from the target languages will assist the students with pronunciation.

    Maximum number of students in this course is 15.

    Face-to-face learning
Third year
  • Fall
  • MOM101G, MOM102G
    Languages and cultures in times of crisis
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description


    MOM101G is intended for students of foreign languages OTHER than English. BA-students in English and those who do not speak Icelandic should register in MOM102G.

    Face-to-face learning
  • MOM101G, MOM102G
    Languages and Cultures I: Academic Methods and Techniques
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is an introductory course in the Faculty of Languages and Cultures. Its aims and purpose include an introduction of basic concepts and terminology in the field, exploration of critical thinking to increase reading comprehension of academic texts, implementation of practical learning practices and academic procedures to facilitate successful academic studies, discussion on plagiarism and academic integrity, evaluation of academic standards, etc. Students receive practical training in critical evaluation of academic texts, basic argumentation analysis, identification of rhetorical patterns and text structure in various text types, review of acceptable references, and an introduction to analytical reading. Furthermore, students will gain insight into the importance of academic literacy to enhance understanding and writing of academic papers, presentation of research findings, etc.

    The course is taught in English and is intended for students in:

    1. The English BA program.
    2.  Students of foreign languages (other than English)

     *Those students that need ECT credits as a result of changes in the MOM courses, as MOM102G used to be a 5-credit course, need to add an individual assignment (MOM001G, 1 ECT) within the MOM102G course.

    • This individual assignment is only intended for students who finished MOM202G (before the school year 2024-2025) and are now enrolled in MOM102G, and have thus only gained 9 credits in the two mandatory MOM courses.
    • Students who intend to increase their credits with a 6 ECT course, within their departments, are free to do so – and do thus not take this additional individual assignment (in MOM102G).

    To sign up for the individual project you must talk to the teacher of MOM102G.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ102G
    Conversation I
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The emphasis of this course relies on practicing the following skills: oral interaction and oral production. The acquisition of vocabulary, the practice of grammatical structures and the presentation of socio-cultural contents are also part of the course. News, short films, literature and other cultural expressions of the target language and culture are used as teaching material.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
  • SPÆ105G
    Spanish Grammar I
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    A survey course in Spanish grammar at A2 level (CEFR/MCER. See: https://europa.eu/europass/is/common-european-framework-reference). Special emphasis will be put on the use of verbal tenses, determiners, pronouns and connectors. The course includes theoretical explanations of main grammar concepts as well as actual practice.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ107G
    Spanish Culture, Civilization and History
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to give students a good overview of historical, social and political background of contemporary Spanish society. In the process of doing this we will examine patterns of Spanish culture, political and social institutions, etc.

    The student is adviced to take the course MOM101G (also taught in English) coinciding with this course.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ110G
    Composition I
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Students receive training in the structuring and writing of both short and long texts in Spanish. They receive training in the use of dictionaries and guidance in spelling in Spanish. Rules that apply to citations and the use of sources will also be addressed. Students work with different types of text, listening and retelling, and visual material.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ003G
    Self-Directed Study in Spanish I (online)
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Self-directed study in Spanish I is intended for those learners who have basic knowledge of Spanish language, A2 or above. Learners are partly or completely in charge of all the main aspects of the learning process such as objectives, strategies, selection of resources and assessment. Learners work closely with the instructor through interviews to set up an individualized instructional plan and to assess their progress. They participate in weekly workshops in small groups to practice oral and written production. The assessment covers all four language skills: writing, reading, oral comprehension and oral expression. Each skill is assessed in accordance with the learner's objectives. Learners can also choose how many credits they achieve (2, 4 or 6)and the assessment is completed in accordance with the number of credits.

    Distance learning
  • Spring 2
  • MOM201G, MOM202G
    Languages and Cultures II: Intellectual and Linguistic History
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In a world increasingly awash in fake news, AI-generated deep fakes and denialism of scientific and historical facts, our ability to interpret politics, culture and society with critical discernment is more important than ever. 

    Focusing on culture and linguistics, this course aims to give you the analytical tools you need as a student and citizen to critically interpret texts, visual culture and language. 

    You will train your hermeneutical skills on short narratives, photographs and various characteristics of language, with help from selected readings in literary theory, cultural studies, visual culture(s) and linguistics. 

    The emphasis in the class will be on critical thinking and group discussion,  allowing you to share your analytical discoveries with your fellow students and build interpretative communities.


    1. Deciphering texts
    2. Understanding visual cultures
    3. Figuring out language
    Face-to-face learning
  • MOM201G, MOM202G
    Languages and Cultures II: Intellectual and Linguistic History
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In a world increasingly awash in fake news, AI-generated deep fakes and denialism of scientific and historical facts, our ability to interpret politics, culture and society with critical discernment is more important than ever. 

    Focusing on culture and linguistics, this course aims to give you the analytical tools you need as a student and citizen to critically interpret texts, visual culture and language. 

    You will train your hermeneutical skills on short narratives, photographs and various characteristics of language, with help from selected readings in literary theory, cultural studies, visual culture(s) and linguistics. 

    The emphasis in the class will be on critical thinking and group discussion,  allowing you to share your analytical discoveries with your fellow students and build interpretative communities.


    1. Deciphering texts
    2. Understanding visual cultures
    3. Figuring out language
    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ201G
    Composition II
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to train students to write correct Spanish. There will be a particular emphasis put on orthography, punctuation and accentuation.

    The classes are both lectures and exercise sessions.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ204G
    Spanish Grammar II
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course is a continuation of Spanish Grammar I. New topics: subjunctive and imperative moods and subordinate clauses

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ205G
    Latin American Culture, Civilization and History
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The aim of this course is to give students a good overview of historical, social and political background of contemporary Latin American societies. In the process of doing this we will examine patterns of culture, political and social institutions, ethnic groups and minorities, etc.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ267G
    Conversation II
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The main goal of this course is to practice oral skills (production and interaction). Acquisition of vocabulary, practice of speech connectors and socio-cultural aspects are also part of the course.

    News, short films, literature and other cultural expressions of the target language and culture are used as teaching material. The course includes a project and online collaboration project with the University of Barcelona where the Icelandic students will have the chance to  practice the language with other Spanish speakers  through different tasks using digital applications.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
  • SPÆ004G
    Self-Directed Study in Spanish II
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Self-directed studies in Spanish is a learner-centred distance course where the learner is in charge of all of the main aspects of the learning process such as objectives, strategies, selection of resources and evaluation. This course is a continuation of Self-directed studies in Spanish I but as the objectives are determined on an individual basis depending on each participant's needs, it is also open to new learners. Learners meet with the instructor to set up an individualized instructional plan based on prior evaluation and participate in weekly workshops in small groups to practice oral and written expression. The evaluation covers all four language skills: writing, reading, oral comprehension and oral expression. Each skill is evaluated in accordance with the objectives of the learner. Learners can also choose how many credits they achieve (2, 4 or 6) and the assessment is completed in accordance with the number of credits.

    Distance learning
  • Fall
  • SPÆ102M
    Introduction to Spanish Linguistics
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course offers a general introduction to Spanish Linguistics: Spanish phonetics and phonology, Spanish morphology and word formation, semantics, etc.


    En este curso se presentan los conceptos básicos de la lingüística general y se estudian los componentes de la estructura de la lengua española: el estudio de los sonidos (fonética/fonología), la organización interna de las palabras (morfología), las relaciones de las palabras en la oración (la sintaxis), el conjunto de palabras de que dispone el español (lexicología) y el significado de las palabras (semántica). Asimismo, se abordan los conceptos de variación lingüística y adquisición de la lengua materna y lengua extranjera.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ305G
    Spanish Literature of the 19th and 20th Century
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Spanish literature of the 19th and 20th centuries. A survey course.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ306G
    Spanish Grammar III
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course is a continuation of Grammar I (SPÆ105G) and Grammar II (SPÆ306G). More complex aspects of Spanish grammar will be covered, including the different tenses in the subjunctive mood and indirect/reported speech. Students are asked to come prepared for the lessons.

    Distance learning
  • SPÆ307G
    Introduction to Literature
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    An introductory course on literary theory and history. The principal aim of the course is that students become familiar with the principal literary texts of different periods and with the terminology and methods of text analysis and interpretation.

    Face-to-face learning
  • Spring 2
  • Not taught this semester
    SPÆ405M, SPÆ412M
    Latin American Literature: The 20th Century Novel
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    An introductory course in Latin American Literature. Literary works include poems, short stories and novels.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ405M, SPÆ412M
    The Latin American Literature: Short stories
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    An introductory course in Latin American Literature. Literary works include poems, short stories and novels.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ202M
    History of the Spanish Language
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    An overview of the history and developments of the Spanish language.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ401M
    Translation (Spanish)
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course will focus on the history of translation and methods available in the field of translation. Students will try their hand at the different methods of translation working with technical- periodical- as well as literary texts.

    Face-to-face learning
  • Fall
  • SPÆ261L
    BA-thesis in Spanish
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    BA-thesis in Spanish.

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
  • Not taught this semester
    SPÆ101M, SPÆ303M
    Spanish Film Studies
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course will explore the history of Spanish cinema in twentieth century Spain, with particular emphasis on the post-Franco period. (The Cine-Club Hispano will be operated during the semester).

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ101M, SPÆ303M
    Latin American Cinema
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Special Theme: Contemporaneity: Social Contexts in Recent Visual Texts

    This course will offer an introduction to a range of films from Latin America while examining cinema as a format embedded in the visual culture of the continent. From a sociological standpoint and in light of various strands of influential theoretical models, this course will consider the centrality of movies and television programs as cultural expressions of contemporaneity. This course embraces forms other than feature films or short films, images from media other than scenes from a film, and audience response platforms other than academic articles or reviews from critics. The emphasis is placed on visual texts released in the last decade. The focal points are cross-border / global production and reception, digitization of cinema and recent approaches to cultural identity (identity branding migratory displacement, films as artefacts of contestation, new understanding of gender and ethnicity, memory, neoliberalism and markets, mediatized narcoculture, social inclusion, core-periphery relations, new video cultures and affect). The class will be mainly taught in English

    Face-to-face learning
  • KLM101G
    Latin I: Beginner's Course
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course is a beginner’s course in Latin. No prior knowledge of Latin is assumed at the outset. It introduces the basics of Latin grammar and syntax. Chosen passages will be read in Latin, translated and thoroughly analysed. Teaching consists of 24 lectures on particular aspects of the Latin language and assigned readings.

    This course is taught in Icelandic but students can get permission of the instructor to complete assignments and exams in English.

    Face-to-face learning
  • Spring 2
  • SPÆ261L
    BA-thesis in Spanish
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    BA-thesis in Spanish.

    Part of the total project/thesis credits
  • SPÆ104G
    Spanish for Tourism and Business
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    En este curso los alumnos aprenden a organizar viajes a distintos países (por ejemplo, Islandia, España, Perú, México, etc) y de diversa índole (excursiones, viajes de trabajo, de ocio, etc.). Aprenden asimismo sobre la recepción de turistas en estos países. También se tratan varios temas relacionados con el mundo de los negocios. Se pondrá especial énfasis en el léxico del turismo y de los negocios.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ208G
    Directed Study in Spanish
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Special project.

  • SPÆ402M, SPÆ501M
    Literature and Culture of the Mexico-US Border Region
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    A survey of literature and history of the Mexico-USA boarder regions. Works by Mexican and Mexico-American (Chicano) authors read.

    Face-to-face learning
  • Not taught this semester
    SPÆ402M, SPÆ501M
    Colonial Literature
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course will explore literature from the colonial period, with particular emphasis on the role of the conquest gaze as a promoting factor in the image making for the new world. Geographic, literary, and ethnic issues will be examined.

    Face-to-face learning
  • SPÆ411M
    Social Movements and Subcultures in Latin America
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course offers a survey of Latin-American subcultures from a socio-cultural perspective. Using cultural productions, such as movies, videos, new media outlets and music, backed by sociological standpoints, the course explores predominant contemporary forms of subcultures from different areas of the continent. Youth cultures, musical- and art cultures, progressive, alternative social movements, etc., will be examined to better understand what is at stake within these subcultures, sometimes defined as subversives, and the societies they originate from.

  • MOM401G
    Languages and Theatre
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Optional course for students of the Faculty of Languages and Cultures, in their 2nd or 3rd year of the BA-programme. The students read and study a well-known play that has been translated into several languages. The students will read the text in the target language. The students choose scenes from the play for the production.

    Teachers from the target languages will assist the students with pronunciation.

    Maximum number of students in this course is 15.

    Face-to-face learning
Additional information

The University of Iceland collaborates with over 400 universities worldwide. This provides a unique opportunity to pursue part of your studies at an international university thus gaining added experience and fresh insight into your field of study.

Students generally have the opportunity to join an exchange programme, internship, or summer courses. However, exchanges are always subject to faculty approval.

Students have the opportunity to have courses evaluated as part of their studies at the University of Iceland, so their stay does not have to affect the duration of their studies.

Good language skills can be an asset in many different fields and are highly sought after in our globalised society. 

A BA in Spanish can be the key to an exciting future career, not least because of how easy it is to combine Spanish with another subject. 

A Spanish degree also enables you to study another subject, at the undergraduate or postgraduate level, in a Spanish-speaking country. 

An education in this area can open up opportunities in:

  • Media 
  • Tourism 
  • International affairs 
  • Politics 
  • Business 
  • Translation 
  • Academia 
  • Teaching 

This list is not exhaustive. 

  • Linguae is the organisation for language students at the University of Iceland 
  • Linguae organises social events for students at the Faculty of Languages and Cultures 
  • Members currently include students of Italian, French, German, Spanish, Danish, Chinese and Russian 
  • Linguae runs a Facebook group and a Facebook page

More about the UI student's social life.

Students' comments
I went to a high school in Denmark when I was 17 and when I graduated from MH I moved to Granada in Andalusia, Spain. I was there for one semester in a Spanish teaching school, but now I have moved back to Iceland and am studying a degree in Spanish (BA). I find it very fun as I love the language and find the study programme very interesting and I am excited about the exchange study programme!
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